
i woke up today with a bad feeling and for the life of me i cant figure out what is causing it

you see shortly after that day at the grill me and Elijah started dating we are in love as happy as ever i even moved n with them but i keep my house for when i just want to get away with Elijah and spend some alone time together Esther stop trying to kill her kids and they are a happy family again even Finn has forgiven her the Salvatores havent bothered us everything has been peaceful. its killing not to know whats wrong.

i got up and made breakfast for everyone smiling as i heard the boys racing down the stairs to get breafast.

good morning love Eli (Elijahs nickname) said as he kissed me and made me and him a plate

everyone had a plate and was eating when the doorbell rang

confused i got up to answer it only to get the shock of my life when i opened the door. standing at the door was the one person i hoped to never have to see again.



What the hell are you doing here you sorry son of a bitch! I yelled

Causing everyone to run to the door to see what was going on.

Love are you ok Eli asked as he glared at Edward. if looks could kill Edward would be dead,I was stuck between laughing at Eli or murdering Edward. Eli looked like he would kill an entire town just to get a piece of Edward. While Edward looked like someone stole his favorite squeaky toy.

Bella love please come back to me i know i made a mistake but please we can work this out you dont have to settle for him anymore love im back now Edward said with a cocky smirk on his face like he expected me to just run into his arm with a smile just because he is back. i will kill him slowly i decided. no one and i mean no one insults my Eli and lived.

First off you stupid fucker my name is Tiffany Anne Church not Bella. Second off if you ever say anything like that again about my Eli again i will kill yo slow and painfully. i would never settle for Eli he is my one and only and i love him with all my heart there will never be anyone better or more right for me than him and i wont let you or anyone else get in my way or stop me from being with him. i yelled at him before slaming the door in his face.

I was so angry i ran straight to my room without looking back. As i was laying on the bed calming down Eli came in to check on me.

Are you ok love Eli asked with concern on his face.

Yes i said as i layed my head in his lap as he sat beside me and he started stroking my hair to calm me down.

I love you Eli I want you to know the reason i got so made is because of the things he said not because i have feeling for him only my my love it will always be you i said with tears in my eyes.

I know LaLa he said with a smile and eyes filled with pure joy as he leaned over and kissed me with so much passion my toes curled.

i giggled at the nickname. I still laugh when i think of how i got the nickname that only Eli is allowed to call me.

I laughed as Kol and I ran around the house playing tag. We might have been just a little bit drunk. Ok maybe a lot a bit drunk but it was fun.

Kol your it i got you i said smirking.

No you didnt he said pouting.

Did too

Did not

Did too

Did not


Enough Elijah says as he chuckles your acting like children

So Kol and i say together then bust out so maybe we should stop drinking but everyone is having fun watching us be our drunk selves so who cares if im suppose to be an adult. Ill get back to being an adult later.

Well fine act like children but i think im going to call Tiff LaLa from now on since she te

You wouldnt i said glaring at him playfully.

Oh i am he chuckled before going hunting with Klaus and Finn.

~~~~end flashback~~~~

What are you thinking about i asked.

When i gave you your nickname he said smiling at me

Me too i replied smiling back.

We spent the rest of the day in each others arms talking and laughing until we fell into a peaceful sleep with a smile on our faces.

please review and tell me what you think i know its been a while since i updated the story and im sorry i have been really busy with work plus my computer is acting up but im back now hopefully i can update more often but please let me know how i did thank you for reading love you guys your the best :)