Hello! So I'm happy to say that my one-shot, First Moments, got really good reviews! I'm glad you all liked it! I received some requests for some other one-shots so I'd thought I would start this sort of "book" full of different one-shots. I'll post in it every time I get a one-shot for Jack and Lula.

This first one is called "Jealousy" and was requested by IheartPRSamuraiJayden. Hope you enjoy it. Excuse the typos!


Jack didn't get jealous.

He was usually calm and collected and rarely got angry. He never really yelled, except when situation made him to. However, this completely changed the moment Lula ran into an old friend.

This man was tall, dark, and handsome. The type of man the girls all drooled over. And the guy knew it. He held such arrogance and to other people, was perfection. Even Merritt and Danny were staring starry-eyed at the guy, nodding at every "amazing" word he said. Jack stood to the side, his teeth clenched and had his narrowed eyes on the guy, not believing a single disgusting word he said.

"So I was standing there, with the Secretary of State covered in this undefiable crust and my cousin screaming for who know's what-" Jack rolled his eyes at Kyle's story and scoffed.

The sleight-of-hand magician looked over at his girlfriend, who was smiling and nodding at his story, seemingly believing every word he was saying. He couldn't believe it. Does everybody think this douche is a God?

Jack pursed his lips as he stared at Lula. It hurt more than anything watching her fawn over this guy who apparently was her best friend when they were in high school. Did she not notice how on edge Jack was? Did she not notice his many glances? Or how he kept shifting his weight on one foot to the other?

What does he have that I don't? What does he have that makes her so excited? Jack's thoughts ran wild, stumbling over each other, trying to gain the most attention. Jack slowly flexed and unflexed his fists, his hands silently begging to touch her her skin, waist, and body to show Kyle that Lula was his.

Jack's mouth twitched slightly as the rage and anger began to bubble uncontrollably. His gut instinct was to scream and tackle the guy to the ground, showing him that Lula was his girl and no one else's. But he had to remain where he was standing. If Jack did something like that… he wouldn't forgive himself for the look on Lula's face.

He had to remain where he stood. Quiet, still, and silently on a rampage.

"So," Merritt spoke up once Kyle finished his story. "How exactly does Lula know you?"

"We were… friends in high school." Kyle replied, giving Lula a look that made Jack silently growl. "She was in my math class. She actually tutored me-"

Of course she did. Jack shook his head, taking a sip of his beer that grew warm over the time he didn't drink it.

"She's really the best," Kyle placed his hand on Lula's shoulder, shaking her slightly. "She taught me well."

"Oh no, I didn't! You did most of the work, I just showed you the basics."

Jack took a step forward that second, fuming at the sight of Kyle's hand on Lula's shoulder. But he was stopped by Danny, who casually placed a hand out, not wanting to gain attention. Looking down at Danny, Jack glared as his friend shook his head.

"Is it just me or did this conversation turn sexual in a matter of seconds?" Merritt mumbled to Danny and Jack so no one else could hear.

"Tell me about it," Jack spoke through clenched teeth earning a soft chuckle from the older magician.

"Oh my," Merritt looked towards Danny, continuing their quiet conversation. "Is Jack Wilder actually jealous?"

"I think so," Danny joked back with a smile.

"Lula was a challenging tutor," Kyle continued, speaking over the other men's conversation. "It was a little hard to handle at times."

"That's what she said," Merritt muttered making Danny snicker quietly. Fist pumping, the two magicians looked up at Jack who stood behind them, deathly still. "Whatever you do, Wilder, don't go all ape-man on Mr. Kyle over there. Lula may not forgive you."

"I am begging you guys to shut up." Jack held the beer bottle in his hands as tight as he could, his knuckles turning white.

"Oh," Danny raised his eyebrows, looking at Merritt. "He really is pissed."

"I can't wait to see where this goes." Merritt smirked before turning back towards Kyle. "Say Kyle, did you guys ever date?"

"I hate you." Jack growled, fuming at Merritt's quiet laugh.

"Uh," Kyle smiled as Lula furrowed her eyebrows, looking at her three best friends.

