Overlord meets the Elemental Nations

Synopsis: The Tomb of Nazarick appears in the middle of Fire Country. How will Momonga and his NPCs accommodate to this New World of ninja?

Chapter 1: The Wave Incident

Part 1

"Dive Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game," or DMMORPG for short, were games that allowed players to enter the virtual world and feel as though everything was real. In 2126, a game hit the market that would make DMMORPGs even more famous than they already were, YGGDRASIL.

A game that allowed players near limitless freedom in customization of players, people soon began to think of YGGDRASIL as a synonym of DMMORPG. With 9 worlds, a level cap of 100, over 2000 different jobs, and over 7000 spells, the game was a booming success. And now, twelve years had gone by…


Standing before Aura and Mare, Momonga tried once more to contact… anybody with his [Message] spell. His first try was to contact a GM but with no success. There had been a strange feeling, as if reaching out to someone with his mind, a feeling not truly explainable, until the message spell ended.

He had felt a great sense of disappointment with this and tried again, to no avail.

His second try in contacting a GM had also been a failure.

Then, he had tried contacting all 41 members of his guild. No answer.

Now filled with disappointment, Momonga tried something that seemed ridiculous. He sent a [Message] to Sebas.


The [Message] had connected, and Momonga could hear Sebas' deeply respectful words flowing from the [Message] spell in his mind. This proved one thing, Momonga could contact people with his [Message] spell, but only if they were in this world. Even NPCs.

He was bewildered by what had happened and found it even more ridiculous that it had worked but was brought out of his thought when he heard more.

"… May I ask if something is wrong?"

"Ah, ahhh, forgive me. I spaced out there. That's right, how are the surroundings like?"

"Yes. It appears we are in a dense forest filled with animals of all sizes. I also noticed a small group of humans a few miles from the Great Tomb of Nazarick. How should I proceed?"

"A forest… Not a swamp?"

In YGGDRASIL, which Momonga was not sure if this was anymore, The Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick had been in a swamp, filled with mist, poisonous and inhabited by Tuvegs, frog-like demihumans.

"Yes. There is a forest around us."

"I see…"

"Momonga-sama, may I ask what I should do with the nearby humans? Should I depose of them immediately?"

There were a great many things that Momonga wanted to do but all he could do at the moment was grab his head and try to think. He had called for a Guardian meeting already, so he would have to attend that and see if the NPCs were still loyal to him. After that, maybe he could...

"Momonga-sama, I apologize for the interruption but the group of humans seems to be headed in this direction. What are your orders?"

Ugh, this was just too much for him to handle! Not only did he not have enough information, but now there were people headed towards the Great Tomb of Nazarick?!

"Stand by Sebas. I shall join you at the entrance to the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick."

"Yes Momonga-sama."

And with that he dispelled the [Message] before once again focusing on the two in front of him.


"Yes, Momonga-sama!"

"Tell the Guardians to wait here for my return. It seems I have something urgent to take care of outside."

"Of course, Momonga-sama. I shall prepare a legion of my finest troops to accompany you outside. Mare, go with Momonga-sama while I prepare the troops!"

"O-Of course! But, um, there's just one thing. See, I left my outdoors equipment in our room so, um, I need to go fetch it and might not be back for a while…"


Aura grabbed her brother's arm tightly and stared dead into his eyes with a slight smile. To Momonga, it just looked like a cute girl's smile, but to Mare, it was enough to fill him with dread.

"Mare, are you planning to disappoint Momonga-sama and reject escorting him?"

"Ah, b-b-b-b-but, um, ah."

"Ah, it's all right, I do not require additional escorts. Also, time is of the essence so I shall be heading out. Now."

And with that, Momonga activated the Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown. Everything turned black one moment before he suddenly appeared on the first floor of the Tomb of Nazarick.

From there, Momonga navigated the Tomb till he appeared at the entrance to the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, successfully avoiding any hidden traps on the first floor.

Outside, he noticed that Sebas was already waiting at the Tomb's entrance, bowing respectfully as soon as he saw Momonga walk out.

They were indeed inside a forest, not the swamp where the Tomb originally was. This added to the list of things bothering Momonga.

In the real world, all these strange changes would have Momonga crying from stress but for some reason, he didn't feel stressed at all. Noticing Sebas still bowing, no doubt awaiting further instructions, Momonga halted that train of thought for the moment and put on his leader's front.

"Sebas, how's the situation?"

