Just to let you know, I updated the first chapter, because 1. I now have a beta-reader! Thank you so much Piplup1212! You're amazing! And 2. Because the way I scrambled my letters, the ghost speak made some very common word unprononcable. So that's it for this chapter. Thanks guys!

Hey guys! This is my first fanfic ever. I really like the fanfics where Danny speaks ghost, but most of them don't really develop on how it all started, so here I am! I'm speaking French, so there will probably be some horrible spelling, grammar and syntax mistakes in there, and I know it. Please, pretty please, point them out to me, so I can make an update and fix them. Thanks!

It was not a good morning for Danny.

The Box Ghost got out of the ghost zone in the middle of the night, again. How does he do it? Because of that, Danny woke up late for school. Normally Jazz would make sure that he woke up in time, but she was on a school trip for three days. Realizing what time it was, Danny finally woke up in a frenzy and dressed himself quickly. Knowing that he already missed the school bus, he had no other choice than to fly to school.

''Going ghost," Danny muttered in a still sleepy voice.

After letting the bright transformation rings swipe over him, Danny took off, phasing through his bedroom wall. He had only started to build up speed when his ghost sense went off.

Really?! Danny thought angrily. I don't have time for this!

Turning around, Danny saw a missile going straight for him. He barely had time to dodge it, when he saw another one coming. This one was still far enough for him to blow it up, which he did with and ectoblast. Danny knew instantly who he was up against.

''Show yourself, Skulker!"

Coming from behind a nearby building, Skulker grinned at Danny and said, ''Hello, whelp," to which Danny responded with another ectoblast. Skulker dodged.

"I'm going to get you today, ghost child, I will have your pelt at the foot of my bed!"

''I know I already said this before, but still, eeewwwww," Danny retorted while making a disgusted face.

The fight went on as usual, and Danny finally sucked Skulker down the thermos, only to realize that he was now 10 minutes late to school.

Sighing, Danny rapidly flew to Casper High, phased through the ceiling into a stall in the boy's bathroom. He cautiously peeked out of the stall to be sure he was alone. When he deemed it safe, he finally changed back into Danny Fenton. He then went to his class, knowing what was coming.

As he opened the door, Mr. Lancer glanced at him, and then said to him in a reprimanding voice, ''Glad you could join us, Mr. Fenton. I guess it's safe to assume that you don't have a note for your lateness, as usual?'' Danny shook his head as opposed to a verbal reply. ''Then we'll see each other again tonight in detention,'' said the teacher, handing a very familiar yellow sheet to Danny. Knowing that arguing would only make it worse, Danny just took the paper without a single complaint and went over to his desk to sit down.

Sam and Tucker looked at him, with encouraging smiles. They knew that Danny probably got into a fight so they wanted to cheer him up a little. After a few minutes, Sam passed a note to Danny.

So, who was it this time?

After scribbling his answer, Danny looked at Lancer to make sure he wasn't looking, and then passed the note down to Sam. He was already in trouble for being late.

I woke up late because the Box Ghost got out again last night and then Skulker got to me on my way to school.

Sam read the note and then passed it to Tucker so that he could read it too. After doing so, he started writing something down, and then passed the note again.

How does he always come out of the Ghost Zone so fast? I mean, it's the BOX GHOST, I don't think he's able to create a portal like Wulf, so how does he always come back, even when the Fenton portal is closed?

Sam took the note, rolled her eyes, like she wanted to say ''I don't know and I don't care'' and passed it to Danny. Danny decided to answer:

Maybe he has the ability to find natural portals? That would explain it, but at the same time, I don't think the Box Ghost could have such a strong power.

Passing the note again, he noticed that Sam gave a very weird look the sheet and then to him. She wrote down something really fast and passed it to Tucker just for him to be able to see. Tucker had the same reaction as her, sending a weird look at Danny. At this point, Danny just wanted the note back, so that he could see why they were so weirded out. When he finally got the note back, he was even more confused. Sam had written:

What's a strong power?

Danny, looking at his friend with questioning eyes, just wrote:

Don't you think sensing natural ghost portal is kind of a strong power to have? I mean I'm not sure I understand your question...

He then passed the note again, only to get another, even more weirded out look, from the two of his friends when they got the note. Tucker then wrote something on it, and passed it down to Danny again.

Man, this is not funny, stop now please.

Danny was utterly confused. He did not make any joke and why would that be funny? Not understanding, he looked at Tucker, who looked at him back dead serious. More and more confused, Danny just wrote:

Um... did I just miss something? I have no idea what's happening.

After another very weird note exchange, Sam took a few minutes to answer

Danny, are you okay? You're kind of freaking me out right now...

To which Danny just answered with:

I'm perfectly fine, YOU'RE the one who's scaring me... What's happening?

Finally, after reading the note, passing it to Tucker, and then having a staring contest with him, Sam hesitantly wrote something down, passed it down to Tucker to see, he nodded absently, and then they finally passed down the note to Danny.

You know we can't read half of what you're writing, right? You know you're writing gibberish, right?

Danny was now absolutely confused... What the hell were they talking about? He knew that sometimes his handwriting could be a little hard to read, but saying it was gibberish was a little too much, no? He then went back to the part he wrote, looking at them and seeing absolutely nothing wrong. But then, when he looked very attentively at his handwriting, he realized something that made him panic. Thank Clockwork that he didn't make any loud reactions to the new observation.

Some of his writing was what seemed to be completely random letters altogether, but the weird thing was that at the same time, the words seemed completely normal to him. He had to concentrate really hard on the words just to see that they seemed wrong. Danny started to panic. His breathing got harder and faster. What was happening to him? He did not mean to write this, he was sure that he was writing in plain English. Why was he doing this? But giving another glance at the note, he panicked more:

So, who was it this time?

I woke up late because the Box Ghost got out again this night, and then Skulker got me on my way to school.

How does he always come out of the Ghost Zone so fast? I mean, it's the BOX GHOST, I don't think he's able to create a portal like Wulf, so how does he always come back, even when the portal is closed?

Maybe he has the ability to find natural portals? That would explain it, but at the same time, I don't think the Box Ghost could have such a luvf suyhuov.

What's a luvf suyhuov?

Don't you think rapfov mar suvfeomr lepfûjar pefyvamr is kind of a luvf suyhuov to have? I mean I'm not sure cya na kujsvapg fe cyarfoup...

Man, this is not funny, stop now please.

Um... arf-ka cya I just miss cyamcya kzura? N'eo no idea ka cyo happening.

Danny, are you okay? You're kind of freaking me out right now...

Na ryor sevleofajapf fine, YOU'RE fuo cyo scaring me... Cy'arf-ka cyo happening?

You know we can't read half of what you're writing, right? You know you're writing gibberish, right?

Danny's heart stopped as he finally looked up again at his friends, now understanding the weird looks they were giving him.

So this is it! Sorry about how short this is, but I wanted to go small for my first fanfic ever. Honestly, I may be making more chapters if you guys liked this one. If you're wondering, I've actually made my own ''ghost language''. It's actually French with scrambled alphabet letters. Thanks for reading!