Disclamer: I, sadly, do not own Fairy Tail


Lucy's point of view:

Today was one of those days that does not happen frequently. Master Makarov was going to announce something important this morning.

When everyone was assembled and had quieted down (which of course took about 20 minutes) he gave us the news.

'The council has picked five of the weakest mages of every guild to leave the guild for a year of intensive training so they will become better mages and there will be more people to defend Magnolia. They will go individually, when I say individually I mean alone. No one will be accompanied by people from the guild or from outside. Other than that, they can train however and wherever they want. Just try to keep the destruction produced to a minimum.' There was a moment of silence before the tsunami of whispers started.

Why was the Council doing this? What was the motive? Who did we need to be protected from?

Once the Master had silenced them he kept talking. 'The mages that, sadly, will be leaving us for a year are Droy, Jet, Nab, Levy and Lucy.' The Master spat the last sentence out.

I could not believe it. I was going to leave my family for a year because I was too weak. I had not notice the noise around me. People were arguing and throwing protests all over the place. I bit my lip hard until it bled and held the urge to scream in frustration.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, which made me wake up from my somewhat trance, and I turned to see who it was. It was Natsu. He had his serious face on and I smiled so he would not have to also be affected.

I left the guild and walked in a daze towards my house. I had to get packed, I would be leaving the next day.

I would go alone. No, wait, I would not go alone. I will have all my celestial spirits with me. Lots of my friends. I will work hard. At least I knew that much of what I would do.

'I can last a year!' I reassured myself.

Today was the day we would leave. The chosen five would go to the next village together and then we would go our separate ways.

Natsu's point of view

Today they were leaving.

'I can believe we will not see them for a year,' Happy said with his head hanging low. I nodded sadly.

Something that had been bugging me from yesterday that not Lucy or Levy were close to being the weakest of the guild. Something weird was going on.

When we were sending the five on their way I held the tears in. but could not keep them locked up when I was embraced by Lucy.

'Hey,' Lucy said as she looked me in the eye. She smiled a small smile but had sadness seeping through her eyes. 'Why are you crying? It is only going to be a year. See you soon,' then she said looking at me and Grey, 'Don't kill each other while I'm gone. I will be expecting to see both of you in one piece when I come back.'

We saw them all walk away towards the next town. Even before we could do it, Lucy had her arm up with her index and thumb formed like an L. We all stood quietly as we watched them go.

Lucy's point of view

When we got to the next village we all said our farewells. When I embraced Levy a tear rolled down both our cheeks.

'Good luck and be save,' I told Levy when I was walking down a track.

'Same to you, Lucy. See you soon.' She shouted back.