Disclaimer: I do not own any part of the Skylander Franchise save for the figures sold in stores. I am borrowing the Skylander characters for the purpose of telling a story.

Belonging to You

"Make yourself at home, Cadence," Cali said.

Cadence followed Cali into the female Mabu's apartment. It was decorated with Cali's many different archaeology finds.

"Thanks for putting me up for the night," Cadence said.

"Don't mention it," Cali said.

Cali went into a backroom and returned with blankets. She began setting up a bed on the couch.

"You'll sleep in my bed tonight. You'll need good sleep for your special day tomorrow," Cali said.

Cadence went and sat down in an empty chair at the kitchen table.

"To be honest, I'm nervous. Yeah, I've been living on Flynn's ship, but…I'll be living WITH him after tomorrow. And sleeping with him," Cadence said.

Cali thought about this and nodded.

"Yes, I can see how that would be strange. It'll take some getting used to, but you love him and he loves you. You two will be inseparable when you aren't out on missions. Don't be nervous," Cali said.


Meanwhile, on Flynn's ship, Sharpfin had the bachelor party and it was just starting to settle down.

"You know, never did congratulate you on getting the girl. I mean, getting permission to marry a Skylander and to Cadence. Good job, mate," Sharpfin said.

Flynn had a big smile on his face and nodded. Sharpfin, Spyro, Snap Shot and Wash Buckler all sat around the Game Room on his ship. The only one invited to the party that wasn't there was Hugo.

"Hey, where's Hugo?" Spyro asked.

At that moment, the small spectacled mole came running into the room, panting.

"We've got bad news. Master Eon is unable to perform the ceremony. As a spirit, he's not certified to marry people," Hugo said.

Flynn big grin vanished.

"We'll have to postpone the wedding," Hugo said.

"Hold up there, no we don't," Sharpfin said.

Everyone looked at the blue land shark. Flynn had a hopeful look on his face.

"We don't?" Flynn said.

"Sharpfin is a Baron," Spyro said.

"Which means, I am authorized to perform weddings," Sharpfin said.

Flynn's smile returned, twice as big.

"Whew, I was worried for a second there," Flynn said.

Hugo plopped himself down.

"Aren't you nervous?" Hugo asked.

Flynn shook his head.

"Nope. I've dreamt of this day, to have Cadence by my side, to become my wife," Flynn said. He let out a sigh, looking off into the distance as he daydreamed.

"I can't wait to get married," Flynn added.

Hugo, Spyro, and Snap Shot nodded.

"You've had your sights set on Cadence for a long time now. For as long as you've known her, you've had a crush on her," Hugo said.

Flynn nodded at him.

"Only a few more hours, Flynn, then you'll be a bachelor no more," Spyro said with a smile.

Flynn looked over at the purple dragon and nodded, then frowned.

"Yeah…few more hours and I'll be attached to someone else. Few more hours and I won't be a bachelor. I've been a bachelor for a long time," Flynn said, suddenly looking crestfallen.

"Hey, don't feel sad. You and Cadence will finally be together," Sharpfin said.

Flynn smiled at this.


"OH MY GOSH. I am so nervous," Cadence said

Cali looked at Abigail, who smiled and shook her head in amusement.

"What did I tell you about nervous experiences?" Abigail asked.

Cadence smiled this time.

"Just put one foot in front of the other and keep moving forward," Abigail and Cadence said together.

Cadence looked at herself in the mirror. She was dressed in a simple white gown.

"Come on, Cadence. Flynn's waiting," Cali said.

Cali was wearing a shiny light blue dress with a light green bow in the back. Abigail was wearing a similar dress. Cadence followed them out of the dressing room. Abigail picked up a bouquet of white flowers and handed it to Cadence. Buzz walked towards them from Flynn's dressing room. The elder Mabu was dressed in a black tuxedo, his crutch was a shiny silvery crutch.

"All ready, Cadence?" Buzz asked.

Cadence nodded, but he could tell she was nervous.

"Abigail, you head around to the side doors and join our son at the head of the Great Hall," Buzz said.

Buzz led me and Cali around to the double doors where we waited. Buzz looked at Cadence and smiled.

"Nervous?" Buzz asked me.

"You know I am," Cadence said.

"Relax," Buzz said and I looked at him, "Getting married to Flynn isn't going to be the most horrifying thing you'll be doing in your life."

Cadence blew out my breath and she gulped when she heard the music start and the doors opened.

"Here we go, time to bestow you to Flynn," Buzz said, linking Cadence's arm with his.

