Previously on Power Inside...
I picked up my phone, seeing Elena calling, smiling teasingly as I answered "Well, well, well. Shouldn't you be having fun right-"
"Jill" Elena was crying. My smile faded, leaning forward, putting my book aside in concern "Come and get me please. I'll explain everything"
"Don't worry-" I stood up, walking away from the house "I'm on my way"
I was driving, nearing the Boarding House having the feeling someone was following me, calling Elena "Walk away from the boarding house. I'm close, I think"
"I think I see your car" Elena told me. "I couldn't be there, I've been walking down the road since I called you"
"You're an idiot" I scolded, "Its the middle of the night, something could happen to you"
There was a man in the middle of the road I couldn't see "Watch out! Someone just appeared in the middle of the road"
I couldn't avoid in time, gasping, trying to stop the car but I hit the man in the road, my car flipping over, rolling down the road.
I coughed up glass, hanging upside down, weakly looking around.
Elena knelt on the ground worriedly, next to my shattered window. I could feel my forehead bleeding "I'm here. We have to get you out of here" We froze, hearing the sound of bones starting to break "Oh, my God"
I tried to follow her gaze, groaning in pain "Lena-"
"Vampire" Elena murmured in fear.
I tried to break free desperately, in shock.
Elena turned to face me, panicked.
We looked toward the vampire, seeing he was wearing a hoodie as he stalked closer.
We screamed in horror, trying to break me free.
I closed my eyes.
Elena shrieked in fear, sighing in relief right after "Damon"
I opened my eyes, looking at her.
Damon was kneeling next to a relieved looking Elena, looking at me "I thought you knew how to drive"
"I still hate you" I told him sighing. I could feel my heartbeat starting to steady but wouldn't admit out loud that his familiar face did relieve me a bit.
Damon smirked "Well-"
"Damon" Elena warned.
Damon rolled his eyes, "How you holding up in there, red?"
"Stuck" I answered, "It's my seat belt, I think" Damon leaned his head inside, looking at my seat belt, "I never wear it. Mom always scolds me for it, but tonight-"
Damon leaned back, knowingly "Your weirdly banshee powers made you wear it"
"I've been doing things lately I don't know the reason why" I admitted. "Can you get me out of here?"
Damon nodded, "Yes, I can"
But he didn't move.
I rolled my eyes, looking away "What do you want?"
"Damon, there's no time for this" Elena told him "Help her get out or leave"
Damon put a hand in his chest, mocking hurt "I wasn't going to ask anything of her" Elena narrowed her eyes. Damon sighed, "Come on, Jill. Just stay calm, and I want you to put your hands on the roof" I put my hands on the roof, reluctantly "Yup, trust the big bad Damon. Just like that. You ready?" I nodded, closing my eyes "One, two, three" Damon ejected my seat belt "I got you"
Damon helped me get out of the car, helping me stand for a moment before Elena wrapped her arms around me.
"Are you okay?" Elena asked in concern "Can you stand? Is anything broken?"
"Uh-uh" I leaned against Elena, weakly.
Elena helped me on my feet, but I was barely able to stand, falling. But before I could touch the ground, I felt arms picking me up.
I looked up at Damon and I could have sworn there was a flash of worry in his eyes before it disappeared. "Whoa, you're fading fast, Jillian"
"Stop touching me" I mumbled, trying to step away, however I was weak to do so.
"Look at me" Damon told me, but I could barely hear him.
"Jill" I could feel Elena's hands in my cheeks, "Come on, focus. Look at me"
I couldn't say anything else before everything went black.
Katherine. Elena.
Katherine. Elena.
The next time I woke up, the echo of their names was fading away from my head, opening my eyes, looking around in confusion, seeing I was in the backseat of a car "Elena?"
Elena turned in the passenger seat to face me, relief in her eyes "Hey, you're awake"
I slowly sit up, looking outside the window "Where are we?"
Elena hesitated, glaring at the person in the driver's seat.
