I couldn't help the shiver that went through me as I left my house. It was Tuesday, and I didn't want to be late. All that hard work and embarrassment for nothing. I'd rather not eat flies if I don't have to.

I could see a flash of orange as Tina walked passed by. She gave a small wave as she headed into Soseki's place. I surely couldn't be the only villager to notice how much time they were starting to hang out for. There were quite a few rumors running around town.

There were a few about myself which made me feel a bit awkward. I usually ignored these whenever possible. Especially the one about Allen and I dating. Have I been spending too much time in the salon, enough that people were suspicious of something? The redhead himself neither confirmed or denied the rumors. Then again neither did I. But would the townsfolk believe me?

Not letting it get to me I stopped in front of Witch Princess's house. I felt a shudder as I knocked on the door. It was almost two, so she should be done eating soon. I don't like two is late since she sleeps so much later than I do.

She opened the door after a couple of knocks, a knowing smile lighting up her face, "I knew you would come today. Looks like you gathered up the courage to steal all six! Guess you didn't want to have to eat flies, huh? Unless that wasn't your only excuse."

"Of course it is," I growled as I shut the door behind me. But she clearly didn't see it like that.

"So do you have them? I'm not wrong, am I? I know that you don't seem to be eager to eat insects and be trapped as a tiny frog."

I pulled out all six pairs and placed them on the table, "This was very exhausting to do, and I have no plans of doing this again anytime soon."

She was going to respond, but was interrupted by knocking. It was soft, as if the owner was afraid of what was in the house. I made a grab for the boxers but Witch Princess snatched my hand.

"Ah ah ah. Our other guest has arrived. Just in time too. Come on in Rod."

Rod? What in the world was he doing here? He nervously made his way in and froze when he saw that I was here as well.


I looked at him in complete shock. In his hands were a pair of orange panties. A familiar pair. My favorite pair of underwear was stolen by Rod? Out of everyone. Witch Princess must have noticed my discomfort, because she chuckled.

"You didn't think that you were the only one I gave this task to? But I only told him to snatch yours. Ironic, making you two steal underwear from each other."

Rod was mortified. I didn't blame him, I was just beyond embarrassed at this point. It was kinda funny actually.

"But why did you want the boxers? To keep them? Couldn't you have done it yourself if that was your goal?"

"I don't want to keep them," Witch Princess admitted, "It wasn't even my idea."

"Then who was it?"

"That pretty little redhead in town. Quite clever, that one."

I had finally returned all of the boxers that I stole, but one. I felt goosebumps go up my arms as I made my way over to the salon. Allen was leaning against the door, a knowing look on his face as I appeared.

"Hello, Rio. Can I please have my boxers back?"