Hello everyone! This is Zentauria speaking. I'm fandom-jumping. Zootopia is about the only Disney movie to ever give me fanfiction ideas, and I'm starting out with this one.

I noticed that Zootopia spawned a lot of Alternative Endings in which Nick goes savage after all, so I decided to turn the tables and explore what happens if Judy goes savage instead. Have a fun read!

Okay, everything's prepared. With Judy being critically injured, fox and bunny had to improvise, but now things seem to finally go their way. The two friends are stuck in a pit, but that problem can certainly be remedied as soon as they have Bellwether's confession recorded.

Judy sits on the ground to favor her leg. Nick considers getting up from the same, but he could swear he broke several bones after being rammed into the hole. But that's okay, if everything goes according to plan, they will be able to rest soon.

But unfortunately, things never go as planned. The plan is that Bellwether shoots a blueberry at Nick and the fox pretends to go savage, so Judy can tape the sheep's gloating.

They didn't plan for Bellwether to check the ammunition.

"Nice try!" the mayor praises sardonically, calmly switching the blueberry with a Night Howler capsule. The hearts of the animals beneath her skip a beat in unison. That's not how it's supposed to go!

Hastily, Nick grabs his friend and drags her to the rim of the pit. He jumps and reaches for the edge, but foxes aren't made for jumping. No chance!

Next to him, Judy gathers all her remaining strength. The wound in her leg burns like fire, but she can't let it bother her. Too much is depending on this. She leaps and, sure enough, gets a hold of the edge. But instantly, one of Bellwether's rams is on the spot and pushes her back into the pit.

"Carrots!" Nick shouts and tries to catch the bunny, with limited success. He can slow her fall, however, stopping it is another matter. Judy crashes to the ground, pain shoots up her leg and her knees buckle. A whimper escapes her before she regains control of herself.

"Are you okay?" Nick's voice is painted by worry as he helps her back to her feet and supports her.

"Sure I am," Judy presses through gritted teeth, then she lifts her head to stare daggers at Bellwether. "Whatever you're planning to do, you won't get away with it!"

"Oh, I will," the sheep retorts gleefully and waves the Night Howler gun. Nick's ears flatten. Both the weapon and the habit of his friend to make things worse are not helping to maintain his usual calmness. Bellwether laughs. "Since you two bothered to switch the ammo, I assume you already know about my plans?"

Nick unobtrusively nudges Judy and takes satisfied notice of her readying the carrot pen.

"Shoot me and look forward to the evening news announcing that a savage fox killed the hero officer Judy Hopps," he suggests dryly.

"Why yes!" Bellwether applauds, but Nick's not done yet.

"And then you'll poison as many predators as necessary to convince the prey to chase predators out of the city."

"Clever fox."

"It won't work!" Judy objects fiercely, but the mayor obviously holds another opinion.

"Fear always works!" she exclaims and raises her weapon. Nick flinches when he finds himself confronted with the barrel. In a split-second, he makes his decision: He yanks Judy around, who squeaks with shock. Bellwether's confident smirk falls off her face as a long ear of the bunny is tinted blue.

"What...?" Judy manages, then the rest of the question drowns in a gasp.

"I'm sorry, Carrots," Nick mutters contritely and pries the carrot pen from her tensed-up paws. "I'll think of something."

"Coward!" the mayor shrieks furiously.

"You're the one to talk," Nick immediately returns the mail. "Who's so afraid of predators that she thinks she has to ban them all?"

The red fox is still holding his friend tight, who is squirming in his arms. "Come on, Carrots!" he spurs her on. "It's you who claimed a bunny can't go savage!"

He can't fool himself, though. He's completely aware that Judy is condemned to lose this fight. He just refuses to let go of her.

He has bought some time, and thus a higher chance of getting through this ordeal. A savage Judy is not half as dangerous to Nick as he would be to her. Everything left is hoping that the sheep doesn't whip out another capsule of Night Howler serum. If Bellwether comes up with the idea to shoot him as well, the result will be the same in the end. But Nick took every single pellet from the case with him. The one which hit Judy might have been a prototype, there shouldn't be too many of these, right?

Talking about Judy, the bunny suddenly hisses and digs her razor-sharp teeth into the flesh of Nick's forearm. The fox howls in pain and his reflexes kick in. He shakes Judy off and the bunny rolls into a field of artificial grass making up a part of the exhibit they are trapped in.