"Georgia" Damon answered in a sing-song voice.
I looked at him, seeing he was the driver.
"Georgia?" I repeated skeptically. I looked at Elena "Georgia?"
Elena crossed her arms, not answering.
"I liked you better when you were unconscious" Damon told me "Do you have to sound judgy all the time? It is tiring, don't you think?"
"Come on" I leaned forward in between the front seats, looking between them "Seriously, where are we?"
"Georgia" Elena answered, glaring at Damon over my shoulder "He was supposed to take you to the hospital and then home"
"Vampire blood exists too" Damon told her, shrugging. He stayed quiet for a moment, glancing at me through the rearview mirror, "How are you feeling?"
I looked up in surprise, trying to remember "I...I..."
"There's no broken bones" Elena told me.
"I checked" Damon told me.
"Under my careful eye" Elena reassured, "Before he basically kidnaped you so I could follow him"
"Well..." Damon began, smirking. "Would you have come willingly on this trip without fainty over there?"
I looked between them, sensing a tension building up between them, feeling awkward. "Uh-Okay..." I blinked, remembering the accident from last night, "Wait. My car. There was a man I hit, and then he got up, right?" I looked at Elena, who nodded "Who was that?"
"That's what's I've been asking Damon since last night" Elena replied. "But he won't tell me"
"'Cause like you two, I would like to know that as well" Damon replied.
"Okay" I breathed out slowly, "We have to get back" I looked at Elena. Elena leaned her head back on the seat, tiredly "Mom will be really worried"
"I already tried" Elena murmured, glaring at Damon over my shoulder.
I closed my eyes, leaning my head on Elena's seat, "Pull over"
"Jill?" Elena asked worriedly.
I held my stomach, feeling like if I was getting sick, "Damon. Stop the car!"
"Yeah, you were so much more fun asleep" Damon murmured but still pulled on the side of the road.
I immediately opened the car door, getting out, breathing in the much appreciated fresh air.
Elena climbed out of the car, standing at my side, rubbing my shoulder. "You okay?"
"Define okay" I told her, taking a deep breath, straightening up, seeing Damon walking closer. I glared at him "I mean it, Damon. Take me back, you don't even need me here" I nodded at Elena, "The reason why you helped me is because of her"
Elena looked confused and startled.
Damon stared at me silently.
I raised my eyebrows, challenging him to deny it. I could see it; Damon cared a lot for Elena. Even if he denied it.
"Oh, come on" Damon told us "Look. We've already come this far..."
"Why are you doing this?" Elena asked, passing an arm around my shoulders, protectively.
"Why use me as a bargaining chip to get Elena follow you?" I asked.
Damon rolled his eyes, "First, stop being dramatic" He pointed at me. I raised my eyebrows "Secondly, you were trapped inside a wrecked car without a way out and with a vampire to attack you. Do you know how rare Banshees are, Jillian?" I frowned in confusion "I'm taking that as you don't. A lot. For what I've heard, the scream of one is powerful enough to bring down your enemies" He smiled fakely "You were a sitting duck"
"So, you played the knight in shining armor?" I asked skeptically.
"Ugh, I'm not" Damon looked at me in frustration "That's Stefan. The thing is, I couldn't leave both of you to fend of yourselves. Stefan would have my head"
"And now he can actually have your head" Elena replied "You kidnapped us!"
"Technically I kidnapped Jillian" Damon corrected "You came on your own free will so stop being melodramatic"
"You're not funny" I told him.
Damon smiled "I'm hilarious"
"We're not going to Georgia" Elena told him.
Damon shrugged "Well, you're in Georgia. Without your magical little necklace, I might add" Elena touched her neck, realizing she didn't have her necklace "I can very easily make you...agreeable" Elena stayed silent. Damon glanced at me, "While I can't compel you now, you're not in shape nor know defensive spells to use against me, so don't even bother to try witchy"
I sighed, "So you do know I am both, huh?"
