Welcome back again to this story! Once again, thanks everyone for following/favoriting/reviewingthis story.

Question/Answer time!

Q: Will the other canon Pokemon make an appearance too?

A: This is indeed what I would like to achieve, but I can not make any promise. I don't want to state a rule that I would have to break later on. I'll do my best to achieve it though.

Q: You should let Ash catch one/two/some regular Pokemon.

A: This would defeat the very purpose of this story. This rule is the very core of the story and the only one inflexible rule. There is much more to this story than having Ash simply showing-off with Legendaries. Not being able to catch regular Pokemon has much more implications and letting him catch even one regular Pokemon would completely destroy them.

Q: When is Ash going to find out that he can only catch Legendary Pokemon?

A: He will slowly become accustomed to that fact, but the truth and the reason of this will be revealed far later.

Q: I would like to advise though is that Ash should get attention, I mean, he has a Mew, a Mythical Pokemon so rare that it's said to not exist, and Ho-Oh, a Pokemon that grants eternal happiness. Do you honestly think that people will simply let it slide, between trainers begging to trade, Professors trying to get in contact with him, see these Pokemon and study them and evil teams wanting to either recruit Ash or steal his Pokemon, word SHOULD get around.

A: He will obviously get unwanted attention. As you said, there is no way for him to hide this for too long and hopping people won't spread rumors. Simply remember one fact: if you, readers, and me, writer, already know Ash won't be able to catch normal Pokemon, this is not true for Ash or any character of the story. Ash, at the moment, simply believe that he will catch at least one normal Pokemon before reaching Viridian City and so be able to hide his Legendaries. Professor Oak agreed to let Ash start with Mew for the very same reason. But for Ash's sake, he will be able to alleviate this a bit, as not every single trainer is able to recognize all Legendaries, so some of them will think that Ash's Pokemon are simply rare. He will also alleviate this a bit by using sometimes Mew's transform ability… But only after he will remember it, and only if Mew does not worsen the situation… But I've given an already big hint so I won't say more.

Q: Which Legendary Ash will catch next?

A: What about you try to find out in the comments? Those who got a hint by PM are obviously not allowed to reveal such hints :). Each reader can only give one answer and the first to find out will be granted by PM a hint regarding the story on the topic of his choice.

Q: Will he be helping other Pokemon on his journey?

A: Of course, he is The Chosen One after all.

Q: What would happen if Pikachu wanted to join Ash?

A: An "Arceus ex machina" (sorry for the pun) would happen to prevent it, since Arceus' blessing is absolute.

Q: When will Arceus realize his mistake?

A: At the same time Ash will realize it officially, they will find this together.

Q: When will the update be published?

A: Right now! Joke apart, if you're a guest, I can't answer your review without publishing a new chapter (I can't PM you if you're a guest!) so asking this question as a guest won't help.

Q: This shouldn't be a romance story, a lot of stories lose their way and suddenly the only thing Ash or his companions care is about their relationship.

A: Don't worry, romance will appear far later, and while it will play a role, it won't be the only thing that matters in the story, far from it. I know very well how some stories are literally destroyed by the sudden transformation to a near "romance-only" story.

Q: How often will this story be updated?

A: I had an initial goal to provide one update per week. As you can see, I failed to do so because a lot happened to me recently. I will try my best to update regularly though.

Now, let's go back the story!

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon



"Pokemon Speech"


PokeAttack/Narrative important information


Chapter 2: The first meeting

After bidding farewell to the older Ho-Oh, Ash took some times to bond with his Ho-Oh and Mew. Ash discovered that Ho-Oh was very kind and eager to train. After the bonding time was over, he recalled them and resumed his trip to Viridian City. This was until he heard a loud scream near a river.

"What was that noise?" Ash spoke to no one in particular. He ran to the direction of the scream, only to find a girl in a lakefront who had passed out and a red angered Gyarados who was attacking her. Ash took a quick look to be sure that no one was around and released Mew: "Mew, use Thunderbolt on this Gyarados".

Mew appeared and quickly complied. The shiny Gyarados was immediately defeated, receiving a super super effective attack from one of the oldest Legendary Pokemon not helping. Ash immediately took a Cherish Ball from his bag, but the lapse of time was sufficient for the unconscious Gyarados to drown back into the lake. Ash looked at the unconscious girl. She was in a bad shape so he had no time to go find the Gyarados in the river to catch it. He quickly recalled Mew after thanking her and took the girl in a bridal style. Ash lost no time and began to run to Viridian City. He used his Aura to enhance his speed. After 30 minutes, he entered the city.