Cadence saw Flynn waiting for her across the hall and she couldn't help but smile. Buzz walked her down the aisle, Cali following behind her. She could see Flynn inhale deeply and could tell his breath was taken away by her. She was led up to him and he offered his arm to her and she took it. They looked at each other with smiles on their faces, then looked up at Sharpfin.

"My momma always told me that love has no boundaries. That is certainly true today as we bring this Skylander and this non-Skylander together in matrimony. I know, some of you are thinking, 'isn't that against the rules?' Yes, yes it is. However, Cadence is an exception to the rules. She's unique and special and needs someone just as unique and special to love her and take care of her. Flynn is that unique and special someone," Sharpfin said.

Flynn looked at Cadence and smiled.

"Turn towards each other," Sharpfin said.

Flynn took a deep breath, turned to Cadence and took of her paws in both hands.

"Flynn, do you take Cadence to be your lawfully wedded wife?" Sharpfin asked.

Flynn took another deep breath, "I Flynn, do take Cadence to be my lawfully wedded wife. I will have her and hold her, love her and care for her, in sickness and in health, in joy and sadness, in comfort and in fear, for better, for worse, from now until the end of time and beyond, I do," Flynn said.

Cadence smiled at him.

"Cadence, do you take Flynn to be your lawfully wedded husband?" Sharpfin asked.

"I Cadence, do take Flynn to be my lawfully wedded husband. I will have him and hold him, love him and care for him, in sickness and in health, in joy and sadness, in comfort and in fear, for better, for worse, from now until the end of time and beyond, I do," Cadence said.

Sharpfin looked at Master Eon who looked at Buzz and Abigail. The two Mabu nodded their approval and Master Eon nodded to Sharpfin.

"That is acceptable," Sharpfin said.

Flynn pulled her close to him, with his arm around her waist, they turned to Sharpfin.

"Now, is there anyone here who objects to this marriage?" Sharpfin asked.

No one spoke up, so Sharpfin looked to Master Eon who nodded to Sharpfin. Sharpfin looked at both me and Flynn.

"Then by the power vested me through my status as a Baron of Skylands, I now pronounce you to be Mabu and Matah, Non-Skylander and Skylander, bound to each other in legal marriage as husband and wife. May it be spent in endless happiness," Sharpfin said.

Flynn and Cadence both smiled.

"Flynn…you may now kiss your bride," Sharpfin said.

Flynn swung Cadence around, tipping her back slightly and drew her lips to his.


Cadence walked with Flynn back to his airship. Flynn stopped and looked at her.

"You look absolutely radiant today," Flynn said.

Cadence smiled sheepishly at him. She was surprised when he suddenly started to dance with her on his ship.

"We didn't have a reception, but I really wanted to have a dance with you. So, this is where I am going to have my dance," Flynn said.

Cadence's embarrassment faded and she rested her head on his shoulder.

"I'm finally married to the one I love the most," Cadence said quietly.

"I suppose now that you are married to me, you'll be running off to handle missions?" Flynn said, he spun them around.

Cadence lifted her head and looked at him with a pleasant smile on her face.

"Hmm, no, I'd like to take some time to get used to my new married life before running off to do missions," Cadence said.

Flynn and Cadence danced with each other long into the night before stopping and calling it a night. She followed him into his cabin and suddenly a wave of nervous anxiety swept over her. She watched him get ready for bed, not even realizing she was subconsciously getting ready for bed herself. She froze when he got into bed and lifted a corner of the covers to invite her over. Flynn noticed she was nervous.

"Hey, come on. We're married now," Flynn said to her, trying to easy her discomfort with the notion of sleeping with him.

She took a deep breath, recalled her foster mother's counsel of putting one foot in front of the other and walked towards Flynn, crawled into bed next to him, he cuddled her comfortingly and they fell asleep together.


Cadence was dozing peacefully in the warm sunshine. She opened one eye when she heard several fellow Skylanders approaching. They were talking rather loudly and disrupting her sleep. They came around the corner and into view. It was Zap, Punk Shock, Rattle Shake and Jet-Vac.

"Hey Cadence, we're heading out to the Cloudbreaker Geyser Fields. Want to come?" asked Rattle Shake.

The Cloudbreaker Geyser fields was located in the dense jungles near the base of Mt. Cloudbreak. In addition to the Geysers, there were also hot springs and mud pools perfect for relaxing in.

Cadence yawned and stretched like a typical cat.

"How are we going to get there?" Cadence asked, recalling that Flynn was off collecting supplies for Mags.

"Sharpfin's taking us," Rattle Shake said.

Cadence didn't like the sound of this.

"Why isn't he helping to haul in supplies? The sooner we get the academy done, the better," I said.