"Easy to deduce" Damon replied, shrugging.
"Have you compelled me before?" I asked. Damon tilted his head. "You said you can't now. Does that mean you could before?"
"Does it look like I know?" Damon asked.
"Yes" I deadpanned.
A phone rang.
We recognized the ringtone.
"That's my phone" Elena looked at Damon in suspicion.
Damon pulled out Elena's phone, checking who was calling "It's your boyfriend. I'll take it" He answered the phone call, cheerfully "Elena's phone" He glanced at us, "Elena? She's right here, with Cousin Jill. And yes, they're both fine" He held his phone to Elena, "He wants to talk to you" Elena shook her head. Damon smirked, speaking to Stefan over the phone "Yeah. I don't...I don't really think she wants to talk to you right now" He looked at me expectantly. I looked away "Neither does Jill, I'm afraid, brother" Damon smirked "You have a good day. Mm-hmm. Bye-now"
Damon hung up.
"Look, no one knows where we are" Elena told him. "Can we please just go back?"
"We're almost there" Damon told us.
"Let's get this over with" I spoke before Elena could say anything else to get my headache from growing. Damon's smirk widened "The faster we finish wherever we're going the faster we can get back home, and I can pass out on my bed" I looked at Damon ignoring Elena's incredulous expression "Where exactly are we going?"
"A little place right outside of Atlanta" Damon answered. I nodded, turning around and climbing inside the car again, closing my eyes. After a moment, both Elena and Damon got inside the car, "Atlanta here we go. Yay"
Damon chuckled, starting up the car, driving away.
We were silent as Damon drove.
I leaned forward, between the seats, "So, where's my car?"
"I pulled it off to the side of the road" Damon answered, "I don't think anyone will bother it"
"What about that man in the road?" Elena asked, "Was he a...?"
Damon shrugged "From what I could tell, yeah..."
"You have any idea who he could be?" I asked.
"If I've never met him, I wouldn't know him" Damon answered "I mean, it's not like we all hang out together at the Vamp Bar & Grill"
I chuckled, "That would be hilarious to watch"
Damon rolled his eyes, pulling up in front of a bar named 'Bree's Bar'.
The three of us got out of the car.
I hummed, "Classic name"
Elena looked at Damon in exasperation "You brought us to a bar?" I massaged my temples, feeling like snapping at Elena to shut up. She hadn't stopped arguing with Damon since I woke up and I felt my head was killing me, "Damon, we're not old enough. They're not going to let us in"
Damon smirked, "Sure they will"
Damon lead the way toward the bar.
I looked at Elena, "I know Damon's not our favorite person right now, or like ever but could you please stop arguing with him? It's not getting you anywhere, he looks like he's enjoying the banter with you and my head might explode, Lena. Don't let him get under your skin"
I walked away, following Damon without waiting for Elena to answer.
When we entered the bar, a woman from behind the bar noticed us, "No. No, it can't be" Damon smiled. I gave him a wary look. Elena walked in, stopping next to me "Damon" The woman sat on the bar, sliding across the surface to the other side, standing walking toward Damon "My honey pie"
The woman placed a hand on either of Damon's cheeks, kissing him.
I raised my eyebrows, a smirk playing on my lips, glancing at Elena. Elena was looking at them in surprise. I nudged her, tilting my head aside, questionably. Elena looked away.
Elena, Damon and I were sitting across the woman named Bree at the Bar.
Bree raised a bottle in the air, "Listen up everybody!" She looked at Damon, "Here's to the man that broke my heart, crushed my soul, destroyed my life, and ruined any and all chances of happiness!" She poured shots for everyone "Drink up!" I shrugged, picking up the shot, drinking it with Damon and Bree. Damon pointed at me, nodding. I smiled, shrugging. "Whoo!" She looked between me and Elena, "So, how'd he rope you in?"
Bree poured Elena and I another drink.