Viridian City

Officer Jenny was currently looking at the entrance of the city. She knew, thanks to her informer, that some Pokemon thieves would be in activity in the area. That's when she saw a young boy running to the city and carrying an unconscious girl in his arms.

"Halt, I must see…" Officer Jenny began to speak, but Ash ran past her in a blur. She got irritated and began to follow the boy with her motorcycle, completely oblivious to the fact that this running boy was faster than her bike.

Viridian City's Pokemon Center

"Nurse Joy, this girl needs immediate medical attention!" Ash yelled as he entered the Pokemon Center.

The Nurse Joy gaped at the sight of the unconscious girl. She asked her Chansey to bring a stretcher and to bring the girl to the emergency room.

At this exact moment, Officer Jenny entered the Pokemon Center doing her signature bike entrance.

"Jenny, how many times will I have to tell you to not do that?" Nurse Joy facepalmed.

"Sorry Joy, but I only do it in case of emergencies," Officer Jenny replied sheepishly.

Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny decided to get back on track:

"Young man, don't you know it is illegal to attack humans with your Pokemon?" Nurse joy scolded Ash.

"You have some explaining to do, mister, why did you come in this city with this unconscious girl in your arms? You are a Pokemon thief and a kidnapper, right?" Officer Jenny added to it.

"But…" Ash began to say, only to be interrupted immediately.

"No but, how can you be so irresponsible to attack a human? This could lead to the revocation of your trainer's license you know," Joy replied.

"Admit it already, you're a Pokemon thief and a kidnapper, right?" Jenny added.

"ENOUGH OF THIS," Ash yelled with an Aura enhanced voice which could only command respect. Then he added with a sarcastic voice: "Yeah, yeah, you're right, I'm obviously a Pokemon thief and a kidnapper who had attacked this young girl until she was unconscious just to be able to bring her to the Pokemon Center, which is obviously my hideout."

The Nurse Joy and the Officer Jenny could only understand that their conjecture was stupid. Nurse Joy left to take care of the girl, while Officer Jenny remained, not amused by the yelling and the sarcastic tone of this young man.

"And who do you think you are, mister?" Jenny asked, with an irritated tone.

"Maybe someone who had not been given any chance to explain himself before being yelled at by two persons at the same time who screamed incoherent things?" Ash replied, with the same irritated tone.

Officer Jenny sighed, then replied: "Fair enough. Sorry to say that after yelling at you for no real reason, but since you entered the city, I must see an identification, it's mandatory as we are on alert right now."

Ash nodded and gave his Pokedex to the Officer Jenny. She took it and pressed a few buttons.

"I'm Dexter, a Professor Pokedex programmed by 'Professor Samuel Oak' for Pokemon Trainer, Junior Professor and Aura Guardian 'Professor Sir Ash Ketchum' of Pallet Town, Kanto. My function is to provide him with information and advice regarding Pokemon and their training. If lost or stolen, I can be replaced by a Regional Professor. Note: 'Professor Sir Ash Ketchum' benefits from an extended carry limit of 10 Pokemon," Dexter explained in his robotic voice.

Officer Jenny gaped. Aura Guardians were almost revered by Pokemon, even the worst rampaging Pokemon would be very very hesitant to attack a revealed Aura Guardian. For mankind, Aura Guardians were generally seen as representatives of the Legendaries and the powers given to them by their Aura were more than enough to back up this point of view. But that was not the only reason for her reaction: this boy was not only an Aura Guardian, but a Professor too! Junior, admittedly, but still a Professor. Professors were spoken very highly of and for good reason. One does not get the Professor status easily. To become a Junior Professor, you had to play a key role on multiple major researches during a few years and be appointed by both the Pokemon League council and the Professor committee. For a boy so young to be both was truly exceptional.

"Thank you for your cooperation, uh, Sir? Professor? No offense but your title is a little weird," Jenny said.

Ash chuckled, then replied: "None taken, I agree with you, a double title is long and confusing. I think the administration did not think anyone could have two titles at the same time. You may call me the way you want."

"Alright Sir. Since you are an Aura Guardian, I should tell you that some Pokemon thieves are expected to be in activity in this area. Should anything happen, can I ask for your help in the protection of the Pokemon Center?" Jenny asked.

"Yes sure, I'm not leaving the Center for today anyway," Ash replied with a nod.

"Thanks Sir. I must go back to my outpost. If you need my assistance, you can call me there. Goodbye, and thanks again!" Jenny concluded with a salute.

Ash then went to the phone area and decided to call his mother. After a few "Ring Ring Ring, Phone Call", Delia answered.

"Hello, Ketchum residence, Delia speaking," Delia began the conversation.

"Hey mom, it's me," Ash replied.

"Ash! How are you doing? From where are you calling me?" Delia asked.

