Klaus had a town car pick them up from the airport and take them to a pent house he owned near the beach. Seriously did this guy just own everything! Arriving at a tall glass building the driver opened the door letting Klaus out first, once he was out he offered his hand in effort to help her out which she excepted. She couldn't help but notice the tingling sensation she felt when her hand touched his and obviously from the look he gave her he felt it also. Clearing her throat she snatched her hand from his and he smirked at her.

"Come along sweetheart,we should get settled in". They walked side by side through the glass double doors of the building, and Caroline couldn't help but stare with wide eyes at how beautiful and flashy the lobby was. It had amazing marble floors and it was decorated in shades of burgundy,brown and gold with a huge diamond Chandler hanging in the middle of the ceiling. Smiling at her reaction Klaus laughed softly which gained her attention.

"If you think the lobby is amazing just wait until you see the penthouse". She couldn't help but roll her eyes at how smug he sounded.

"Yes we all know that you have lots of money, no need to flaunt it in my face". At her comment his expression turned from amused to deadly serious.

"It was not my intention to flaunt anything in your face. I was only stating that their penthouses are quite beautiful. I'm sorry if I offended you in anyway". Caroline couldn't help but feel a little guilty. She could tell he honestly didn't mean what he said to come off the way it did.

"No need to be sorry. I have a bad habit of taking what people say to heart sometimes". Klaus nodded as he pushed the button to the elevator. He really wasn't trying to get on Caroline's bad side, he wanted to actually enjoy their time together. They both stepped into the elevator and Caroline noticed that they were going up to the highest floor.

"Seriously! Are we staying all the way at the top of the building "? He chuckled quietly earning a glare from Caroline.

Reaching the pent house klaus showed her to her room and left to let her unpack and get setteld in. The room was beautiful it was painted a light shade of yellow and it had high ceilings. She plopped down on the queen sized bed that was in the middle of the room sliding her hands against the soft purple comforter.

After unpacking her things she decided on taking a little nap since hadn't got much sleep and plus she would need to have energy to deal with klaus and whatever she was going to have to aide him with while they were here. Strpping down to her undergarments she slipped under the sheets letting out a soft yawn and before she knew it she was driffting into a peaceful sleep, but not before letting her thoughts drift to the man that she was going to spend much of her time with.

I know this is a veryyyy short chapter and i do apologise, its been a while since i updated so im still getting back into it . I will make it up in the next one!