Story Cancelled pending rewrite. I've been busy, and this story was conceived in the mind of an easily influenced child. I will look into updating at a later day, after I've gotten my post-high school life together. In the mean time, I may or may not start a different and, hopefully, better work of fiction now that I've matured.

To the anon who recently flamed me, and future anons looking to do the same: Your attempt to make me feel bad is laughable at best, and pitiful at worst. The fact that you felt the need to log out so that you could hide behind your mask shows that you have a fear of personal responsibility, and an even bigger fear of having an objective discussion. Should you, or anyone like you, wish to criticize my work, kindly direct it to my PMs, or use your account to PM me, so that we can discuss, in detail, your grievances.

Regardless of that, I apologize for not continuing this.

May Chaos Guide You All,

Chaos God Lizea