"Everything is fine, I'm calling you from Viridian City's Pokemon Center," Ash replied.

"You are already in Viridian City? How did you get there so fast?" Delia asked.

"I found a girl who was attacked by a Gyarados, so I saved her and brought her here on the Pokemon Center. I had to increase my pace with Aura or she would most likely not have made it," Ash replied.

"Oh my little Ashy is always helping people right? Or is it because you have a girlfriend already?" Delia replied with a teasing tone. She then resumed: "But why did you not bring her to the Viridian City's hospital? Or why did you not use your Aura to heal her directly? You can heal both Pokemon and Humans with it no?"

Ash facepalmed, then replied: "Why the heck did I not think of that? I used my Aura to heal a sick Pokemon a few hours before. I can be so stupid sometimes…"

"It's OK darling, people tend to lose most of their common sense in the heat of the moment. You'll remember it, should the situation be repeated," Delia replied kindly.

"Yeah, I guess," Ash shrugged.

"So, changing the topic, if I remember correctly, you did not tell me who is your starter, right? Did you catch some other Pokemon in the road?" Delia asked.

"Huh, you could ask Professor Oak about it right?" Ash replied nervously, as he had no idea of what to say.

Delia frowned then told: "Ash Ketchum, you're hiding something to me!"

"Huh sorry mum, I have to go now, I'll call you later. Bye, I love you!" Ash replied then ended the call immediately after.

"That was a close call. It would be better if mom learned the news from Professor Oak… Speaking of him, I should call him now," Ash muttered to himself.

Ash then called the Professor:

"Hello, Oak's Laboratory, Professor Oak speaking. Please decline your identity, I can't see you on the screen," Oak introduced himself.

"Professor, it's me, Ash, you're looking to the wrong screen again, I can see your back," Ash replied with a sweat drop.

The Professor then turned around and said: "Oh Ash it's you, good to hear from you, where are you?"

"I'm in the Pokemon Center of Viridian City," Ash replied.

"So soon? You used your Aura to speed-up your pace, right?" Oak asked..

"Yes, long story short, I found an injured girl and rushed into Viridian City with her," Ash replied.

"OK, I won't bother you with that. I have an important question now. Did you catch another Pokemon?" Oak asked.

"You don't have a notification when I do?" Ash inquired.

"Only when your party is full, as the Pokeball would be transported to the lab," Oak explained.

"Oh, in this case why don't you check my Trainer's profile?" Ash replied.

"Why don't you tell me directly?" Oak asked with an eyebrow.

"If I told you who I caught, you would not believe me, so look for yourself," Ash conceded.

"Oh, so at least you caught a Pokemon, that's a huge relief… Wait a second, did you say I would not believe you? What the hell did you catch Ash? I'm going to look at this right now… No, no, no, no way! Ash, you're messing with me right? You used your Junior Professor's access rights to mess up with your profile, right?" Oak asked, dumbfounded.

"Absolutely not Professor, she is right inside of this Cherish Ball," Ash replied, pointing to a Cherish Ball in his belt.

"Oh my Arceus, it's…" Oak began to reply, but he fainted.

Ash facepalmed. He looked around and saw the Center was empty.

"Sister, come on out," Ash said while releasing Mew.

"Yes Brother?" Mew asked.

"Can you teleport to Oak's lab? He passed out when he saw Ho-Oh on my Trainer's profile. I'm in a phone call with him, but I can't speak with him if he has fainted," Ash told her.

Mew giggled, then replied: "Aye-aye Brother!" then teleported to Oak's lab. Ash could see her on the screen using a weak Wake-Up Slap on Professor Oak.

After the Professor woke-up, Mew teleported back to Ash who returned her to her Cherish Ball after thanking her. "So this is true? You caught Ho-Oh? How is this even possible? Ho-Oh disappeared hundreds years ago!" Oak asked, shocked.

"Professor, the Ho-Oh I caught is not the original one. She's her daughter," Ash explained.

"Her daughter? But I thought Legendary Pokemon were one of a kind, how can she have a daughter?" Oak asked.

"I don't know, but why were you in such a hurry to know if I caught a Pokemon or not?" Ash asked, changing the topic.

"I made a bet with Gary. If you were able to catch at least one Pokemon before coming to Viridian City, I would win and he would have to pay me 1 million Pokedollars. If not, then I would have to pay him the same amount," Oak explained.

Ash raised an eyebrow and took a serious and cold face: "Professor, you were gambling on me?"

The Professor shivered, Ash could be scary sometimes. Then he replied: "It was only to take Gary down a peg or two. You know how he can be."

"In this case, I want 75% of your winnings," Ash replied.

