I do not Inazuma eleven.



That name echoed in his mind.

Who was Atsuya and why was his head hurting?

"Xene-sama, who's that in the background? He sounds interesting" Blaptox said, much to Fubuki shocked. "What planet are you on? Do you think I can come over for the Holidays? How big is the gravity?"

The very intrigued him, even though he didn't know why.

Everybody on the Human side was shocked.



Was this person not a human being?

Xene wasn't going to clear up their confusion any time soon.

"Would I meet him at the next Galaxy wide Tournament, Xene-sama? I want to see his face as a crush him" Blaptox said, his 'Atsuya' side was really showing.

Some of Inazuma Eleven Japan members were having flashbacks of when Atsuya lived in his brother's body.

For Fubuki the flashbacks were by far the strongest.

"Blaptox. I'm ending the call" Xene said.

"Okay, then, Xene-sama" Blaptox said, clearly depressed as he was booted off of the watch.

"Let's go" Xene said, his ball began to glowed

"WAIT!" Fubuki said, getting them all to look at him. "That was my brother wasn't it? What did you know to him? Take me with you!"

He wasn't alone, like he thought.

Atsuya was alive.

If he went with them, he could meet his brother face to face.

Meanwhile the Alien's found his request funny.

A human being allowed into Alius Academy?

One was all they needed.

"I cannot confirm or deny your statement" Xene said, "But it's against the rules for us to bring back a living being with us. If you come with us, you won't find what you're looking for"

And it was true.

Growing in such an environment with no memory or knowledge of a normal human life, that had him playing in the snow and winning games with his brother.

He didn't even know if Blaptox wanted to remember.

His mind-set was pretty much alien and could no longer be the brother Fubuki remembered.

He simply wasn't Atsuya anymore.

He was Blaptox.

A Human raised like an Alien

Ch 31: Farewell Alius Academy-End

When they disappeared, Xene found out that they really did have approval from the Principle to go to Earth and spread Chaos and Fear.


And what was worse was that he couldn't get mad at the man.

He may love Earth but he did not dare show it, especially to the man who 'raised' him and treated his own son much more harshly then a random student.

So, he buried the anger at the back of his mind and killed all emotion until he was allowed to leave.

He had no idea, what Earths fate was but he hoped those people recover.

Did the man even have one ounce of kindness in him, enough to heal all those who were injured?

Xene wouldn't find out until 11 years later.

Blaptox was very excited to introduce his new friend Zel to him.

If he remembers correctly, Zel was the same race as Desarm.

And the only way to get through to that Race was to defeat them in battle.

He was impressed to find out exactly how Blaptox managed to befriend the Alien from Blaptox mind.

Meanwhile the Alien look at him in awe.

Who would have guessed that one day he would meet the very top dog and speak to him, instead of looking at him from a far?

After that Blaptox as a player could only go up.

It took six months into his second year, for Blaptox to once again trigger what happened when his life was in danger.

Shock and disbelief was seen on the members of Epsilon.

A human who only spent 6 months on the team, had done what they couldn't do for years.

Blaptox potential was shining and it was shinny brightly.

Many Aliens wondered what his secret was.

What secrets hid inside that Human body?

But there was no secret.

Blaptox had been forced into environment that forced his body to be fundamentally different from the rest of the Human race.

Blaptox was suddenly very attractive to the Principle.

Who know's what was going on in that man's mind, when Xene saw him smiling.

Blaptox went through his graduation test for Episoln and passed it, just before the holidays.

The Summer holiday gave both Gazelle and Torch a time to decide just who would take him.

A human entering the Master Class teams was historic and many couldn't wait to find out which Captain would take him.

Both Gazelle and Torch had to swallow their pride and discuss which of them would take him.

Neither of them wanted him but it was the Rules of Alius Academy.

The arguing blow up so much that it progressed through out the school.

It was also the first time Xene and many others found out that the walls and other things could regenerate.

No wonder the Principle or any Teacher did not show up to stop the property damage.

And after two weeks of fighting, Fire and Ice finally came to an agreement.

Torch would take him.

Dimond Dust was a team known for their calmness.

Blaptox wasn't really calm at all times.

Prominence, was a team made up of explosive 'members'.

It would perfect for him.

Xene was shocked to see Blaptox, after his holiday were over.

Blaptox grew a lot.

He was now taller than him.

His shoulders were broader and his face looked more mature.

Xene had to wonder if the same thing happened to Fubuki.

Because of Blaptox change in size, naturally there had to be size adjustments for his uniform as well.

He seemed to have matured a little bit as well during the break.

Although all that maturity went out the window when Blaptox saw his Master Rank uniform and wouldn't shut up about it.

He had finally made it!

So many people called him crazy and insane, but where were they now?!

What truly made his day was having Xene congratulate him.

It wouldn't be wrong to say Blaptox was on cloud nine.

He had to ask where the Master Rank Team Prominence trained only to be left was in awe to find out they had the only building.

The club room was amazing, it put Epsilon own club room to shame.

It was way bigger and they all had their own separate changing rooms.

His eyes sparkled when he saw his name on a door.

