The Mediamancer
Chapter One: Rank Chibi
[*Privet Drive*]
Nine year old Lana Potter had a secret... well two. The other secret was even a secret to herself.
Her first secret was her addiction to the land of fiction and video games. She had picked up the addiction five years ago when her cousin got extremely mad and threw a fit about losing on his video game and tossed the game console out of the kitchen, down into the hallway where her 'living area'(also known as the cupboard under the stairs) as she was, nursing some bruises from not doing her chores fast enough.
She silently slipped out of the cupboard and picked up the handheld device, looking into the kitchen she saw her cousin, who was now stuffing his face with a tub of ice cream having forgotten the strop out from moments earlier, she quickly shuffled back into her 'room' and flipped open the handheld.
There was a slight crack was on the screen, but fumbling with the device for a while she found that it still worked perfectly fine apart from that, and after few moments the game inside the cartridge started up.
Metroid Fusion.
That night as she played through the space ship, shooting at creatures as the strong female protagonist Samus Aran, a spark of fun had reached her life finally.
She was a natural gamer, unlike her cousin, who apparently sucked so bad he had no upgrades and couldn't get past the first area.
A month later she started to lose her spark of fun, and decided to pull her first act of true rebellion.
She snuck into the second bedroom, the land of dusty 'junk'
It was an utter goldmine. Old Game Systems, a Television! Manga, Comic Books, all things that her cousin got bored of... they were hers for the taking.
For years she snuck into the almost room every night, to charge the batteries of her Gameboy SP.
This night she was reckless sadly, her Uncle found out after all these years and was enraged at the 'freak'
Her face was shoved into the television, which sparked wildly as her body was quaking as the jolts of electricity went through her body.
But magic intervened. The electricity rushing through her was absorbed; the overcharged magic adapted in a way... rather beautiful and poetic in a manner.
Next morning Lana woke to the smell of burnt hair, something rare, but had happened a few times in her life... all of it in spite of her black locks which were somehow smooth and silky even after eight years of abuse.
[Caution! Health low! Eat food or rest to restore Health]
(New way of reading unlocked! Text/menu boxes appear like [this])
The girl stared in shock at this... prompt in front of her.
[Caution! Energy low! Eat food or rest to restore Energy]
'Okay I think too many video games have tainted my brain... it's almost as if my life is a video game. That would be crazy, I could just imagine a Menu in front of me-'
Close Menu]
'Oh god I must be more insane than I already was, this is like a dream come true' The girl thought excitedly as she looked at the... dare she say it... menu screen.
'I suppose I should work out how this whole thing works...' Her hand drifted to the help button and tapped it.
[Request assistance?
No? ]
'yes...' as Lana tapped the button, an orb of rainbow light the size of her hand appeared next to the window. The light faded quickly, revealing a very small... Person? Lana imagined that this would be what a robot pixie would look like, a plated metal dress of various materials, wings made of a four thrusters producing a wing-like span of purple fire, chrome hair in a (pun intended) pixie cut and a bronze-like tan skin, her face was also looked like an old computer screen, with an emoticon flickering between open eyes and lazy blinking.
["Uhh yes hello. My name is T1nk3r, your permanent assistant and advisor on your new Mediamancer abilities, please tell me if I am doing anything wrong, I was just created but I will help in any way I can."]
"This is so cool..." Lana whispered, amazed and unsure on how to progress
T1nk3r's face-screen flickered to a happy face, before her dialogue box reset.
[" I suppose we should start off with the Status option on the menu, it will completely your current HP, Energy, and other useful information, you can see a less detailed HP and Energy bar at any time by checking the corner of your sight, like a HUD. Both bars are flashing right now, but that should be expected when your head was shoved into a tv and your magic worked hard to keep you alive."]
Lana flinched at the memories of her uncle enraged, but her mind filtered out the word magic too, she would ask the metal pixie about it later. As requested she tapped the status button, which pulled up a large box showing new information.
