My first X-Men Fanfiction. Before i start writing it i was re-watching all movies (even origins wolverine. Yes, i did) And i notice the Plot holes the movies had. They are quite a lot. So in the fanfiction i'll take the oportunity to erase those plot holes and change a lot of things. Anyway, let me know if you like it or not in the reviews and if you want to read an Avengers Fanfiction i'm writing one and editing it at the same time because... grammars. It's called "MCU Daughter of Chaos" and i also finish one of the Guardians of the Galaxy called "To be or not to be a killer".
You can read them if you want. That's all for now. Enjoy the first chapter.

Chapter 1: Death doesn't exist

December 31, 1506

There was a man, resting in his bed. He was looking at the open window, wondering if he was going to recovery from his disease. Unfortunaly that won't happen. He was 60 years old, it was almost his time and he knew it. Still, he wanted to believe that he was going to get up and walk to his daughter house to hug her and the grandson he never had the chance to see. He remember his life once again while praying to God. There was a lot of things he wanted to do before closing his eyes forever, but he'll never do.

The man look away from the window and look at the door of his room, it was open. Something weird, it was closed before and he didn't have the strengh to stand up, someone was there. The man look at the end of his bed and saw a strange figure. A shadow was in the wall, there wasn't any figure there to produce such shadow. Then next to him, the owner of the shadow appear. He couldn't tell if it was a man or a woman, it's face was cover up by a big black hood and darkness, he was wearing a black robe and in it's hands there was a Scythe.

"W-W-Who are you?" The man ask nervously. The figure didn't answer until a couple of minutes pass. The figure answer with a distorted voice, that way he couldn't tell the gender of the figure or anything at all.

"I... AM... YoUr DeaTh" The figure answer. The man try to touch it but the figure grab his hand before he could touch it. "It's time" Said the Figure. The man could feel the cold coming out of the figure's body. It was starting to freeze the room.

"Time for what?" THe man ask

"You'll die today" The figure place it's hand in the man chest. Then giant wings came out of the figure's back, the were like crow's wings. Completely black. "Are you scare?"

"No..." The man look at the figure, right in it's face.

"I see..." Said the figure and black mist came out of it and involve the man. After a couple of seconds, the mist go back inside the figure. The man was laying on the bed with his lifeless eyes open. The figure get up and was about leaving but someone was in the door. A young woman with a child in her arms. The woman was pale, she saw it all. The figure walk toward her and the woman start to yell.

"Who are you?! What have you done to my father?! WHAT ARE YOU?!" The daughter of the dead man wanted an answer. The figure approach her. The woman was holding tight at her son.

"Me...?" The figure ask look at the ground, thinking. "I AM DEATH. AND YOU..." The figure point at her "Your time is near... As well your child's future" The figure's wings spreads and involve the figure. What the woman wasn't expecting was that the figure turn into ashes and disappear...

April 18, 1943

Charles Xavier and his mother Sharon were watching at Charles twin brother, he was laying in the bed, not moving at all. Patrick Xavier born with brain problem and a couple of months later, he was diagnotic Brain dead. Thanks to his mother, Patrick is being mantein alive. Charles sit next to his brother, he was watching him face. The look the same. Patrick have his eyes completely open, looking at the ceiling. Sharon sigh.

"Charles, i'm talking with the doctor for a minute. Stay with your brother" Sharon pat Charles in the head and leave the room. Charles take that chance to try out his new powers. He try to read Patrick's mind but it was useless... It was almost empty, almost. What was left of Patrick was piece of memory from the moment he born. Only that remain. Charles start to cry over his brother condition. He want him to stand and walk away from the hospital and be with him, his family. Charles leave the room and run to the bathroom to watch his face. He look himself at the mirror for a moment and sigh. He stay like that for minutes before going back to Patrick's room.

What he found when he got back to the room was something he thought he'll never see. A person wearing a black robe with a big hood, he's face couldn't be seen at all. A Scythe could be seen in he's back. The strange man turn to Charles, he couldn't still look at his face. It was covered by what appear to be smoke, black smoke.

"Who are you?" Charles ask. He try to look inside the man's mind but he couldn't. Something was blocking him, he try harder

"That's interesting" The strange man say with a distorted voice "I never encounter someone like you before... Trying to get inside my head. I can feel it. You want to enter" The man approach to Charles "To see my memories"

"What do you want?" Charles was nervous

"That boy..." The man point at Patrick "I'll take him out of his misery"

"What? Why? He isn't suffering" Charles replied

"Are you sure?"

"Of course i'm sure. He is my brother!"

"That don't make sense at all. What does family have to do? His mind is lost. It's useless, it's better to end his life here" The man put his hand over Patrick's head. Charles run and pounced upon the man. Charles get through him and hit the wall. "Listen... He'll die either today or in a couple of years. It's inevitable. You can't do anything about it"

"Please... Don't do it" Charles beg and look at him in the the face or at least he thought he was seeing his face. The man take out his hand from Patrick and sigh.