I took mine, pointing at Bree with it, "He kidnapped me after I had a car accident" I nodded at Elena, "She's the one he's interested in"
Elena looked at me in frustration "It's not like that" She looked at Bree "I'm not roped in. Actually, I'm dating his..."
Bree looked at Elena "Honey, if you're not roped, you're whipped" I chuckled in agreement, taking my shot. Bree poured me another one, "Either way, just enjoy the ride. Like this one" She looked at me, smiling "You go girl. Adjust to every situation, don't you?"
I smiled "I have to, to survive"
Bree chuckled, pouring more alcohol.
Elena nodded awkwardly "Okay"
I looked between Damon and Bree, curiously "How did you two meet?"
"College" Bree answered.
Elena looked at Damon skeptically "You went to college?"
I laughed in surprise, looking at Damon "Yeah, I don't imagine you as a college student, no offense"
Damon smiled, "That's because I wasn't. But I've been on a college campus"
"About twenty years ago, when I was a sweet, young freshman, I met this beautiful man, and I fell in love" Bree explained "And then he told me about his little secret, made me love him more. Because, you see, I had a little secret of my own that I was dying to share with somebody"
Damon whispered to us "She's a witch"
I leaned forward in interest.
Elena looked at Bree in shock.
Bree looked at Damon "Changed my world, you know"
Damon smirked "I rocked your world"
"He is good in the sack, isn't he?" Bree asked. I pulled a face "But mostly he's just a Walk-Away Joe" She looked at Damon "So, what is it that you want?"
Elena and I were outside the bar. I was sitting atop the hood of Damon's car. Elena leaning against as she explained what had happened with Stefan the night before she called for me to pick her up.
I was shocked to say the least, "So, you and Katherine...?"
"Yes" Elena answered "We both look the same. It was creepy how much we look alike; it was as if I was seeing a portrait of myself"
I shook my head "That's kinda sick. Gives me the vibe as if Stefan's dating you because you look like his ex-girlfriend"
Elena gave me a look, "That doesn't make me feel better, Jill"
"I didn't say that to make you feel better" I replied, "I'm saying what I think. Look, Elena. When I touched Stefan, I felt this darkness, okay? I knew he wasn't good for you. And Damon too. They're bad news. They will screw up your life if you let them in. They bring darkness wherever they go"
Elena shook her head "Stefan isn't like that"
I gave her a look, "Stop being naive, Lena!" I lowered my voice in a whisper, "They're vampires"
"And you're a witch and apparently a Banshee too?" Elena asked.
"That's different" I told her "I don't go around killing people"
"Neither is Stefan" Elena replied.
I sighed. "Not yet, maybe. But is in his nature, he's this-" I flickered my fingers "From crossing that line. And I don't want you in the middle. You are blind for how much you care for Stefan but my sixth sense hasn't failed me. They will snap"
Elena and I stared at each other for a moment, both of us having different opinions about the Salvatore's.
"We shouldn't fight" Elena told me after a moment.
I pursed my lips. That's what I didn't like about Elena, whenever she couldn't handle a theme or a disagreement, she pulled that card or changed the subject. And while I didn't like that, I accepted because after being in an accident and having a little to drink, I wasn't in the mood.
"Okay" I told her. "I'm gonna call mom, she must be worried"
I pulled my phone, dialing mom's number.
She answered at the second ring, "Jill! Sweetie, where are you and Elena? You didn't come home and you didn't call"
I bit my lip, my stomach churning in guilt as I was about to lie to her, "I'm sorry, mom" I glanced at Elena, "I forgot to tell you Elena called last night to pick her up. We needed some girl's talk and we crashed at Bonnie's because we were so tired and you know I can't drive while tired"
Mom let out a small chuckle, "I know. I was just worried" I could hear the relief in her voice and that made me feel even more guilty. She didn't deserve lies. She deserved more.
"I'm sorry" I repeated, fidgeting with my sleeve. "We should have called or got home but we wanted to go to school. Lena says hi, by the way"
"Are you both okay?" Mom asked.
