Disclaimer: I don't own DBZ.

"You damn insufferable woman, I should have destroyed you when I had the chance!" Vegeta was absolutely livid. He just couldn't fathom how she got under his skin so easily. He used to kill just because someone dared look him directly in the eye. Bulma, for reasons he didn't dare think of, was never harmed. Yes, the mighty warrior threatened the blue haired heiress. It didn't seem like she took them too seriously, which completely enraged him to no end. Vegeta refused to admit he developed a soft spot for her.

"Tell me why you didn't, Vegeta. I am after all the Saiyan Prince's princess." She flashed that irritatingly beautiful smile of hers. Although Vegeta wouldn't ever admit to such a thing, she wasn't wrong in her assessment. It just infuriated him that she was so fucking smug about it! During a night of passion had let it slip it, and she refused to let the mishap die. She continually mocked him until he could no longer bear it.

"Do you ever get tired of your incessant chatter? Your voice is like a screeching cat that doesn't know when to shut up!" He truly felt that his ears would start bleeding at any given moment. Bulma's eyes sparkled at this piece of news. Oh, she had the upper hand here. Vegeta just kept giving her the perfect openings. She raised an eyebrow at him. "Is that so? You weren't complaining the other night when I was moaning your name." Vegeta immediately blushed at her words. Check. "Y-you repulsive minx! Must you say such things? You are the Saiyan Prince's princess! I forbid you to be so vulgar!" Check mate.

Before he had the chance to stop himself the words came flying out of his mouth. He had said it again. He understood this is why Bulma acted like she had everything all figured out. Well, it wasn't an act so much as a fact. Yes, she was well aware of her feminine charms and how to properly utilize every one of them. He became a victim trapped in her web, and he'd remain stuck with her.