She sat up and looked at her fellow Skylanders.

"Both Flynn and Cali are hauling in supplies on separate ships. Both of their ships can haul in a lot of cargo. Sharpfin just isn't needed for that. Portal access is still intermittent; we don't have unlimited access to the portals anymore. So he's tasked with taking the Skylanders to their destinations, including our vacation. Master Eon told us to invite you. Are you interested in coming with us?" Jet-Vac answered.

Cadence looked up at a window to Master Eon's chambers and saw the spirit watching them. With Flynn gone most of the time and no missions for her to go on, Cadence would loaf about. The spirit had taken notice of this and was doing something about it.

"Alright, I'll come with you," Cadence said, getting to her feet.

"Alright!" Punk Shock cheered.

"Just let me grab my cloak," Cadence said.


A massive column of steaming hot water shot into the air from a hole in the ground. Rattle Shake, Jet-Vac, Punk Shock and Zap looked up at the column and grinned.

"Nothing more incredible to see than a geyser," Jet-Vac mused.

The others hummed in agreement and nodded. Cadence however was not impressed by the geyser. Her connection to the water, fire and earth elements enabled her to sense what was going on to create the geyser and cause the water to erupt from the ground. Jet-Vac looked at the hybrid when she rolled her eyes and watched her walk on to the hot springs. He noticed a long bodied serpentine like dragon twisting around a bipedal western style dragon embroidered on the back of the Matah's cloak in the yin-yang style. It was just the lines that formed the dragons; the serpentine dragon was outlined with black, it's body scales were black lined with gold and the belly scales were black lined with silver. The bipedal dragon was outlined with light blue, lined with silver.

"What's with the dragons on your cloak?" Jet-Vac asked.

He and the other Skylanders followed Cadence.

"This cloak was bestowed to me after I completed my training in Mistlands and displays Mistlandian two of the dragons of Mistlandian lore. Dragons are quite revered and honored in Mistlands. In Capital City, there are dragon statues throughout the city and of course, there's the Dragon Citadel at the center," Cadence answered.

Zap let out a gurgling purr and held his head up high in pride.

"The only Skylanders that would be welcome inside Mistlands would be the dragon Skylanders. The Guardians told me that themselves," Cadence said quietly.

They reached the hot springs. Rattle Shake didn't hesitate and slithered right into the hot water, only to bounce right out again with a sharp yelp.

"Too hot?" Cadence asked.

"Yeah, this one is way too hot," Rattle Shake said.

Cadence smiled at him with amusement.

"Of course you knew that before I even got into the water," Rattle Shake said.

Cadence gestured to a pool of water 15 feet away.

"Try that one, it should be a temperature to your liking," Cadence said.


Mags watched as a crate floated across the sky, being hoisted up by a large crane.

"Alright, lower it down," Mags called.

The crate was lowered down and Mags began removing the cables that helped to hoist the crate. Flynn appeared from the ship tied up at the docks and walked over to her.

"That's the last box," Flynn said.

Mags opened the crate and looked the items over.

"Everything looks good," Mags said.

Flynn looked at her with his arms crossed.

"You, like everyone else. Doubting my skills as a pilot. If you don't trust me, why do you ask me to get things for you," Flynn asked.

Mags was shocked by Flynn's comment.

"Ever since you married that Matah, you've been different. You've started speaking up for yourself," Mags said.

"After traveling for three days with her in a handicapped state, being unable to use her powers and relying on me to keep her safe and get her home, I learned a thing or two about myself and about how others see me. Those I deem to be my closest friends are misjudging me and I don't like it. I decided to do something about it. Yes, I have lost ships, but honestly, how many pilots do you know that can fly through an active volcano and get his passengers through it unscathed? Huh? How about navigating the small cramped spaces of the Arkeyan Vault?" Flynn said.

Mags got the point.

"Alright, Flynn. I get it. I'm sorry," Mags said.

Flynn humfed at this.

"Do you really, honestly think that Master Eon would hire an unlicensed, terrible pilot to fly his precious Skylanders all over Skylands on the whims of a letter of recommendations given to him by a Mabuess?" Flynn asked.

Mags crossed her arms at this.

"Your mother is a renowned doctor in Skylands, the 'Best Doctor in all of Skylands' and that's not a self-proclaimed title, unlike your 'Best Pilot in all of Skylands title'. That title was given to her by the thousands of citizens whose lives she has saved. Master Eon knows of her accomplishments and trusts your mother," Mags said.

Flynn didn't like where this was going, but he was still curious.

"What's your point?" Flynn asked.

