Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or Death Note.

Thank you to the beta HoldTheLineDon'tLookBack for editing the first chapter.

Summary: Yamamura Hiroshi has been telling lies ever since he set foot into the Yagami household; lies about his past, lies about his family, and most of all, lies about himself. How long can he keep up this ruse without forgetting who he once was. Or without spiraling into a symphony of chaos. Dark!Harry Creature!Harry

Guess My Lies

- Chapter 1 -

From Martyrdom to Freedom


It had been five years since his departure from that horrid world. Five years from that world that he himself wished hell upon for those wretched years of pain and torture. All he now desired was not peace or something as silly as that; only fools deluded themselves by thinking that peace was achievable. No, what he wanted was something greater. Something within his blood that called out in yearning.

But was it attainable?

From the start of his childhood, he had been misled, believing that he was a martyr of some sort, a savior that would bring an end to the suffering of his world and its people, even at the cost of his life. What an idiot he was. It was only after his sacrifices to save them that the people he worked so hard to protect betrayed him in the worst possible way.

They cursed him to spend his last remaining days in Azkaban.

Their reason was that he was transforming himself into the next Dark Lord, the next monster.

Oh, how it had pained him to hear these words from the lips of the people he loved. Those cruel words pierced his heart, carving out wounds that fit the thorn names of each person that had turned against him.

Night after night he wasted away in the dark prison cell with only the company of horrific nightmares to keep him going. And those things, those things that roamed in the darkness and searched deep into his soul, sucking out every inch of his happiness, and his mind. If truth be told, he let this happen. It was his fault from the start. He chose to believe all the stuff he was told, and now he faced the consequences of his actions.

So with open arm he welcomed his punishment, as it served as a reminder. He let his sanity fade away with the rest of him. After all, in a place like this the only way to survive was to delve into the darkest depths of madness.

But there was one thing that he would never forget in this abyss.

His name.

There was power within a name.

Harry. His name was Harry.

But that all changed when Death came to visit.

It had come with a promise, but also a price.

Harry accepted.


The veil had opened.

One step... two steps... three steps...

Slowly he walked.

Towards what, he did not know.

Cold. All he felt was cold.

Its icy touch burned.

And at his back, a gush of red petals of a decaying rose danced in the wind.


A new world.

He'd been born into a new world.

The realisation had hit him hard for the first few days after his birth, but it did not shock him. Instead it filled him with excitement. He was greeted with the love of a new found family; a new father and a new mother who held him with such adoration that he could feel their deep affection for him. This pleased him. I can start over, he thought. And this time no prophecy would be in control of his life. He would be the one to choose his path in this life, and nobody else would get a say in it.

One strange thing that he noticed about this world in his five years of living in it was that there was no magic. How did he know this? Well, because he could feel it. The world was void. Nothing. Null. And it showed. This surprised him, and it worried him. Does that mean that I have no magic? He proceeded to dig deep into his soul and searched around till he felt a small, warm ball of magic. He sighed in relief. His magical core was still developing as he was young in body, but not in mind. This made life as a baby tedious as he was unable to control his bowels, which was highly embarrassing.

Another thing he observed about this world was that his parents were from an Asian descent, which meant he was too. This made life as a baby a little challenging as he would have to learn this parent's native language just like any other baby to be able to understand them, but after a year after his birth, when he was finally able to speak not babble, he was able to pick up the language very quickly and easily. It was Japanese, which lead him to the conclusion that he was in Japan.

Now five years had passed and he had lived a happy life with family around him... but that all came crashing down after that event. The event shook him out of his comfort, and it reminded him that he would never be safe.

Death had promised him that much.


Through the small bedroom window that confided him, Harry could see the somber greys clouds cover the sky causing no sunlight to pierce through them as they hovered above the city, filling the streets with darkness. And with the roar of distant thunder, he sat on the soft bed wrapped in a blanket to keep warm. He was currently in a large, white room that smelled so clean it hurt his nose.

