The AutoBot Kamen Rider Chapter 12
The long awaited update, and the start of the Unicron Arc. Depending on how long I manage to write them.
Just to clear a couple things the episode where Jack meets Megatron in the abandoned mine is the same. Also the episode with Arachnid betraying Starscream is the same.
I own nothing! Warning Lemon in chapter just skip at the Bold text stating it.
:Chapter Start:
Ancient Readings of the Coming Darkness of Cybertron-Spoken By Optimus Prime
And it written in the texts of Primis. When the Forty Seven spheres are in alignment, the rising conflict arising on a planet forged in chaos, the week will fall to Darkness.
As the voice of Optimus spoke, planets were seen moving into alignment with Cybertron at one end and after forty planets, Earth was revealed at the other end of the alignment.
Autobot Outpost Omega One-Half way through the Summer Break.
Optimus looked at the terminal depicting the alignment of planets, both Cybertron and Earth slowly moving into position from opposite sides. In the main hall of the base, only Optimus and Ratchet were in the base at this moment. Bulkhead was on patrol, Arcee was on curb-side duty at the Darby house with June at the hospital, while Jack and Miko was actually planning on coming to the Autobot Base that night. Raf and Starfire were with Bumblebee racing RC cars in the flood ways near Jasper.
Ratchet asks a simple question, "That is a Cybertronian text you are citing. Cybertron has been dark for centuries."
Optimus hums in agreement before saying, "That brings to question, what does Megatron believes to be the answer to the fable."
Ratchet frowns before typing at his terminal and says, "Then we need to consider a couple things. If we think of it as a scientific reason then, perhaps it could indicate the reveal of more Dark Energon or perhaps a source of the Dark Energon read to be mined."
Optimus nods before saying, "Which is most likely the case, if it is seen in a religious sense as well. Dark Energon being the life blood of Unicron then it might reveal a planet like Cybertron."
Ratchet paused in his programming and says, "Then I will add to our search of Dark Energon spaceward. Maybe focusing on the path of the alignment at this end." Optimus nods in understanding while he searches orbit for any signs of the Decepticon's Space Bridge, knowing that Megatron would need it to collect any Dark Energon.
Darby Resisdence-Backyard-That moment
Jack was currently sparing with Miko, who was teaching him the Japanese Feudal Police Force's martial arts, 'Taiho-Jutsu.' The only issue that Jack was having as she taught him what she knows is that currently Miko was wearing a mini skirt and knee high socks instead of her normal jeans she wears. Miko rushed forward and placed her left leg behind Jack's left leg and tripped him back quickly and then leaped onto his back and then used her right leg and forced him to the ground with Jack's face forced under her skirt and says, "You need to have a stronger stance and," Jack mumbles under her skirt causing Miko to shiver and say, "Less tongue Jack. I am meant to be teaching you this."
Miko stands and takes a couple steps away as Jack stands as well. Jack simply states, "You know it is kind of distracting when you are not wearing underwear."
Miko smirks before saying, 'Well in that case," she gets back into her stance and continues, "You defend yourself here and you can do whatever you want with me. Including sexy stuff," Jack gulps before Miko charges at him. She goes to kick his side only for Jack to suddenly catch her foot and lifting it up and rushing forward and hugging her thigh to her stomach and pulling her into a body lock with her arms pinned between their bodies and only her right leg free. Miko says, "That is cheating."
"Hey, you said defend yourself," Jack countered causing Miko to smirk and Jack then continues, "You also said that I get a treat," Jack then whispers into her ear and causes her to blush as he releases her.
Miko simply asks, "Should I get a head start or do you want me to join you."
Jack smiles and says, "You first," with that he leads Miko inside. Miko goes to the bathroom while Jack quickly gets some water bottles from the fridge along and quickly heads to his room past the bathroom where he hears running water, while also noticing Miko's clothes left on the floor leading to the bathroom. Jack places the water bottles on the bed side table and opened a draw before leaving the room.
With Miko in the Shower-Lemon
With the shower drizzling lightly Miko uses a bar of soap to lather herself up with a white layer of soap. Generously covering herself as she lightly hums to herself while appearing distracted as she sensually scrubs herself. Miko was so distracted she did not hear the door open and close before she managed to turn the water on full and filling the room with steam. After collecting some water in her hands she pours it on herself before a pair of hands wrapped around her body and pulled her back lightly before Jack whispers into her ear and says, "I thought you were going to get started."
