The pain was blinding and all consuming as I fought to keep my eyes open and my wits about me. Breathing harshly through my nose I pushed myself to my feet and backed into a corner, hidden from my enemies so that I could further assess the damage done. The arrow was black and thick still quivering slightly where it it protruded from just below my shoulder.
"Shit," I murmur in a whisper, my right arm was useless until I could get this out and heal. How was I to fight? A scuffle in front of me brought me back to the present as I quickly picked up my sword and using my slightly more clumsy left arm to fight and kill the orc before me. I am breathing hard as the pain once more washes over me, a fiery burning that forces me to use every ounce of strength fighting not to scream. Screams fill the air and it breaks my heart that I cannot save them not without dying myself, there is no way I can continue to fight. Fear begins to creep into my heart now an unadulterated terror paralysing me completely. What was I thinking? I was no solider or warrior how could I possibly expect to protect anyone, to save anyone? I push myself quickly into a hidden corner and cower there trying to block out the screams and anguished cries echoing through me.
It is a matter of minutes later that the orc's seem satisfied that they have wiped out our village and I hear them moving away but still I don't move. For hours I sit there shaking until I am certain that there is nothing returning and only then do I drag my battered and exhausted body from my hiding place and leave to see the full extent of the damage. A gasp escapes me and tears gather in my eyes as I look around the wreckage that had been my home. Everything was gone, everyone was gone. The acrid smell of smoke fills my nostrils as I look upon the remains of what had been my life for as long as I can remember but it is the sight of my friends and my family, those people I had known since birth, their broken bodies lying in piles, dead eyes staring accusingly at me that sends me to my knees bitter sobs torn from my throat. This pain is worse than the arrow still embedded in my body, it is worse than anything could be. For I knew that it is my fault, if I had been stronger braver if I had been less of a coward I could have saved them.
After a while I realise that I cannot leave them here like this and so finding a small twig and biting down on it I grasp the arrow shaft and snap it close to my skin, I cannot pull it out yet I need help for that. The pain of this action makes stars dance before my eyes and sickness pulses through me but shaking my head I determinedly get to my feet and push the nausea and pain away. My fault, my fault, my fault. The mantra is on a loop in my head and the only thing keeping me going as I move the remains of those closest to me pulling them together so that I could burn them and that is what I did. Tired and emotionally spent I light the pyre and watch them burn saying a prayer and hoping that the Valar would protect them as I had failed to. Surprisingly it seems I do have tears left to cry and by the time my tears have dried my throat is sore and my eyes puffy and tender, my body fatigued in a way I had not yet experienced in my life and I felt more lost and alone than I ever had.
Standing shakily I watch the smoke rising into the sky and notice that night is setting in. I know I cannot stay here, more orcs could come, those ones could come back and if they don't animals and wild men will be here soon. No, if I was to survive then I had to leave. Making my way towards what was left of my home I gather a pack of clothing and weaponry as well as what scraps of food I can find have been left. I don't have a canteen for water and I know that I could be in serious trouble without one but I had no other choice than to leave without one and hope for the best. Maybe if I head for the river I will survive long enough to reach Rivendell where the elves may help me for a time. With a final grunt of pain I attempt to strap my arm into a makeshift sling and heft my pack over my other shoulder, my sword strapped to my side and my bow and quiver tucked behind my pack, all useless until I have healed my arm.
I walk quickly trying not to look back even as the smell of burning clings to me and makes me want to gag but I didn't I shut myself off from those emotions they would do me no good now. Every time I thought about them guilt pulsed through me so strong it made my heart ache and so I decided that I would no longer allow myself to care in such a way for people. If I didn't care I couldn't hurt like this could I? I would learn to be stronger I would make myself braver and I would never let anyone down again. That was the promise I made myself as I headed into the unknown, alone.
I had been travelling for nearly three days by now and I knew I needed to hurry if I was to survive, the arrow wound was beginning to fester, my food had run out yesterday and I was losing the battle against dehydration. My blood freezes in my veins as I hear voices ahead of me and I dart quickly behind a tree as I listen. After standing there for a while I can distinguish at least three different voices but there could easily be more present. It is as I am moving away that I smell the unmistakable scent of cooking and I almost faint from the desire to eat and decide that I would get closer and work out how much of a threat these unknown things were, I knew they were not orcs for they were speaking Westron but I knew not what they were. I creep closer and eventually I manage to spy them between a few branches, there were three of them, tiny creatures they must by hobbits I thought to myself thinking back to the stories my mother had told me as I was growing up but what on earth where they doing this far from their home.
"Do not move," a low voice growls behind me suddenly and I feel the tip of a sword pressed firmly into my side. "State your purpose," the voice continues and remembering my vow I push my fear away and decide that I should cover it with stubbornness instead.
"I would state my business better if I could see my captors face," I reply, proud of the steadiness in my voice. For a second nothing happens and then I feel the swords pressure at my side slack a little and a hand on my arm dragging me round. I am unable to prevent the cry of pain that escapes as he puts pressure on the infected arrow wound and berate myself for it immediately as I see the slight concern flicker behind his hard expression.
