Training Management

Gokudera thought he has to get used to this.

He moved into a 2K flat with a swanky posh place he could never afford. Japan's rates are highway robbery dammit.

'So Lorelei-san...' said Gokudera, 'Aside from helping protect Juudaime, is there another task that concerns us?'

'Yes.' said Lorelei. 'Now that we're alone, I can tell you. You cannot tell Tsu-chan or Yamamoto-kun.' she told him. 'You and one other will be on my watch. The other idiot will attack me, we fight and he will learn from his losses. You, you need full hands-on formal training.' she said. 'You have great throwing skills with great accuracy, good speed at your age but you lack in everything else as you're too much of a specialist that you neglected everything else.' Gokudera felt struck by her judgment. 'Not to mention you're hot-headed and have an attitude of driving away potential comrades. Reborn told me as he observed you three so you will be my student. I will fill you in on where you lack.'

'Oh...what about Baseball-Freak?'

'Astonishingly, his habits made him very physically-fit and a natural-born hitman and considering its Reborn who praised him, that means a lot and it took me when I was fourteen to gain that same praise.' Gokudera was floored that the naive baseball-freak has more potential than he does! 'Peak physical fitness aside, he has great reflexes, capable of striking back a projectile fired at him at 187 kph from his Ball Machine Training at the Baseball Cage. All he needs is actual combat training and some studying and his greatest flaw is his obliviousness and incredible naivete. Really, Mafia Game?' Lorelei twitched.

'You on the other hand, need a lot to work on if you ever wish to be Tsu-kun's Right-Hand. To be the Right-Hand, Tsu-kun must trust you above everyone else.' Lorelei told him. 'I will give you the education of one and the worst you can be is the best. Failure is not an option.'


'That, and we have to do something about your dismal eating habits. I checked your old apartment's fridge and its nothing but instant noodles because you spend money more on dynamite! You're actually worse than Tsu-chan in physical fitness and that's saying something that the only thing his body is better than yours is that he's not malnourished! You're eating healthy and plenty under my roof!'

'Ehhh?! But won't it cost you?!' Gokudera sputtered out.

'Oh, I'm filthy rich from my jobs that food expenses is merely a phone booth change to me even if this is Japan.'

Gokudera squawked.

'Now, our first order is shopping! And I'll teach you to cook incase I'm not available. I do work you know.'


'OK Gokudera, everyone's enemy in Japan, is the ridiculous pricing of goods here.' said Lorelei as they went to the vegetables area first. 'And imported stuff tend to be pricier than local goods as Japan has little arable land. In fact, for a person to live comfortably here, they at least, need a monthly income of 380000 yen if you live in an apartment and have good budgeting skills, as well as be an adventurous shopper who'd do anything for cheaper costs such as going to two or more different places to see where its cheaper in what, and buy in bulk what's on a 20% off or such.'

'On average if a Japanese cooks their own meals, they spend money mostly on food for main and side dishes as Rice and Condiments take a while to run out.' Lorelei lectured. 'Rice is over 4000 yen per 10kg. And it takes about two week for condiments to run out if you live solo while rice lasts one person about three weeks or less if they're big eaters.' she said. 'As for main and sides, you spend every day that in just one day for meals you want, expect to spend at least 1500 a day.'

'What could cost that much?' Gokudera asked incredulously.

Lorelei gave him a list. 'You do the Euro Equivalent yourself. ForEx constantly changes what I know is probably last week's news by now.'