And then he found out about the perks of being a Master Rank.

There were servants in the room, waiting to serve them at all times, getting whatever he wanted, no matter the price or where it came from.

NO WONDER! SO MANY PEOPLE WANTED TO BE MASTER RANK! Blaptox thought, as he ate an Earth food that he quickly come to enjoy.

However, being in Epsilon hammered into him to never let his guard down.

He prepared himself mentally for what training as a Master Rank would be like.

But walked into that pitch, he realised he hadn't prepared enough.

It was boiling hot on the pitch.

He felt like he was being cooked alive, and yet he was told to start running!?

He wanted to yell, how was he going to run when he could feel his own skin bubbling!?

However, he didn't dare.

He started running and almost died, half way through a lap.

He didn't even realise he had passed out until he found himself in the nurse office with scorch marks all of his body, especially the parts underneath his uniform.

He was quickly wrapped like a mummy and told to quit the team.

The Human body wasn't meant to handle heat that extreme.

But he refused to listen.

He didn't come this far just to drop out now.

He had spent almost two years trying to prove his existence to the whole school.

He wanted to prove, he was just as good as them.

So even though he was warned, he continued to go.

He tied several water bottles around his body, hoping to rehydrate himself during practise but to his shock, the water in the bottles quickly evaporated as soon as he walked onto the pitch.

But his body was adjusting.

It had to or it would die.

So it was forced to undergone another evolution.

Something, the Principle was more than happy to record and watch as Blaptox body began to create some kind of shield from the heat.

Three months in, his body had adapted enough to actually run in the heat for 5 minutes before collapsing.

A shocking improvement from when he first came.

But the heat obsessed captain was determined to shape him or kill him trying.

Being a Master Rank meant that he was the face of the school.

If he embarrasses himself, the rest of the Galaxy will think the whole school was like that.

If that happens, Blaptox would not only be kicked out of the team but the school as well.

The school takes Soccer very seriously.

It was for this reason that Blaptox was always on the bench and Torch only allowed him to play one time.

This was because Blaptox had gotten fed up and refused to allow himself to be Master rank in only name.

Both Torch's and Blaptox personality's want head to head, but despite the flames, Blaptox did not back down.

Which left Torch a little bit impressed, that someone from his team would dare to say no to him.

That day was a day, he would always remember.

It was the finals and he asked around for pictures and video's.

Winter turned into Spring and Spring began turning into Summer, before anybody know it Blaptox graduation had arrived.

Blaptox stood in a massive room, in it held, a whole row of teleporter chamber's.

These teleporters were only used for Students who had graduated from the Acadamey.

And it wasn't just one room, with so many species who had different life spans, the teleporters were constantly in use.

He stood proudly out of his third-year uniform which was red and black and made him look like a crew member from a space film.

Instead he wore Earth style clothes, an orange t-shirt, orange short sleeved jacket and red jeans with trainer's.

The line was moving fast.

At the side were machines that had hole shape in, these holes were for their watches.

Putting the watch's inside would allow the machine to identify them and give them their qualifications before going to the teleporter.

He would miss having this watch on his wrist.

Nobody had come to see him graduate.

"Blaptox" Said, a voice, that made him turn around.

"Xene-sama?" Blaptox said, so his guardian did come and see him off.

That made him a happy.

But what Xene did next had him beyond shocked.

Xene feet transformed before his very eyes and took on the likeness of a kangaroo, making him instantly grew taller.

While Blaptox was still shocked at seeing Xene true feet along with the surrounding people's.

Xene suddenly assaulted him.


Not assaulted.

Xene hugged him!

The feeling of Xene cold body embracing him, had him almost falling unconscious from shock.



A Dream?

"Congratulation on surviving Alius Academy. Blaptox. I'm proud of you." Xene said, trying real hard to mention a smile.

Everybody was shocked, for most of them it was the first time they had seen Xene lips move upwards.

This was real?

Suddenly genuine happiness spread through Blaptox.

Xene hugged him.

He hugged him.

His dream had come true!

Blaptox face at the moment was one of an idiot as he said. "Can I call you dad?"

As soon as that question came up, everybody was expected Xene to show exactly why he's so scary.

Instead he said.

"Haven't you received an adopted already?"

"EH?" Blaptox said.

"I sent you, your adoption certificate a month ago" Xene said, this was the only think he could do for him.


Blaptox almost attacked the watch on his wrist and flow through his messages.

Then he finally saw it.

On a digital paper, in this school language, was the name.

Blaptox Xene Klidax

Blaptox could take it out and it would turn into solid paper.

He was too shocked to speak.

His body want on Auto and get his results before stepping into the Teleport.

His whole body turned into light, that was shot to Earth right into the country of Brazil.

Two teen schools girls who happened to be walking by very shocked when he suddenly appeared but Blaptox was too happy to care.

"Hehehe. I'm a Klidax!"

He continued to laugh as if he lost his mind.

"Weirdo" One of the girls said, both of them quickly walking away.

But Blaptox didn't care how creepy he was.

It was official.

He had a family!


So, this is finally the end of the story! BONZAI! Please Review!