"But, it's huge!" Oak replied back.

"Maybe, but it's thanks to me that you won this bet. And if you only did it to deflate Gary's ego, it won't be a problem," Ash retorted, with a frown.

"OK, OK. Fair enough. I'll send 750,000 Pokedollars to your account tonight. But let's speak about Ho-Oh. Can you tell me how did you catch her?" Oak asked.

"I used my Cherish Ball to do so," Ash replied with a giggle.

"Ash, sometimes your sense of humor is very special," Oak replied with a sigh.

"Oh come on Professor, I'm not sure I still want to tell you now," Ash pouted with a Mew style.

"OK, OK, I withdraw that, can you tell me the story please?" Oak conceded on the spot. He knew better than trying to argue with Ash.

"As you wish… OK, when I was on the road, I came across a Pikachu. At first, I wanted to catch him, but I heard from him that he had a family to care for so I stopped my attack and healed him with my Aura. Then he told me he had a very sick son and asked for my help. I accepted and healed his son. Then I fed his family and got back on track. However, Ho-Oh was flying in the area with her daughter and she saw everything. She decided I was worthy to raise and train her daughter and asked me to do so," Ash explained. He purposely concealed the fact that Ho-Oh was nearby because she wanted to give him her blessing.

"Only you Ash… Only you… Still, do you realize that you caught two Legendary Pokemon on the first day of your journey? The vast majority can not even see one in their life!" Oak replied.

Ash smiled, then replied: "Yes I do. If this first day is anything to go by, then you should stop being surprised by me. Fainting thrice a day is not good you know?"

Both laughed during a few seconds, then Professor Oak resumed: "OK Ash, I have to go back to my researches but can you do me a favor? I'd like some of your research papers to be about your Legendaries. Can you do that please? I won't disclose them until you want to. But I'll have to inform Charles Goodshow about your two captures to avoid problems should this information spread."

"OK Professor, but only if you calm down my Mom who should currently be storming towards your lab. I told her to ask you about my Starter Pokemon and the Pokemon I caught," Ash replied.

The Professor paled. He knew very well to not mess with Delia. But getting research papers by Ash on Legendaries was clearly worth it. "OK Ash, I will. Good-bye and take care," Oak concluded.

"Good-bye Professor," Ash ended the call.

Ash went back to the lobby and waited for Nurse Joy to come back. After a few minutes, she showed up:

"I just finished the emergency care. I'll have to transfer her to the hospital though as I was only able to ensure her survival. It may take up to one or two months for her to heal seeing her injuries. Now, can you explain me what happened to her?" Joy asked.

"I was on my way to Viridian City and I heard a loud scream so I rushed to the direction and I saw a shiny Gyarados attacking her. I lost no time and knocked it out with my Pokemon. Then I took her and rushed here as soon as possible," Ash explained.

"Congratulations then, you have without a doubt saved her life," Joy replied with a smile.

"Thanks, can I see her now? I want to heal her," Ash replied.

Joy sighed and replied: "Heal her? You know young man, you're not in one of your cartoon…"

Ash raised an eyebrow but then recalled that Nurse Joy was not with Jenny when he introduced himself. He formed a tiny Aura Sphere in his hand and spoke: "I'm an Aura Guardian. I'm not in a cartoon or whatever."

Nurse Joy's jaw dropped. After regaining her composure, she spoke: "Sorry Sir, I would never have imagined that someone as young as you could be an Aura Guardian."

"It's fine, no harm done. Can you lead me to her?" Ash asked.

"Yes of course, follow me," Joy replied.

The Nurse Joy led Ash to the room where the mysterious girl was still unconscious. Ash walked up to her and used Heal Pulse for one long minute.

Joy could only stare in awe and shock at the scene. The girl was glowing blue and her wounds were fading from existence like if they never existed at all. Sure, she knew the legends of Aura Guardians and the insane powers they got, but seeing it first hand was something else. Being able to fully heal in one minute someone who had been very close to death and who would normally take a few months to heal completely, was something completely unusual, to say the least.

"I'm done, she is fully healed, no need to take her to the hospital. She still needs to rest though but she should wake up tomorrow morning," Ash said.

Joy took a few seconds to process what happened. Then she replied: "Alright, thank you Sir for your invaluable help."

"You don't have to thank me, you weren't the one I healed," Ash replied.

"Still, without your help, I would have had a hard time between stabilizing her and transferring her to the hospital," Joy replied.

"It was my pleasure, I'm going to bed now, good-bye and see you tomorrow," Ash replied.

"Do you want a room? Aura Guardians do not have to pay for a room," Joy asked.

"It won't be required," Ash replied as he took out his Professor card.

