~So what if I'm crazy? The best people are~
"Kieran, are you sure you want to do this? You don't have to go to school if you don't want to. You can just take online classes." I rolled my eyes at my sister as she parked in the parking lot of Forks High School. We had just moved to Forks about a week ago, and Noelle was suddenly having second thoughts. I, for one, was excited about our move. It was a nice change from the loud and bustling New York, but the best part about it had to be that it was as far away from my mother and father as it could be.
"I'll be fine, Noelly. Me and Tony will be perfectly fine."
"It's 'Tony and I'," Noelle corrected with a sigh. She handed me my backpack from the front seat and twirled her dark hair around her finger. "Are you sure about this? I mean, what if the kids here are mean to you-"
"They're bound to be mean to me anyway since I'm not from here. And Tony will protect me from them."
"She worries too much," Tony said, rolling his eyes. "You don't need to be babied, Kitty. Everything will be alright."
Noelle tapped her fingers on the steering wheel and looked back at me, her blue eyes unreadable. She ran a hand through my short hair and rested it on my cheek. I shivered slightly from how cold it was.
"Kieran, you know that you can't… talk to Tony in public, right? I understand why you talk to him, but the other kids won't, and if you show signs of-"
"Of what?" I asked, glaring at my sister. I slapped her hand away and looked her dead in the eyes as I spoke. "Signs that I'm crazy? I think we all know that already. I'm sure that you told the principal, and the teachers, and everyone else in this hick town! I don't need your help, Noelle. I can do this by myself."
I stormed out of the car before she could even attempt to apologize. I hated when she patronized me like that. I hated when she reminded me that I wasn't like everyone else, that I was different. I hated when she acted like Mom.
Hey peeps, it's Shaymie. I... I have no words. I keep getting inspiration for new stories, but don't worry. I'm still working on my other ones. I want to get a few chapters of the others written so that I can do a double or even triple update to celebrate the support (especially for Ryan Summers' story, which I'm still getting notifications from even though I haven't updated in a month). Anyways, hopefully you enjoy Mad Hatter, my sleepy brainchild of a story. ~Shaymie out 3