"I am" I answered, "Elena, well. You know, Stefan and stuff"
Elena gave me a look.
I shrugged. It was the truth.
Mom sighed, "Well, be there for your cousin then" I nodded, biting my lip. "Be here soon, sweetie. I'll try to have dinner ready for you two when you get back"
"Thank you, you're the best mom" I told her, smiling.
I hung up.
Elena looked at me. "Everything okay?"
"You owe me for covering for you" I told her.
Elena sighed, "Jill-"
"No, you know I hate lying to my mom" I told her "I already am lying to her with the whole banshee witch stuff. I didn't need to lie to her more. I can't and I shouldn't have to"
Elena looked down, nodding slowly. Her phone rang. She pulled it out to see Stefan calling.
I looked away, touching the bracelet he gave me.
Elena answered "I'm here. You lied"
I looked up at her. Elena put the phone in speakers.
"Not until I explain, please" Stefan told her.
"So, you didn't lie?" Elena asked.
"Just tell me where you are, so that I can come get you" Stefan told her.
Elena didn't answer "How am I connected to Katherine, Stefan?"
Stefan sighed "I honestly don't know"
I rolled my eyes, jumping down from the hood, walking closer to Elena "Is that supposed to be believable? Try harder"
"Jillian?" Stefan asked "Are you okay?"
"Yes" I answered "Now spill"
"It's the truth" Stefan told us "I- Listen..."
Elena hung up.
I crossed my arms "Nice"
Elena shook her head, turning around.
Damon appeared in front of her "You okay?"
I jumped slightly at his voice, turning to face him.
"Don't pretend to care" Elena told him "I know you're gloating inside"
I looked between, sighing, rolling my eyes.
We were inside the bar, eating.
"Let's just say that I'm descended from Katherine" Elena told him "Does that make me part vampire?"
"Vampires can't procreate" Damon told her, eating a fry "But we love to try"
Damon smirked.
"You're a pig" I told him.
Damon shrugged. He looked at Elena, "If you were related, it would mean Katherine had a child before she was turned"
"Did Stefan think that he could use me to replace her?" Elena asked.
I chocked with a fry, coughing lightly. "Seriously?"
Elena gave me a look, "You thought about it"
"But is rude and creepy to actually ask that" I pointed out. "It was like an inside question that it isn't supposed to have an answer"
Damon pointed at me, "The redhead has a point"
"Strawberry blonde" I corrected, eating a fry.
Elena frowned, crossing her arms "How can you even eat? If technically you're supposed to be..."
"Dead?" I finished, looking at Damon curiously "Doesn't that make you throw up later?"
Damon rolled his eyes, "You've read twilight I presume"
"It is my only reference about vampires" I defended myself, smirking "Do you sparkle?"
Damon sighed, "Nope. Myth. We burn with the sunlight"
"Oh" I drawled, speechless. "But, I've seen you in the sunlight! And you don't burn"
Damon raised his hand, showing me a ring, wriggling his fingers "I cheat. This baby helps me stay in the sun, protecting me from it. A gift from dare I say one of your ancestors" I nodded slowly, "And for the food, as long as I keep a healthy diet of blood in my system, my body functions pretty normally"
I nodded, interested on how vampires worked.
Elena had been quiet for a while, "This nice act" I looked at her "Is any of it real?"
I looked back at Damon.
Bree approached us, "Here you go"
Bree handed me and Damon a beer.
"Thank you" I told her, smiling, opening my beer.
Damon chuckled, "Woah, fainty. Isn't that too much for you? You were in a car crash no less than a few hours. I'm surprised you aren't drunk yet"
"I have a pretty high tolerance, thank you very much" I told him, sipping my beer.
Elena looked at Bree "I'll have one too"
Damon and I looked at her surprised.
"Woo" I cheered lowly.
Damon looked at her skeptically.
