Cruise Again 5

"He proposed! That's wonderful!" Viper exclaimed. Tigress smiled with a slight blush in her cheeks. "Now you have time to experiment."

"Experiment with what?"

"You know, how the honeymoon is going to be like," Viper smirked.

"Um... we don't want to rush it. I already did by rushing him to propose," Tigress said a little ashamed.

"I think you did it just in time. Although, he was waiting today to do it," Viper said. It was there last day at sea.

"How many people knew," Tigress asked, taking a sip of her orange juice.

"Oh, everyone! Me, Crane, Monkey, your grandfather, your uncle Tai-Lung. I think even Mai knew," Viper replied. "Crane also told me about how you felt with me and him. I'm sorry we were so-"

"Don't worry, it was really my fault. I shouldn't have let it get to me," Tigress replied. "Although, you do have to admit that you and Crane take 'love' to some very interesting levels. I mean, is there any part of the ship you two weren't 'together'?"

"Well, there was the back of the jogging track, the sundeck, the rooms, and several of the hot tubs and pools," Viper listed.

"You used the pools and the hot tubs!" Tigress exclaimed. Then she started to shiver. "I will never be clean again." Just then, Po and Crane came back with their breakfast buffet. Before Crane could sit down between Tigress and Viper, Tigress pushed Crane's chair way over to Viper. Po and Crane were confused while Viper laughed.

"What was that for?" Crane asked.

"I was just making sure you and your wife had the adequate closeness to each other, seeing that you like to be together a number of places! Ugh," Tigress shivered. Crane just sat down still confused while Viper went on laughing.

"So, we have to start thinking about the wedding. Who to invite, what the theme is going to be, who's going to be performing the wedding-"

"Which closets I have to lock if you two are invited," Tigress interrupted. Viper laughed but rolled her eyes.

"I'm sorry, okay," Viper replied.

"Why don't we wait until we get back to Nashville to settle through the headaches," Po suggested. "Now, we enjoy the cruise. By the way, where is Monkey? He didn't come to the room last night." Viper spotted him and smiled.

"There he is with Mai," She said. They all turned around to see the fox with the monkey. Then they saw them kiss each other goodbye and he came towards them. They all had smug smiles on as Monkey sat down.


"We saw you kiss Mai," Po smirked. Monkey blushed.

"She and I were thinking of seeing each other. She doesn't live that far from Nashville."

"Lucky you," Crane smiled. "Anyways, back to Tigress and Po."

"Aw come on! I didn't get to tease him as much as I wanted to," Po complained.

"Po," Tigress said in a warning voice. Po pouted a bit.

"You know, I think I liked him better before you came into his life," Monkey mentioned. Tigress smiled.

"Well, today's the last day. What are you guys going to do," Tigress asked Viper and Crane. Before they could even say anything, Tigress said, "Actually, don't answer that. I already know what you two are going to do. Monkey, stay away from the pools and the hot tubs." Only Viper was laughing. The rest were still confused.

"I was actually thinking of catching the comedy show," Monkey said.

"Fair enough," Po said. "Are you taking Mai with you?"

"Po," Tigress warned.

"I'm just asking," Po said defensively.

"She's going as well." Monkey said, "What are you two doing?"

"We're just going to hang out together. Away from the hot tubs and pools," Tigress said looking accusingly at Viper.

"You know, I'm sure those things are cleaned very thoroughly. Stop worrying," Viper replied.

"Hmm," Tigress murmured.

"Well, we have to go. See you two later," Viper said, going out with Crane. Monkey left, too. Po and Tigress went to the sundeck, where no one was there.

"Well, this is another memorable cruise. We might as well work here," Po joked. Tigress laughed. Po stood behind her and wrapped his arms around Tigress and rested his head on her shoulder. They looked at the rising sun as they leaned on the railing. "I love you," Po said.

"How many times are you going to say that," Tigress smirked.

"As long as I live," Po replied. Tigress turned around in Po's grasp to smile at him and kiss him.

"I love you, too," Tigress said. "And I'm looking forward to spending the rest of our lives together." Instead of kissing, they hugged each other. They liked doing this more than kissing. It was more heartfelt and less arousing. Then a question came into Po's head.

"What was it with you and Viper about the pools and hot tubs?" Po questioned. Tigress smirked and told him. "THEY DID WHAT!?"

This would definitely be a memorable cruise.

The End