A cold breeze brushed against him. The ground underneath felt hard and non-existing. His fingers dangled in what seemed like midair and his shoes were mounted on nothing at all. He felt heavier than he did before. Much warmer, yet cold. He was breathing more than he usually did and he felt fabric against his thin limbs. He probably fell asleep on the table again. Yes, that's it. The last time he did was because Colin smacked him upside the head with a chair when he refused to go into that insane digital world. Yet all he could hear around them was nothing but the faint ringing in his ears...



Tony opened his eyes. He was expecting the blackness and tiny details of the cloth on the table, but instead was greeted with a vast space of nothing. He saw stars flying from afar and he felt nothing supporting his body. He felt a racing in his chest he hadn't before. He sat up in panic and frantically looked at himself. He was wrapped in clothing and had a much larger width than his clock body had before. He had legs, arms, and a...heart?

Tony brushed his sleeves aside and took a look at his arms. They weren't solid or made of metal at all. He had skin. An odd tint of blue to it, but that wasn't what freaked him out. He had a red lining all over his skin with marks of time. That would only happen to humans who entered time travel. But why was it underneath his skin?

He stood and looked around him. Space was everywhere. The stars, the universes, light...this wasn't good. How on Earth did he get here? And why was he human? How the Hell was it possible, anyway!?

"SKETCH!" He yelled. His voice was the same, but this was the first time he felt the vibrations coming from it. He placed a hand on his throat and swallowed. It felt weird. He needed to get used to it...

His exclamation echoed and seemed to go on forever. He wasn't in space, then. He took a look around and walked down...nothing. It either was invisible passageways, or the space around him was a mere trick that played his eyes. He couldn't have been dreaming. He felt temperatures he hadn't before, and a literal beating was in his chest, now. Even when he DID dream himself as human, it wasn't anything realistic like this.

"COLIN!" He yelled and looked around. He couldn't see anyone. Where could they have all gone!? He must've been asleep for only...erm...5 minutes! The house was filled with other talking, inanimate objects. It was impossible for it to just be him...


Tony took a few more steps in a random direction. He was pretty sure this was all a hallucination. This place felt like a room, but it wasn't. He felt like he was walking on air, but he wasn't. He wouldn't say getting turned to a human would be impossible...After all, he WAS a talking clock. But how could it have been done? Was someone in charge of this!?

"ROY, I SWEAR TO GOD! IF THIS IS YOU AGAIN, I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" He yelled to no one in particular. He waited for a response.




Tony sighed and took a glance down at his wrists. His left one held a golden watch. Apparently, it was 3:15 A.M. That is, if time even EXISTED here...wherever he was. His sleeping schedule should only last 3 more hours. Someone or someTHING must have interrupted it. He ALWAYS woke himself up on time! It was the best, ironic thing about being your own alarm clock. And everyone else's, for that matter.

He put his wrist down and stared in front of him. All he could do was wander around until he could find something. That's how he made his way out when he traveled time.

He walked around for what felt like hours before he finally saw something. It was a rather tall figure, and they were laying on their side. All he had to see what a bunch of white that immediately got him running towards it. Could it be a person!? A thing!? A place!?

Dear God let it be home...

When he reached the figure, he stopped in his tracks. It was a person. They had short, curly hair with multiple colors. Their skin was made of black...something...and they were wearing a white dress. It had a lot of symbols on it that reminded him of the kitchen back home. The layers underneath it were red, the texture reminding him of blood. When he reached his hand out to touch them, he touched something gooey. He pulled his hand back and looked at whatever came on it.


He looked back at the figure. Their "skin" was dripping off of them, but when it came off, it didn't land on anything. He moved so he could get a front view of them. They had long eyelashes and lipstick that he assumed was made of ink. When his eyes traveled down them, he noticed the breasts underneath their dress. Was this...a girl?

Wait a minute.

"Sketch?" He asked. He leaned forward to touch her, but then her eyes opened. When she looked at him, she let out a high-pitched scream. She started to kick him in panic and tried to crawl away. He grabbed the sole of her shoe to stop her.


