Hey everybody! First of all thanks for reading. I may continue this I may not, I wrote this because I found myself in a writers block while doing my main story for this two. Hope you enjoy.

It all depends of you guys if you want me to continue.



"Gogo, We are friends right?"

"Yes" Gogo said while drawing a sketch for her bike.

"How good friends do you think we are?"

"Don't know…" She kept drawing. "Good friends."

"Do you think we can be better friends?"

"I guess…"

"And what about more than friends?"

Gogo blushed, stopped drawing and looked at Hiro in the eyes.


She never liked physical contact. Only her family was allowed to, at least, put a hand on her shoulder. Honey Lemon's hugs? Hell no… but now? As they sat on the couch, his arm draped over her shoulders, holding her close, her head resting on his chest… she actually felt comfortable.


"Hey Gogo!"

"What now?" She had to look down at the boy standing in front of her.

"Your eyes!"

"Is there something wrong with my eyes?"

"Brown really suits you!"


Even if it was inside the lab or at her house, finding sleep wasn't difficult for her. Or well… that was until a boy named Hiro Hamada, for some reason, keeps appearing in her head every time she wants to go to sleep.


Happy, caring, and always willing to help; that was Hiro Hamada. But she was certain that behind that joy laid a darker boy.


"You are a dork!" Gogo yelled.

"Yeah, but I'm your dork!" Hiro grinned.


"Wow, Gogo, I never thought you were a good dancer!"

"Shut up. I'm counting. 1 2 3, 1 2 3…"


This was it. Honestly, she never thought that this day would ever happen. He was so nervous, the mere thought that a word of one syllable would take him to his limits. Both knew that this will change their lives forever but time felt infinite. There he was, kneeling in front of her, waiting for her answer.



He couldn't understand why he was always so caught up with them. How dared she have perfect lips? People often compared them with Honey Lemon of Akiko, but Gogo? Hot damn. He would give anything to kiss them. The fact that they weren't pink or ruby made them more desirable.

"Hey genius! Why are you always staring at my mouth? If there is something in my teeth I want you to please tell me."


Blood? No problem.

Hiro almost getting himself killed? Sure, she can handle that.

Being handed by her father to Hiro at her wedding…? Needless to say, they struggled for half an hour to get her up and running again.


Gogo was not a woman that was always paying attention to details or what was happening around her. But when did Hiro get so muscular and taller than her?


She knew it was a lie. There was no way for someone to move one. No one can unless you are god but that is another story. The problem is, for some reason, she believed that boy every time he promised that he would get a star for her.


"Gogo!" Hiro asked getting closer to the work station of the speed junkie. She just tilted her head up a bit to acknowledge the fact she was listening.

"Are you afraid of something?"

"Why do you keep asking?" She kept looking at the sketches of her bicycle trying to find what was wrong.

"Because I…"

"HEY LITTLE DUDE! ARE YOU COMING?" Fred's voice came from the other side of the room.

"I'm Co…. HEY! Who are you calling little dude!?" Hiro walked towards Fred and exited the lab.

Gogo was able to let out a heavy sigh for relief. It was getting quite annoying that everybody was trying to find what her fears were. The hard thing to believe was, her greatest fear is to lose him.


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY HIRO!" The team and Aunt Cass yelled after turning on the lights on the boy.

Hot chocolate, cake, pizza, videogames, chatting, 'Sabi spilling wasabi again on his shirt. Long story short that was one of the best nights for Hiro.

"Good bye guys! Be careful!" Hiro closed the door and fixed his clothes. He was trembling, for his crush was still talking with his aunt.

"I better go too!" Gogo yawned. "It's getting late!"

Gogo grabbed her jacket and her helmet then walked to the door with Hiro by her side

"Thanks for coming Gogo!" Hiro played with his hands.

"Hey! We are friends right?" Gogo placed her hands over her hips and lowered a bit so she could look at the boy.

"HAHA! T-True!" Hiro grinned.

"So, what would you like for your birthday?" Gogo asked.

"You shouldn't…"

"Hey! I owe you remember? Now, what would you like to have for your birthday?" Gogo popped a bubble patiently waiting for his answer.

"Oh… I know!"

"Hey what are you…." Hiro was too fast. He grabbed her hands and pulled her down to plant a kiss on her lips.




"Please!" Gogo felt like a part of her heart was being torn apart, not familiar with the feeling, she thought she was sick.

"Last chance Leiko!" Hiro stopped and turn around to look into her eyes.

"I-I…" It was the first time she stuttered. Definitely she was sick.


"I…" She was not the person to run out of words, then why now? She lowered her head, feeling that Hiro's eyes will read her mind or something.

"I'm getting tired of this Gogo. I've tried and tried but now I know that this is not going to work!" Hiro reassured the grip on his bags, trying to gather courage. Gogo looked up but there were no words coming out from her mouth.

"We've been together for so long but it feels that I'm alone. If you can come up with one thing for me to stay then I will. Talk to me Leiko… is there something here for me? Can you show me what you're after?" Hiro look into her eyes, trying to decipher what was going on through her head but he only met silence.

"Time's up!" Hiro heard the announcer through the speaker that his flight was ready to be boarded. Still… nothing.

"Sorry Gogo." Hiro turned around and started walking towards the boarding line. "Hope you have a wonderful life."