His bed was surprisingly warm when Danny awoke. Ever since becoming part ghost, he felt his body slowly losing its warmth. So waking up to warmth was a tad uncomfortable. The halfa kicked off his blanket and sat up to flip his pillow over. Once he was satisfied with his new arrangement, he layed back down. Today was Saturday, which meant the one day he could try and sleep in. Glancing at the clock on his nightstand, he saw the glowing red numbers: 7:18am.

"Wow. Two extra hours, Saturday's are the best."

Danny knew that he technically had two more hours of sleep. Once his parents got up, they would tell him to do his chores. He was grounded from the whole "Circus Gothica" fiasco so in addition to his chores, he had to do whatever his parents would normally do. In Danny's head it wasn't that bad. Instead of his mother cooking and unintentionally contaminate foods with ectoplasm, Danny was the one to prepare meals. He wasn't the best cook but his meals were edible. Part of his punishment was to also clean the lab after his dad made a mess. Danny always took the opportunity to check out the new inventions and see whether or not they would be useful or deadly to him.

Turning his head to see his clock, he read the time: 7:32am.

It's been one day since Circus Gothica appeared in Amity..

It's been one day since Danny first glanced at the red Crystal.

It's been one day since Danny was forced to go against his moral code.

It only took one day for Danny to question his ideals.

‛I'm the good guy!' Has been a saying since he first realized he had the power to help others. His job was to defend the helpless from danger. The weak from the strong. The naive from themselves. Ghost hunters are appearing more in Amity Park but none of them have any real knowledge about ghosts. Believing that all of them were evil wasn't necessarily bad, the majority of the ghost that enter the human realm are trying to take over the world. What bothered Danny was that they believed that they were emotionless monsters that must be destroyed. If Maddie was correct about ghosts having "post-human consciousness," it didn't change the fact that to ghosts those thoughts and feels were real. Ghost can feel pain and pleasure. Ghost and Humans are practically the same except one didn't have a beating heart.

But ever since he was controlled by the crystal ball, Danny didn't feel the need to go out of his way to save the citizens from harm. He couldn't remember the actions he made while being commanded but he could remember the emotions that came with it.




Yet with all of the negative emotions he felt, the ones that stood out to him were positive.




Freakshow wasn't kind to his so called minions, but when one did a job right he would praise them. The Ringmaster had made them feel important and needed. Danny knew he was being manipulated but it didn't change the strong emotions that overcame him.


While staring at the clock, Danny felt disgusted with himself. How could he possibly think that it was okay to feel sense of understanding towards that manipulative bastard? Danny has always wanted respect from his peers. To not be considered a loser, to not be worthless. Respect was earned not a given. True respect did not come from power and fear.

Danny gasped when he felt the frigidness from the wisp of blue air that came out of his mouth. No matter how cold his body was, he never comfortable with the extra coldness from his ghost sense.

He could somewhat sense the ghost that was near. It was somewhat powerful, a bigger threat than the Box Ghost yet less of a threat compared to Skulker.


Danny turned to lay on his stomach, face directed away from his clock.

He smiled into his sleep. He didn't dwell on the fact that he felt no guilt from ignoring his conscience.

Yeah...I have no idea where I'm going with this story.

I really don't like FF. net's formatting so I might post this to AO3.

If you have any ideas leave a review.

Reviews are appreciated.