Miko shivered as Jack helped himself with her body. Jack partially carries her into the shower and helps her wash her back while Miko doing her best to wash him back, which is difficult for her due to the height difference. When the soap was washed away Miko felt something poking her back causing her to reach for it and slowly turn around as she jacks her hand up and down. Miko simply asks, "Is this for me?" Jack chuckles as Miko lowers herself to her knees while saying, "Let me relieve you of this stiffness."
As soon as Miko was in position she engulfed him quickly leaving Jack to place a hand on her head as she quickly brought him to finish as she massaged his sack when she managed to actually engulf him fully and he finished, where she swallowed animatedly for him to see.
Jack lifted her up and proceeded to finish their shower before wrapping a towel around Miko and himself as they walk to Jack's room. Jack kissed her deeply as he laid her on his bed and while she was distracted by her lips, Jack reached under the pillow while lifting her arms where he tied both her hands are tied above her head.
Jack frees Miko's lips as she blinks before looking up at her bound hands and Miko asks, "Wait, you are tying me up now? I did it weeks ago," she pouted cutely as she stared at Jack wearing only a towel.
Jack simply smirks at her before taking another rope from his draw, one of the snapped pieces from when Miko tied him up and tied her feet together confusing the young rock-star. Miko looked down at what he was doing and was about to ask what he was doing when he pulled out a strip of fabric that he tied around her eyes.
Miko speaks up, "Oh come on, what did I do to you?" what Miko did not know was that Jack was getting fully dressed. Once that was done Jack was silent as he went over to the draw before pulling out a box and opening Miko's towel. Jack smirks before emptying the box on her revealing a bunch of feathers that is used for arts and crafts causing Miko to bit her lip to stop from laughing. Miko suddenly shouts, "Oh come on stop teasing me!" unfortunately that was not going to be the case as Jack grabbed some tape and some feathers and used the two to attach some feathers at her more sensitive points causing her to groan with the teasing that Jack encouraged. With that Miko submitted to the tickling Jack caused. Miko then speaks while flinching with every breath, "Come on Jack, can't you give a girl a good time!"
Jack smirks as he takes a photo of her on his phone before leaving the room for half hour letting her stew in the teasing sensations, Miko continues to plead with Jack never realising that he was not in the room. When Jack did return it was with a small tub of Ice Cream before removing the tape and most of the feathers and after letting the Ice Cream melt slightly and using a spoon proceeded to paint Miko with said Vanilla Ice Cream in many different spots on her body except her erogenous zones, before licking in a couple places.
Eventually Miko shouts, "JUST FUCK ME ALREADY!" as she squirmed under Jack's concentration on Foreplay.
Jack finally spoke, "I don't have any condoms," before returning to cleaning her with his tongue.
Miko simply shouts, "Don't care, fuck me in the ass if you have to! JUST FUCK ME!" With that Jack finished removing the Ice Cream from her body and then gives her a deep kiss that she moans into.
Jack then says, "Are you sure you want that?" as he slowly and agonisingly flips Miko onto her stomach.
Once Miko was on her stomach she wiggles her rear, where she thinks he is and says, "Please," on the verge of tears. With that Jack removes his pants and then slowly impales Miko's rear as she says with a shudder, "Yeah," when his was fully inside she moans loudly causing Jack to shudder and lie on her back breathing deeply before Miko simply saying, "Hurry up and take me," Miko egged Jack on and started moving slowly. After five minutes of the slow pace Miko simply states, "Faster you Jackass or we won't finish by the time we need to leave to get to the Base."
With that Jack had to nod in agreement as they needed to leave for the base in half an hour, so Jack did as she asked and started going at a fast pace that actually made Miko groan louder with a splash of moaning before finally succumbing to the sensations that Jack placed on her and climaxed followed by Jack who asks, "I am about to..."
Miko interrupted him by saying, "Just finish where you are!" with that Jack does and empties himself inside her rear. Jack waited there for a minute before removing himself and using some tissues cleaned himself. Miko simply asks, "Are you going to untie me now?"
