"A" Human speech

"B" Dragonese

,C, Thought

Hiccup(Shadow's) POV

It's mid summer in the Barbaric Archipelago and the sun had started to set, to most it would've been breath taking but I wasn't thinking about its beauty, only about the horrors that would soon follow.

My brother and I flew to an Island called Berk, slowly the Island came into view," Here we go again" muttered Toothless as warning horns sounded from the Island.

I let out a war cry and we began our siege of Berk.

Toothless landed on a rocky outcropping to watch the attack on the Viking Village.

We were only here for the livestock but the Vikings weren't making it easy.

I felt Toothless tense under me when a Viking killed a Deadly Nadder.

" I'm growing tiered of being the Queens pawns" he snarled.

" As am I brother, but I don't think we have a cho-" I trailed off when something unexpected caught my eye.

It was a blond haired SheViking, I watched the way she moved and fought.

" Hey bud, can you take me in for a closer look of the Village?" I asked

Toothless grunted and he lept into the cool midnight air.

As we glided down from the ridge to the village I heard the powerful snap of a catapult followed by a screech of pain.

I growled angrily," We have to get rid of that catapult before it kills anymore Dragons"

" Don't need to tell me twice" hissed Toothless as he headed for deep air, I looked down and had that feeling that always made me jump of his back and plummet towards the ground, but now is not the time to play, we have a Queen to feed.

Toothless suddenly started to fall, I quickly crawled off his back and onto his underbelly where his claws tightend around me, then I heard that familiar high pitched squealing sound that told me Toothless was building up a plasma bolt, all action on the ground ceased.

The SheViking was the first to react by putting her shield over her head and yelling a command," Nightfury! Get down!".

Toothless's stomach became uncomfortably warm, he opened his mouth and tensed his stomach.

The catapult exploded.

Astrid's POV

The Gronkle I was fighting spat lava at me, I dove to the left to avoided, once I regained my footing I raised my ax ready to take its head off but I was interrupted by a sound that made my blood run cold.

It was a high pitched squealing, I moved my shield over my head," Nightfury! Get down!" I yelled.

The catapult in front of me exploded sending shards of burning wood everywhere, the force of the explosion knocked me off my feet and onto my back, as I lay there trying to get my bearings I saw the silhouette a Dragon that could only be a Nightfury and I could have sworn I saw someone on its back but dismissed it as a trick of the light.

I turned around when I heard someone yell fire, a moment later I heard a soft thump behind me, tightening my grip on the shaft of my ax I spun and slashed blindly.

My ax hit an immovable sword, before me stood a boy dressed in black Dragon scale armor with a mask that covered the upper part of his face leaving his mouth exposed.

Something about him seemed familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on why.

I was about to say something but I was interrupted be a warbling growl, I slowly turned around and came face to face with a sea green Zippleback.

It bared its long fangs and flared its wings, I readied myself for a fight, but I felt someone grab my shoulder, I glanced behind me and discovered the hand belonged to the boy, he walked between me and the Zippleback, the Zippleback bobbed its head made a strange sound, the boy nodded and the Zippleback took flight.

The Dragon raid stopped, the Dragons took to the sky's with there catch roared, I heard a few Vikings cheering.

I looked at the boy in awe," How did you do that?" I asked, he cocked his head a little to the right almost like a dog.

" Astrid!" Yelled Snotlott, I looked to my left to see him running towards me, I noticed that his helmet was smoldering, when he caught up to me he smelled of smoke and sweat.

" You okay babycakes?" He asked, I felt heat rush into my cheeks, I wish he would shut up or the boy will think we are to- hey where did he go?, I thought, I had turned around to apologize to the boy but he wasn't there, I scanned my surroundings but he was nowhere in sight, I jumped slightly when I heard a Dragon's roar somewhere close by.

Hey guy I really hope you like this version of How to train you Dragon, I always wondered what would happen if Hiccup was taken by a Dragon and raised Tarzan style.

anyway please give my story a like if you enjoyed it or a follow if you loved it!