Kyle cried, holding a picture of him and Cartman. In the picture Cartman was holding Kyle's waist, kissing his neck and Kyle was laughing. Tears fell onto the picture. They had just had a fight. No, not a normal insult fight, a real one. It ended with Cartman hitting Kyle. Kyle get scared and ran out of the house. The red head cried harder and hurried his bruised face into his green hoodie. He didn't even notice the footsteps coming closer towardsg- him...
He jumped in fear as two arms gently hugged him from behind. Two shaking arms.
"I'm so sorry..." He heard a voice say from behind him.
"G-go a-away!" Kyle stammered through tears. He felt a kiss being placed on his back.
"I didn't mean to hurt you. I'm so so sorry we fought, Ky!" Cartman sniffed and held onto Kyle tighter.
"I-I-I'm sorry t-too," the red head whimpered and turned around to bury his face in his boyfriend's chest. Cartman rubbed Kyle's back and stroked his red curls.
"I love you..." Kyle mumbled into Cartman's chest.
"I love you too," Cartman replied.