She kicked his face in return, making Tony let go and rub it in pain. When she backed away from him, she held out a pencil in defense. The end of it was sharp as hell, and it was pretty damn long! Her arm shook and she took multiple breaths in panic. She asked, "W-Who are you!?"

"It's me..." He wiped the blood off his mouth. "Tony."

"Tony?" Her eyes widened. She shook her head and came closer to him, pencil aimed towards his neck. She said, "That's not possible! He's a clock!"

"Yeah?" He snapped. "And the Sketch I know is a freaking notepad! Take a look at yourself!"

She paused to take a look at herself. The first thing she saw was her arm, and she screamed. She threw the pencil in his direction and Tony dodged at the last second. She looked at her dress and screamed even more. He placed his hands over his ears. He could go a high pitch, but damn...

"Calm down." He said, and took a step towards her. "Are you alright?"

"T-Tony!" She ran towards him and placed her hands on his shoulders. "Look at us! What kind of creatures are we!?"

"We're humans." He replied, taking her hands off of him. She was shaking. Her black eyes took a look around in fear and she started to bite the ink on her nails. She spat it out and stuck her tongue out in disgust. He laughed.

"This is NOT funny!" Sketch yelled at him. "Where are we!? Why are we human? And how did you recognize me without paper?"

"It's easy." Tony replied. "The curly, colorful hair...the kitchen designs on your dress...and especially the ink."

She took a look at her arms and shivered. He couldn't blame her. If his body were made out of ink, it'd feel weird as hell. He never liked it, either. Ink was far too gooey and made a mess wherever it was...just his luck that she had it everywhere on her. As if she didn't make a mess when she was just paper...

"You look weird, Tony." Sketch tilted her head at him. "Your skin's all blue and the clothes you're wearing are weird. And what's up with the facial hair?"

He placed a gloved hand to his chin and felt a goatee. When he felt his jawline, he coulf feel some stubble there, too. What was with it? In his dreams, he never had any hair at all. He knew he could care less, but he still felt self conscious. She always made fun of him before.

"Y-Yeah?" He stuttered. "Well, you're made of freaking ink! You don't even have skin besides the one on your face!"

She crossed her arms and stuck her bottom lip out, pouting. She said, "Well, it's not MY fault I'm like this!"

"It's not my fault, either!"

Things went silent. The two eyed each other. Not out of spite, but they were taking the situation in. Compared to their original counterparts, they looked weird. It wasn't normal for a clock to suddenly have hair growing, nor for a notepad to have ink for skin. Tony knew that the depths of time could falter your appearance, but not like THIS! If anything, you'd look like a big pile of goo.

Tony asked, "So you're a girl?"

Sketch took a glance down at her chest. She shivered again at the sight of boobs. She looked at him and shrugged. "I guess so! I've always felt like one before when I was paper."

"Hmm." He mused, and took a look around them. No one else was around. It was as if everyone were scattered in different places of...well, wherever the hell they were! But if he found Sketch, then that means he could find the others. He didn't really want to, though. All he wanted to do now was get out...

"Say, Tony?" Sketch asked. "Are we in space? There's a lot of stars and colors! It's beautiful!"

"No." He replied blatantly. "For one, we're humans. They need oxygen. Space contains none whatsoever."

"Then where are we?" She turned back to him. "All I remember is Shrignold yelling, 'IN THE NAME OF LOVE!' and then he pulled his lever thing. But then YOU just HAD to wake me u-"

"Wait a minute." He interrupted. "You remember what, exactly?"

"Hm?" Sketch asked. "Oh, yeah! You don't remember? Yesterday, Shrignold dragged the two of us into that cloud room of his and wanted to 'test our love'. You, being the boring, dull guy you are, refused to and tried to leave. Then, he strapped us down with this weird thingy pointed at us! He must've shot us with it, I guess."

"And now we're here..." Tony said to himself.