The Nurse Joy gaped, this boy was also a Professor. What next? The Chosen One while you are at it? She regained her composure and did her signature bow: "I wish you a good night, Sir."

Ash nodded and wished her the same. He then went to the main corridor, then to the "Staff Only" door. He tapped his Professor card to the card reader, and the door unlocked. Inside the Staff corridor, he went to the "Professors Room" door, and again tapped his card to unlock the door.

After he entered the room and remembered the times he went there with Professor Oak, Ash remembered when Oak told him how each Pokemon Center provided in its Staff area, a special luxurious room for the most highly ranked League officials, like the Professors or the Champions.

The Professors room was a gigantic luxurious suite for several persons, for example there was 10 king-size beds, in order to cover the case where multiple Professors were in the same city. This was something which was unlikely to happen, but the Pokemon League favored Professors very much, and preferred to be safe than sorry.

Ash walked in the room, which was obviously empty (it's not every day that a sanctioned League Professor is in a Pokemon Center) and released his two Pokemon, then sat on the bed he chose.

"Good evening Sister and Ho-Oh, we're in the Professors room of the Pokemon Center, we're going to sleep here tonight," Ash greeted his Pokemon.

"Good evening Brother," Mew replied.

"Good evening Daddy," Ho-Oh replied.

"I'm going to give you your meal and then we're going to bed, we have a long day awaiting us tomorrow, we're going through Viridian Forest," Ash explained.

While Ash was preparing food, he froze: "Something wrong is going to happen, my Aura is on the alert."

A few seconds later, he heard the voice of Officer Jenny on the city speakers about a UFO and decided to ensure the Pokemon Center safety. He recalled Mew and Ho-Oh to their Cherish Ball, and went back to the lobby.

"Nurse Joy, did you hear *BOOM*" Ash could not finish, as the central door of the Pokemon Center exploded.

This is when Jessie, James and Meowth, a Team Rocket trio, decided to do their entrance, reciting their awkward motto.

During their motto, Ash saw their uniform and understood they were part of Team Rocket. He was ready to destroy them but decided to scan their Aura in order to search for their malevolence. He was surprised to find none. He was also surprised to see a talking Meowth, but decided to shrug off that fact.

'How come I can not sense any evil coming from them? It's almost like if they had not choice to join Team Rocket… I can't destroy them, I have to investigate this more. But here is not the place to. Let's finish this quickly, I want to go to bed,' Ash thought.

"We are here to steal everyone's Pokemon, so hand over all Pokemon to us and everyone will be safe," Jessie told.

"You won't, I'm not going to let you steal any Pokemon from here," Ash replied with a cold tone.

"Oh, look at this, a boy who thinks he can stop us, Team Rocket," Jessie mocked.

"Oh, so cute, but so naive," James teased.

Jessie released an Ekans, while James released a Koffing.

"Hmm, I can't do a Pokemon battle, I have only Legendaries with me for now, but I know a way to end this quickly. Oh guy, I'm gonna love being an Aura Guardian," Ash thought.

"Koffing, use Tackle to make this boy fall," James said.

"Ekans, use Bind to restrain the boy," Jessie added.

This confirmed Ash suspicions, they were not trying to kill him nor attack him, only trying to prevent him to interfere with their plan.

However, he had no time to think, so he acted. Not wanting to destroy them, he only let his Aura flare a little, leading to blue glowing eyes and a blue aura around him.

"BACK OFF," Ash yelled with an Aura enhanced voice. Ekans and Koffing both stopped in their tracks.

Jessie and James froze to the strange boy who was glowing, but regained their composure.

"What are you waiting for? Attack," Jessie told their Pokemon.

Ekans and Koffing turned back to their trainers and shook their head.

Meowth, who was shivering, explained: "Guys, this boy is an Aura Guardian, no Pokemon will attack him because of one of the fundamental law governing the universe. The penalty for attacking a revealed Aura Guardian is worse than death itself."

Jessie and James gulped. What should they do?

Ash thought about what to do too. Since they had no evil inside them, he should let them go but he would have some explanations to give to Jenny and Joy, and he wanted his sleep so he did not want to be bothered with that. After a few seconds, he decided.

"I have some things to discuss with you but this is neither the place nor the time to do so. I'm going to blast you off gently to prevent the police to catch you. I expect you to be in Viridian Forest tomorrow. I will meet you there. Should you try to clear off, you will meet my wrath, and trust me, you do not want to," Ash told the Team Rocket trio privately with Aura. He then formed an Aura Sphere in his hands and used it to blast off the Team Rocket trio, destroying another part of the Pokemon Center in the process.

