First off, thank you reading this story and not skipping it over by just the description. I hope i don't disappoint.

This has no relation with Galactic Kids Next Door, only because i have no idea how to fit it in here coherently.

However, Numbuh 1 will still be gone from the story (sorry, Nigel fans).

This also has no relation to my other story, Alien Lunch. These are 2 separate pieces in w separate little worlds.

An idea i came up with just for fun

All thoughts in Italic.

All characters belong to Mr Warburton

I hope you enjoy it. : )

Numbuh 86 looked down at the cupcake sitting in front of her. Chocolate, her favorite, in a small wrapper decorated with little balloons and covered with red frosting. Atop the frosting, stood a small lit candle in the number 13.

She sat there on the table, just looking down at the burning candle, slowly thinking about the past few years of her life. Her Arctic training, her graduation, and how she worked her way up from a nurse, to the Head of Decommissioning, even up to Global Tactical Officer. So much has passed for her in 5 years. Now, all that work would be erased in the blink of an eye. She started to worry about what would happen afterwards. Her friendship with Rachel? Would she remember the other kids she met? What would she be like after?

Fanny was suddenly interrupted by the sound of approaching footsteps. She then came face to face with her brother Numbuh 85, wearing a MUSKET, a dark blue sweater, and a large snow hat on his head, almost covering his eyes.

"Fanny", Paddy began to ask sadly "you ready to go?"

"No" Fanny grumpily replied.

"Neither are most other kids." Paddy said followed by an awkward chuckle. He then walked over to his sister, still looking at her cupcake in a trance.

"You sure you don't want to give a farewell speech?"

"Yes. I've already said all my goodbyes. I don't really have anyone else to say goodbye to."

"Alright." Paddy then took out a small wrapped box. "Here", he said as he slid it across the table to his older sister.

Fanny took the small box, with a curious and suspicious glance. She then unwrapped it to reveal inside, a thin chain with a golden Rainbow Monkey pendant.

Fanny gasped "The Golden Heart Friends Forever Rainbow Monkey Necklace. This hasn't even come out yet." She looked at her brother across her "How did you get one?"

"Dad works at the Rainbow Monkey Corporation, remember?"

"Oh yeah. Wow. Kuki would flip if she saw this."

"Anyway, i wanted to give this to you early, while you might still enjoy it." Paddy then looked down sadly to the floor.

Fanny looked at her brother for a moment. She slowly put the necklace around her neck and then came over to her brother and unexpectedly hugged him.

Paddy sat there slightly confused. "Uh... Fanny?"

"Thank you."

Paddy then looked a bit shocked, but then returned the hug. "You're welcome, big sis, he replied nervously. As the 2 continued their hug he thought, Wow. This isn't like Fanny at all.

"Tell anyone i did this and I'll kill ya."

That's my sister.

The 2 Fulbrights then let go of the embrace as Fanny stared back at her cupcake, the candle still flaming as bright as ever. Paddy looked up to his sister

"Happy birthday, Fanny."

Fanny walked back over to the cupcake and, with one last long glance, blew out the candle. She then handed the cupcake over to her brother.

"Here, have it. We're gonna have more back home anway."

"Thanks... So, you ready?

Fanny sighed. "As ready as I'll ever be."

Paddy then showed his sister the way to the decommissioning chamber, even though he knew she already knew the way. As they entered and he started to prepare her in the chair, Fanny began to make a small promise to herself.

"I'll never give up on the Kids Next Door. I know i won't remember it, but I'll never give up."

Paddy, now holding a small box with a chocolate chip cookie for a button, glanced at Fanny. Over the chamber echoed the voice of the new Head of Decommissioning

"Begin the process."

With the order given, Numbuh 85 gave his sister one last look, and pressed the button.

Right before the plunger hit Fanny's face, one last thought raced through her mind.

Kids Next Door never quit."

I think when Fanny gets decommissioned, instead of going out in a loud fit where kids decades later can still hear her screams of agony, she'd just leave quietly. No big speech, or screams. She'd say her goodbyes beforehand, and then just vanquished, without a trace.

Then again, maybe this is just me being overly dramatic or peotic or something.

Anyway, this is just the prolouge. The first real chapter of this will be up hopefully by tomorrow. If not, definitely sometime this week. Hopefully, I can also get started on a new chapter for Alien Lunch.

Thanks for reading. Hoped you enjoyed it. Reviews are always appreciated. : )