If only he remembered as much as she did! It couldn't have been a lie because Shrignold was both an idiot and a hopeless romantic. And he surely would have tried to leave and Notepad would have been fine with it for the sake of having 'fun'. But what DID he shoot them with to send them here?

"You think we're in each other's dreams, Tony?" Sketch asked rather excitedly. "Wouldn't that be so cool!? The most creative things happen in dreams! And I have to say...this place is VERY creative!"

"This place has NOTHING." He gave her a look. "How on Earth would that be creative?"

"Because you make nothing into something!"

She extended her arms outwards and grinned at him. He refrained the urge to smile. She was still the childish, typical notepad she always had been. The only difference was her appearance. It didn't matter to him. He knew she'd find a way to be just as annoying as she was before.

"Come on." He said, heading into another direction. "Let's find a way out."

"W-What!?" Sketch exclaimed in surprise. "But what about the others?"

"What about them?"

"Don't you wanna' find them?" She turned him around so he could look at her. "They're our friends! If they're here, we can't just leave them!"

"How could they possible BE here!?" He gave her another look. "It was only US who got zapped into this mess. Not them."

"You're not thinking creatively, Tony!" Sketch stressed. "What if that thingy was strong enough to pull Shrignold and his cult here? The whole house!? Robin, Harry, or Manny!?"

"Well, that would be Heaven for me." He grinned. Sketch slapped his chest and furiously stomped around him in circles.

He sighed and crossed his arms. She was either in denial or she was just overthinking everything. Note was the only one who bothered to LIKE everyone in the house, after all. It was so much like her to find them if they weren't there. He once went to reset himself when the time changed and she nearly ripped herself in half climbing the stairs looking for him.

"Fine." He gave in. "We'll look, but only for a bit. I want to get out of here as soon as we can."

"Yay!" She exclaimed. "You won't regret it, Tony! I'm sure they've missed us!"

He sighed and rubbed his temples in annoyance. Just why didn't he leave when he was all by himself? What was the point on looking for Sketch, anyway? She'd just want to drag everyone else along with them! It was too much of a burden, but he didn't feel right going back to the house without her. It just wouldn't be the same.

"Tony, we've found NOTHING!"

"You don't think I know that!?"

"I think you need to look harder! I must've been in the depths of this place and you found me right away!"

"That's because I wanted to find you."

He took a glance at the clock on his wrist. 8:50. They've been searching for about 2 hours now. It took him less to find Sketch! If they were really here, then he would have found them already. But it was far too much work to convince her that...It'd just waste more time, anyway. And why the hell was she bothering him so much!?

"What's your problem?" He asked. Sketch placed her fists on her hips and gave him an accusing look.

"What do you mean!?"

"You're moody." He replied calmly. "The Note I know is always happy and outgoing. Now, you're just accusing, impatient, and blaming me for everything. And that's not very creative, now, is it?"

She went silent at this. He took her lack of a response as a sign to continue, so he kept walking on. He stopped in his tracks once he heard a faint sob behind him. When he turned around, he saw Sketch on her knees with her head buried in her hands. Ink was dripping out of her hands and landed on her dress, staining it. She was crying.

"Sketch?" He asked, a cold feeling come to him. "What's wrong?"

"I-I..." She sniffled, then wiped her nose. She looked up at him. Not only was ink smeared everywhere on her face, but her eyes were puffy and red. If he wouldn't have known she was crying, he probably would have laughed at the mess she made.

"I miss t-them, Tony!" She coughed. "I've n-never gone h-hours without them...i-if they w-were gone, then you'd be there f-for me...what if we can't find t-them?"

He leaned down so he was at eye-level with her. Both of their black eyes met each other and she shook. Every time he'd see a tear drip out from her eye, he felt worse. Tony said, "We'll find them, Sketch. If they're not here, then they're probably safe back at home. Alright?"

She hesitated before smiling. Wiping a tear, she said, "T-Thank you..."

He grabbed her hand and helped her up to her feet. He said, "Besides, you have me. You're not alone."

She squeezed his hand and grinned. "Am I ever?"