Jack hummed before saying, "One moment," before pulling out his phone again and silently took a photo. Jack then has an interesting thought as he removes the rope that attached Miko's hands to the bed and says, "You can only untie yourself when you get to your room," and with that helped her to her feet and said, "Start hopping," and started recording her naked, with her hands and feet bound, her eyes covered. Miko sighs and starts hopping to Jack's door and managed to open it before hopping out the room and managing to hop to her room when Jack suddenly says, "You realise that I didn't say you couldn't remove the blindfold, right?"
Getting Miko pause and remove said blindfold before giving him a bound double middle finger salute before entering her room so that she could get dress."
End of Lemon Scene
As Miko gets dressed in her regular clothes Jack collects the clothes she stripped from for her shower and placed it in the laundry Hamper and then takes a seat to relax on the couch. Miko walks out her room and ignored Jack as she went to the garage where they see Tridoron and Arcee parked side by side. Miko takes Jack's helmet and gets on Arcee before having the female Autobot speed away. Jack shakes his head before getting in Tridoron's driver seat and says, "She can't take a joke," with that Krim sighs.
Krim simply states from his holder, "Your room was not sound proof."
Jack gulps before saying, "Well too late now, though I should expect that Miko will have her revenge," as he drove Tridoron out the garage that closed itself. Jack and Krim really just spoke shop for their drive but Miko ended up answering some embarrassing questions and when they all arrived at the base Miko had a noticeable limp as she went up to the human area that made Jack's head swell in pride.
Decepticon Warship-Main Bridge-That moment
Megatron stares at the planetary alignment on his ships sensors in deep thought, thoughts about his diminished power enhancements granted by Dark Energon and how to get more Dark Energon. Megatron's frown deepens before he speaks aloud, "How long until the Space Bridge is completed?"
The answer came from Knockout who had in a sense taken over Starscream's role in the Decepticons as he betrayed the Decepticons when he sold out Arachnid to the Autobots. Now as far as Megatron was concerned, he is a traitor and captive of the Autobots. Knockout's answer to Megatron's question was this, "Well the physical construction is complete, but we will need several weeks to finish construction of the control interface systems." Megatron gets angry at the lack of progress until Knockout states, "But Soundwave have located the necessary equipment at a Human Military installation that we can modify to suit our purpose within three cycles of collection, my Lord."
Megatron stays his hands with a raised optic enhancer before saying, "Good work Knockout, clearly even Starscream's incompetence did not dull your edge."
"Well the only reason he succeeded with the task he deemed necessary was due to him actually not participating in them. He lacked the fortitude to follow his own orders," Knockout states as Megatron nods in agreement before Knockout adds, "And just to be clear any mention of Starscream agreeing to make me 'his' second in command was solely due to the fact that My Medical Talents were not sufficient enough to reactivate you, and I was looking out for my own finish."
Megatron simply snarls and says, "Unfortunately with Starscream in a position of power, like he temporarily 'took' you would have been scrap by this time. In future your allegiance is to me alone. Failing that, expect me to rip your spark from your chest the first chance I get."
Knockout was taken aback by that before simply saying, "Of course my lord," Knockout states before saying, "I best be heading down, my plan is to come in from outside the humans' base and take what we need."
"Your plan?" Megatron questions with a slight edge in his voice.
"Yes, my plan to aid your plan for collecting more Dark Energon within the time frame you have stated," Knockout states before adding, "My task is what you will, and as we are strapped for time, I take my leave My Lord."
Once Megatron was technically alone with Soundwave, Megatron simply says, "If he wasn't so valuable I would have scratched up every piece of red on him. What is Knockout's progress on the sample?" Megatron looks to Soundwave to see a series of minor notes and theories causing Megatron to say, "So nothing if note," he faced forward again before saying, "Soundwave, I leave you in charge until I return," Megatron then heads to the launch deck and transforms to fly for a bit.
On the Bridge Blaster walks onto the bridge, his bass speakers thumping as he walked into the main bridge. Blaster speaks loudly, "Yo, Knockout I scouted those locations you wanted," Soundwave looked at the Newest Decepticon waving a terminal he was using. Soundwave hacked into the terminal and copied the data before turning back to helm of the ship.