After a few minutes, Officer Jenny arrived. Ash explained to her what happened, concealing the fact he purposely let them go, and she thanked him for his help. She would have preferred to arrest the three individuals, but there was nothing she could do for that now.

After that, Jenny left and Ash went back to the Professors Room. He let out his two Pokemon and they had their dinner. They then went to sleep, Ash on the bed, Mew on his chest while Ho-Oh preferred her super comfortable Cherish Ball.

At the same time, at Oak's Lab

"MY SON HAS WHAT?!" Delia screamed.

Professor Oak sighed, it was going to be a long night…

Later on the night, Viridian City's Pokemon Center

During the night, Mew awoke and woke up Ash gently: "Brother, sorry to wake you up but Father Arceus just told me about a meeting and asked me to bring you there".

"Huh, Lord Arceus himself wants to see me? And where is this meeting going to be held?" Ash asked, astonished.

"Of course he wants to see you! You're The Chosen One and you have begun your journey. The meeting will be held in the Hall of Origin," Mew replied.

"I thought that only Legendary Pokemon could enter this sacred place," Ash replied, confused.

"Yes, but Father has specifically registered your Aura to allow you to access the Hall of Origin. For the moment, you will be able to enter it by asking me to teleport you. However, when you will master your teleportation, you'll be able to teleport yourself in," Mew explained.

"Why would Lord Arceus allow me to enter the Hall of Origin? Does he do so for every Aura Guardian?" Ash asked.

"Of course not, silly. As you said, it's a sacred place only trodden by Legendaries. Aura Guardians, like every other human or non-Legendary Pokemon, are obviously forbidden there, but you're much more than an Aura Guardian, Brother, you're The Chosen One. You being the strongest Aura Guardian is only one of the numerous consequences of you being The Chosen One, not the other way round," Mew explained.

"Alright, sorry. When are we going?" Ash asked.

"Right now, ready when you are, Brother," Mew replied.

"Let me change clothes, I'm not going to meet Lord Arceus in my pajamas," Ash concluded, scratching the back of his head.

Mew giggled. After a few minutes, Ash was ready and Mew teleported them to the Hall of Origin.

Hall of Origin, Antechamber of the Meeting Room

"Here Brother, the Meeting Room is behind these doors. Everyone is there already. When we enter, I'm going to go to my seat. Father Arceus will welcome you and give you a seat," Mew explained.

"Huh, when you say 'everyone' do you mean that this meeting is not Lord Arceus and us?" Ash asked.

"Of course not, every Legendary is here, the original ones I mean, not their offspring," Mew replied.

Ash gulped, not knowing what to expect, but he took his courage in both hands and opened the door.

Hall of Origin, Meeting Room

Ash set foot in the magnificent meeting room, and could not help but to be captivated by what he saw. The room was the hugest he had ever seen and was so luxurious that he stay stunned for a few seconds. He was then brought out of his stupor by Arceus himself:

"Hello Chosen One, I'm glad to meet you in person after all these years," Arceus said to Ash.

"Lord Arceus, it's an honor for me to be able to meet you," Ash replied as he saw Arceus and began to kneel before him to pay his respect to the Creator, but was stopped by a very powerful Aura which could only belong to Arceus himself.

"No Chosen One, you mustn't bow before me like that. Also, please call me Arceus, I don't want such formalities between us," Arceus replied.

Ash needed a few seconds to process what happened, but then replied: "Huh, as you wish. Also, hello to everyone too, it's an honor for me to be able to meet you all."

The majority of the Legendaries scoffed and did not reply, but Lugia turned to The Chosen One and bowed his head: "It's an honor for me too to meet you, Chosen One."

Mew then entered the room and hovered to her seat. After greeting her fellow Legendaries, she took her place.

Ash saw Ho-Oh and decided to let out his own one. She tackled Ash to the ground:

"Daddy, glad to see you, but why did you release me? Shouldn't we sleeping right now? And where are we right now?" she asked.

He hugged her back and replied: "Glad to see you too, Ho-Oh, we're in the Hall of Origin. Your mother is here so I thought it would be good if you spent some time with her."

He then looked at the original Ho-Oh and said: "I know you two only separated since today, but I thought it was still a good occasion for you to reunite."

"It's fine Chosen One, and I appreciate the initiative, thank you," she replied.

Some of the Legendaries were wide-eyed wondering why Ho-Oh already gave her daughter to The Chosen One. But they were even more mesmerized when they heard what he said next:

"That's no problem, and don't hesitate to come whenever you want if you want to see her. You can also come to ask her to stay with you for some time if you want," Ash replied.

The original Ho-Oh smiled and nodded her head.