Tuna 100g: 396
Horse Mackerel 100g: 117
Sardine/Anchovy 100g: 114
Bonito 100g: 250
Flounder 100G: 200
Salmon 100g: 280
Mackerel 100g: 110
Saury 100g: 78
Yellowtail 100g: 260
Squid 100g: 100
Octopus 100g: 290
Prawns 100g: 320
Asari 100g: 120
Oysters 100g: 390
Scallops 100g: 230
Pork 100g: 260
Chicken 100g: 135
Ham 100g: 220
Bacon 100g: 230
Milk 100ml: 220
Yogurt 1kg: 360
Butter 200g: 420
Cheese 100g: 190
Eggs 10pcs: 240
Cabbage 1kg: 190
Nappa Cabbage 1kg: 190
Bean Sprouts 100g: 150
Sweet Potato 1kg: 440
Potatoes 1kg: 330
Daikon 1kg: 160
Carrot 1kg: 340
Onions 1kg: 250
Tofu 1kg: 270
Apples 1kg: 500
Orange 1kg: 450
Grapefruit 1kg: 350
Pears 1kg: 530
Persimmons 1kg: 480
Banana 1kg: 220
Oil 1kg: 325
Salt 1kg: 110
Soy Sauce 1l: 220
Miso 750g: 320
Sugar 1kg: 200
Vinegar 500ml: 190
Ketchup 500g: 210
Mayonnaise 450g: 270
Curry Mix: 220
Yokan 100g: 220
Castella 100g: 200
Senbei 100g: 130
Croquette 100g: 140
Green Tea 100g: 580


'And this list is incomplete since I couldn't get the exact prices of Mirin, Katsuobushi and Konbu on websites. Its always different and not constant so I'd rather I see it for myself. And once a week, buy a lot of cheap fruit and down them the whole day along with meals for your vitamin Cs. Food supplies the rest anyway.'

And so, they shopped a lot of food that cost about 30000 yen...and Gokudera wonders WHY? There's even expensive stuff on board that wasn't on Lorelei's 'Cheap List'!


'OK Gokudera-kun, 'You will learn to cook from me so watch and learn. You can take notes if you like but that's when I'm done talking unless you mastered Shorthand.' she said as Gokudera was quick to take out a notepad. 'So for today's dinner its Unagidon. Unagi is rich in Vitamins A and B.' she said as she laced the Eel Fillets with Cloud Flames to make it contain more than it should without approaching Lethal Dose Levels of the good stuff. 'Its also a favorite summer food but because its very fatty, it requires quite the patience to make it tender so its a test on one's Patience Levels for the sake of delicious Eel. Just that, families with below 500k in monthly income don't buy it much. If they do, its only as a rare treat. Consider yourself lucky you'll have this for your entire summer!'


'For our side dish...guess what this is~' Lorelei smiled as she held up a still-alive Fugu in a large plastic bag with water to Gokudera's horror.

'Are you gonna kill us?!'

'Nope, because I mastered Live Fugu Preparation as part of Reborn's crazy regime under a hazard bodysuit! I got some as its rich in Vitamin D, which almost all humans don't have of much unless they're outdoorsy, something you're clearly not! We'll only have this once a month.'

Seafood aside there's also vegetables...and fruit.

Gokudera's healing process from Malnutrition has begun without the boy knowing.

Then again, flames are only visible to those who are Flame Active that as days go by, Gokudera's physical improvements will manifest in a couple week's time.

But back to present date...

Lorelei has a job.

As a witch, she can control Nana into shopping for healthy goods based on family monthly budget, then propagate their best traits enough for a day's dose by dividing safety doses while ensuring they don't go into LD Territory in a week. Vitamin C's LD is 725mg and Vitamin D's is 1.5g is such an example. Then their bodies are controlled in a way that it can absorb nutrition fast and for their bodies to develop properly.

Hibari on the other hand...needed 'quite the effort'. By altering his food tastes, he now eats healthy as well.

As for Takesushi, considering the Yamamotos eat from their store stocks too, all fish and seafood are dealt with too and being a witch, she can conceal traces of Flames.

And during that summer...

'I haven't seen Gokudera lately.' said Yamamoto as the two dropouts were working on Summer School work.

'Oh, I had him do other things for now.' said Reborn. 'Focus on your schoolwork!'

Elsewhere, Gokudera was undergoing intensive training and hard at work as upon determining his talents, it was where Lorelei struck hard in.

At school next semester...

Lorelei came in her own style as usual...

Hibari pounced on her and they fought...

'Hiii! Is this going to be a regular thing from now on?!' Tsuna's jaws dropped at the sight of the older teens fighting.

Hibari was doing all he could out of irritation, Lorelei just looked amused with his efforts.

'She's effortless with Hibari if you ask me.' Yamamoto noted. 'She's not even breaking a sweat!'