Autobot Outpost Omega One-an hour later
Fowler is speaking to the Autobots from his office at the local military base, Gotou in the background on a laptop going over the different documents stating what has been stolen over the last month. Ratchet opens a file and says, "These are all components needed to construct a Space Bridge."
Optimus then states, "With the alignment of the forty seven planets, I fear that Megatron has already built his Space bridge."
"No, he still needs a power source or converter," Ratchet states as he goes over the designs they had for the Decepticon Space Bridge. Ratchet then says, "Agent Fowler, does your military have a energy generator that produces," he goes on a tangent of numbers.
Gotou simply says from behind Fowler, "There is, At the Jasper Military base," that was when Gotou and Agent Fowler shook, "Looks like they are here!"
"The men outside will defend the base until you get here," Fowler states.
Optimus spoke up before Fowler could hang up to say, "No, Agent Fowler have your men stay back, we will be there momentarily, there is no need for the loss of Human life." Fowler nods and hangs up as Ratchet programmed the Ground Bridge for the base. Optimus then orders, "Ratchet have Bumblebee meet us at the base, Autobots! Transform and Roll out!" before Arcee, Bulkhead and himself transformed and drove through the Ground Bridge.
Jack then questions, "Any signs of MECH? I mean if they know about the attack on the base then they could be using this as a distraction."
Ratchet checked the satellite uplinks and says, "There has been no sigh of the Roidmudes, but I will keep an eye on the sensors," Jack nodded to Ratchet while placing Krim on his waist. Fully expecting a Roidmude attack even going as far as taking a seat inside Triforon. Ratchet then contacts Bumblebee.
With Raf, Starfire and Bumblebee-That moment
Starfire and Raf were chatting as they were on their way back to the Autobot Outpost, after spending their time racing some of Raf's RC cars. One of the small cars was a green speedster and the other was a blue off road car, there was also a RC helicopter in the boot that Raf had been fixing up. Starfire was happily talking about driving the little cars with Raf. Though they had some issues with the helicopter, apparently it was made with parts that did not allow for proper lifting force.
Bumblebee continued to drive as Ratchet spoke through the Radio, "Bumblebee, the Decepticons are attacking the Jasper Military base. Drop Rafiel and Starfire at the next off ramp and I will Ground Bridge them to base." Bumblebee beeped in affirmative before beeping to Raf and Starfire.
Starfire nods sadly while Raf says, "It is okay Bee, it is not like we weren't already heading back," Bumblebee beeped in reply before going into a slight panic and beeped to them, "Megatron?" they looked out the back window to see that Megatron was in fact above them in jet form before flying and shooting at them with Dark Energon powered, Ion Cannon.
Bumblebee spun out while covered in purple electricity. When Bumblebee recovered he looked into his back seat to see Starfire and Raf unconscious.
Hidden MECH Outpost-That Moment
Scorpion and Hummingbird were standing in observation as Enter had been transported into the room, only to drop off a package then leaving. Frost took the package and with several MECH scientist was working with Chase or as they refered to him, Prototype model Roidmude. Mole had been scouting locations of what appeared to be abandoned of the 'Visitors.'
Scorpion simply says, "I don't like this, they should just destroy the Prototype and be done with it."
Hummingbird said nothing as Frost pulled out a sample of the purple crystals that HummingBird stole, Frost using the tweezers before placing the sample inside of Chase. As soon as the sample interfaced with his systems Chase's body shifted between his Roidmude form, Human form and his Grim Reaper form. What happened next was a surprise as suddenly an Gravity Surge occurred and forced every Roidmudes and MECH personnel were forced to struggle to move as suddenly The Grimm Reaper forced his way through the doors while angrily muttering, "DRIVE," and started walk out the base through walls that literally warped out the way as they were destroyed.
Autobot Outpost Omega One-Half hour later
Jack was still waiting in Tridoron when Ratchet spoke up to everyone, "Optimus has called for a Ground Bridge, someone must be injured," Ratchet opened the Ground Bridge where Arcee and Bumblebee came through, with Arcee holding both Raf and Starfire. Ratchet simply says, "By the All Spark," before ordering the team to move the two to the Medical Berth.