Why? Was the only thought running through his head, as he stared out the window. He had lived five years of peace, so why? He knew that horrible things always happened to people around him, but did it have to be this? Did they have to suffer because of him? He had loved them; his parents. They had truly loved him back. So why?

He turned his thoughts to his father just before he left for the trip. The trip that was meant to keep Harry safe from all this, from him.

"Don't forget," his father told him with pleading eyes, as if he expected him to get up and venture out into the endless word, "that no matter how hard life gets, no matter how harsh the world may seem, remember that every person has a heart and it's that heart that will remind you that they were once a tiny baby wrapped in the warmth of their mother's arms."

Those were his father's last words. It was as if his father knew that this would be the final time that they spoke to each other, and he was right. Before his death, before his time would look at him sorrowfully and with pitying eyes, as if he regretted the cursed life he placed upon him. His father was a humane man who lived in an inhumane world. But before Harry could tell you about the yellow eyes and unnatural hunger, before he could tell you about the multiple deaths and inhuman strength, one word could be used to describe his father and that he was superstitious, which always caused him to stay up at night. Not because he could not sleep - no - but because the mystery behind the moon and stars appealed to him. And one night, in midwinter, Harry stayed up with him.

The room they sat in was cold and small, causing them to huddle together for any signs of warmth. Harry was four and the ring-ringing of the wind chimes were soft and hardly noticeable with the squeaks of the mice in the corners of the room. And looking up out of the window, the sky was void of all light except from the lifeless glow of the moon at the center. And as they sat, his father said: "Do you know why there are no stars in the sky? It's because God took them away, they were broken pieces of heaven that were placed there to protect us from the darkness. But because of our selfish desires he ripped them from the sky, never to be seen again, but one day they will return..."

But they lived in an inhumane world, after all.

A new, strange, inhumane world that he was now born into with a new mother and a new father, with a new name and a new identity. He would no longer bear that cursed name, but enough of that now. There is more important things to talk about; like how a week before his father talked about the warmth of a mother and just a year after he spoke about the starless night, tragedy had struck them. Harry's mother was dead.

"Hiroshi-kun?" said a voice from to the right of him, snapping him out of his thoughts.

Harry turned his head towards the voice and saw the nurse that had been checking up on him during the first few days since his admission into the hospital. She was a small woman with brown hair and bland features, making her look bored all the time, but this time she had a small, sad smile on her face. She must have come in while he was lost in thought.

"Hiroshi-kun," she said tentatively, as if she was treading on thin ice, "there are important people to see you. Can they come in? You can say no."

Oh right, my name is now Hiroshi.

Harry - no - Hiroshi looked towards the door and saw shadows moving from beneath it. It seemed like there were two people waiting to come into the room. So he nodded in answer. He was curious to see the people, since no one has visited him since he arrived at hospital. He had an idea about who it was though.

The nurse moved towards the door and opened it. In came two men. One was a fairly tall man with rectangular glasses and the other was a middle aged man with grey streaks in his hair. Both were wearing formal clothing. The air of seriousness that they had around them made Hiroshi's eyes narrow at them in suspicion. They displayed themselves like hardened men that had gone to war and had survived by the way they approached him, but what surprised him was that they had kind expressions on their faces when they gazed at him.

The older man grabbed the chair that was next to the wall and moved next to his bed and sat down. The one with glasses stayed standing and his eyes never left him.

"So you must be Hayate's son? Hiroshi-kun, am I right?" Asked the elder man.

Hiroshi nodded.

The man smiled. "My name is Kinoshita Jirou and the man standing is Yagami Soichiro. We were friends of your fathers."


"So your police men, too?" Hiroshi questioned in his child like voice.

Kinoshita smile widened. "Yes, we are."

So I was right.

He guessed that police men would come to visit him sooner or later. After all, what happened that night was worthy of the police's attention.

"And we are here to ask you some questions, okay? But if the questions I ask you hurt you in any way tell me and I will stop."

"You're here to ask about dad, aren't you? About what happened that night?" Hiroshi said bluntly. He did not want to beat around the bush. He knew that they would question him lightly because he was a child, but he wanted to get this over and done with.