"No, we didn't." Lula answered the question but her eyes were on Jack the entire time.

"I did take her to Prom though." Kyle replied as he looked down at Lula, his eyes sparking with lust. "Remember that?"

"Alright, that's enough." Jack growled and pushed past Merritt and Danny, who tried to hold him back from the encounter bound to happen.

Jack set his beer on the bar table beside them and was by Lula's side immediately, his hand on her lower back. Jack leaned down and whispered in her ear: "We need to leave now."

"Jack," Lula looked up at her boyfriend through her long eyelashes, her eyes suddenly stern. She smiled sarcastically as Jack stared down at her with hard eyes as well. He smirked apologetically but continued clutching onto her tightly.

"You must be Jack." Kyle spoke, his voice far from politeness. "We didn't get to be introduced before."

Jack pleaded silently to himself that she wasn't mad at him. He hoped that his interference was the right thing to do, but honestly, if Jack waited any longer, he would be punching someone right now.

The 27-year-old looked down at Kyle's outstretched hand and took it slowly. Their handshake was firm and far from polite. In fact, they both held on a little too hard. When they dropped hands, Kyle looked down at Lula again, showing his incredibly white teeth.

"What do you say we get some dinner and catch up?" Kyle asked, oblivious to Lula's shocked expression.

"Did he seriously just ask Lula out?" Danny mumbled as Merritt slowly shook his head.

Lula must have sensed Jack's almost outburst, because she placed her hand on his bicep, giving him a comforting squeeze. "Kyle, sorry but I can't. I have a boyfriend."

"Oh," Kyle looked up at Jack, pretending to be completely confused and innocent.

Yeah, right… He knew the entire time. Jack thought with a scowl on his handsome face.

"Right, I apologize." Kyle continued as he glanced down at Lula, lust still swirling around his blue eyes. "I guess I'll see you around."

"Highly unlikely," Jack answered for Lula with the fakest of smiles. Before anybody could respond, Jack pulled Lula up from her spot and held her hand as he guided her to the exit with Danny and Merritt following close behind.

"What a douche bag!" Lula shouted once they were walking down the street, a few blocks from the bar. "I seriously cannot believe I went to Prom with him."

"Then why were you acting like he was the most interesting guy in the world?" Jack snapped, ignoring Lula's raised eyebrows.

"I was just being polite. My, my, Jack, were you actually jealous?"

"Oh, he was jealous." Merritt butt in, sticking his head in between the couple and smiling widely. "Like tackle-the-guy-to-the-ground-and-have-sex-with-you-right-there jealous."

"Shut up!" Jack groaned, the steam of jealousy from earlier still boiling off of him.

"It's strange, I've never seen him get so worked up before." Danny spoke up with a smirk. "Jack was jealous."

"Jack was jealous." Merritt repeated in a sing-song voice.

"Jack was jealous!" The three of them began singing on the top of their voices, all pushing Jack around as they continued to tease him.

Moaning, Jack closed his eyes and shook his head. "I hate you all."

Jack remained completely quiet and utterly annoyed as the three of them continued teasing him right up until they went their separate ways to go home. When it was finally just Jack and Lula, Lula wrapped her arms around his waist and snuggled up to him.

"I hope you know that Kyle had nothing on you. I would never pick him over you. You're the love of my life. Not Kyle. Not anybody." Lula mumbled as the two walked up the 2 flight of stairs to their apartment.

Jack sighed but smiled down at his girlfriend. "I know. I guess I couldn't realize that when all I was seeing was red."

Lula laughed as Jack opened their apartment door and let her step through first. "You're adorable when you're jealous. Perhaps I should flirt more."

"How dare you," Jack smirked, knowing she was joking, and wrapped his arms around her waist. Pulling her chest against his, Jack gripped onto her just below her hipbone, where he hoped to have her aching and bare at his touch later on. "You're mine. Always."

"I'm always yours completely, Jack Wilder."

Hope you enjoyed this one! Please review and thanks for reading! My next one-shot will hopefully be posted tomorrow, we'll see. If you have any requests, just let me know, I'll gladly write them! X.