"Time out, remember?" Elena told him. I frowned in confusion, starting to smile "For five minutes? Yeah, well that five minutes is going to need a beer"
Bree smiled, "There you go"
Bree handed Elena a beer.
I smiled.
I was happy Elena had decided to relax a bit, cheering her on as she, Damon, Bree and others were taking shots of liquor.
I still had a beer with me and I was starting to feel a little buzzed which was why I wasn't participating with the shots, not wanting to get drunk. But Elena didn't have my way of thinking.
"Ready..." Bree trailed off, "Go!"
Everyone took their shot.
Elena finished first, putting her shot glass down, clapping her hands, doing a little dance. "That's three!" She looked at Damon, pretending to pout. "Aw, do you need a bib?"
"Sorry I can't unhinge my jaw like a snake to consume alcohol" Damon told her.
Elena smiled, looking away "Whatever" She looked over at the crowd "All right. Who's next?" She looked toward me "Jill?"
I giggled, "Nope!" I raised my beer, "I'm good"
Elena smiled, shaking her head, looking at Bree, drumming her hands against the bar, "Another round, Bree"
A woman looked at Elena "Honey, you should be on the floor!"
"I am not even drunk" Elena told her, though her voice slurred a bit. I snorted a laugh "My tolerance is, like, way up-" She jumped slightly, reaching for the ceiling "Here!"
I laughed, "She's way too drunk"
A man walked past me, briefly touching brushing my arm with his arm, a shiver passed down from my back, a coldness washing me over making my smile fade, breath hitching in my throat.
Bree flickered her eyes toward me, looking toward the man "All right. Here you go"
Bree poured another round of shots, looking toward the man that gave me a bad feeling.
I rubbed my arm, seeing the goosebumps in my arm, feeling a sense of dread overcoming me.
"Damon!" I walked closer to him, slightly swaying, reaching him, grabbing his arm to stabilize myself, "Something's wrong"
Damon looked away from his drink, furrowing his eyebrows. "What is it?"
I hesitated "I don't know. I'm not very tuned with this whole banshee thing, but I have the feeling something will happen" My voice slurred a bit, "I can't find Elena either. She was at the pool tables"
Damon followed my gaze, a brief expression of worry crossing his face. "Stay right here. I'll go find her"
I grabbed his arm, stopping him. My face serious "Don't go near him. Don't let him pour liquid on you"
Damon frowned in confusion "Why? What are you talking about?'
I shook my head, confused "I don't know what that was. Just find Elena, please"
Damon nodded, walking away.
I turned toward the bar, leaning against the counter, frowning.
Bree walked closer, placing a drink in front of me, "Why the long face, sugar?"
I looked up, "I don't feel too well"
Bree sighed sympathetically, "That's what happens when you get involved with a vampire" She touched my hand, squeezing slightly, "Darkness follows wherever they go"
I sucked in a deep breath "I know"
Bree leaned forward, almost nervously "Walk away while you still can. Mystic Falls. The Salvatore's. They're dangerous. They destroy everything in their path. You're a smart girl, aren't you? Don't trust them. Trust your instincts"
I backed away from her, not from her words. But because I could feel a chill in my bones. A coldness "Where are they?"
Bree looked down, "She was my friend. She was his lover"
I shook my head, walking away, leaving the bar, not knowing where I was going but still walking, my feet carrying me toward an electrical building.
I saw Elena standing, her expression full of worry and fear.
Damon was on the ground, covered in gasoline. The man I saw earlier was near him, a wooden plank in his hands.
"What did he do?" Elena asked.
"He killed my girlfriend" The man answered. He looked at Damon "What did she do to you, huh? What did she do to you?!"
"Nothing" Damon answered.
"I don't understand" Elena told him.
"My girlfriend went to visit Stefan, and Damon killed her" The man explained "Got it?"
The man hit Damon with the bat, making him groan in pain.
Elena looked at him in realization, "Lexi? Lexi was your girlfriend? She told me about you. She said that you were human"
I slowed down, eyes widening. Lexi was dead?
