A/N: Somehow it's that time again, when a story I have been enjoying for a while is coming to a close. I can't really wrap my mind around it, but I do know that I'm ending this the only way I know how – with fluff and love and a CS happy ending to boot. When I asked you all for your dreams for this fic, I got the same answer from all the lovely people who responded: give us a flash forward look into Killian and Emma's life so we can see they're really happy. That's what this epilogue is through and through. Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy.
6 months later
"Another chapter, my love?" Killian posed the question while he and Emma sat curled up together on the couch where they'd been all evening enjoying the closeness and the comfort that the other provided.
It was a tempting offer and one Emma had gotten the chance to indulge in more and more as the months in her pregnancy went on. How they'd started this routine of Killian reading to her before she went to sleep Emma didn't know but she loved it, always feeling the warmth and indulgence of every word so much more when Killian was the one sharing it with her.
She looked up to meet his eyes and in those deep blue orbs she saw so much; there was hope, happiness, contentment, all of which she felt too. It didn't matter that she was so ridiculously pregnant and as large as a whale in her mind, Emma felt lighter than air when they got to just curl up like this getting lost in a story. It also didn't hurt that her husband had a sexy as sin accent that lilted over every word in the most pleasing way.
"Definitely. Just give me one second."
Emma got up off of the couch with Killian fussing over her as she waved him away. He was so good to her with his patience and protectiveness, but she was growing used to this state of being. No sudden movements or wide turns had become her new M.O. and she could go grab a glass of water without falling apart.
Unexpectedly though, Emma stepped into the kitchen and felt a sudden cramp – no it was way more than a cramp it was her sign that it was time for these two little peanuts inside her to finally come out.
"Killian?" Emma called from the kitchen and in a second he was up and in there with her.
"Yes, love?"
"It's time."
"It's – I mean it's – time – now – right now?"
The bumbling words were said with a mix of terror and elation. Emma could feel the energy rolling off of him and watched as his hand moved through his hair messing it up entirely in that way she loved.
Emma gazed upon her Killian with a smile as he continued to lose it just a little bit. Finally she decided it was best to step in and remind him that they were in this together and that they could do this. She took his hand and loved the way his fingers automatically interlaced with hers.
"Killian, look at me." Killian immediately complied with Emma's request and she squeezed his hand that she held tighter. "I love you."
In a second the lines of tension on her husband's face lessened. There he was again, her favorite person, her one true love, looking at her like he was ready even if he was terrified.
"It's really happening Emma. We're going to have everything." Emma smiled.
"We are. But to get it you're going to have to drive us to the hospital." Killian looked alarmed again but composed himself as Emma laughed. It turned slightly into a groan as another contraction hit, but there was no need to reassure him. Killian was on autopilot now, determined to get her to the doctor and a state where the pain would end.
They made record time to the hospital, and Emma wished the birth would have been the same way, but twins meant twice the work and a slow go of things. All of it was worth it in the end though when they started the next day with two new healthy, happy bundles of joy.
Emma knew that she should be thoroughly exhausted. She'd been through a lot to get her son and daughter here with her and Killian where they belonged, but sleep wouldn't come not when she could hold her children instead. She and Killian were both lying together on her hospital bed quietly wrapped together as they each held a baby in their arms.
"We have made perfection, love. It's as simple as that." Emma chuckled at Killian's praise.
She wondered if he'd still be saying that when these two currently calm infants were going through spotty sleep cycles or teething, but she had a hunch that he would. Emma had never seen Killian express any sort of love that mirrored the strength of the one he had for her until now. When he first held their son and daughter Killian was at a loss for words, and all his hope and awe were written on his face. It was another moment Emma knew she had to remember forever. Happiness like this needed to be cherished always.
"I don't think I can argue with that logic."
As she said the words, Emma watched her daughter who they'd just named Leia (slightly in honor of Liam and his bringing Emma and Killian together after so many years and slightly because of their shared nerdiness), yawn in Killian's arms. Her tiny little hand clung to the cotton of his shirt, pulling at Emma's heartstrings even as she daintily pulled at the fabric.
Their son Ryder meanwhile was all wide-eyed attention even being so new to the world. Emma couldn't tell right now exactly what he'd look like, but based on the swirling shades of green and blue that she could already see in his eyes, she expected he might be a complete mix of his mother and father. The thought made her smile and she watched as Ryder's face mirrored it slightly. Of course he had no real idea what he was doing, but Emma knew from the pang of joy that came that her new mission in life was to make sure her kids were always smiling, at least as much as they could.
"They do something that until now only you have achieved, love." Emma looked at Killian again.
"And what's that?"
"They render my words not enough." Emma felt her heart warm at how much Killian already loved their kids and she knew it was time for the little bit of a surprise she'd thought out earlier.