She doesn't stay in there for long. Hopping on three legs, she breaks from between the blades and pounces on Nick once again, who quickly leaps out of the way and escapes her claws.

Classic case of luck in unluckiness. Judy's injury hampers her considerably. Nick knows he won't endure this forever. Judy is a trained police officer, and while he isn't a bad shot himself, she can outlast him anytime. But he has room, and he is going to use it. So the fox whips out his smartphone. That bunny sure makes him do things...

"You owe me one..." he mumbles and does something he never even dreamed he'd do: He dials 911. Then he has to dodge the combat bunny, and while he runs criss-cross through the exhibit, he finally finds the time to put the phone to his ear.

"Hello, this is..." sounds a female voice, but Nick isn't willing to listen til the end.

"There is a savage animal in the Natural History Museum!" he interrupts and almost trips over a deer puppet on display. Just in time, he regains his foothold and throws himself sideways, but Judy rushes headlong into the figurine. The deer falls over and is shredded to pieces in mere seconds. Nick uses these seconds to put some distance between himself and the murderous bunny. The glimpse of what is going to happen, should he fall victim to these claws, does not agree with him. His own heartbeat resonates loudly in his ears, his breathing quickens with a mixture of strain, fear and rage. "Did you hear that?"

"Oh, really, Mister Wilde?" Bellwether suddenly chimes in again. Her voice is chiding. "I actually thought you're decent enough not to misuse emergency numbers for telephone pranks. But what did I expect from a fox?"

Nick draws up his flews. That sheep has spoken loud enough to be heard at the other end of the line, and just cut down his credibility by miles.

He jumps over a chute in the ground which represents a river. Blood oozes from the deep bite wound in his arm, his fur is soaked to the limit now. He barely feels it.

"A fox, Mister...?"

"Wilde. Nicholas Wilde, and yes, I'm a fox, why? It's the police's task to judge objectively and free of stereotypes, right? There is a savage animal in the Natural History Museum, for heaven's sake!"

"Oh, don't you want to inform the ZPD about the animal's species?" Bellwether continues and Nick has to seriously try and keep himself from growling. He can't say 'rabbit', right? "An ocelot!" he shouts into the phone.

"Oh, sure! That's why it doesn't attack me!" Bellwether enjoys the verbal contest. It's rare, but Nick knows he's going to lose this one. But there is one last saving throw.

"Listen, the sheep who is constantly butting in is the mastermind behind the case. She's safe and sound and just waits for me to get torn apart. So will you please be so kind and send some forces over here?"

This time, Bellwether says nothing. Nick is back in control.

He doesn't have the time to be happy about it, though. Pain flashes up his back and he yelps, dropping his smartphone. Judy's teeth sink deeply into his bushy tail and Nick jumps at the bunny. With her claws, she tears at his shirt and he feels some scratches on his chest, but he manages to pull Judy's jaws apart and save his tail before she gets a chance to bite it clean off. Then he simply drops onto the former meter maid and presses her head into the sand comprising a part of the floor. She struggles and snaps at him, but he holds her tight.

"Don't you finally have enough, Carrots? Am I tasting so delicious that you have to take a bite out of me twice?" Nick doesn't regret pulling her into the line of fire. But isn't it about time for the police to show up? The headquarters are right across the street!

He perks up his ears when one of the rams steps to Bellwether. He's wearing the ZPD's uniform and the fox senses he's about to hear something he's not gonna like.

"I called the precinct and told them that the museum is silent. They won't send anybody," the ram reports and the very instant, Nick's ears lie flat against his head once again. This just can't be happening!

"Very good," he hears Bellwether's delighted voice and growls in frustration. Staring at the squirming bunny beneath him, he shifts his weight to get it off his injured arm. The wound is slowly starting to affect him after all.

His thigh bumps into something hard and he angles for Judy's pocket. Her smartphone. And it doesn't have a lock!

As unobtrusively as possible, Nick opens the contacts and finds a whole lot of numbers for H. Hopps, Hopps, Hopps. Judy's siblings? But there are other numbers as well, names of police officers from the Central district. He can't help a quiet "That's Carrots for you." The overzealous bunny has several numbers of several officers saved at her phone, and the one of Chief Bogo is found quickly.

Nick is just about to call the cape buffalo, but changes his mind halfway. Bellwether would butt in again, so he hastily types an SMS instead.

Count reason for savage animals. Tricked in NaturalHiMu. Hops poisoned. Need help.