Lana Lily Potter
HP: 5/80
Energy: 10/160
Level: 1, 0 XP, next level at 300 XP
Life: 8 (normally 10)
Intelligence: 3 (normally 10)
Charm: -2 (normally 5)
Strength: 2 (normally 4)
Agility: 5(normally 7)
Magical Maturity: 5(normally 20)
Mechanical/Fictional Maturity: 20
Luck: 30]
Lana stared in surprise at her stats, a strange mix of overpowered and extremely below average was very surprising, she wondered what some stats meant though, and asked T1NK3R about them.
["Just tapping a certain item on the menu will bring up more detailed information for it, I would check all of them, just so you can get a feel for it."]
The girl nodded, and tapped the text, switching to the next one when she had read through it
[Life is your current bodies' ability to hold up. For each point in the Life stat you get 10 HP and 20 Energy, Energy is used for all tasks, from moving to magic. HP is self explanatory. Life can be temporarily lowered by a large amount of improperly healed injuries, or lack of proper rest.]
[Intelligence measures your smarts you doofus, you can gain Intelligence by reading and learning, higher Intelligence lets you notice the world much more. This stat may be temporarily blocked from head injuries, or magical blockage]
[Charm is all speech skills rolled into one, baby. Helps with talking naturally, people will believe you more with higher charm and when you get older... you may find that people will not leave you alone. Charm can be temporarily lowered by people's feelings about you if they are bad.]
[YA WANNA GET BUFF, SISTER?! Strength measures those muscles for punchin', helps the body do it's healin' and stops damage in the first place. Strength can be temporarily lowered from lack of sustenance and improperly healed injuries that have broken bones]
[Go fast! Agility measures the natural speed your body goes, high Agility lowers the energy consumption of movement and lets you perceive the world at a faster rate, which means a big brain and big speed will let you read faster! Can be temporarily lowered by by the same injuries as Strength.]
[Yer' A Witch Lana. Magical Maturity lowers the energy cost of casting magic, and stops Accidental magic at higher levels, Magic also suppliments the body, so a high Magic Maturity will help the body grow faster and heal faster. Can be temporarily lowered by magical blockage.]
[Mechanical Maturity, also classed as Fictional Grasp. This measures your skill at games, the level of enjoyment you get from reading. It also lowers the cost of certain tech related skills, and will give you sparks of genius in moments of extreme need. Cannot be lowered.]
[Lucky you! The Luck skill brings supplements all Stats(but isn't visible), increases xp gain, increases rare encounters (both good and bad) and makes the impossible possible. Super high luck is sometimes inherited. Cannot be lowered.]
'What a strange system... but I guess I really do have magic, and it created this whole thing.' Lana thought simply.
["Now you have checked your stats, it is a good idea to check your Skills and Debuffs, which is a little lower on this screen."]
The Gamer Girl nodded and scrolled down, which produced another wide variety of options.
[Skills and Debuffs
Passive Skills
Mediamancy (chibi)
Ancient Magic (blocked)
Gamer (Goddess)
Reader (Goddess)
Running Off Empty (Goddess)
Beast Mistress (blocked)
Malleable Body (blocked)
Spark of Knowledge(blocked)
Acrobat (chibi)
Activatable Skills:
Malnourishment and Abuse
Ward Drain
Magical Blockage
Slave to The Family
Lady Loving Lady
Lana selected the options one by one, mixed emotions running through her face as she read them.
[Mediamancy (chibi)
Passive Skill
Magic and Electricity working together! you have been granted a game-like perspective to life and are now now able to pull objects from 'fictional' worlds and learn skills connected to said worlds, higher levels of the skill grant faster learning of 'fictional' skills and ability to travel to lands of 'fiction'. Levels
Grants perception of life as a game
Ability to pull objects from media (only handheld games and certain books at the moment, levelling up the skill grants more grasp on this ability.)]
[Ancient Magic
Passive Skill
Your family's magical blood is strong, and all that ancient power is in your veins, yet due to an old man's perception of the greater good, your magic potential has been sealed away.