This made Yagami's eyes blink in shock, but Kinoshita carried on smiling.

"Your father always told us that you were a clever child. Yes I am. So can you please tell us what happened that night?"


And he told them. The night before his father's death he and his father were packing to go on a trip that was meant to keep him safe, but he did not know what from. All he knew was that because of his father's work they were in danger. His mother had already died from that danger and from what he could tell from his father's behavior, Hiroshi was next. So to keep him safe his father planned a trip that would take them away from the city, but the plan failed.

"That night dad heard a sound from the kitchen and told me to hide in the bedroom. I did. I hid in the wardrobe and that's when I heard fighting downstairs. After a few minutes there was silence. I was scared. I did not want to go out of the wardrobe in case of someone other than my father was there waiting for me. So I waited for my father to call me, but he never did. Then came the smell of smoke. Something was burning and I jumped out of the wardrobe and ran to the door, but something was blocking it. Smoke filled the room and the door handle was so hot that I could not touch it. I was stuck. Then I passed out."

During his story the smile slid off Kinoshita's face and he peered at him with a cold expression. His eyes were filled with silent fury. Yagami looked the same. When he finished the story Kinoshita spoke up and said, "I promise you, Hiroshi- kun, we will find the man who has done this to your family."

"Does this mean that dad is dead?" Hiroshi asked in a small voice looking down. He held the blanket tighter when he felt his eyes start to sting.

Silence filled the room.

"Yes." Kinoshita finally said. "He was killed. So was your mother."

Hiroshi's eyesight became blurry as tears fell out of his eyes. He had lost a family again and he could do nothing about it. Was he that hopeless that he could not even protect the people he loved?

"Hiroshi-kun," said a soft voice, causing Hiroshi to look up.

It was Yagami.

He stared at him with a kind face and said, "There is something I would like to offer you, but that's only if you want it. I would like you to come and live with my wife and me after you get out of the hospital. We have a son who is the same age as you as well as a daughter. My wife has agreed to look after you and it would make me happy if you agreed too. Your father was a great friend to me and I want to repay him by taking care of his son, so would you accept?"

Hiroshi said nothing for a while.

"Would I not be a burden?" He finally asked.

"No. Never," Yagami replied.

"Okay then."

Yagami's lips curved into a smile. "Good. You are being released tomorrow morning, so I will come get you then."

"We should be going now," said Kinoshita while turning towards the nurse who was still in the room. She was staring at him with pitying eyes.

"Oh yes. Follow me." She said, breaking herself out of her thoughts.

"Bye Hiroshi-kun," said Kinoshita while getting up from the chair.


Then they all walked out of the room leaving him all by himself and the only thought going through his head after they left was that he told lies to the Police. But they must never find out what truly happened. He must protect his family's secret in the same way he should have protected his family.

Hiroshi stared at the closed door and locked it with a quick spell, to make sure that no one would come in. He then looked down at his hands and took the glamour charm, which he had on for a week, off. Instead of small pale hands with smooth skin, a patch of white scales slowly appeared over the back of his hands and ran up his arm, but the skin on his fingers and knuckles were normal. However, his nails were black and sharps as claws. Hiroshi knew how he must look because his mother was the same. As pale as death with pure snow-like scales and poisonous yellow eyes, Hiroshi could see himself from the refection of the small window.

Out of everything he had said today, nothing was true except... No, he must not think about it now. This was one of the secrets that he must hide if he wanted to get what he truly desired.

And what he wanted was his freedom.

AN: I thought that I would explain a few things. Firstly, this will be a Dark!Harry fanfic so the themes will get darker later on and this would cause me to change the ratings from T to M, but not now. The rating will mostly change in chapter 2 or 3 because of what I'm planning. Secondly, this will not be a fanfic where Harry/Hiroshi chooses L's or Light's side. Harry will have his own side, but you will find out more about that in later chapters. Finally, there will be no pairing.

Constructive criticism is always welcome as it would help me to improve my writing, so please review.