"Gramps," Jack shouts as he rushes over quickly, "Mad Doctor!" with that the Ambulance Shift Car drove over from Tridoron and jumped onto Raf's Medical med and started scanning the two.
"Jack, call June. Get her here now," Jack nods and grabs his phone and calls the hospital. Krim then speaks to Ratchet, "They have been infected with that Dark Energon but it appears to affecting them, Raf more so." Ratchet was confused before Starfire actually awakens but does not move so she did not see Raf. Krim then continued, "Starfire's 'Starbolts' as they have been termed, appears to be helping her recover in that she can handle the excess energy in her body."
Ratchet opens the Ground Bridge allowing June to drive through quickly and steps towards Raf and Starfire's Beds and pointed at Jack, "My bag in the back seat bring get it," June rushed to the medical beds and speaks to Mad Doctor, "What is their conditions?" Mad Doctor beeped quickly before June nods and says, "Bring up his vitals. Starfire, how are you feeling?"
Starfire simply says, "The last time I felt like this, I was dared by my sister to touch a strange meteor. I was feeling the sick for a few days until I generated enough energy to expel the dark power."
Mad Doctor beeps again as the visuals of Starfire's Vitals appeared, causing June to say, "It is times like these that make it so I really hate the lack of development of Hospital techniques," she turns to Ratchet and asks, "We need something to force the strange energy out of his body, something that will negate the energy allowing him to recover."
Ratchet frowns in thought before saying, "Something like that could kill him though, and the only opposite to Energon is even more deadly then," Ratchet paused at that before his eyes widened and he rescans Raf, "Of course, Megatron's body is sustained by Dark Energone and clearly his weapons are under the same effect," he finished his scan and says, "Yes, they are under the affect of Dark Energon."
That was when Optimus radioed in, "Ratchet, a Ground Bridge on Bulkhead's position."
Ratchet spoke up, "Optimus we believe that we have a method of helping Raf and Starfire, turns out Nurse Darby actually has experience in handling this type of Injury." Ratchet then opens the Ground Bridge while saying, "Ground Bridge established."
Optimus speaks up again, "That is good news, but It is time I end this. One shall stand," Ratchet eyes widened before Optimus says, "One Shall fall," as Bulkhead went through the portal with the power source. Optimus then says, "Shut down the Ground Bridge."
Ratchet does just that before saying, "I need Energon," as Ratchet pulled out a Cybertronian syringe turning to the others. Bumblebee stepped forward as Ratchet took a third of a sample of Energon before turning to the others. Ratchet says, "Everyone needs to do this."
Arcee and Bulkhead nod and donate some Energon as he starts modifying the Medical tube to disburse Energon. Jack then asks, "What did Optimus mean when he said, One Shall stand One shall fall?"
Ratchet simply says, "Optimus is going to fight Megatron, until one become 'one with the Alspark.'," Miko starts to question about why he had not been doing that, Ratchet says, "Before the war Optimus and Megatron were allies. Megatron was known as Megatronus during his time in the Gladiator Pits of Cybertron. He had a belief that all Cybertronians should be equal from slaves and masters. Megatronus eventually shortened his name and started his path into politics, under the guidance of one Orion Pax, a Librarian of the Halls of Iacon."
Jack ask, "Let me guess, Orion Pax became a Decepticon."
"No, Orion Pax was Optimus' name before he became a Prime," Ratchet states shocking the two human teens. Ratchet then continued, "Orion taught Megatronus causing him to shorten his name and then gaining followers with his views. Eventually Megatron spoke to the leaders of Cybertron and revealed his true agenda, he claimed that he would unit Cybertron under his fist and that they should make him a Prime in join him. It was that same meeting that Orion Pax started speaking for uniting the Cybertron in a peaceful way, his speech going as far as convincing the leadership of Cybertron to suggest him to become the newest Prime, a task that required Orion Pax to go to the very core of Cybertron and meet Primus, where he accepted the responsibility of Leadership. By claiming the Matrix of Leadership."
Miko then asks, "So was Orion Pax, the same as Optimus Prime?"
Ratchet completed modifications of the medical suite as he says, "No, he was like Jack. Calm under pressure yes, but more likely to see the goodness in others, that may not exist. What Megatron did to Rafiel may have shattered any chance of Optimus being willing to convince Megatron to end the war peacefully." Ratchet then connects the syringe into the decontamination chamber while saying, "Get Refiel and Starfire into the Chamber."
