The Concert (Part 1)

A Zootopia fanfiction

Chapter 1

"Today's the day." Nick thought as he stood by Judy's desk slowly eating the donut he swiped from Clawhauser's box at the front desk.

He gripped the tickets in his pocket and as soon as he began to speak, Judy interrupted him.

"Hey Nick did you see that the new fox band Foxfire Alpha is playing at the auditorium-"

Nick's smirk slowly increased as Judy scrolled down on the website. She saw the words "tonight ONLY" Judy sat back on her chair, shocked. She continued to read the screen.

"Since Foxfire Alpha is touring through all of Zootopia, they can only play the auditorium for one night."

She replied with both anger and defeat. "I can't believe that they're only playing for one night and it's sold out. Nick put his paw in his pocket. He pulled one of the tickets out and placed it on the desk.

"Look at what I got Whiskers." He said slyly. She gasped. "How did you- Wait, did you steal it?" "Relax Whiskers, I bought em." "'Them?' As in you have more than one?"

Nick pulled the other ticket from his pocket and held it up. "Two to be precise." "Why did you buy two? Who were you gonna give the other ticket to?"

"Well I was gonna give the other one to Flash but by the time he started cheering the concert would be over." "But... I guess I could give you the ticket." Judy's eyes widened as he spoke.

"Yes, yes, yes, yes! Thank you, thank you, thank you!" Judy said with a smile as she hugged Nick.

He gave her the ticket. "Don't thank me yet, Carrots. We still need to go to the concert." Nick said with a smirk.

"Alright just a few hours now." Judy thought to herself as she sat at her desk. Crime was even lower in Zootopia now that Assistant Mayor Bellweather had been put in jail.

Judy sat at her desk drinking her water. All she could think about was Foxfire Alpha.

About an hour later, Clawhauser walked up Judy's desk. "Hey Judy, have you heard about Foxfire Alpha?" He said holding back his squeals.

"Yeah." Judy said. "Me and Nick have tickets." Clawhauser squealed with excitement. "OMGoodness! I could just die! I wish I had a ticket." Just then Nick walked up.

"Hey Spots, how's it going?" "Nick! Judy just told me you have tickets to see Foxfire Alpha!" Nick jumped up and sat on Judy's desk. "Why, that's right. That's why I bought you a ticket."

Clawhauser squealed as Nick took the third ticket out of his pocket and gave it to him. "How'd you know I wanted to go to their concert?" He asked. "Well it was the only thing you talked about all last week. Every day."

Nick chuckled as Clawhauser walked back to his desk, holding the ticket. Nick looked at the clock. "6:00. Quittin' time." Nick said to Judy said as he hopped off her desk. "You know what that means."

She was beyond excited. "Let's go." Judy said with a smile while getting up from her chair.

Nick and Judy climbed into her small beat up car. Nick felt a little cramped but otherwise ok with being in such a confined space. He pulled out his phone and checked the time.

"Ya know... the concert doesn't start for another hour." He said still looking at his phone. "What're we gonna do for an hour?"

Then Nick had a hunger-induced idea. "We could have dinner." Judy glanced at him. "Like... Together?" "Yeah we could go to a restaurant and have dinner before the concert." He said, trying to stretch his arms in the small vehicle. "Ok then." She said exhaling.

They had both just finished their meals when the waiter brought the check. Nick inhaled sharply through his teeth. "Carrots, you're never gonna believe this... But I forgot my wallet."

"What?" Judy said quietly while her eyes widened. She leaned towards Nick. "I didn't bring any money either."

She was starting to look panicky. Then Nick burst out laughing and wheezing which took a few minutes to silence. "Do you actually think this is funny?" She said, worried. "No... It's... Just..." He said on breaths between laughs. He pulled out his wallet and held it up.

"You actually believed me!" He said, finally catching his breath. "Don't worry Carrots." He said with a content sigh. "Dinner's on me."