The fox has no time to get upset about the auto-correction. He adds Clawhauser to the recipients, then presses the sending button. Hopefully one of the two is hanging over the phone now and gets what the message is actually supposed to mean. Nick is running out of strength.

Judy beneath him rears up and the fox slips off. Without thinking, he kicks at her and both of them slide along the ground in opposing directions. Nick scrambles to his feet as panic releases some last reserves, and flees behind a plastic stone. His whole body trembles and bleeds from several wounds, but he wouldn't even dream of giving up. When Judy shows up on the stone and snaps at his ear, he ducks out of the way and takes a dive into the grass field. Then he turns around, goes down on all fours – and hisses.

He's not sure if it's gonna work. He has absolutely no idea which kind of effect Night Howlers actually have. But if the bunny's instincts are still intact, it may be enough.

And indeed Judy hesitates, and Nick starts to hope again. But alas, cheered too soon. Judy recovers in a matter of seconds and returns to pouncing on the fox, her face contorted into a snarl. Nick sidesteps and kicks her injured leg.

The bunny screams. But it's nothing like you'd imagine a scream. It's an utterly feral sound which makes Nick's fur stand on end. That's not the scream of his friend, it's the scream of a beast. Even Bellwether covers her ears.

"That was not a nice move, Wilde!"

Nick pants, but there is always breath for a witty retort. "Are you talking to me?" He pauses to sidestep Judy once again. "If so, will you kindly repeat that? … There is something about being chased around by … a savage bunny … which kinda renders one unable to … pay attention."

Well, at least he can make the sheep boil with rage, if nothing else. But the hunt takes its toll on him. Nick's dodging becomes less and less stable. He slips and falls to the ground, Judy on his back. He shakes her off, but not for long. It only takes seconds for her to sit on his back again and he feels sharp teeth penetrating his neck. He rolls over, but it's no use. With teeth and claws, Judy latches onto him and Nick yowls. So that's how it ends?

Then, all of a sudden, Judy goes slack. Nick remains on the floor, panting, gasping for air, and only now he becomes aware of the turmoil going on around him. He can hear Bellwether frantically talking to someone, then there is Chief Bogo's deep voice. He's unable to catch their meanings. Darkness seizes his senses, but he can't let go just yet.

Judy's weigh disappears. A female arctic wolf helps Nick to his feet, and the fox blinks a few times to clear his vision. A lion carries Judy, the bunny has a tranquilizer dart stuck in her behind. Above, the mayor discusses with the chief, trying to shove the blame off herself. The cape buffalo doesn't seem convinced, the whole scene speaks for its own.

As soon as Nick is lifted out of the pit, the chief turns to him. "How are you feeling, Wilde?"

"Whacked by a killer bunny."

"This is not the time for jokes, Wilde! Do you think you can make a statement on this case?"

"Chief, you're not going to believe a fox, are you?" Bellwether chips in, but Bogo's scowl silences her.

"He is a key witness."

At this point, Nick bursts into laughter. It's relieving. All the tension of the last minutes fall off him, it's really and finally over.

"What's so funny, fox?" Chief Bogo grumbles and Nick wipes the tears from the corners of his eyes.

"I just thought that exchange sounded familiar," he rubs into the chief's face and the buffalo scoffs.

"You're stretching my patience, Wilde!"

"Yeah, whatever. Anyway, I don't need to make a statement, someone else had already been so kind to do it for me."

He pulls the carrot pen from his pocket. The device miraculously survived the fight and plays the last recording clearly. Bellwether has shock written all over her face.


"It's called a hustle, sweetheart," Nick announces with a grin, which slips off his face the instant fatigue washes over him and his legs refuse to function. The arctic wolf from before catches him. "Cop is a stressful job..."

"Take a rest, Wilde," Chief Bogo advises, although it comes out as an order. "We'll take care of everything from here."

"Officer Hopps, too?"

Are Nick's eyes playing a prank on him or is there a smile spreading on the chief's lips? "Officer Hopps, too."

Satisfied that he has finished his mission, Nick finally gives in to the tempting darkness. He's hurting all over, but for the first time in what seems forever, he feels like he is in good paws. And the thing about Judy will work out. Nothing to worry.

Translations have that nasty habit of sounding stiff and decidedly unnatural... Have to work on that.

There are two more chapters, dealing with the aftermath of this disaster. It'll take a while to translate them, though. A looong while. But I'll see if I should bother at all, it wouldn't make sense if people dislike it. But I hope that's not the case and I managed to give you guys a good read! (^-^)v

Peace out, people!