Miko then asks, "Didn't you bots say that Energon is harmful to Humans."
Ratchet nods while Arcee and June wheel Raf and Starfire into the cylindrical chamber before saying, "I am mixing the Energon into a aerosol component with oxygen. That way the Energon will enter his system in a way similar to what Megatron did to him."
Jack nods while saying, "Yeah, he breaths in Energon and his heart will move it to all the infected areas. Then the Dark Energon will fight it negating both from harming him. The real question will be what kind of side affects their will be."
June speaks up, "That is why Mad Doctor will have him under constant analysis for possible long term affects."
Ratchet nods before saying, "Okay, engaging Energon dispersal," and pulls a lever filling the sealed container causing a flash of light that blinded everyone. What no one saw was that the affect on Raf was more dangerous than they thought could happen, while he was invisible to everyone his body suddenly started spasmming in as his heart rate sped beyond that of normal humans before calming, and his body glowed blue before his body calmed down completely with no noticeable change to his body. Starfire flinched a little as she breathed the Energon Mist as they the Dark Energon in their bodies and started recovering.
Once the cylinder was emptied of Energon Raf loudly moaned while saying, "Anyone get the name of the power station we hit?"
"Raf," Everyone shouted in relief. Jack stepped over and says, "How are you feeling Raf?"
"Like I was playing with electricity," Raf states before asking, "Did the bots stop the Decepticons?"
Bulkhead spoke up, "Yeah we got the Power Source, but Optimus has gone to fight Megatron."
Which brings Arcee to ask, "Is he still on the Nemesis?"
Ratchet went over to his terminal as Mad Doctor handled Raf and Starfire with June, and Ratchet spoke up from his terminal, "Optimus is not on the Nemesis, it appears that he is on an island that was recently formed in the Atlantic. I am only detecting two Cybertronian signals."
He reveals a satellite feed of the battle from above, where Optimus was actually winning and had Megatron on the ground about to strike the final blow when suddenly the entire world shook and the Volcano near Optimus and Megatrons' battle erupted with Dark Energon. With that Ratchet quickly changed the coordinates of the Ground Bridge but then had to adjust for the sudden change in the Earth field, allowing Arcee, Bumblebee and Bulkhead to rescue him.
Jack then questions, "How is Dark Energon erupting from inside the Earth?"
The answer came strangely from Krim who says, "There is a Temple down there in the Earth Core, where we found some old Energon Crystals. We just thought that it was an ancient alien vessel and left it there it was dangerous for humans that deep underground."
Raf on the other side of the room, his eyes widened before he says, "The Blood of Unicron. What if when Earth was formed it was around an Ancient Cybertronian. Like how Primus became Cyberton."
Ratchet's eyes widened in shock and he says, "By the All Spark, that could actually explain why Humans are so similar to Cybertronians. If Unicron is what created your world then," he activates his sensors around the world and proceeds to collect data from around the world as Arcee, Bumblebee, Bulkhead and Optimus returned. The Ground Bridge was deactivated as Ratchet spoke, "Proffessor, I need all that Data you have on the location in question."
With that the Shift Cars connected into the base's computers while Ratchet helped Optimus. Optimus asks, "What has transpired?"
Jack answered, "Well apparently Earth was created by Unicron? Whoever that is."
Optimus frowns before Miko asks, "What does a Unicorn have to do with Cybertron?" when everyone looked at her in question causing Miko to translate, "Four legged mythical animal with a single horn on it's head."
"Unicron," Ratchet states before saying, "He is the destroyer of Cybertronian Myth. The Megatron to the creator of Cybertron, Primus. Primus' Spark is the very core of our world, while Unicron appears to be the Core to Earth."
With that June speaks up, "Then what dangers will Humanity have to face if Unicron has awoken?"
Ratchet was silent as Optimus says, "We will need to convince him to remain inside your world."
:End of Chapter Twelve:
This is a short chapter, mainly because it is a the first part of the Unicron Arc, which is needed for the development of Jack Darby.
I hope you enjoyed, please review and comment, until next time...BEWARE THE WRAITH!