Makes base Magical Maturity stat 20
Increases learning rate of magic by 100%
Lowers energy cost of magic by 50%]
[Gamer (Goddess)
Passive Skill
Your addiction to video games is now a great help to you.
completing games grants rare rewards of based off the game itself for free. (levels of game completion give higher rewards the more you have achieved.)
Earn xp playing games.
Bonus 50% xp gain from game related things. (Goddess rank bonus)]
[Reader (Goddess)
You enjoy the good book, manga or comic book.
Reading increases Intelligence 50% faster (Goddess rank increased ability from 10% to 50%)
Understanding a book's story completely grants a rare reward. (completing a book series grants extra rewards)]
[FPSF (female protagonist superfan)
Passive Skill
Female Protagonists are your favourite, making you more perceptive while reading a story or playing a game with a female main character.
20% bonus to all bonuses of game and book related skills if the item has a female protagonist.
Learning skills related to females in fictional stories is more common.]
[Running Off Empty (Goddess)
Passive Skill
Spending most of your life without food has made you more productive when having low energy
When at 20% or lower of your maximum Energy, all basic tasks have no Energy cost.]
[Beast Mistress (Blocked)
Passive Skill
Your blood has granted an affinity for animals, but due to a meddling idiot wanting a tool for his 'greater good' the affinity is only focused on snakes at the moment, but animals still like you.
You understand and speak the tongue of all animals (blocks only let this work with Snakes)
Persuading creatures is extremely easy.
[Malleable Body (blocked)
Passive Skill
Your Father's blood on his mother's side has granted you a body prone to self modification under orders, but an annoying block has left you with a shrunk arsenal of changes possible.
Ability to change body at will. (block only allows for minor changes of the hair variety.)
[Spark of Knowledge(blocked)
Passive Skill
Magic supplements all parts of the body, having ancient family magic running through your mind leaves you very good at keeping information. Sadly blocks to the mind have made the spark extremely weak.
Near photographic memory (blocked)
Intelligence starts at a base 10(block lowers it extremely).]
[Acrobat (chibi)
Passive Skill
Your body is naturally extremely flexible, giving you lots of movement. Quite useful for running away, right?
Agility increases 20% faster than normal]
Lana was rather surprised about the bonuses; all of them were extremely useful... sadly the bad stuff was coming up.
[Malnourishment and Abuse
You don't eat enough and punishment is only a few moments away.
Strength and Agility decreased temporarily by 2
(this Debuff can be removed by eating enough and properly healing injuries)]
[Ward Drain
An old man was clueless on his warding knowledge, and now the wards keeping you safe drain energy from your own reserves to stay active, leaving you weakened
Life is temporarily lowered by 2 in the current area]
[Magical Blockage
Binds on your magic seal most abilities away
Blocks magical abilities
Magical Maturity is temporarily lowered to 5]
You are overworked and need rest.
Increases Energy use by 40%
(this Debuff can be removed by getting enough sleep)]
Your family hates you, and thus tell other people about your 'villainy' your voice is never truly heard and people naturally blame you for mistakes.
Reputation gain is impossible in hometown.
Charm is temporarily decreased by 7
'of course my family comes to bite me in the butt. Who is this old man messing with me though, what is this Greater Good he thinks about so much- oh okay... that is one upside I suppose'
[Slave to The Family
Even being a slave has upsides sometimes.
Every day jobs (your chores) give you XP.]
[Lady Loving Lady (chibi)
Having an abusive uncle has made you have a dislike of male humans and put you off them even at a young age, someday you want to marry a nice girl instead.
Bonus damage against male species
Ability to charm girls who are open to that sort of thing.]
[Magic Beaten Out Of Her
Years of abuse has sent your magical core into a state of overdrive in an act to protect you, but has also left you prone to accidental magic with high emotions.
Energy used by casting magic has a 10% chance to return in double
Accidental Magic will not dissipate (usually Magical Maturity would stop these bursts)]
This is an adult ability, and so it is unseeable until you reach sexual maturity.
'Adult ability?' Lana thought.
T1NK3R flickered on a happy face emoticon when she noticed the girl close the final window.
