Stiles screamed as he felt razor spikes drive into the flesh of his shoulder. He tried twisting away from the pain but whoever was holding him had a steel grip. When he felt himself being pulled backwards, Stiles instantly grabbed the wrench laying on his exposed car engine and swung blindly at his attacker. He didn't miss a beat once he felt the weight lifted off of him.

He fled out of the car lot and toward the school, adrenaline pumping through his veins as he closed in on shelter. What he didn't expect was to be tackled by whatever vengeful supernatural baddy that was behind him. He was knocked to the concrete ground, the wind knocked straight out of his lungs. Scrambling to turn onto his back and struggling underneath a heavy body, Stiles took a first glance at his attacker and paled. It was Donovan, with a mouth full of shark-like teeth and blazing white eyes.

Having a human Donovan threaten his dad was hilarious given the teen's complete inability to do so but now that the tables have turned with Donovan being a bloodthristy chimera, Stiles doesn't find himself laughing. Well fuck.

"That's right, Stiles. Take a good look at me. Not so funny now that you can't hide behind your bitch of a father, huh?" Donovan hissed through his razor-sharp teeth, and Stiles's mind was so overwhelmed by the primal instinct to survive that he couldn't think of a retort. He tried punching Donovan in any place that was open but after two lame hits to the chimera's chest, his wrists were seized and trapped over his head.

"This is the part where I win. But don't worry, I won't kill you," Donovan purred whilst eyeing Stiles's arm. The part of Stiles's brain that pieced together information, even when he didn't want to, realized that he was about to lose at least one limb tonight. He started kicking Donovan around the back of his knees and calves but that only seemed to get an irritable growl out of the monster. Maybe it was a stupid idea to struggle even more, but hey, Stiles blamed his extreme distaste for dismemberment. Donovan let out a hiss and lunged down, only to be tossed aside before he could reach Stiles's human flesh.

Stiles blinked, relieved that someone from the Pack had come just in the nick of time. Looking up at his savior, his relief morphed into confusion and slight anger when he recognized the wolfed out form of Theo Raeken. Their eyes only locked for a moment before Theo leapt onto Donovan, who was starting to get up onto his feet, and pushed him back down by his throat. Donovan hissed, his shark teeth on full display, and clawed at Theo blindly.

"What are you doing?! This wasn't—" Theo silenced the newly-turned chimera with a swift swipe across his neck, face stoic as black blood splattered on his face. All that could be heard was heavy breathing. Stiles chanced a look at Donovan and flinched at the sight of his lifeless eyes staring back at him. Black and silver covered Donovan's lips and neck, intensifying the horror of this entire situation. Stiles, with some difficulty, rose to his feet and stared at Theo in disbelief. "You killed him."

"If I didn't, then he would've killed you." Theo was staring up at him with guilt-ridden eyes but Stiles knew better. He knew that the boy in front of him didn't regret killing Donovan. He knew that Theo was hiding something, why else would he silence Donovan in the middle of a sentence—of a plea. He doesn't trust Theo for one second, especially not the concerned, friendly facade he has on as he approached him. "I couldn't let him hurt you," Theo continued with wounded sincerity as he reached out to touch Stiles's pained shoulder. Stiles snapped away from his hand and turned around to head back to his jeep.

"Get away from me, you psychopath. You think you have everyone wrapped around your finger, don't you? How do you think the Pack will react when they find out you killed a chimera? Do you still think that you'll be let in?" Stiles sneered with his back toward Theo, even though it was probably a dumb move to yell at someone with sharp claws who freshly killed. But Stiles wouldn't be Stiles if not for his lack of filter. When he reached his jeep, he picked up his abandoned wrench from the ground and disregarded the drops of blood decorating the tool as he assessed his car engine.

"Stiles, hear me out." He ignored Theo and twisted a random knob on the power steer pump.

"Stiles." He could tell that Theo was a mere foot behind him and on the edge of anger if his stiff tone was anything to go by. But why should Stiles care? Another twist on a random car part. Was that the alternator?

"Stiles." Should he mess with the brake master cylinder? Probably not.

"Stiles!" A sharp pain erupted at the back of his head, fucking him over as he was immediately thrown into the world of unconsciousness.