"Yes. There are five people headed in our direction, fairly close to one another, probably a group. The first two seem to be adults, one with white hair and one eye covered, the other seemingly old and carrying a large bag. The other three are children. All five beings are humans. They are dressed in strange attire from green vests to orange clothes. From the way they walk, one adult and two children are soldiers of some form. They are approximately two miles from our location."

Momonga looked at Sebas with a blank expression, seemingly one of a wise leader who was processing his thoughts. In reality, Momonga thought he would get a headache, a heart-attack, and maybe even Instant Death all in one go.

'Five people are headed this way? And three of them are soldiers?! What in the world is going on! I don't have enough information yet, maybe I should head back in.'


"Yes Momonga-sama."

"… Let me hear your thoughts on how we should proceed."

"Yes. Allow me to thank you for listening to my thoughts, which are nowhere near your infinite wisdom."

'Eh? Infinite wisdom? Where did that come from?'

"Ah, um, but of course, Sebas."

"Yes. Well, I believe that we should send an emissary out to greet the foreigners. There's no telling what will happen so I suggest Momonga-sama to stay within the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick while I go out to meet with them."

'I guess that would work' Momonga thought silently. But, provided that Sebas were to fall in battle and the Tomb attacked, then what?

"And the Tomb?"

"Yes. As expected of Momonga-sama, your thoughts far exceed mine. Unfortunately, I will admit that I am not nearly as good as Demiurge in planning for these things. My humblest apologies."

With that, Sebas went back into his bow, respect radiating out of the man.

"Then, Sebas, I shall accompany you to meet these foreigners."

Sebas looked up and seemed to want to say something but stopped himself.

"Yes Momonga-sama. Thank you once more for listening to your humblest servant."

With that, the two were off to see these people.

'At least Sebas seems to be loyal.' Momonga thought as the two headed away from the Tomb.

Momonga then sent out a [Message] spell, this time to Mare.


"Ah. M-M-Momonga-sama! I a-apologize for b-before! I never meant to be r-r-rude! P-Please, punish me in any way you wish. I-If you request it I'll even… "

"Mare, that is enough. You are forgiven. What I wanted was to tell you to conceal the Tomb of Nazarick in whatever means necessary from the outside. Even though I forgave you, you will still be given a punishment. As a punishment, I want you to do the entire task yourself. But if you do have any problems, let me know.

"O-Of course Momonga-sama! Mare will make sure to make you proud!"

With that, he cut off the message, hoping Mare really could take care of everything alone, and hopefully by the time he got back.

'Oh, and just in case' Momonga thought as he reached out his hand, his hand disappearing into thin air before reappearing with a mask. He was too troubled to worry about how his hand had accessed his inventory in such a way, but it had worked.

Donning the mask, Momonga thought about how, back when he had first started the game, there had been a lot of people out there trying to attack him simply because he was of a heteromorphic race. He would take as many precautions as possible, including donning a mask to hide his skeletal face.

And with that, the two continued their brisk walk through the trees towards the five people, Momonga still in his Divine class equipment while carrying a Divine class staff, the Staff of Ainz Ooal Gown stored in his inventory till the appropriate time.


Team Seven, composed of Kakashi, Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke, were on their first C-Rank mission, to escort Tazuna the bridge builder to Wave Country and protect him from bandits.

Naruto was currently being his loud self, proclaiming to Tazuna that he would become Hokage and make him acknowledge him while Kakashi was giving a brief breakdown of the geography of the Elemental Nations.

It was a hot and sunny day, and the group of five were walking by a puddle on the road when all of a sudden, two people appeared from the puddle and attacked the group of five.

Within the time it took everyone to notice what was going on, Kakashi was already bound in chains.

"One down."

The two newcomers then pulled a cord connecting their arms to each other which had been wrapped around Kakashi, tearing him to shreds.

Or at least, that's what was supposed to happen.

Kakashi managed to Kawarimi before the attack hit, replacing himself with a log and waiting for a chance to attack.

Naruto and Sasuke put up a decent fight before Kakashi reappeared, taking down the two attackers. Kakashi then tied up the two that had attacked them.

A few things happened after the battle, including Naruto stabbing his own hand to bleed out the poison, before the group moved on.

Nobody but Kakashi had the feeling that they were being watched the whole time.

"I had wanted to draw out the ones who are watching us, but it seems I can't get a read on where they are."

"Huh, what was that Kakashi sensei?"

"Never mind Naruto. Come on, I want us to reach Wave Country as soon as possible."


