They were inside another raiders' hide-out. This wasn't too uncommon for Nick since he began following the vault dweller around. It was almost normal, in some strange sense. This was something beginning to feel very familiar. As if running across half of the common wealth was a morning routine rather than a sudden impulse from a man who doesn't know how to say no to someone in distress. Nick really didn't mind this newfound lifestyle. And even though Diamond City was his life and his home, going outside the borders did feel rather liberating.

Seeing how Nate was cooped up underground for 200 years, Nick didn't blame the guy for wanting to stretch his legs. Even if that meant running from raider hideout to raider hideout for nearly three hours. Really, Nate was a great guy for sticking out his neck for the people but Nick can see how tired the guy was.

He's been staring at this particular terminal for quite some time. The machine has been powered on and Nate's fingers were right on top of the keys. But, he just stared at the screen. The soft green glow reflecting in his empty eyes was a tad bit concerning. The lights were on but it was clear no one was home. The synth was itching to gently push his friend aside and work on the terminal himself. He wasn't Nate's keeper or anything but Nick had the strong urge to force his friend to take a nap once they arrive at Sanctuary.

Nick leaned closer and said," I think you need to type out the password to access the terminal, Nate."

It seemed like the poor guy nearly had a heart attack. Nick saw that Nate's hand was resting on his pistol and was ready to fight. Was he paranoid? Of course, Nick was not around when the vault dweller had first emerged from underground. How many times was he ambushed when his guard was down? Nick doesn't know. Probably one too many times. The intense fear in the human's eyes was proof enough. And Nick wanted to put his hand on the Nate's shoulder and assure him that there wasn't another raider around. Assure him that he was safe. Nick wasn't going to let anyone hurt the people he wanted to protect. He wasn't going to fail like he did last time.

Nate blinked several times. The lost look in his eyes promptly returned to the focused and clear ones Nick has always seen in them. As Nate found his bearings he breathed out," Ohmygod." The human shock his head and flailed his hands toward Nick. "Nick. I almost pulled my gun out on you," he said in distress.

Honestly, it's not like it would have hurt. Nick's body was composed of circuits, metal and screws. A bullet to the head wouldn't kill a robot, but the fact that Nate was still concerned over potentially harming him really flattered the synth. No one was ever this kind. Yes, Nick was fairly well-liked among the citizens in Diamond City but when he disappeared who came to rescue him? It was one human man with a small pistol and a heart of gold. Nate was too good to be true, and Nick had so much damn respect for him. Maybe even adored him.

In response to Nate, Nick simply shrugged. Maybe one day he'll be able to tell Nate these thoughts. Just not today. Nick then geared his head towards the terminal. They're losing daylight and that door isn't opening itself up anytime soon. Nate nodded and went back into typing.

The encryption was simple. Horribly simple. So simple that Nick is convinced that if they brought along the mutant, Strong, he'd be able to hack into this thing. At times like these, it was easy to relax and just observe. Being a detective and a robot, it was easy to stand by. To fade into the shadows and be forgotten for just a bit. To watch the world around you and notice the details most people don't. And when Nate is too distracted, it's horribly easy to observe him. Nick likes to hope that Nate hasn't noticed that the synth's eyes were less focused on the screen and more focused on the human in front of the screen.

Nick watched as the human's face changed as he tried the different passcodes. Nick enjoyed the way the glow of the terminal reflected in Nate's eyes. Made it seem like he too was a synth. Then, Nick can sense Nate slowly losing focus. He probably doesn't realize that he is constantly shooting his eyes towards Nick's direction. It's probably time to back off a bit. Nick really didn't need to watch him like this.

It's a strange habit. A really strange habit. Nick has never done watched someone hack into terminals before. More than anything, Nick felt uncomfortable around these things. Machines, like this terminal and him were so easily hackable. It made him felt less human. Reminded him that he was just a program made out of binary code. That his memories were not his memories. They were just Nick Valentine's brain translated into the multitude of 0's and 1's. But it was fascinating watching Nate "charm" these machines into doing his bidding. Nick can't put any reason to why he believes this is so. But he does.

It's like the way Nate's charmed you. If you put it that way, it felt more human. A small thought supplied. But Nick didn't need to feel more human. He wasn't. These thoughts of his were getting too intrusive. Too needy. It emulated the original Nick's thoughts when he was in love. And, robot machine made of metal and wires and code Nick couldn't feel this. He shouldn't.

But Nick is not going to deny what he felt. Even if he shouldn't feel this way. He knows better than to suppress his more "human" emotions. Still. He's not human. He'll never be. And fortunately, Nate knows that. However, Nick will allow himself to entertain the thought at times like these when Nate doesn't notice him too much.

From a distance, the door flies open. Before Nick can drop his gaze, Nate swooped his head and looked at him. There's an expression on his face that Nick can't exactly name. Nick lets out a breath, one he didn't even realize he was holding. There was so much Nick wants to say right now. To expose himself to these feelings. To let himself go out on a limb and do something with the admiration he held in his metal body. Nate will probably never hear these words in his life. He'll never hear them because they will never be said.

But maybe, one day Nate will realize what the staring really means. Maybe he'll notice the frequent "held" breaths Nick took when he was around. For sure, there was a lot of material Nick and Nate should talk about in the future. Now was not the time. Nick isn't ready yet. Nick wasn't ready for… something new. He's comfortable as Nate's go-to companion. He's comfortable about their relationship, whatever it was.

One day, the detective is going to solve the mysteries of his questionable humanity. He's going to figure this "human" stuff out. And he's going to start small. This crush on Nate was a brighter beginning. Nate does make him feel more human. And maybe, despite the exterior Nick really was.

For now, all Nick says is this "Is there a machine you can't charm?" Maybe Nate won't get it. Maybe he'll understand the intention behind these words. Maybe he won't immediately catch the word "charm" replacing "hack."

But Nate's a smart guy. One day, he'll piece together the words Nick left unsaid.