"I was" The man told her, pulling out a book of matches out of his pocket.
"Lexi turned you?" Elena asked.
"If you want to be with someone forever, you have to live forever" The man told her.
Damon tried to sit up.
The man kicked him again, making him fall back down.
A knot formed in my throat, whispers and a buzzing began to sound loudly. I grabbed my head, overwhelmed.
"She loved you" Elena told him "She said that, 'When it's real, you can't walk away'."
"Well, that's a choice you're not going to have to make" The man told her.
Elena shook her head "Don't. Don't, please, don't hurt him..."
The man lit a match. "I'm doing you a favor"
"No!" I screamed, thrusting my hand forward.
The man flew a few feet away, toward the wall, landing with a thud.
I stared at him in shock, looking down at my shaking hand.
The man stood, glaring at me. He looked back at Damon, starting to walk toward him.
"Lexi loved you!" Elena told him "And she was good! And that means you're good too. Be better than him. Don't do this. I'm begging you! Please" The man picked Damon up, throwing him against the building, no longer trying to kill him, looking down "Thank you"
The whispers, the buzzing stopped. I no longer felt like screaming, lowering my hands, looking at the man in sympathy.
The man looked up, tears in his eyes "It wasn't for you"
The man rushed away, leaving.
Elena ran toward Damon, kneeling next to him.
"I felt that" I murmured. Elena looked up at me. I hugged myself, slightly wide eyed "I felt the gasoline in my skin, Elena. I think... I think I not only feel when people are going to die, but how"
Elena looked shocked and worried.
I felt terrified myself, looking down at Damon.
Damon went to say goodbye to Bree. I felt an itch in my chest, rubbing the spot, frowning.
Elena looked at me sensing how much I was fidgeting. "Jill?"
Elena grabbed my hands, stopping me, looking at me in concern, her lips were moving but no sound was coming from her.
"I-I can't, make it stop" I whined, closing my eyes, overwhelmed. The voices weren't stopping. They were becoming louder, more insisting than before with Damon as if they knew this time I couldn't stop the events from happening, "T-they won't stop"
I felt hands in my cheeks, opening my filled with tears eyes, seeing Elena staring at me seriously "You know what do to make them go away, don't you? You've done it before, Jill. What is it?"
I whispered, frightened "Scream"
Elena nodded, slowly. She let go of my face, stepping back, putting her hands in her ears, "Jillian, Scream"
I turned away from Elena, walking away, closing my eyes, placing my hands in my ears. And I let go.
All the pain, the buzzing, the voices shouting loudly, made me scream louder. The itch in my chest became a pain I felt like I couldn't tolerate but it left as fast as it came, leaving an empty coldness inside me. The pain left, and images flashed in my head. A girl falling. Something red. Red liquid spreading in the floor. Empty eyes. There was no name. No face. Just the feeling of dread. The feeling of fear washing me before everything disappeared. The voices stopped whispering. The pain dulled until there was no more. The buzzing was no longer there.
Everything stopped until silence overcame me.
I opened my tear filled eyes, dropping my hands. There was glass shattered as I looked around, seeing the street lamps broken. I slowly stood, seeing at some point I had fallen to my knees.
I looked around, seeing Elena and Damon behind me, slowly lowering their hands from their heads.
"Are you okay?" Elena asked cautiously.
"Never better" I answered quietly. My eyes flickered toward Damon. A glimmer of fear and cautiousness was present as I kept my eyes on him and all the trust I had given him today vanished, it was no longer there and I didn't know why. A look of realization settled on his face, looking away "Can we go home now?"
Elena frowned "Who-?"
"I don't know" I snapped, immediately regretting it. "I just, I just want to go home"
Damon nodded, slowly "Let's go then"
All the way home I stayed quiet, not trusting myself to speak and I ignored Elena and Damon's conversation and every attempt they made to talk to me. I felt empty. I felt cold. As if the aftermath of feeling your heart ripped was still present. I knew they wanted to know who I felt. But I didn't know and yet those empty eyes I saw when I screamed where stamped in my head when I closed my eyes. I felt bad I couldn't recognize who this girl was. It felt as if I was letting her down for not knowing.