'No kidding...' "Then again he's her second job." Gokudera thought wryly. In the whole summer, he was oh-so-worn out but bounces back quickly for some reason when his tutor massages his weary body to make 'faster progress'.

In the whole summer from the first week of July to the last week of August, Gokudera gained healthy weight and muscle, and much-needed skills.

During sun out, he does physicals. Sundown and after a large early dinner, he reads books and notes while being encouraged that from the stuff he learns, he is to create his own style and technique that make him Gokudera Hayato. His skill set is to reflect his very identity.

He wondered who ELSE has Reborn's attention.


As a passionate Boxing Freak, Sasagawa Ryohei lives 'to the extreme' as his motto and slogan.

His eating and training habits to hone himself made him the school's most muscular teenager, being slim with very developed and pronounced muscles made better in the weeks Lorelei was in Namimori unknown to him.

That, and he's gotten into studying as well in the summer while 'under control' and with Time-Turners giving him a huge sense of dejavu when conscious.

But somehow, he feels extremely confident lately!


'So Lorelei, how's your entire summer?' Reborn asked Lorelei as they met one midnight.

'Very the extreme you can say.' Lorelei chuckled. 'The boys you chose have developed well but I'm worried about Lambo. He's Tsu-chan's Lightning yet barely out of his diapers and not-too-smart I have to Compel him into studying and eating well instead of the junk he favors. Come February I'll begin his training.'

'I figure as much.' said Reborn. 'Sorry for overworking you.'

'Its OK, Vongola pays me handsomely anyway!' Lorelei grinned. 'Being popular with the bigwigs sure gives us fat wallets!'

'Heh, you outrich the entire Vongola Alliance by yourself you know.' Reborn scoffed. 'By outriching the biggest mafia alliance, you outriched all families combined you got the fattest wallet out of any mafia dons I know.'

'Well, I'll still work for money anyway. I'm not like other rich families who bankrupt themselves in a bid to show off. I outriched every family in Britain by now Sirius has to work a lot to keep opportunistic octopuses off of me since he approves what kind of man I want but sadly, nobody there fits the bill.' Lorelei sighed. 'Does even such a man exist?'

'They do. All you have to do is look.' said Reborn. 'You want a man as strong as you, love you as a woman not for your money and repute and be a good family man. For all you know such a man is close by. But don't rush especially in matters of the heart.'

'I know. I won't be like most of my kind who'll marry at 18 or something...' Lorelei snorted. 'I guess I've seen a lot of bad things in my life I learned to see what's really good worth keeping.'

'If you're as old as I am, you'd see much more.'



Lorelei maintained being a tutor to Gokudera and distant Nutritional Healer.

Her time in school is mostly monopolized by Hibari and their sparring with close combat.

However, after school...regime changed.

'Hibari-chan.' said Lorelei as she pinned Hibari down on submission. 'Since I have a student, we'll have to work on scheduling.' she said.

'What schedule?'

'You and my student will take turns physical training and sparring with me.' said Lorelei. 'I have made arrangements for October and you will start physical training following my instructions while my student undergoes combat and weapons...then you switch.' she said. 'You think my full strength was on our sparring days? Bitch, please...' Lorelei snorted as she took off her shoes. 'Try lifting my shoe.' Hibari looked at her, then at her shoe as she got off him.

When he did, he had trouble, even with both hands!

'My shoes weigh 500kg each by the way and so do the cuff bracelets I wear.' Hibari's look at her was priceless. My goal was to reach a ton's worth of strength and maximum speed but with careful training as to not end up like women in Marvel Comics or something.' Lorelei shivered. 'Noooot beautiful at all! But this is something only we can do. Or people like us. Nobody else can. Not even my student can do this.' she said. 'So, up for it?'

'If it means defeating you, I'll do what it takes, Omnivore.' Hibari grunted, making her giggle.

'Cute~live up to that promise Hibari-chan, I'm veeeeeery strict~' Lorelei had a mischievous smile on her face before kissing him again.

'Why're you kissing me?!'

'Where I come from its normal for a girl to kiss a man they deem under them.' Lorelei smirked as Hibari got angry crosshairs at being reminded he was weaker than her. 'If a man redeems himself, its his turn to kiss that girl to finally prove he's better than her. Work hard~'