18 Years

Hello everyone, this is my first ever chapter of my first ever story. I hope you like it. It is an Alvin and The Chipmunks, Ice Age and Hotel Transylvania mix.

I am doing this fan fiction with Chipettelover16 so check out her fan fictions as well.

Note: I do not take credit for any of this. I am just a big fan. I do not own Simon, Jeanette, Manny, Ellie, Peaches, Crash or Eddie. These characters belong respectively to Bagdasarian Productions and Blue Sky Productions, the proud owners of Alvin and the Chipmunks and Ice Age. Also later, if Hotel Transylvania is involved, that belongs to Sony Pictures Animation.

All of these movies are fantastic and I am just a big fan.

This is a story about a little girl named Jeanette. She is a 9-year-old girl but has lived a life. Every day feels like it's a month, every week, a year, ever since she lost him. She was an adopted child who was adopted by a family of who already had one child. The parents of her were named Manny and Ellie. She also had two uncles named Crash and Eddie. She also had a sister named Peaches.

She was beautiful and this family took her in. She lives in a tree house with her mom, Ellie, her dad, Manny and her sister Peaches. Nothing in her life could've been better except for one thing her dad was super protective. Manny would not let Jeanette out of his sight for 1 second. Manny kept Jeanette in the tree house for most of the day either alone or with Peaches and when they did go out, Manny kept a close eye on her. Sometimes, she wishes she could run away as she gets mad at Manny so many times but she can't.

Every night when she's about to go to sleep, she thought of what it would be like if she wasn't adopted by Manny and Ellie. When her mind flicked to that, she also remembered a particular boy her same age. His name was Simon and he was the most handsome boy in the adoption Centre in her thoughts. While they were in the adoption Centre, they use to be the best of friends. He did things for her and she did things for him.

When Manny and Ellie adopted her a year ago, a family also adopted him but they haven't seen each other since they were split. She has been thinking of him for the past year every night. She missed him so much and wished that she could see him again. Unfortunately, her dad doesn't allow Internet so she can't try to find his records and Manny said she was never to meet him even if she did find him or he found her. It's like Simon was completely taken out of her life and now she can only dream of him. She always hoped she would see him again.

Well, there is the introduction to my first ever story. My first ever chapter. So many questions after this. Will Jeanette see Simon again? What will happen? I am also working with Chipettelover16 on this fan fiction. She will make Chapter 2 of this story, which will be much better than this first chapter. Well if you liked this, please like and comment what you think. Thanks