A little plotbunny that sat on my head and now refuses to let go! Hope you like it! Also, warning: This is ALL OF THE ARCOBALENO BOYS X OUR LOVELY TSUNA, okay? That means Polyamory. Also, yaoi, which is BoyxBoy. So if you don't like it, don't read and go back. Flames shall be used to heat up my smut scenes.

The rest of you lovely peaches, ENJOY!

Revie: Also, press me, I like it when you do it ;)))))

Me: Forgive him; he's just too caught up in the plot. Give them the disclaimer and go back, Revie!

Revie: Sigh…. Alright. This potato does not own Katekyoishi Hitman Reborn, our lovely Amano-sensei does. If she did, it would just lots of horrible yaoi. Which she is writing anyway.

It all started with a smile

If you asked Tsuna, it was not his fault. It was all his classmates fault, for getting him entangled in this whole mess. Now that Tsuna was in high-school and no longer 'dame' his friend circle had grown exponentially high. His friend circle now included people who weren't his guardians or related to the mafia, and it was these new friends who had dared him to go into the café and flirt with the admittedly cute boy on the counter.

They usually hung out at this café, and it was a quaint, silent and pretty little place, and bit on the outskirts of Namimori; but there was a shortcut from Namimori High to the café, and that's how Tsuna found himself spending a lot of time in 'The sinful brew' drinking great coffee and looking at great sights.

*Flashback to their first meeting*

The boy on the counter was your typical teen but with some… accentuated features. He had dark, soft hair that fell across his forehead in bangs, and startling grey eyes that looked into your very soul. He was tall and well-built, and Tsuna could feel the force in those well endowed biceps as he worked the till. He had a breathtaking smile, sort of a lazy smirk, which drove Tsuna into knots every time he was met with it.

If he had breathtaking looks, he had an even more breathtaking name. Sasakura Mitsuo. The name fit him in a very odd sort of way, Tsuna thought. He definitely looked like a hero from one of the harlequin novels, Sachiko, his friend, often read.

Tsuna didn't realize he was staring till the boy coughed and looked at him with an amused look in his eyes and his lopsided smirk, as if he knew just what Tsuna was thinking and what effect he had on Tsuna.

"See anything you like, sir?" he asked in voice that should really be illegal, because, was it normal to have that much sensuality in your vocal chords? It was plain that he was certainly not referring to the lovely cakes and pastries on display.

Tsuna's eyes grew wide as he blushed twenty-seven shades of red. "N-No… I mean yes….I…I…m-mean no!" Tsuna stuttered as the boy's smile grew impossibly wide and he chuckled, a soft, throaty chuckle that sent shivers down Tsuna's spine.

Tsuna cursed himself. After all that hellish training Reborn had made him go through just so that he wouldn't be so dame, here he was, reduced to stutters by the simple words of a cashier. Tsuna dearly hoped that this story would never be brought up among his friend circle, much less Reborn know exactly how he had made a fool of himself in front of this sex-on-legs boy.

As he tried to bring back the situation under his control(Not that it was in his control in the first place) Tsuna dearly wished someone would rescue him from this mess he'd made. Rescue did come, in the form of Sachiko, who flounced up to the counter and put an arm around Tsuna's shoulders and promptly ordered a whole set of meals for them. The boy took them all down and asked them to take their seats, his eyes on Tsuna the whole time, that delicious smirk lighting his eyes up in a dangerous way.


So, just how had Tsuna gone from nervously stealing a glance at the boy only to find out he was already staring at him, to this? He looked at the boy nervously as he promptly handed him his cash and a note with Tsuna's number on it, feeling his thumb gently stroking his hand as he took the money, smirking all the while. Tsuna squeaked and ran back home, face lit on fire. He should have never taken the bait Sachiko had presented. She had this look in her eyes, a look that tingled all of his hyper intuition, but he still had foolishly agreed to her dare and given the boy his number.

*Verde presents a time skip to dinner!*

Tsuna was doomed. He did not know what had possessed him to invite Sachiko to dinner, but to his defense, he had no idea he would be having such a huge audience for dinner. All of the Arcobaleno, except Lal Mirch as she was in Italy for a mission, had somehow gathered up at his place that day. Add to that the usual crowd of Yamamoto, Gokudera, Lambo, I-pin and Fuuta, Sachiko and Tsuna and his mom, and you have a very crowded dining table.