"Your mother raised you alone. You never had a father of any kind in your life. You pursue attention from the females you've worked with, including female Skylanders and I don't just mean Cadence. You do things to get their attention, to get them to take care of you and dote on you. All of this can mean only one thing," Mags said.

"Alright, pray tell, what does that all mean?" Flynn asked.

"Yer a momma's boy. Your mother fawned all over you, babied you your whole life; you are her precious little boy. Which is why you crave female attention so much. Reminds you of how your mother treats you. Am I right about all of this," Mags said.

Flynn rolled his eyes, but Mags could tell she was right.

"You needed a job, but no one would ever give you a thought to hire you to do something for them. So your mom used her influence with Master Eon to get you a job. He trusted her and would never doubt her words, so he gave you the job without a second thought. However, I wonder if he has ever regretted that decision," Mags said.

Flynn looked very sore about this.

"Actually, the letter I received from Abigail warned me about his poor flying skills," said a calm voice.

Mags turned and was surprised to see Master Eon standing a few feet away.

"Abigail's letter was not so much one of recommendation, but one of request. Abigail knew Flynn's father was a pilot for the Skylanders. She informed me of that, but forbid me to reveal that to Flynn unless he or Buzz figured it out on their own. Abigail asked me to hire Flynn, so that Flynn would have a chance to learn his father's work and maybe even have the chance to not only work with Flynn, but teach him a thing or two," Master Eon said.

"But why hire him if you knew he was a dangerous pilot?" Mags asked.

Flynn shot a dirty look at her.

"Because, the Skylanders already put themselves in danger for a living. Danger is just an occupational hazard for them, it's their lifestyle. Flynn's flying style would just be extra training for them, help them keep their edge and their reflexes. When Flynn's not flying for fun, he is actually one of the best pilots we've had…better even than his father. Most of his accidents happen when he's joy flying," Master Eon said.

Mags began trying to think of an example of Flynn crashing otherwise.

"He crashed his ship after flying through Mount Cloudbreak. That wasn't joy flying, he was transporting Skylanders then," Mags said.

"Hardly his fault that time. Tessa convinced him that it would be safe to fly through the volcano, said that she knew the way, but never once did she give him directions," Master Eon said.

"What pilot in his right mind would agree to fly through an active volcano?" Mags pointed out.

"I didn't want to fly through the volcano," Flynn said plainly.

Mags looked at him unconvinced.

"That was not was I was expecting when I asked Tessa which way to go. I was very reluctant to take my ship through the volcano, but she insisted that it would be alright, insisted that she knew the way, insisted that it was fastest and that we would lose the Greebles that were after us," Flynn said.

Mags was still not convinced.

"Tessa relayed the same story to me. In fact, Tessa specifically requested that Sharpfin repair and upgrade Flynn's damaged vessel, stating that she felt responsible for the accident and felt she owed him," Master Eon said.

Mags thought it over for a moment, before giving up.

"Alright, you both win. I'm sorry, Flynn," Mags said.

Flynn nodded his approval.

"Apology accepted," Flynn said.

He turned and looked around at the place. A look of confusion and curiosity came upon him.

"Something wrong?" Master Eon asked.

"Cadence usually greets me. Is she away on a mission or something?" Flynn asked.

Master Eon nodded his understanding.

"Or something. She's gone with Zap, Rattle Shake, Punk Shock and Jet-Vac to go and relax at the Cloudbreak Geyser Fields," Master Eon said.

"Without me? That's not fair," Flynn whined.

"I wasn't expecting you back so soon, Flynn and Cadence was starting to get flabby. I felt that she could do with the hike up to the hot springs and knowing her, she cannot be sent to a place so remote and dense without exploring it. Plus, the activity in the area would do to flex her elemental connections. I asked Jet-Vac to invite her to save my Wild Card from going bored and stir crazy," Master Eon said.

Flynn let out a sigh.

"Maybe next time, you should let her accompany me on supply runs," Flynn said.

"You know why I wouldn't let her…although the reason I keep her here is pointless if she gets bored," Master Eon said.

"No, actually I don't know why you keep her here; I assumed that it was out of habit…forgetting that I am married to her now," Flynn said.

Master Eon was mildly surprised by this but he gave a nod.

"No, Flynn…I did not keep her here to keep her away from you. The Specialized Training Academy had state of the art defenses, but they are all offline right now as we expand and upgrade the site into the Skylander Academy. With the defenses down…including the proximity sensors…I wanted to have my Wild Card here as replacement security. She can sense any vessel approaching via the Tech Element. I assure you, Flynn, I did not forget your marriage to her," Master Eon said.