Momonga and Sebas had watched the entire battle, along with some previous discussion that had taken place whilst under [Invisibility] spells. Momonga knew the spell when in YGGSDRASIL and had found it surprisingly easy to call upon even without a menu. Sebas had been given an item called the [Cloak of Invisibility] that allowed the monk to remain hidden.

Momonga was surprised by how the fight transpired. It was clear that the NPCs of this world had an occupation which involved protection, since four of the five people had protected one other person. Whilst the five could be players, Momonga ruled that out since these five did not carry items similar to any of the other occupations.

If anything came remotely close, it would be the "ninja" occupation, which allowed use of kunai and throwing stars. But a spell that allowed one to switch with a log and the chain weapon that the two attackers had used were foreign to him. Of course, Momonga didn't know every spell in the game by heart, but he was pretty sure that he had never seen a spell like that before.

"Momonga-sama, should be continue to pursue the targets?"

"… Sebas, continue to monitor these five, and take some others from Nazarick with you."

"Ah, Momonga-sama! I didn't mean to conceal myself for the whole time. I was planning to reveal myself, I promise!"


Momonga turned around to see Aura walk out from behind a tree about fifty feet away, flanked by Demiurge, Albedo, Cocytus, and Shalltear.

"As expected of Momonga-sama, nothing gets past his all-seeing eyes."

"Too true Demiurge. My beautiful Momonga-sama would never miss out on our presences, hidden or not. But in truth it was probably Ms. Flat-Chest over there who got us caught."

"What was that Shalltear?! You're just as flat as I am, wait no that's not right, I at least have room to grow, you, you, bra-stuffer!"

"What did you say pipsqueak! I'll have you know I was designed this way specifically by my the Supreme Beings, or are you calling their designs into question?"

"Silence Aura, Shalltear! We are in the presence of our dear Overlord Momonga-sama. Did you forget the main reason we came here today, other than protecting our liege of course."

"Sorry about that Albedo. And our deepest apologies to Momonga-sama" both Shalltear and Aura apologized.

"That. Is. Better. Now. On. To. The. Task. At. Hand. We. Have. Come. To. Swear. Our. Fealty. To. The. Great. And. Powerful. Supreme. Being. Momonga. Sama."

And with that Aura, Demiurge, Shalltear, Cocytus, and Albedo swore fealty to Momonga, right there in the middle of the woods. Momonga was also told by Aura that Mare had work to do so he couldn't come himself at this time but had promised to swear fealty the earliest moment possible.

And with that Sebas was sent off with Aura and a legion of Nazarick's finest with invisibility to tail the five humans, whom had shown some form of combat strength, while Momonga, after being convinced by the other Guardians to return, did just that with the remaining Guardians in tow.


– Hokage Tower –

Hiruzen Sarutobi was getting far too old to rule as Hokage. But it didn't seem like anyone would be taking over for him soon, so he would continue to work, maybe even till the day he died. With that depressing thought in his mind, his eyes glanced over the piles of paperwork on his desk before he gave a long and tired sigh then pulling out his pipe and giving it a small puff.

"I wonder how Naruto is doing."

And with that, Hiruzen pulled out a glass sphere from within his robes, a spying sphere which would allow him to track the movements of any person in or out of the village. In reality, the Hokage could be seen as procrastinating from the work before him. But Hiruzen was not procrastinating! He was merely watching out for the people of the Leaf, making sure the Will of Fire was always kindling.

The scene was basically what he had expected, Team Kakashi was guiding Tazuna, their escortee, to Wave Country, as his papers had told him. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary. He was about to shut off his globe when he felt a disturbance in the area. Knowing not to ignore his gut feelings, which had helped him survive many a deadly scene, Hiruzen moved the looking glass around the area until he found what he was looking for.

Around fifty feet from Team Kakashi was two figures, or at least that's what he assumed. The two were using some sort of invisibility jutsu to conceal their presence, the only thing giving away their positions were the small footprints in the grass where they probably were hiding. Even when one was invisible, their bodies still had mass and would affect their environment, a fact that many overlooked in the past.

Hiruzen watched as two missing-nin attacked the group, probably chunin-rank, and the obvious conclusion from said battle.

And yet, the two invisible watchers never left. Were they maybe after Naruto? He had received a report from Jiraiya not too long ago that an unknown organization was tailing the Jinchurikis. Could this be two of them?

There was no such thing as being too safe, Hiruzen remembered, and turned off his spying sphere before calling out to the Anbu hidden in his room to organize a team to support Team Kakashi from the shadows. C-Rank mission or not, this could still get quite troublesome.