At 13:00 hours, Harry, Daphne and Astoria left Hogwarts for the Ministry for the long-awaited trial of Sirius Black. He firstly, met him, along with Amelia Bones and two Aurors, Shacklebolt and Tonks. 'Introductions are in order,' Harry said, 'these are my wives, Daphne and Astoria.' 'The Kiss-Magical-Marriage,' Sirius said, knowingly. 'Yes,' Harry said. 'It is a pleasure to meet you both,' he said, with a twinkle.

When they got to the ministry, they went straight down to courtroom 10. The entire Wizengamot were present. 'What is the meaning of this meeting,' Fudge said. 'I am calling a trial of Sirius Black,' Bones said. 'He is an escaped fugitive. He should immediately get the Kiss.' 'I have evidence that he is innocent.' 'WHAT!' 'I call Lord Hogwarts,' Amelia said.

Harry walked in to the courtroom. 'He is a boy, he cannot be a Lord,' Fudge screamed. 'I was told by the goblins that I was allowed to become a Lord upon my 11th birthday.' 'He is recognised by the Head of the DMLE and the goblins.' 'I submit this memory to the court as evidence,' he said, smugly.

Daphne and Astoria had decided to sit in the public gallery to watch the proceedings. When Harry showed the memory, it showed quite clearly that Peter Pettigrew was alive. 'Well,' Fudge said. It then showed Peter confessing to his fellow Marauder's to confessing the location of James and Lily Potter to Voldemort. 'Call him in.' Fudge said. Sirius Black entered with a smile and sat in the centre chair. 'Did you give James and Lily Potter's location to Voldemort?' 'No,' he said. 'Administer Veritaserum,' Fudge said. Sirius happily swallowed the poison. Fudge asked the question again and got another no. 'Were you their secret keeper,' Fudge continued. 'No, Peter Pettigrew was. We knew that I would be the most obvious chose, so we asked someone less likely.' 'Are you a Death Eater?' 'No, I never was.'

Dumbledore was angry, that Harry had managed to destroy all his work again. It was put to a vote, and everyone there voted that he was not guilty. 'Well,' Fudge said, 'I apologise and award you 25 million gallions in compensation. You are free to go.' Harry jumped up and cheered, as did Sirius.

'Now,' Harry asked when he and his girls had met up again with Sirius, after the reporters had gotten interviews. 'I would like to ask you about your DADA grades at school.' 'Why,' Sirius asked. 'I am Lord Hogwarts, and I am in need of a teacher for the subject.' 'My grades were fantastic and I got an O.'

Harry looked at Daphne, confused. 'An O stands for outstanding and is the highest grade in the Wizarding World.' 'Would you like the position?' Harry asked. 'Yes,' Sirius said. 'There is another thing I would like to discuss with you, Harry. I have named you as my Heir.' 'I know,' Harry said. 'Well, seeing as I cannot have children, because of my long stay in Azkaban, I have decided to name you, now Lord Black.' 'Ok,' Harry said, bewildered. 'Now, if it wasn't for this, the title will go to Draco.' 'Don't worry about him. I've permanently excluded him, after he attacked Story.'

At the meeting with the staff and pupils in the Great Hall, he had one more announcement. 'Now, I've hired the new DADA teacher, Sirius Black who has been recently found not guilty of all charges against him.' With that, Sirius entered the school hall to great cheers. 'Now that's all from me, so when have finished eating you may go.'