"I might have the answer to that. I packed something I thought we might like in the bag. It's in the front pocket."
Killian looked curiously at her before gently moving with Leia still in his arms to find what it was. When he pulled out Emma's copy of A Life in Love he smiled.
"I think our story should be the first one they hear. Don't you?" Killian nodded, pressing a kiss to Emma's temple as he moved back into his seat. With just a little maneuvering Killian got himself together, and Emma took up her spot as page-turner.
"To the savior next door – you're nothing less than a miracle and I love you."
"Hey! That wasn't how it went." Killian chuckled, correcting the dedication and then delving into the story, solidifying one of Emma's best days in her whole life in the process.
2 years after that
"Daddy, up!"
Killian looked down to his daughter Leia and smiled at her wide green eyes and sincere demand. Her soft golden curls were lighter than Emma's looked now, but Killian knew that someday she'd be the spitting image of his Swan. He was going to have to fend off too many suitors for his sanity, but he hoped by then Ryder would be more interested in defending Leia too instead of making his toy trucks crash together as he was now.
Though Killian was currently dressed up for an evening out, he had no actual want to go tonight. Unfortunately he had no choice. A Life In Love hadn't just shattered records on the best-sellers list, it had been optioned for a movie and that movie was now premiering. He and Emma were going to that premiere (which was luckily being held in Boston and not across the bloody country) but it meant a night away from his kids and he didn't like that one bit.
"She's going to ruin your suit, man."
Killian looked over to Graham who was sitting beside Ryder at the point, taking the basic orders from his son about which trucks he wanted. He and Ruby were babysitting tonight and though Killian trusted them, the unease still remained.
"Daddy, kiss!" Leia pressed a sloppy wet kiss on Killian's cheek as Killian smiled and returned her sign of affection with a kiss of his own.
"Aye, she might, but it will be worth it."
Graham smiled at the display as Ruby came into the room brandishing two baby food containers. The twins were past that stage of eating, so she must have dug it out back in the pantry. Killian wondered by her wrinkled up nose if it was the expiration date that was giving her such pause.
"Who in their right mind would mix tomato, carrots, and apple? Or mango, blueberry, turnip? I mean really it just sounds gross." Killian chuckled.
"You two will have to adjust to that. It's not all applesauce and string beans. There's some interesting variety to be had." Ruby gave a dramatic shiver at the thought.
"No kid of mine is eating this, that's all I know."
"Talk to me a year from now. You'll see how soon your tune changes when a six month old can't talk and hates peas." Ruby cracked a smile. She seemed about to say more when they all heard movement from the doorway.
"You know if we don't make our getaway now we never will."
Killian glanced over to see Emma standing there, looking more gorgeous than he could ever articulate. Dressed in in a red evening gown that conformed perfectly to her every curve, and smiling at him in that way that said she knew the effect she had on him, Emma stole his breath away. One second he'd been thinking of baby food and the hustle and bustle of having their kids and now the whole world was Emma.
All of Killian's desire to stay home increased a hundred times in the face of his lovely wife and he didn't just want to be with his family, he wanted to strip that dress of his wife and spend the night after the twins were in bed ravishing her fully. When a flush crept up her neck and across her cheeks, Killian knew Emma was aware of the nature of his thoughts. If given enough time, he also knew he could convince her to give him exactly what she wanted.
"Wow Emma, you are one hot Mama." Emma rolled her eyes, but at the mention of 'mama' both Leia and Ryder looked up to find Emma. In that unsteady way of a two year old Ryder got up and ran over to her as Leia leaned in Killian's arms to go to her too.
"Mommy!" Both of their children were so excited to see Emma though she'd only been upstairs getting ready for under an hour. One would have thought it was a year by how much excitement Ryder and Leia got.
"Hey there big guy."
Emma lifted Ryder up and pressed a kiss to his forehead that made their son giggle before he hugged around her neck tight. At the same time Killian moved forward so Leia could get in on the action. When their daughter had her kiss though, Leia went right for Emma's hair as she usually did.
"And this is why I didn't bother putting it up tonight." Emma said the words with humor as her green eyes caught Killian's and she moved closer so they could share a quick kiss themselves.
"Alright you two are slightly gross in the cuteness levels. I mean really, hasn't anyone ever told you that you look too happy?" Emma laughed at Ruby's censure.
"We deserve every bit of it," Killian said resolutely as Emma shook her head.
"Don't let my husband fool you. He is absolutely miserable that we are leaving tonight, aren't you, Killian?" He mumbled that he was and Emma smiled. "So even though I told you we'd be back at one or two, it'll probably be more like midnight. If we even get out of Storybrooke that is."