"What are you doing here? Who are you?" he asks and I sigh, by looking at his garb I can tell he is a ranger, they sometimes used to stop in our village so I knew them well. In fact it was a ranger who first taught me to wield a sword. His name was Hallebrad and he had stayed at our home whilst recovering from a battle injury. He taught me to fight and despite it being unseemly for a woman to know the ways of battle my mother and father had allowed me to be trained. I had practised constantly and every time he visited he had further trained me until I was as good as a ranger, so he said. Of course I know now that he was just being kind, if I was really as good as a ranger I would have been able to save those I loved.
"I am travelling to Rivendell," I say quietly after a while, I could trust a ranger I had been taught that and this one had something about him that made me calm, it stilled my turmoil if only briefly.
"Alone? How came you to be injured?" he asks now,
"Where are you going?" I ask in retaliation and he smirks slightly at me.
"My company and I also travel to Rivendell he replies directing with his sword for me to move forwards and with a reluctant sigh I do and find myself in their camp, three hobbits staring up at me.
"Who are you?" one asks immediately and I almost smile at the innocence behind the question.
"Pip be quiet," another one hisses and this time I do smile a tiny bit before wobbling slightly on my feet as my condition deteriorates in the face of food and company. I'm not sure if it is because I feel some minimal sense of security for the first time in days or because I feel like I have at least one other who could truly protect himself and others with me but suddenly it is like my body is giving up on me and my legs give way sending me crashing to my knees where I sway until I feel arms slowly pulling me to a sitting position against a rock, carefully avoiding the wound in my shoulder.
"My lady you are pale, please tell us what happened we mean you no harm," I look up at the concern in the voice of the ranger as he crouches in front of me and I fight to keep my heart from opening up to him but I am too tired.
"My village was attacked. Orcs. They all died, I tried… wasn't strong enough now I'm hoping the elves can help heal this before it is too late and then… I don't know," I say grinding my teeth together as he pulls my tunic away from my shoulder.
"This would is infected," he says and I nod.
"I know, it is three days old at least now, I could not get it out on my own," I say and he nods too.
"I must pull the remains of this arrow out before it is too late," he mutters and I nod, simply accepting the branch he gives me to bite down on fight not to scream or pass out as he swiftly pulls it out. The fiery pain instantly fades as it is removed and I sigh in near ecstasy willing the tears not to fall as he begins to clean and bandage my shoulder.
"Thank you," I murmur when he has finished and he smiles slightly at me,
"You are brave my lady," he says and I give a bitter little laugh at this shaking my head,
"I am neither brave or worthy of being called a lady," I say quietly before moving to stand up, "I should leave I have taken up enough of your time already,"
"You must not leave, you are weak and I can already see a fever raging war inside of you, I have removed the arrow head, but it was embedded for too long, we are both heading to Rivendell you will get there quicker with us and have more chance of survival," the ranger insists pulling me back down and handing me a canteen of water that I drink from as a dying woman would have.
"Wow thats the most I've ever heard Strider talk in one go," one of the hobbits says and I want to laugh again.
Over the next two days we travel as far as we can, I can feel myself getting weaker but at the same time feel stronger than I had in days, it was a very odd feeling indeed. On top of that I was constantly berating myself for not following my own rules. All I had to do was not care anymore and I had failed. Already I knew that I would do anything in my power to save the sweet little hobbits and the moody ranger who accompanied me. I wasn't supposed to feel anything anymore, why couldn't my heart listen to what my head was telling it?
"My lady your fever is growing stronger," Strider says in concern as we break for rest when dusk is setting in.
"I will be fine," I reply tiredly turning my head to smile at him, "and it's Peyson not lady I told you I am not deserving of that title, I am but a village girl and a failure," I say and he looks curious for a second but knows well enough that I will not talk and I am grateful for him not asking. It is as he is moving to check my injury that we hear the approaching horses and both stiffen. Instantly we both jump to our feet pulling out or swords and pushing the hobbits behind us. I try my best to look threatening despite the fact that my vision is blurring and I think I may be shaking visibly.
"amin naa glad a' elea lle Melloneamin" (I am glad to see you my friends) Aragorn says in a relieved voice and I relax as I focus on the elves in front of me.
"lye caela been searchien ten' lle tul a let lye be no' lye men" (We have been searching for you come let us be on our way) the one at the front replied and within seconds I am on a horse, Strider sitting behind me and the hobbits on horses with the elves and we are galloping through the wilderness.
"Peyson, are you well?" Strider asks in my ear as my head droops a little.
'I am fine Strider, just tired I will be glad when we reach Rivendell," I reply honestly and I can almost feel him smile as the horses slow and he squeezes my waist slightly which makes me stiffen instinctively which he notices immediately releasing his hold on me.
"We are here," he breathes and it is difficult to not get swept up in his severance for the place and then I look up and the sight before me steals a gasp from me. It is the most most beautiful place I have ever seen but more than that is the air of peace that encompasses it. I feel the calm wash over me and I feel safe, truly safe for the first time since before my village was attacked.