That's when Arceus intervened and asked everyone to regain their seat for the meeting. He then gave Ash his own seat, one of the two seat at the head of the table, the other one belonging to Arceus himself. This action irritated most of the Legendaries but they didn't say anything to not risk to angry Arceus.

The meeting began with Arceus asking all Legendaries how well they fared with their duties and if something important happened. During this phase, Ash stayed quiet but learned a lot about what exactly were the duties of every Legendary Pokemon.

When this phase was over, Arceus then talked about Ash:

"Now, last but not least, let's talk about The Chosen One. Chosen One, you just began your journey, you are still on your first day and yet, you have already done so much. I could not be prouder of your right now," Arceus said.

The other Legendaries were shocked to hear that from Arceus. Ash was shocked too, and took the floor for the first time: "Thank you Arceus, but why did you say that? I haven't done anything noticeable yet," Ash replied.

"Nothing noticeable? That is not something I agree with at all. You trained your Aura to such an extent that you were able to single-handedly save the life of two persons in one day without even exerting yourself. And I don't think that saving two lives in a day is 'nothing noticeable' you know. But let's not talk more, let's show everyone your first day," Arceus said, showing everyone a flashback of Ash's day.

At the end of the flashback, the other Legendaries were shocked, to say the least. Most of them, while not trusting Ash yet, thought Ash was worthy of his title, if this first day was anything to go by. But some of them were not convinced, and one in particular decided to reply.

"The only thing worth attention in this sappy flashback was the fact that this so-called Chosen One thought that he was worthy to call himself a brother of Mew, who is theoretically supposed to be one of the highest Legendary of the world. Fortunately enough, we all know Mew is useless and is still a Legendary only because she always whim to Father. Heck, she is so weak that she had to let herself be owned by a human," Yveltal replied with obvious sarcasm in his voice.

Arceus sent a murderous glare to Yveltal for insulting The Chosen One this way. He was about to reply when Ash acted before:

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Ash yelled while hitting the table powerfully with his hands.

"Who do you think you are and who do you think you are talking too?" Yveltal interrupted him.

"I don't care about who I am and right now I don't give a shit about who do you think you are too. You can insult me as much as you want, I wouldn't care at all, but I won't tolerate you insulting my friends or my family. You insulted Mew and I won't let this unpunished. I challenge you to a Pokemon battle," Ash replied with venom in his voice.

Yveltal chuckled, he always won against Mew in battle and he would put The Chosen One back in his place. "I accept your challenge O Chosen One," Yveltal replied with a mocking tone.

Mew hovered in front of Ash, she was uncertain, but Ash reassured her: "Don't worry Sister, we will bring this jerk down a peg or two, just follow my lead and everything will be OK."

Mew nodded, she trained for five years under Ash, she would prove everyone just how strong she became and she would do Ash proud. That was one fight she would not lose.

Yveltal lost no time to begin the fight and unleashed a Dark Pulse towards Mew.

"Mew, Teleport and use Miracle Eye," Ash ordered.

Mew dodged the attack with ease and reappeared not far from Yveltal and used Miracle Eye successfully.

"Perfect Mew, now hold Yveltal back with your Psychic"

Mew did as she was told and Yveltal soon tried to break free but to no avail. It was the first time a psychic attack had an effect on him.

"Mew, end this farce already, use Sheer Cold while maintaining your Psychic hold"

When hearing the name of the One Hit KO move, Yveltal began to panic and tried harder to break free, but was not able to do so and was hit head on with the deadly move. He fainted on the spot.

Everyone in the room gaped at seeing Yveltal beaten by Mew, it never happened before. Just how strong did Mew become with the help of The Chosen One?

Mew immediately tackled Ash affectionately. Yveltal always had belittled her and she was able to beat him for the first time thanks to Ash.

Yveltal began to regain consciousnesses and saw Ash coming next to him and use his Aura to heal him.

"Here, fully healed. I think learned your lesson. You may be a Legendary Pokemon, but I won't let you insult Mew, or any of my friends or my family. Should you do it again, I will not hold back. Understood?" Ash asked with a serious tone and a face that left no room for argument.

Seeing how badly and easily he was defeated, to not say humiliated, Yveltal decided to not make things worse, knowing perfectly well that he was lucky that Arceus was not the one who intervened, and bowed his head: "Yes, Chosen One, I'm sorry for my behavior."

Arceus then asked everyone to regain their seat and resumed the meeting.

