Hello so I'm here to bring chapter 4 of Altered Light w

Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far, sorry about taking so long ;-;

I was working on it but then I got side tracked ^u^' hehe

BUT I hope this is good enough to satisfy your needs ;D well for awhile atleast


Chapter 4

Pouring the steaming coffee into each, crafted polish tea cup. Finally finishing and setting the teapot down, Sighing "Here" and then cracking up a textbook and settling down in a seat next to the table.

"Let the tasting begin." Tamaki happily announced with a smirk.

The three girls held a cup in their hands, fearfully looking into the milky caffeine drink, one gulped. "I'm a little scared to drink this stuff" one said, with a scared look. "I'm afraid if I drink this, my father will yell at me." another girl also told. Sunset just rolled her eyes in annoyance of this nonsense because of 'commoners ' coffee, "homosapiens" she thought to herself while letting out a sigh, and turning the page of the book. While from afar, Kyoya was studying Sunset and noted about her, ever so often on his clipboard.

Tamaki tilted the girl back and held her ever so firmly, while looking into her eyes, letting his sky eyes dazzle her within a trance she couldn't escape. With a soft voice still peering into her eyes "What if I let you drink it from my mouth?" flushing red and still in his trance she still couldn't leave, "Oh, well then, I would drink it." she calmly muttered while his eyes stole her soul.

The hole room screamed, Sunset took another sigh and folded her book. " This is ridiculous " While trying to find a new place in the room to, read.

While looking over to the hitachi twins, entertaining the young ladies that have requested them.

" So he had this nightmare that made him bolt up right out of bed." Laughed Hikaru,

Kaoru turned away with tears almost falling from his cheek.

"Hikaru, don't tell them that story.

I asked you not to tell anyone that.

Why are you so mean to me?"

He embarrassedly turned away, with a tear forming in the crest of his eyes.

Then Hikaru grasped his brother's cheek so very gently. And came a bit closer pulling his brother into his gaze of love, " I'm sorry, Kaoru.

I didn't mean to upset you…"

Pausing , with small gestures holding his brother's face so very softly, with his voice ever so soothing he continued

"But you were so adorable when it happened I had to tell them.

I'm sorry."

He apologized then pulled him into a hug.

Then Kaoru immediately returned the hug back, "I forgive you."

Karou forgiving his brother then hugging him tighter.

The girls screamed at the "brotherly love"

"I've never seen brotherly love quite like that." While squeezing one another out of the tender love and moe of all of it.

Sunset was puzzled, she knew that homosapiens are, easily amused creatues, but really?

She shook her head, "What are they so excited about?

I just don't get it. I'll probably never understand " She asked herself. Before trying to find a area to study, and not to be bothered. Honey and Mori, entered the room, Honey upon Mori's back. For which Mori and Honey for we're always together, Honey with a sleep face, he let out a yawn.

And, rubbed his waking eyes.

"Sorry, we're running late." He said, getting let down by Mori.

The two boy's greeted by two beautiful young ladies. Patient and excited for Honey and Mori, to arrive.

Hello, Honey! Hey, Mori!"

A dark brunette greeted them first, "We've been waiting here for you guys, hi!"

Then a flat noir haired girl, greeted them second.

I'm sorry.

I was waiting for Takashi to finish his Kendo meeting and I fell asleep.

And I'm still not completely awake."

The short, yet adorable Blond boy blinked a little, trying to awake himself from his slumber he had.

The girls were captured by his sweet baby face.

So cute!" The brunette squealed by his cuteness.

Sunset, like she remembered made a mental note in her mind, "Is that boy really a third year student?"

She spoke to herself out loud, but asking a question. Feeling her nerves shot up, with the presences of the manger of this "freak show" , She looked beside her to find him of course, standing there, with that damn. Clipboard, jotting down everything he captures with those, camra's he calls glasses.

He looked up, from his pad and saw her gaze at Honey and Mori, He made a small smile.

Honey-senpai may seem young and childish, but he's a prodigy.

And then Mori-senpai's allure is his strong and silent disposition."

Kyoya, pushed his glasses up his nose , close to his temple.A flare, from the sun shined from the lens. Sunset lifted her slumpy body posture, Into an erect firm pose, with a small smirk.

While studying, she heard some fast footsteps , and a voice calling her "Tai-Chan!", coming her way, she looked up and adjusted her oval glasses, from the sun flare. Realizing it's Honey, she tilted her head in why he was standing in front of her.

He made a very huge innocent smile with a little of flush on his cheeks, she had to admit it, he really was a cute homosapien she has ever seen. "Hey, Tai-Chan, do you wanna go have some cake with me?" He asked while making such an adorable face. "Cake"

Sunset, shook her head, out of the small remembrance, of how Celestia loved cake, when Sunset was a young filly, back to the very beginning, Sunset was taken under the warmth of her mentor's wing, She for which earned cake, if impressed Celestia with her skills, most the time she really did so she got cake daily. But it faded, knowing she is not allowed to go back to equestria.

Thanks, but I don't really like cake." She replied back to Honey, Honey looked down for just a bit but , then he grabbed something behind his back, then he pulled out, a rose pink, bunny, looks made of cloud fluff and rainbows.

Then how would you like to hold my bunny, Usa-chan?" He asked in such a sweet innocent voice.

But she was her in books, but she heard him clearly. She flipped to the next page, "I'm not into bunnies." She coldly stated, Then writing down some info for her homework, still not caring.

Are you saying you don't like Usa-chan?" Honey lifted the bunny up to her , giving her a clear view of it.