"I have dreamed of seeing the home of the elves but I never thought I would see it," I whisper,
"I am just sorry it is under such circumstances," Strider replies quietly.
"Sut tul e lle cael- y' harwe edainme e' lle party?" (How came you to have a wounded woman in your party?) one of the elves asks and I turn to see him looking curiously at me, Strider opens his mouth to answer but I interrupt before he can speak.
"Amin village nae cronhe ed' orcs ar' amin tul e thar sen whilst travellien sinome amin." (My village was attacked by orcs and I came across them whilst travelling here myself.) I answer smoothly, fighting the urge to smile at the frozen shock on everyones faces.
"You speak the tongue of the elves?" Aragorn asks in after a few moments of shocked silence.
"Yes, a friend taught me when I was young, the same friend who taught me to fight with sword and bow," I answer quietly turning my attention to the beautiful city in front of us.
Reaching the great building in the centre of the city I see a grand elf standing before us and the power he emirates almost makes me cower.
"Lord Elrond, this is Lady Peyson she is in need of healing, an arrow wound in her shoulder has become infected," Strider says and it is only at this moment that I suddenly feel the dull throbbing pain and the heat of my skin, I had forgotten about it completely in my wonder at Rivendell.
"Peyson, daughter of the Dunedian your coming here has been foretold," he says quietly at I notice Strider freeze beside me before moving away swiftly at a gesture from Lord Elrond.
"I…" I am suddenly speechless not knowing what to say to this majestic elf,
"Come let us heal you before we talk," he says and before I know it I have been treated, bathed and am drifting into a blissful sleep in the houses of healing.
When I awaken I feel more rested than I can ever remember feeling. I no longer feel any pain and look down I can see I have but a scar left marring my otherwise smooth and pale skin on my shoulder.
"My lady you are awake, how do you feel?" a female elf exclaims as she enters the room.
"I feel amazing," I say truthfully, smiling at her.
"That is good your companions have been very worried about you," she replies and I look at her in shocked silence.
"Oh, surely it has only been a few hours since I saw them last,"
"My lady you have been asleep these past five days," she replies smiling slightly at the shock that must be plastered across my face. "Now here is a dress for you to wear, bathe and then get dressed Lord Elrond has requested to see you," she says before placing a dress on the end of the bed and turning to leave. I sit for a moment in silence wondering over how my life has changed and what Lord Elrond could possibly want to see me about. I mean who was I? A penniless, plain, orphan. Although I think he may have me confused with someone else after all he called me by a name I had never heard of before so that may explain it.
"Lady Peyson it is good to see you looking so well," Lord Elrond smiles as I enter his study to see him standing with Strider by his side and several other people.
"Thank you," I say quietly ducking my head and giving a slight curtsey.
"Let me introduce you to my companions," he starts before two hobbits dart forward and embrace my legs,
"Lady Peyson we're so happy you're okay we were worried," Pippin says and I laugh as I dip down to hug them both.
"I assure you I am quite well, if a little embarrassed at my apparent laziness I cannot believe I slept for so long," I say and they all laugh and hearing a deeper chuckle I glance up and catch sight of Strider smiling at me.
"Of course you already know some of them," Elrond smiles, "this is Boromir Son of Denethor and captain of Gondor," he says gesturing to a tall and broad man with light hair and a stern look about him, he steps forward and bows stiffly looking at me somewhat dubiously. "Legolas son of Tharndril, Prince of the Woodland realm," a beautiful blonde elf steps forward and bows to me making my blush and duck another curtsy. "Gimli son of Gloin," I receive a grunt from the dwarf and try not to smile as I see Legolas roll his eyes. "and Frodo the only hobbit you did not have the fortune to meet before," the little hobbit smiles at me and I give him an awkward little wave before turning back to Elrond confused as to why I was meeting these people.
"And I my dear am Gandalf," an old man says stepping forward, "and I have been waiting a long time to meet you,"
"I don't understand, I think you must have me confused with someone else," I say eventually but I am quickly silenced and led to a chair and encouraged to sit down as the others all do.
"My dear child, let us start at the beginning, what do you know of the ring of power?" Gandalf asks and I can feel my brow crease further in confusion.
"Only what I was told in stories as a child and by friends who visited," I answer.
"It has been found Peyson, it is here and it must be destroyed," Elrond explains quietly and I gulp in order to stop myself from gasping.
"Those here in this room, all bar myself are the fellowship that has taken on the task of taking the ring to Mordor and destroying it,"
"Why are you telling me this?" I say quietly as I stare around at the grave faces,
"I would like you to accompany them," Elrond says and I see the elf, dwarf and the two men tense further, something flitting across Strider's face before a grim mask is back in place and I do the only thing I can think of to do, I laugh.
"I cannot, I… what could I possible do to be of advantage to this quest?" I ask eventually,
"You are stronger than you know Peyson," Elrond begins,
"I am not strong, I am not brave, I am useless," I cry standing abruptly as I interrupt him striding out of the room, feeling the burning of tears in my eyes and on my cheeks even as I hear the men protesting my inclusion in the quest.