When we arrived Mystic Falls, Damon dropped me off at my house but Elena didn't join me. She had things to talk to Stefan. Some explanations she had to hear from him. And I didn't want to be near him.
Bree's warning was still whirling around my head. They're dangerous. They destroy everything in their path.
I had to stay away from them. We had to stay away from them.
But how do you do that when your cousin is in love with one?
I walked inside the house, seeing mom agitatedly flipping the pages of a magazine on the sofa.
"Mom?" I asked softly.
Mom turned around, "I never set a lot of rules for you, Jill. Not when you were growing up. I always trusted you were going to do the right thing. I gave the same treatment to Elena. And now, you both mock me with that lack of rules. As if it's a joke to you. Where were you? You never lie. Why would you? I thought, thought that we were closer than that"
"I was trying to help my cousin" I answered. "I was trying to be there for her. I didn't know this was going to happen. That I had to do that for her and I felt bad, mom. I don't want to lie to you"
Mom paused, opening and closing her mouth "What is it?" I wordlessly walked toward her, wrapping my arms around her, hugging her tightly. "Jill, honey? What's going on?"
"I had a terrible day" I murmured my answer. "I just want you to hug me and say everything's gonna be okay. Please mom, just, do that for me"
Mom hugged me tightly, "What happened?"
I closed my eyes, hearing the worry in her voice but didn't answer. I didn't know how to begin. How to explain everything happening around me. But I knew I had to.
Elena arrived home about two hours later. Mom and I were in the living room, cuddling together as Mom played with my hair. I had my head in her chest, listening to her steady heartbeat.
Mom stopped her movements when Elena walked in, "Where were you?"
I looked up.
Elena stopped walking. "I'm tired. Can we do this later?"
Elena began walking away.
Mom gently pushed me away, standing up "No, no. You don't get to walk away. Not you. I've been worried sick all day for the both of you. You lied to me about where you were, both of you. Why would you?"
"Now is not the time you want to talk to me about lies" Elena told her.
"Don't do that" Mom told her "Don't turn this back on me. I didn't do anything"
Elena turned to face us, defiantly "Okay. Question: am I adopted?"
Mom looked shocked.
I frowned "Elena?"
"I trust you to tell me the truth too, Jenna" Elena told her "How could you not tell me? I thought we were closer than that"
"Hey" I snapped, standing in front of mom, protectively "Don't do that, Elena, not to her"
Elena shook her head, biting her lip, starting to walk up the stairs.
I looked at Mom.
Mom looked down, "Elena, I didn't..." She began "They asked me not to"
"I don't want to hear it" Elena told her, running up her room.
"What a bitch!" I yelled at her, "You asked for it, deal with it!"
All I heard was a door slamming shut, upstairs.
I turned to mom.
Mom had tears in her eyes, looking at me in guilt "I didn't-"
I wrapped my arms around her, "It's not your fault, mom. Elena's being insensitive and blinded by pain to think of you, right now. Give her time to cool down"
Mom placed her chin in my shoulder, hugging me.
I closed my eyes. When are we going to get a break from the darkness? From pain and lies?
I'm not sure wether I like this chapter. I feel is too 'meh' but I do love Jenna/Jill moments and a little Damon/Jill bonding moments were my favorites even if she now feels like she can't trust him. Again. Why's that? All I can say is Banshee powers :)
So, I have slow updates because I write whenever I feel inspired and which is why I take too long update. I may be one of those authors but without inspiration, books aren't worth it. So I apologize if I take too long to update the next chapter but I don't have a lot to do for season 1 and I'm making it up as I go. Season 2 is actually the reason and inspiration for this book and I can't wait to get there.
Thank you for reading :)
You're the best
*~Peace and Out,