["Good, you are done with checking out your stats it is a good idea to check your inventory, your HP and Energy are extremely low so it might be good to find something to eat."]
"Oh yeah... I did manage to sneak a chocolate bar out my cousin's pocket, and he tossed his school lunch apple at my head yesterday as usual so I picked that up too."
["You can access your Inventory from the menu, or just put your hands in your pockets, sleeves or a bag while thinking the word Inventory itself."]
'Uhhh Inventory?' She thought questioningly with her hands in her pockets
Bruised Apple
Chocolate Bar
Ragged Oversized Pants (E)
Ragged Oversized Shirt (E)
Holey Socks (E)
Broken Glasses (E)
Overclocked Lucky Gameboy SP
Dainty Fists (E)
Super-Sharp School Pencil]
"So it logs everything I wear and have in my pockets?" Lana asked T1NK3R
["Correct, you can tap the object in the inventory menu to bring it out into the world, or have your hands in your pockets and think the object's name; this is a way to sneakily bring an item out. Now go and get out the Chocolate Bar and Apple and eat them."]
Lana tried the "sneaky" way of getting an item, and was rather surprised when at the thought of 'apple' she felt the slightly bruised skin of a Golden Delicious apple. Next she pulled the Chocolate Bar out.
She took a bite from the apple and blinked in confusion as a little message of "+2 HP" and "+1 Energy" drifted away from the bite of the apple, dissipating from the air after two seconds of floating.
After nine more bites, she had bitten most of the more edible part of the fruit and had regained 20 HP and 10 energy; she tossed the core into the bin of the room, only for the object to get caught mid-air by T1NK3R.
["I'll recycle any food waste you have..."]
After the dialogue box that came from the mechanical pixie was gone, a few near silent crunches of apple flesh and servos which sounded like chewing sounded as... T1NK3ER ate the apple core.
"If you wanted something to eat you could have asked." Lana said politely as she shifted the shiny foil wrapper from the bar and broke off a block, passing it to the little assistant.
["Oh I... I really shouldn't... I can run off food waste perfectly fine..."]
"I insist." The girl said as she held the piece of chocolate up to the floating pixie, who took it.
[+20 Reputation with T1NK3R, the P1X13]
Lana smiled as T1NK3R started shaving apart the chunk of chocolate, the pixie was squeaking in delight at the taste of it.
She took a chunk off the rest of the bar and popped it in her mouth, a little prompt of "+1 HP" and "+2 Energy" floating by as she let it melt.
When the bar was finished off, her HP and Energy bars were no longer blinkingand a quick check of her status screen showed she was on 35 HP and 40 Energy.
After a moment of thought, Lana decided to examine the special object in her inventory, her most important possession.
[Overclocked Lucky Gameboy SP
Reusable Item
Your most important possession. It's seen some things and the previously grey Gameboy now shimmers with yellow every once and a while and is stained a reddish pink... who knew blood would stain so nicely? The loving care put into it has made the object a good luck charm.
Current Game: Metroid Fusion
A Chibi Level Mediamancer Focus
Doesn't lose battery due to unlocking Mediamancy with device in pocket
+3 Luck when in inventory]
"That's pretty cool." Lana said as she looked at the Pinkish Red Gameboy suddenly a prompt appeared as she flipped it on.
[100% completion in Metroid Fusion scanned, no guides used! Rare reward granted! You received Fusion Aran Bracelet and ability to unlock new skills, 990XP gained (after bonus xp calculation)]
[Level Up! Level 3 achieved.
2 Skill points granted.
4 Stat points granted.
2 Lucky Coins granted.]
A flash of light enveloped the area, a ball similar to the one that summoned T1NK3R, but when the light faded, revealing two golden coins and a rather bulky bracelet. They started to fall to the ground, which made Lana squeak and quickly grab them out of the air. The two coins vanished as they touched her palms, but the bracelet stayed there as a new prompt appeared.
[Rare Item Acquired!
