It wasn't until later that evening that Natsu and Lucy would cross each others paths.

Lucy had spent the entire day being dragged to every corner of the city by an overly enthusiastic Mavis.

How, you may ask, did she find herself away from all the potential classmate friendships she was suppose to make on this trip?

Unfortunately, those plans were thwarted the moment Lucy made the mistake of mentioning to Mavis that this was her first time in Paris at the exact same moment that the tour guide strapped on his mini microphone.

It only took fifteen minutes into the tour for Mavis to decide that she had had enough.

"But shouldn't we stay with the tour guide?" Lucy questioned as a limo pulled up, the driver quickly getting out and opening the door for the two of them.

Shaking her head in frustration, Mavis glared angrily towards said tour guide.

"His french is mediocre at best. I am from Paris and will therefore be the perfect guide." she reasoned matter-of-factly.

Lucy could have swore she heard Mavis muttering something about a "Quebec accent" and somthing similar to "tour guide my ass" as she entered the vehicle.

Alas, while Lucy did miss out on the experience of making friends with her classmates as she had planned, she did wind up having an amazing time bonding with Mavis. They visited the Louvre and walked in Notre Dame's halls. Mavis had even climbed the long spiral staircase of the Arc de Triomphe; in heels no less.

While it wasn't exactly the day she had expected, Lucy found it to be rewarding no less. Her bond with Mavis strengthened immensely and for the first time in a long time Lucy had a new female friend.

She had always read about these places and saw photos of them regularly in pictures and movies; but to finally see them up close and personal was like a dream come true. They even got special access to places that regular tours couldn't go.

'Mavis must be truly famous in Paris' Lucy thought as she munched on her dinner. The two of them were currently sitting in a private section of a fancy restaurant in the eiffel tower.

"So," Mavis's voice pulled her from her thoughts.

"Are you enjoying your time here?"

Lucy nodded, swallowing her food.

Mavis smiled.

"And what about at Natsu's place. Is he treating you good?"

Coughing slightly at the mention of Natsu, Lucy reached forward and took a sip of her water.

In truth she had to admit that the guy had started to rub off on her. Between their late night netflix marathons and cooking adventures, she had come to know him a bit better on a personal level. She didn't exactly hate the guy, but she didn't know exactly what it was she was feeling towards him either. He was a very frustrating young man and had a nasty habit of teasing her to the brink of anger. However she had also seen other sides of him where he shows genuine concern for her well being.

Lucy was about to complain about the pink haired demon in question, however she caught the strange way Mavis was looking at her. The small girl almost looked concerned.

"Natsu's been fine." Lucy began. "I'm actually adjusting rather well, given the circumstances."

Mavis let out a small breath of what sounded like relief and cracked a wide smile.

"Natsu eh? He must be making progress if he's finally gotten you to drop the whole 'Mr. Dragneel' nickname." Mavis winked.

A faint blush began to creep up Lucy's neck at the girls teasing.

"I-i-it's not like that." She stuttered.

"Not like what?" Mavis nudged.

If someone would put a tomato next to the current Lucy, they would be hard pressed to distinguish which of the two were redder.

"I've decided I just cant simply keep calling him Mr. Dragneel much longer. It would be strange once were officially engaged to not call him by his first name. I might as well get used to it." Lucy tried to argue.

Taking a long sip from her exotic looking drink, Mavis's grin turned into a full on maniacal smile. Snapping her fingers, the petite girl beckoned the waiter and told him to bring Lucy one of what she was having.

Where the hell is she.

That question had been asked again and again all day in Natsu's head as he suffered through what must have been the most lacklustre tours of all time. He had hoped to be in the same group as her, yet Mavis had somehow spirited his bride-to-be away when no one else was looking.

Upon getting back to the hotel after exploring the city all day, Gray had left to his room leaving Natsu stationed at the lobby in order to ensure that the girls came back safely.

Checking the clock once again, Natsu huffed at the fact that it was now 9pm. The rug in front of the concierge desk was beginning to show tread marks from the amount of times Natsu had paced back and forth on it.

He was so fed up that he was on the brink of calling in his secret service to track the two blondes down. He would have to have a word with Mavis on boundaries. She couldn't just up and leave with Lucy without telling him first. That should be common sense. He reasoned.

Just as he pulled out his cellphone his thoughts were interrupted by what sounded almost unmistakably like a hiccup.

Turning towards the lobby front doors, Natsu was greeted by the sight of two very intoxicated young women.

"NATSHUUUUUUU" Mavis screamed loudly before covering her mouth at her own volume. "Oopssie"

"ShHhhHh Mavisss. We don't -hiccup- want to get caught!" Lucy stumbled beside her.

Natsu's face went white. How the hell did these two idiots get drunk? Better yet, how was he going to handle this.

Deciding he needed to hide the two girls, Natsu quickly walked up to them with the intention of guiding them towards the elevator. The only problem? He needed the girls key card in order to access their floor.

"Mavis, do you have the key?" he inquired as the girl fished sloppily into her purse.

"I had - hiccup - a blue key once. Open, gate of the water bearer! Aquarius" Lucy mumbled drunkenly as she squeezed her water bottle so tightly it exploded all over her.

Natsu's eye twitched.

Note to self. Never be alone with Lucy when she's drunk.

"I has gots the KEY! YAyyaYYYY" Mavis's volume control failing once more.

"Neh Neh Natsu!" Lucy perked up as if she had just now seen him standing there.

She began to reach towards him, her now soaking clothes beginning to turn more see through with ever passing second. Taking a step back each time she took a step towards him, Natsu held up his hands in efforts to ward off the intoxicated female. His back hit a wall as she bounded forward and jumped into his waiting arms.

Lucy sighed as she buried her head into his chest, Natsu's blush matching his hair perfectly.

He swore he heard her snoring however his thoughts were interrupted by the sound of something he definitely didn't want happening.

"Bye bye!" Mavis called from inside the elevator as the doors began to shut with her inside.

"Wait! You have the keys to her room! Don't leave me alone with-"

The elevator doors closed and Natsu was left standing in the middle of the lobby with a passed out Lucy in his arms.

"Great. Just freaking great."

A group of guys exited the elevator next to him and gave him an odd look, their eyes lingering a little too long on the soaking wet Lucy for Natsu's liking.

A sudden wave of possessiveness bubbled within Natsu at the thought of a strange man wanting Lucy.

Picking up his bride-to-be he almost snarled as he quickly brushed past them and slammed his own key card into the elevator scanner, almost breaking it.

The loud sound slightly jostled Lucy from her drunken slumber as the elevator doors closed with them inside.

Im cold...Why am I all wet? She wondered hazily as she leaned further into the warmth she was currently pressed against.

Reaching her arms up around his neck to completely envelop herself in his body heat, Lucy reached forward and planted a quick kiss on the young man's mouth.

Natsu was in shock.

Why in the world was she kissing him? Natsu's thoughts ran a mile a minute when the all too familiar taste of alcohol reached his lips.

Pulling back, Natsu was about to protest as the girl suddenly slumped against him in pure drunken exhaustiveness.

"Mavis I tolds youz I'd getss the hang of that french kiss ggreeeeting.." Lucy mumbled drunkenly as she once again faded into oblivion.

I hope you guys enjoyed it and review! The more reviews usually mean the more people will read:D Every one counts, even if its just a word! Also, If any of you are interested in watching a Nalu Gruvia manga music video I made, look up my video called "Hold Each Other ❤ A Fairy Tail AMV Nalu Gruvia" by Jada on youtube!