It was an innocent question, one that came from his mom. "How was your day, Tsuna? I heard from Sachiko-chan here that you went to that new café…. 'The sinful brew', wasn't it?"

Tsuna almost choked and turned red at the mention of the café, which brought up his memories of the very sexy and seductive boy he'd very foolishly given his number to. "Oh my, Tsu-kun, whatever happened? Here's some water" Nana said and handed him a glass.

Sachiko, of course, just HAD to smirk and say, "He's a bit embarrassed, Nana san… He's had quite an eventful day, I'd say…"

Nana's eyes widened as she eagerly said, "Oh really? What happened? Did you possibly meet someone there, Tsu-kun?"

Tsuna suddenly became very aware of all the stares that were on him- Yamamoto, his usual smiling self, Gokudera, wide and gaping, Sachiko, cheering him on, Reborn, undecipherable and dark. In fact, all of the Arcobaleno seemed to be staring at Tsuna in a similar manner but with their full attention.

Gulping down the water, Tsuna softly but boldly answered, "Yes." Nana's eyes widened even more as she eagerly asked, "Who was it? Were they good-looking?"

Ignoring the even harder stares from the Arcobaleno, Tsuna said, "Someone in the café. A worker, actually. And yes, they were very good-looking. Hot, I'd say. Actually, it was a boy…" he softly trailed off, not wanting to meet anybody's eyes as he looked down.

"Oh my, Tsu-kun is having his spring-time! Mama totally approves! I don't mind that it's a boy, but I expect adoption in the future!" Nana said, looking mischievous and delighted at the same time. Gokudera and Yamamoto too assured Tsuna that they were fully supportive of him, and Lambo simply demanded his food, to which I-pin scolded him and Fuuta calmed them down, telling Tsuna that he didn't mind at all.

Meanwhile, the stares from the other side had become daunting. Ever since the Arcobaleno had retained their adult forms, they seemed even scarier, if that was possible. Reborn hid his eyes under his fedora, but the killing intent radiating of off him was obvious. Colonello looked sharp, Fon lost his usually peaceful expression just a tinge, Skull looked indignant, Verde looked as he was having trouble with a particularly hard experiment, and Tsuna could faintly see Mammon's frown become even more gloomy and scary.

Sachiko seemed totally oblivious to it all as she said, "It was a sight to see, Nana san! Tsuna-chan over here just stood there, staring at the boy over the counter, and when the boy finally brought him back to earth and asked for an order in a flirty manner, Tsuna stuttered and blushed seven days till Monday! And the whole time we were there at the café, the boy was looking at Tsuna and Tsuna only! And Tsuna was sneaking glances at him too! Also, Tsuna gave him his number sneakily while paying for the orders, so who knows, the boy might call! It was all like a yaoi manga, really."

Tsuna spluttered as he tried to control Sachiko from giving away too much information, but the damage was already done. Reborn now knew how dame he had been, and he was going to die now, at the hands of his sadistic, no-longer-a-baby, hitman tutor.

Nana squealed and looked absolutely delighted, while the killing intent from the other side reached apoplectic levels. It was a wonder none of them had noticed it yet.

"Oh my, my, my! Looks like Tsu-kun is getting his first love! I trust you'll be going back tomorrow too, then?"

Well, Tsuna's brain figured, since I'm gonna die, might as well go down with a bang. He said, "No." To which Nana and Sachiko seemed to deflate a bit.

"No, I don't want to look like an idiot who's too desperate. I gave my number, if he is interested, he'll probably call." Nana and Sachiko's grins returned back, wide and gleeful. Gokudera swore that he'd kill the guy if he dared not to call back, because who could resist Jyuudaime's charm and summons so blatantly? And Tsuna had to calm him down and make him promise not to do anything of the sort.

All the while, Tsuna tried to calm his own heart down from the intense heat coming from Colonello's stare that was clearly directed towards him. It was imperceptible, yet it looked like he had taken on a new challenge. For what, Tsuna couldn't figure out for the life of himself. Little did he know, he would soon find out.

There we go! Chapter one! This started off as a two-shot, but my ideas are overflowing, so it might even turnout to be a three-shot or five-shot! Do tell me if I should continue and how you liked it! Ciao!