"I was going to make you a favor, but if you want your brother to suffer so much then so be it" The man's voice distorted even more and start to sound a little femenine. "He'll leave eventually, you can't change that. I can come back later for him. You can't protect him"

"I know. But i prefer that over someone that want to kill him before his time. If you kill him, then take me too"

"... I see" The "man" take out his hood and the smoke disappear. Charles wasn't looking at a man, He was looking at a woman. A young woman with long white hair, her right eye was blue while the left eye was red. She had a scar in her throat and her skin was really pale. "What's your name?"

"Why you want to know?"

"I'm... curious"

"Charles Xavier"

"I see..." The woman walk to the door and before leaving, she whisper a name that only Charles could hear. "My name was Abigail Blackwood" She said and turn into dust. Charles was trying to process what just happen in that room. He didn't know if that woman was Death itself or another human like him. The fact that he couldn't read her mind was something that leave him thinking. The world around him was starting to be more strange than before...

20 June, 2003

"Ladies and Gentlemens, We are now seeing the beginnings of another stage of human evolution" Jean Grey was giving a speech in the United States Congress in Washington D.C. Everyone in the room listen at her, carefully. "These mutations manifest at puberty, often triggered by periods of emotional strees" Someone interrupt her.

"Thank you, Miss Grey. It was quite educational" Senator Robert Kelly get up and talk "However, it fails to address the issue that is the focus of this hearing. Three words: Are Mutants dangerous?" He ask and Jean replie

"That's unfair, Senator Kelly. The wrong person driving a car can be dangerous" She said

"We do license people to drive"

"Yes, but not to live. Senator, mutants who've come forward and revealed themselves publicly have been met with fear, hostility, even violence. It is because of that hostility that i am urging the Senate to vote against mutant registration. To force mutant to expose themselves-" Jean was interrupted once again by Senator Kelly.

"Expose themselves? What do mutant have to hide that makes them se afraid to identify themselves?"

"I didn't say they were hiding"

"Let me show you what is being hidden, Miss Grey. I have here a list of names of identified mutants" He raise and show papers to the public "living right here in the United States" Jean sigh and Kelly keeps talking "A girl in Illinois who walks through walls. What's to stop her from walking into a bank vault? Or into the White House? Or into their houses? Also there are even rumours of mutants so powerful that they can enter our minds and control our thoughts, taking away our God-given free will. The American people deserve the right to decide whether they want their children to be in school with mutants. To be taught by mutants. Ladies and Gentlemen, the truth is that mutants are very real. And they are among us. We must know who they are, and, above all, we must know what they can do" People stand up and applaude like he was hiding the speech of the year. In the crowd, Charles Xavier was worried about the future of the mutants, next to him was Abigail Blackwood. She sigh and whisper to him.

"It's like we are the black people from the 21th century" She said. Charles didn't say a word. He saw someone else in the crowd. That person was leaving and he follow him. Abigail follow Charles and they found themselves in the hallway. Abigail recognize the man...

"Erik" She said out loud and he stops

"What are you doing here?" Charles asks.

"Why do you ask questions to which you already know the answers?" Erik ask and turn around to reveal himself

"Don't give up on them, Erik"

"What would you have me do, Charles? I've heard these arguments before. What about you Blackwood?" He point at Abigail

"Fuck them. Like i care what they say. In the end they are the dangerous here. They want an excuse to start a fight" Said Abigail

"Mankind has evolved, Erik" Said Charles

"Yes... into us" Said Erik. Charles close his eyes. He was searching something in Erik's mind

"Are you sneaking around in here, Charles?" He point at his head "Whatever are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for hope" Said Charles. Abigail remember having the same conversation with Charles a long time ago.

"I will bring you hope, old friend. And i ask only one thing in return... Don't get in my way" He walk away "We are the future, Charles, not them! They no longer matter" Erik leave and Charles was left behind with Abigail. She put her hand in his shoulder.

"Don't worry about it. Erik is wrong" She said

"I appreciate that but i know that you don't think that. You are like Erik, Abigail"

"... True. But the difference between he and i, is that i still have hope. At least a little, enough for not turn them into dust. Besides, i'm the one that laugh last. They can't hurt me... or lock me up" Abigail look around. "Let's get Jean and get out of here. I have students to teach. History won't teach itself" Abigail smirk

"Don't worry about them. We'll arrive in time" Charles smile at her "I'm surprise how you've change over the years, Abigail"

"Yeah... Although, i miss the old days" Abigail sigh

"Wich ones? Before or after you meet me?" Charles was curious

"Both" Abigail take out an old picture from her pocket. There she was with Charles and Erik before their first mission... Charles look at the picture and remember that moment. The moment where their life change forever.

"We can't change the past, Abigail. But we can change the future"

"You still believe in that? I told you, Charles. The future doesn't exist. You can't change something that didn't happen yet..."

What do you think? It's good? Let me know, leave a review XD