"Oh you have to go! We need the practice, and denying us the chance is like denying my baby. As her future godmother you would never do such a thing, would you?" Emma shook her head.
"Nah, we're going. Now, you two are going to be good for Auntie Ruby and Uncle Graham right?" The twins looked at Emma with a little confusion but ultimately nodded she gave them one more kiss and Killian made his goodbyes too before setting them both back down to play with Graham and Ruby.
Emma took Killian's hand in hers as they watched after their kids who were both happy and smiling and she whispered to him lightly.
"It's just a few hours and then we'll be back. Promise."
Killian looked over to Emma and nodded before they turned to leave the house. With the door closed behind them, Killian felt the cool breeze of the night and immediately looked to Emma. She would be chilled in that dress, but she had a wrap to wear that Killian easily took from her.
"Allow me, love." Emma shivered against him and he knew it had nothing to do with the cold and everything to do with the electricity that never stopped surging between them.
"I didn't get to say it before, but you look very handsome in that tux, Mr. Jones." Killian grinned at Emma's casual flirtation. He could hear the breathiness in her voice, but she still would banter with him.
"I'm glad you approve love. And since you'll have the honor of getting me out of this tux later, I give you leave to admire it all night long." Emma laughed at his cockiness and Killian pulled her closer before kissing her right there on the porch.
"Mmm, Killian we're going to be late if you keep me out here all night with kisses." Killian knew he could argue that he would be all too glad to do just that, but they'd made the commitment and this movie was going to pay for the twins and any other future children to go to college. They should at least make some sort of appearance.
"We'll continue this later then." Emma smiled.
"I would hope so. We're not going to give Leia that baby brother or sister she wants if we don't."
There it was, she'd done it, pushing the button that would keep them from leaving. Killian had absolutely no want to depart from their home when they could make good on that particular promise but Emma took off down the porch and Killian was shocked at her speed given the heels she wore.
"The sooner we get there the sooner we can leave."
It was the only line of logic that got Killian into that car and driving to the movie at all, and in the end Killian and Emma slipped out half way through. It was a beautiful story, well acted and well written but it wasn't really theirs, and the parts that were only made both of them want to add to the life they had.
A few months later, when everyone was still raving about the film and the story and the love affair that inspired it all, Emma and Killian were celebrating something all the more exciting – another child that they would get to meet very soon who they'd love just as fiercely as they loved their first two.
8 years after that
Walking home from the clinic in the early evening on one of the first nights of summer vacation, Emma smiled at the thought that her own vacation was staring today. She had taken a full month off from the clinic (something she'd begun to do every year since their honey moon and the twins being born) to celebrate the beginning of summer break for her kids.
Since becoming a Mom Emma had been adamant that she never wanted to give up medicine, but some compromise had been made. To not feel like she was missing out on important milestones with her family Emma worked three days a week with only one day that extended into the evening. Her partner physician who Emma brought on years back handled the rest of the cases and things were balanced and perfect as far as Emma was concerned. She got to do what she loved and still be a Mom who was home for dinners and active and involved with her children.
It also didn't hurt that her doting husband was such a spectacular father. Emma had never met another man more ready to be a parent and more willing to do every last thing for his family than Killian. He was still writing as Emma knew he always would, but Killian's greatest joy was in being home with the kids and Emma when she was there too. They made a wonderful team and had a great system that made it so none of their four kids ever doubted how much they were loved and adored.
Now that didn't mean that things weren't chaotic because they were. They had four children who were all ten and under running around a big old house and all of them had inherited their mother's want for adventure and their father's knack for words. They were sweet-talking, kind-hearted hooligans and Emma could hear them all scrambling around inside as she moved up the porch steps and opened the door.
"Hey there, Lady."
Emma bent down to see their big Saint Bernard who they'd gotten a few years after the twins were born. This gentle giant lived up to her namesake, calm and patient and well suited for this family and their kids. Emma gave her a good scratch behind the ears as a reward for greeting her like this before a voice called her attention back up again.
"Annie cut the hair off her Barbie again." Leia's casual words came as she walked by Emma with a book in hand. Emma stood from Lady who stayed just by her side as she did.
"Hello to you too, Leia."
Leia looked up and considered for a moment before giving Emma a hug. Emma knew this would change soon – ten-year-old affection might change to teenage avoidance at some point, but her daughter was a lovely girl and always would be. They could weather any storms together, but Emma did hope that her daughter would stay a kid as long as possible.
"Mommy, look at my doll!" Annie rushed in from the living room and brought the toy in question to Emma for her assessment. Emma was glad to see that it was a better result than she'd thought. Barbie now had a pretty decent bob cut instead of uneven baldness.
