The Least Likely Player P3

Previously: "Then it's settled. Tomorrow, Raph's going to race Mikey." And they all went their separate way to go home. But, Raph, Leo and Donnie were going to get a bit of a shock tomorrow afternoon, but why? Wait and see.

The next day the team arrive at the training field just as Snow was, but Mikey wasn't with him. Yesterday Mikey arrived before his brother and seemed really excited about being allowed to come to his practice games, so why wasn't he here? Raph thought he'd ask the white-haired male as they go changed into their kit. "Hay Snow." Raph called, getting Snow's attention away from staring at his phone like it was having a staring contest with him. "Where's Mikey got ta?" Raph asks, everyone waiting for an answer but we're able to pretend they were doing their own thing.

Snow looked back at his phone for a second breathing out slowly almost like a sign, just without the sound, closing his eyes as he did so. Snow looked back at Raph with a serious look on his face, but Raph could somehow see a twinge of sadness hidden behind his ocean eyes. Snow finally shrugged his shoulders as his answer. Raph looked at him in confusion. How could he not know? Then Snow opened his mouth. "He does Art today, but it finished a while ago." Snow explained simply in his deep voice. Snow really wasn't one for conversation. If he voiced an answer, and that was a big if, then he would make the answer as short as possible.

"And I'm guessing by the way you keep looking at your phone, he normally calls to say if he's staying overtime?" Donnie questions. Snow nods his head looking back down at his phone.

"So basically, because his class finished a while ago and he hasn't called you're worried?" Steve, who was the shortest player on the team at 5 foot 10 asked to clarify the reason for their newest team member's behaviour. Snow nods his head and desires to go outside, obviously not wanting to be bothered anymore. Soon everyone followed in his action and went outside were Splinter was waiting. Suddenly the cheerleaders showed up for their morning practice, now the team was used to sharing the field with them today, the only problem was that Diana had brought her more than annoying boyfriend, Shawn with her and he always knew how to get on the wrong side of people, especially Raph.

"Hello losers." Shawn greater with a sneer.

"They obviously are losers considering there the ones doing something with their lives." A very familiar voice mocked. They all looked to see Mikey standing there with a more then comfortable look about him, he's obviously been it a situation that needs a jokester before. Take the way he talked to Raph when they first met as an example if you like.

"Oh so I'm the loser? Why don't you try saying that to my face freak!" Shawn proclaimed in anger. Raph was about to get involved, not liking where he thought this was going but Snow stopped him with a knowing smile.

"I thought I just did." Mikey states with a mischievous smile creeping its way onto his lips. "Oh well, I guess that mean I didn't." Mikey shrugs his shoulder with an expression that said he wasn't bothered one way or another, this made Shawn mad.

"No, no, no, no. Say it right now." Shawn demanded as he squared up to Mikey.

Mikey looked up at him with a confused, innocent expression. "So you want to be called a loser?"

"Yes!...No!...It doesn't matter I'm leaving!" Shawn states as he walks off.

"Mikey." April said with a smile. "I think he needs to cool off, don't you?" Mikey smile grow as he looked at her and then at Snow how smirked as he nods his head just one.

"Watch this guys." Mikey tells the team, so they do. Mikey pulls out a water balloon from what seems like nowhere, takes a few steps back and concentrates on Shawn carefully before running forward a few steps and throwing the balloon that catapults across the field and hits Shawn right on the back of his head. Shawn froze for five seconds before turning around with a surprised look on his face making Mikey and the team burst out into laughter.

"Do you want a piece of me small fry?" Shawn asked angrily, his hands curling into fists.

"Maybe I do." Mikey smiled mischievously as his right leg and arm went beck bending his legs and elbow like was getting ready to run right at Shawn. April and Snow smirk for they were the only one who knew what was going to happen next.

To Be Continued

Sorry it took so long, hope you liked it :)