The Girl He Left Behind

I stutter, I stumble. Like I've got nothing to say.

(she loved him more than words could convey)


Ash Ketchum was more than just an idiot who had fried her bike. He was more than the annoying trainer she had followed for three regions just to get a replacement. He was more than the boy who saved the world on numerous occasions.

No. To Misty, he was the idiot that was her best friend. He was the annoying trainer she looked to for help. He was the boy she argued with for hours over nothing.

And despite the fact that Misty was truly happy for his progress as a trainer, she couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy whenever she heard him brag about his newest gym badge or his newest pokemon that he captured or even his newest friends and rivals.

Because Misty was the one who was supposed to be there with him. She was the one who was supposed to cheer him on or annoy him about the smallest of things. She was the one who was supposed to be the reason for his bright smile, the reason behind his happiness.

And in a way, she was.

Because Misty was the one who had fished him out of the river on his first day as a trainer. She was the one who had been with him through the thick and thins of the first leg of his journey. She was the one who he had shared all his first with—his first loss, his first gym badge, his first capture, his first league.

But she wasn't going to be the one who he shared all his lasts with.

Because Misty was the one who was stuck in a gym, doing nothing but battle and hand out gym badges. She was the one who wished day and night that she could go back to the good all days. She was the one who spent most of her time waiting for a boy who wanted nothing more than to become Champion.

Because Misty was the one who was left behind.

And for that, she couldn't help but feel jealous.

Because Ash Ketchum was more than just her idiot best friend that she fished out of a river.


(she didn't know that he felt the same way)