"So, before I was unnecessarily interrupted, I was saying that I couldn't be prouder of you Chosen One. Now, there is a few things you need to know. Mew has done a very good job at explaining you what you will have to do on your journey as The Chosen One, but I still have some things to tell you. The most important one is that as The Chosen One, you won't have to answer to anyone but me. No one, be it human or Pokemon shall have any kind of power on you. Also, as The Chosen One, you will be able to enforce my laws and will, along with yours that you deem important. We will discuss all of this fully later at the end of the meeting. I'm also officially putting you as the head and leader of the Aura Guardians so you will be able to use this title as a way to legitimate all of your actions without having to reveal your title of The Chosen One. Lastly, I would like to give you a gift for all the training you did during these five years and because you took your role very seriously," Arceus told Ash.

Ash let all the information sink, then replied: "Thank you Arceus, but you don't have to give me a gift, I only did what was right."

"I still want to give you a gift. I'll give you a part of my Aura so you will grow more powerful, it will definitely help you on your quest and on your training. Also, with part of my Aura in you, yours will turn white like mine instead of the standard blue. It will be a way to prove your connection to me as only us will ever have white Aura," Arceus replied, hearing gasps from almost everyone.

After Arceus did so, he dismissed everyone but Mew, the Creation Trio and Ash. Arceus was accustomed to finish every meeting with only the Creation trio, Mew and himself, in order to cover the most important affairs with only the highest Legendaries. However, most of the Legendaries grew a tick mark because Ash was now included too.

Outside of the Meeting Room

"Seriously? How can Father include The Chosen One in the highest meeting? I thought it was already ridiculous to include him in our meetings at all," Darkrai said.

"Don't tell me, this is completely stupid," Latios replied.

"And you don't even know the worse," Palkia replied as he, Dialga, Giratina and Mew entered the side room.

"Oh, you're already there? It was quick," Groudon said.

"Yes, Father only had to tell us that from now on, The Chosen One would attend all of our meetings, the second part included, and that there would be a third part, with only The Chosen One and him that even us would not be allowed to attend," Dialga replied.

"What?!" Rayquaza interjected.

"I think most of you are not seeing The Chosen One the way you should," Lugia replied.

"Oh, really? Explain to us then," Giratina replied with a sarcastic voice.

Lugia sighed, then spoke: "I'm not in Father's head, but I think he wants to make a point pretty clear: The Chosen One is not a mere human, far from it. I'm only guessing right now and I may be walking a thin line, but we all agree that somehow Aura Guardians are to humans what Legendaries are to Pokemon, right?"

"It's a common metaphor used by both humans and Pokemon, yes," Cobalion replied.

"OK, now think of it this way, what if we used the same metaphor to say that The Chosen One is to humans what Father Arceus is to Pokemon?" Lugia replied.

"Isn't it a little too Farfetch'd?" Solgaleo asked.

"It's for the metaphor, but if you think of it, Father offered him the only other seat next to him at the head of the table, I heard that he planned to give him the bedroom beside his own, the only one the same size as his, and he explicitly stated that no one, be it human or Pokemon would have any power on The Chosen One. It seems like Father is taking an extra care to ensure that The Chosen One is treated the same way as himself," Lugia concluded.

Everyone stayed silent after that. If what Lugia said was true, they would need to change the way they see The Chosen One very quickly.

The Next Day, Viridian City's Pokemon Center

Ash woke up later than planned since he was tired after the meeting. He decided to go check up on the girl he brought here yesterday.

Recovery room

The girl Ash brought was currently thinking of what happened. She was fishing on the lake and was unlucky enough to fish a Gyarados. She had no time to run and was attacked. Then she lost consciousnesses and when she woke up she was at a Pokemon Center where Nurse Joy told her that an Aura Guardian saved her life and healed her fully in less than a minute. Like every humans, she heard the legends of Aura Guardians. She had never been the kind of person interested by fairy-tales and despised the stereotype of the princess in distress saved by the almighty prince charming. However, she could not help but think of the similarity of the situation, excepted that she was not a princess and that an Aura Guardian was not a prince either. And even though she did not like this kind of stereotype, she could not help but think of how handsome and mature the Aura Guardian who saved her should be to be able to save her from a rampaging Gyarados.

She was interrupted from her thoughts by the Nurse Joy who came to tell her that the Aura Guardian who saved her would come to see her in a minute.

She worried a little as she looked at the door, waiting for him to enter.

After a few seconds, the door opened and Ash entered the room.

"Hello, my name is Ash Ketchum, nice to meet you," Ash said with a smile while he offered his hand.

"… … WHAT?!"

And that's all folks! Sorry for being late, but I'm back. I will do my best to update regularly. Now, I'm hesitating on one thing about the story and would like to hear your advice about it. It's about Ash's catch speed. Should he catch a full team of 6 rather quickly and then lowering the catch speed when he get a full team or should the catch speed be slow from the beginning? Both are fines with me so let's hear what do you have to say about that. Thanks again for reading the story so far!