Hello everyone! Yes, I know. It has been forever and I am sorry for that. This chapter is gonna skip a few moons 'cause i dont know what to do. :\ Thanks to everyone who has read my fanfic and reviewed, making me a better writer. Thanks again. :)

Chapter 26 - Haunted

Froststar's POV

Starclan, a lot has been going on these past moons. Spottedfur's kits have been born... But I've only seen them from a distance. Mouse-brained fights have broken out. Why? I don't know. But I have a feeling it has to do with something about the prophecy. Lightningstrike is the only one that hasn't lost his temper but i've seen him glow. Fine. Don't believe me. I don't care.


Who is it now?


"What is it?" I exclaimed, annoyed, turning to the tom.

"Stonepaw started a border fight with Shadowclan." Spidertoe mewed, not bothered by her tone.

"Did they provoke her?"

"I wasn't there but there is a rumor that Bumblepaw was making fun of her brother."

"Frostfur's kit?" I blinked.

He nodded. "Yes."

"Thanks for telling me. I'll talk to her soon." Bumblepaw has been so much trouble lately... So has Stonepaw... and Blackclaw... and... nevermind.

"Stonepaw-" Froststar started before being interupted.

"Im sorry, Froststar! I don't know what came over me it's just that Bumblepaw-" Stonepaw cried.

Froststar flicked her tail. "I know, Stonepaw."

Stonepaw looked down at her paws. "Sorry."

"Froststar! I found Bluepelt's body in our territory and..." Leafstorm blinked his emerald eyes fearfully.

"Calm down, Leafstorm." Frostheart ordered. What is Bluepelt doing in our territory? "Come with me and tell me exactly what happened." He nodded, eyes wide.

"So tell us what happened." Cinderpool mewed calmly, eyes betraying her calm look. "Starting when you noticed something strange." Leafstorm let out a large amount of air.

"Hello?!" Leafstorm turned, hearing a swooshing sound pass behind him.

"Tell your clan to watch out." A voice came from behind him. He turned and a blue-gray She-cat with pure white eyes stared back at him.

"Who are you?!"

"You'll never know my real name but you can call me Haunted." A chilling Tom's voice mewed from the She-cat's mouth.

"What do you want?!" Leafstorm trembled.

"The Sparks." Haunted's erie voice responded.

"The Sparks?"

"Yes... the cats with pelts that shine. You know who they are... give them up. Bring them to the abandoned Two-leg nest in three sunrises (The magic number! XD ) and I'll consider sparring you useless cats."

"Why do you think I'll do that?!"

Haunted smirked. "You asked for it." The She-cat's body started to tremble and shake, screaming out. Her body fell over dead, eyes fading back to her original eye color.

Yeah, yeah, I know it's short but I'm honestly losing inspiration for this story. I have a couple of other ideas for stories that I'm thinking about starting up. I'll try to update Warriors High when I can as well. Thank you again for everyone that has read this. Love ya all. Snow out.