Disclaimer: I own nothing , this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment. Cross-over from various games , books, anime, manga, and movies. The familiar characters you see here belongs to their respected authors and owners.

My intuition was right, the Nen aura did point out to the next exam site, just as I arrived there, I was startled by a loud shouting noise.

"Gon!, you, what did you do to Gon and the others." Said a familiar voice which I recognize as Killua.

I stare at him blankly for a minute.

"Well, I'm waiting for an explanation you paper guy you." Killua said threateningly.

"Oh, I found them knocked out somewhere along the way, seeing the good samaritan that I am, I decided to carry them here." I said in an innocent voice.

Killua looked at me disbelievingly, and it was there that Gon and the others woke up, what bad timing.

"Huh?, where?, Hisoka!,... oh, he's not here, where am I?" Said Gon confusingly.

"You, you guys fought with Hisoka!." Shouted Killua disbelievingly.

"And you survived." Said Killua in an afterthought.

"Well, we were merely passed out by Hisoka's, what's the word for it ... ah, bloodlust, yeah, that word, after that I don't know what happened, but the paper guy was there." Explained Gon while pointing his fingers at me.

"See, I didn't lie, I picked them up somewhere along the way." I explained it to Killua with a smug look on my face.

"He, Hisoka was about to have his way with them" I said in an alarming voice.

"And I would have gotten away with it too if it wasn't for some meddling guy." Said Hisoka who suddenly spoke from out of nowhere.

"What!." Shouted Killua surprised to hear this and was also shocked with Hisoka's sudden appearance.

"What!" Shouted Gon, Kurapica and Leorio simultaneously.

"It's true, I was about to do this and that to them, but an annoying guy spoiled my fun." Explained Hisoka while looking at them salivating.

"Okay, that's way to creepy, and you!" Said Killua pointing at me.

"How did you get away from Hisoka?" Shouted Killua.

"Oh, that's easy, we played a game, I won, crazy huh, I have heaven defying luck." I said as everyone was looking at me like I grew a second head.

"Yes, it was my loss, I was completely defeated, that's why I want a rematch." Said Hisoka earning me disbelieving faces.

"Sure, I would have to go through some of your secretary though floor master-san." I said to Hisoka as he grinned.

"I'll be holding out you to that" Said Hisoka as he left to the other corner.

"Floor master?, what's that?"Asked Gon looking at me.

"It's a secret nickname I gave him, you'll understand its meaning some day." I explained to him while Gon pouted in response.

"Well while that was a very very interesting conversation it's time for the next part of the exam, the topic is cooking, not just cooking, Battle Cooking!, I'm Menchi and this is my partner Buhara, we are cooking hunters." Said Menchi.

"I will explain, we have built a warehouse building over there and placed many cooking stand and various ingredients, your goal is to prepare me a satisfactory dish, but wait, every contestant is obligated to cheat and sabotage a participants dish, and no harming, maiming and killing each other, this will help you value foods more, we will give you three hours, Buhara will first test your dish to see if it's poisoned and whatnot, what, don't look at me like that, even if you poison your food Buhara will survive."

"Don't underestimate cooking hunters, this test will give you a glimpse of what hardships we have to face, everyone ready, go!"

Authors note: Sorry for the short chapter, but if you have read this far, you must like the light novel "Bringing farm to live in another world", in that case I have good news, I have stumbled upon a good fanfic with similar setting that I'm sharing for everyone to enjoy. Since this site isn't letting me post the website address, kindly google,

(Into the valley of Gods) in royal road website, happy reading.