She sighed , and looked up, she made a small smile, looking at the bunny. Warmth

I guess he is kinda cute, huh?" She made a wider smile full of warmth and, love.

Honey was looking at her eyes, seeing her iris, all cocoa brown, but a light aquamarine started to protruded, from the sides. The more warmth and joy she felt inside her lone, cold hole inside her chest. The more She , became herself.

Honey was breath taken for a moment of what he just saw happen, but he smiled , a small flicker , sounded as a light bulb was switched on. He smiled, he placed the bunny in her lap, and ran back to the girls, "Take good care of him, okay?" He shouted to her.

She made a small smile, while holding the bunny in her grasp, so soft, so fluffy.

So warm

You'll notice that our club utilizes each man's unique characteristics to cater to the desires of our guests.

Just so you know, Tamaki is number one around here.

He is the king.

His request rate is seventy percent."

Kyoya mentioned, while standing behind her, She looked up at him, "I'm honestly not surprised" She smirked. He wasn't finished , not just yet.

And in order for you to pay off your eight million yen debt with us, you will act as the Ouran Host Club's dog until you graduate.

I'm sorry, I meant our errand boy.

You can try to run away if you want to, Taiyo, but just so you know, my family employs a private police force of one hundred officers.

By the way, do you have a passport?"

She stood up, set her book on the table, "I don't run away, Senpai, I'm not a coward, What's the use for running , because i'll end up nowhere " She made a fake smile, she didn't appreciate getting threatened by a homosapien. "You're going to have to work hard to pay off that debt," Tamaki told her while walking up behind her, with a smile

My Little Nerd." He blew on Sunset's neck making the hair stand right up, she jumped back away from him and held her neck.

Please don't do that again." She asked politely while looking back at him.

She stood up straight again, holding Usi-chan still, He walked towards her.

You need a makeover, or no girl's going to look twice at you."

She looked at the floor then at him " Yeah, well, I'm not trying to get girls to look at me."

Sunset plainly said looking at the ceiling

He lifted his arms in the air, "Are you kidding me?

That's the most important thing.

You have to learn to be a gentleman and please the ladies like me." He finished his sentence with a charming smile.

She looked up at him, "I just don't think it's all that important.

Why should I care about appearances and labels anyway?

I mean, all that really matters is what's on the inside, right?

I don't understand why you even have a host club like this." She said, asking.

Without knowing it he changed the conversation

It's a cruel reality, isn't it?

It's not often that god creates a perfect person like moi!

Beautiful both inside and out."

She was deeply annoyed by his voice, "Say what?" she was confused, He kept moving around the room, like a idiot. "I understand how you feel since not everyone is as blessed as I am, but you must console yourself, otherwise how would you go on living?

And think about this, Taiyo.

Why do you think they put works of art in museums?

Because beauty should be shared with the world.

And those born beautiful should promote other beautiful things.!" He preached in, graceful poses.

Sunset rolled her, eyes. Holding the bunny, she thought "There's a word to describe people like him."

She was in deep thought, thinking. In the echo of reflecting the words, she knew. Tamaki, the echo, still rambling , " That's why I started this club in the first place.

I did it for those who are starved for beauty."

Rubbing her head, contemplating her thoughts "What is it?" She mumbled to herself as the twins passed by her, then stopping, hearing her. And wondering why she is such in deep thought.

Tamaki going go still. Not even a clue if she is listing, "For those working day and night, pursing beauty. And…"

Hearing bits and pieces of his lecture, she still is thinking about it, the word. "Oh man, I wish I could remember that word." She sighed, but her thoughts still on the word she was looking for.

I've chosen to share my expertise with you.

Here's a tip.

When setting down your glass, extend your pinky finger as a cushion.

And that way, when you set it down, you won't be making a lot of noise.

Gentlemen do not make uncouth sounds.

Besides…" He still was talking. She scrunched her nose,

"Maybe, a pain in the neck?" She asked herself in her mind

"No." she shook her head

"There's something that fits him perfectly." She spoke in her mind nodding her statement.

...But above all else, Taiyoi, you must remember…" He spoke to her still and moved to side right next to her.

...how effective a glance to this side can be." He smiled.

She remembered "Huh, I got it.!" She spouted out

He looked happy feeling like she was listing,

Oh, did I strike a chord?" He asked her.

She smiled then smacked her hand that was a fist, into the middle of her flat right hand. "Obnoxious!"

He turned to into rock. Then sat in the corner and started sulking, She rubbed her neck as the tamaki, sat in the Corner, twins laughed, "I'm sorry, Tamaki-senpai." She apologized as the twins chuckled , hikaru looked at Taiyo and chuckled "You're a hero, all right."

She rolled her eyes, "But he is a pain in the neck." , she thought as the twins continued their laughter .

She shrugged and looked, she held a fake smile " I'm sorry, senpai.

But your lesson did strike a small chord with me." She mentioned to him while, trying to cheer him up.

The vibs in the room felt lighter, as his sulking ran away. He stood up, and faced the three, while the twins still hanged upon, Sunset's shoulders. Tamaki had huge smile, "Really?

It did?

Let me teach you more, my friend." He spoke with such excitement, he held his hand out still smiling with joy. Sunset sighed

Well, he got over that quick." She mumbled under her breath.

One of the twins looked a bit worried and confused, "Boss?" Kaoru questioned him.

The twins sighed, as Tamaki smile grew. "Call me king!" He joyfully asked.

Hope you guys liked this chapter uwu , hope it wasn't TO boring but, I promise the next one will be a lot more interesting owo yey