I absolutely adored Finding Dory!

I own nothing

Dory smiled as she looked at her family and friends: laughing, talking, and having a good time.

Right about now she decided it was time for a victory lap. Go to the place it all began, and take it all in.

Slowly, casually she swam away from the others, swimming toward her destination.

No getting lost, no worries, just relaxation.

Just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming, swimming, swimming...

When she'd gotten nearly thirty feet away from the group, it was Marlin who noticed that she was gone.

The clownfish looked up and caught a glimpse of her, curiosity bubbling in his mind. Where was she off to?

Was something wrong?

Swimming away from the group, Marlin swam after his friend.

Following at a distance, he noticed that she swam leisurely until it seemed she forgot which way to go.

Backing up, she swam through an opening, and stopped, not doing anything, just staring up at the sky above the ocean…

As Dory swam away, she was nearly at her destination when she'd caught something out of the corner of her eye.

Smiling, she almost bumped into a piece of coral.

This is it… don't pay any attention, just keep swimming…


Just as she trusted her instincts, she made it!

Dory was still grinning inside herself when Marlin caught up to her.

"Hi Marlin" she said with a smile.

Marlin breathed a sigh of relief when he'd caught up to Dory.

There were so many questions he wanted to ask.

Was she ok? Was something wrong? Why had she swum away?

He gulped as he thought the last question, though he knew it was preposterous.

Was she going to leave again?

He realized he didn't want her to leave…ever.

Ever since Marlin had grasped to Dory's way of thinking, how her spontaneity usually got her in trouble, but worked out alright in the end, he'd found that irresistible.

Marlin found the water warm, especially in his cheeks.

"Hi Marlin" Dory said.

She had a smile on her face. No worries, no forgetting, she'd trusted her instincts and had known he was there, beside her.

Where he always wanted to be…

Dory was happy. She had found her parents after years of forgetting and searching for them… they were here! They weren't dead!

She had found Hank, an octopus who was like the older brother she'd never had.

She had found Bailey and more importantly, Destiny! They had so much to catch up on after all of their years apart…

She wondered if the two whales would become mates now that they had admitted their feelings for one another.

Most importantly she had found Marlin and Nemo. Nemo, though she had constantly forgotten his name, she would always love the little clownfish who never gave up on her.


Dory sighed happily, hoping that beside her, Marlin wouldn't notice the dark blush on her face.

Marlin yes at times had a temper, he had been afraid to lose Nemo when they first met, and now, as she had listened to Nemo recount how "worried Dad had been that you were gone…twice"

Marlin cared about her. And she definitely cared about him.

Would something come of it?

She wasn't sure; but she was grateful for one thing as Marlin stood beside her.

She was thankful to be home.