"Doesn't she look pretty? Where did you get the scissors, angel?" Emma was interested to hear this part, because even though Annie was only six she was clever, always finding ways to get herself into trouble as youngest children often did.
"Ryder did it for me." Emma looked up to where her son was rolling his eyes across the way.
"She stole my game and wouldn't give it back." That might be true, but Emma also knew Ryder took his job as the eldest child seriously. He was protective just like his father and always the first to cave to see his siblings made happy.
"Is that true, Annie?" Annie blinked her blue eyes up at Emma and Emma pushed some of her almost black hair out of her face.
"I needed leverage." Emma chuckled lightly before kissing the top of her little thief's head and standing back up.
"We still going to see the fireflies tonight?" Ryder asked and Emma nodded.
"You bet we are." Ryder grinned before running into the kitchen where Emma followed. There awaiting her was Killian with their son Hunter, sitting at the table talking about soccer, his certifiable obsession.
"Something smells good." In a second Killian and Hunter both looked at Emma and smiled.
"Hey Mom!" Emma moved over to greet her son.
"Hey kid. How was not going to school?" Hunter shrugged.
"Better than going." Sounded about right, but Emma knew they'd lucked out and that all of the Jones children enjoyed themselves no matter what season of the year they were in.
"You're home early." Killian's happiness at that fact pulled Emma back to him and she pressed a soft kiss to his lips.
"I missed you guys." Killian smiled, his arms coming to wrap around hers as they enjoyed one moment of somewhat quiet in the business that was their lives.
"We missed you too, love."
Of course the frenzy returned but Emma and Killian were more than equipped to handle it. Dinner was served, conversation was had where every kid got to share more about their days, and then the whole family was off to go start their summer right with a little bit of firefly catching.
After spending some time believing in magic and seeing all their kids happy and engaged running around in the field Emma fell in love with as a kid, Emma and Killian brought them all back home and went about the nightly ritual. With every kiss goodnight and story read, the kids dozed off one by one until it was just Emma and Killian walking hand in hand back to their room.
"So did you manage to get any work done at all with the kids running all over the place?" Emma asked when they closed the door behind them.
"Actually I did. It's finished." Emma's head flicked back his way at the words. 'It' was his follow up book to A Life in Love and it had been taking him a while. He'd written more of his usual action series in the mean time, but this was big. Huge even.
"It is?!"
"Aye, love. And I found the title and everything." Emma was so excited for him. After what felt like ages of waiting to see what his newest book would look like, Emma expected him to give it to her right now.
"Well, where is it?" Emma searched around and then watched as he pulled it out from one of his drawers. It came in the same kind of box as all the others had years ago and Emma couldn't help the happy flutter in her heart.
With steady fingers, Emma opened the cover of the box to reveal the manuscript inside. It was completed, a whole books worth of prose, but there, typed into the top sheet was the title: To See You This Way.
Emma flipped the page over and read his dedication, tracing her fingertips near the words as she did.
To my children: you are all the greatest gifts I could ever ask for. It is a privilege to be your Dad and to watch you all grow into the people you were born to be. Each of you has a light that shines so like your mothers, and I hope that like her you will follow your passion and change the world as you do. No dream is impossible for you, and whatever that dream may be, know that I will love you always and support you with all my heart.
And to my lovely wife who I will love in this life and in every other: you are still my savior in every single way. You have made every dream I ever wished for come true, have made my story the best that ever was, and taught me to love with everything I am. I am a better man for loving you, and I know true happiness because I have you. Thank you Emma, and know that I will keep choosing you and our family every day for all my days now and always. I love you.
Emma closed the box quickly after reading those all-consuming words much to the surprise of her husband.
"Something wrong love?" Emma shook her head as she moved closer to him, laying her hands against his chest.
"No, I would say that life is pretty damn perfect."
"I'd have to agree." Emma moved closer to kiss him but made one last comment when she was just a whisper away.
"Oh, and I love you too."
They sealed that love with a kiss that of course turned to so much more, and all of it was fueled by a simple truth – together Emma and Killian had found those dreams they'd both held so close, and the life they lived reflected every happily ever after either of them ever could have wished for.
Post-Note: Part of me really cannot believe that this is the end of the road for 'To See You This Way.' It's been such a fun, fluffy, adorable fic for me to write, and I really can't say how much I appreciate all the support you all have shown along the way. This was an experimental fic format wise for me (what with Killian's writing, and some of Emma's too), but you guys were so patient and awesome and I really can't stress enough how much I appreciate that. So thank you and I'm wishing us all good luck as the start of the new season comes tomorrow! Whatever happens, I'll be continuing with this story's legacy of fluff and feels and I just hope the show takes a page from that school of thought. Anyway, happy Saturday and thanks again!