Fusion Aran Bracelet (lvl1)
A metallic green bracelet with the ability to transform into an arm cannon, similar to the one wielded by the Protagonist of the Metroid Series, carries variable beam styles and a stun mode (visible by the colour on certain parts of the bracelet or cannon when active). The weapon has a set of free charges, which is used in varied amounts based on what style it is set to. After the charges are used further beam shots will consume Energy instead.
Deals damage based on beam type
Carries 100% charge (charges are replenished when in bracelet mode slowly, or recharges completely after rest.)
Levels through use
Damage can be blocked if bracelet/cannon absorbs the hit, consumes charge doing so.]
Lana quickly put the bracelet on, a look of extreme joy etched across her face as the bracelet shifted to fit more snugly on her wrist In the corner of her eye she noticed that below her Energy bar was a small battery icon with '100%' next to it.
["Wow... you got a couple levels already... nice work. Now we should get to going through the menus, the next is Upgrad-"] T1NK3R's speech box closed abruptly as footsteps were heard from out the door.
The door slammed loudly as it was opened without restraint, the purple enraged visage of her uncle staring right at her.
"GIRL I THOUGHT I KILLED YOU. I SUPPOSE THAT FREAKISHNESS BROUGHT YOU BACK, I'LL JUST HAVE TO TRY HARDER." He screamed with anger as he charged like a bull at a speed she thought was impossible with the whale weight he carried with him. She dove out the way, but freaked out as time began to slow, leaving her halfway into the dive as another box appeared in front of her eyes.
[Quest! "Sins of the Uncle"
Your Uncle is not particularly happy, teach him a lesson and reveal your abuse to the police, let the chains binding your life shatter!
Quest completion requirements:
Defeat Uncle Vernon, phone police, tell them about your abuse to get your Aunt and Uncle arrested for their crimes.
Bonus requirements:
Break Blood Wards
Lies Debuff removed
Secret reward for bonus Requirement
300xp (before bonuses)
1 Lucky Coin
Extra hidden reward if bonus requirement is completed
Failure to complete the quest makes the Malnourished and Abused Debuff permanent.]
As soon as the box was completely read time returned back to normal, making her slow descent of her dodge turn into a dull thump and scratching her elbows on the floorboards, a sign of "-1 Hp" floating passed her eyes as she got up, a louder crash signalled her uncle crashing into the wall, leaving a large hole in the plaster where his face went into it.
Lana got up from the floor and quickly activated the Bracelet. True to its description the arm cannon appeared on her arm, along with a blue mass that reached up to her elbow. She could feel that inside the cannon her hand was grasping onto a button and a some sort of scroll wheel, she pressed the button and out game a sparky blue charge, which hit directly into the recovering Obese man and sent jolts of blue electricity through his body as he fell to the floor unconscious.
'I guess... part one of the quest was extremely easy?' Lana thought as she collapsed her arm cannon back into the bracelet.
T1NK3R, who had been hiding in the bin during the extremely short moment of combat, flew out with a look of surprise.
[0_0 "you did that really fast. Your uncle was either really weak or that cannon is really powerful. Anyway, you might need to upgrade before finishing this quest, your Charm stat is negative, and the police will never believe you when it's that low. You might also find something to finish the bonus requirement too. Go check out the Upgrades/Crafting Menu."]
Lana took a moment to compose herself after her Uncle's attack, but quickly followed what the P1X13 said and opened up the Upgrades and Crafting Menu
Skill Points: 2
Available Upgrades
Passive Skills:
Corrode Chains
Malleable Mutation: L.P.X
Everyday Skills
Scanning Glasses
Advanced Uni-Sliders
Activatable Skills:
Phantom Quick-step
Dungeon Generation
Available Crafting Recipes
Lana read through the Skills one by one, Interested in the choices available.
[Corrode Chains
Passive Skill
Your body produces and Aura which corrodes any magic blockages or wards negative to your being and if bound unwillingly it will be easier to escape.
Easy to escape when bound
Magical blocks and bad wards will slowly deteriorate, and will no longer get placed on you.]
'That is the perfect skill for the blockages on my magic powers, and that nasty ward drain.' Lana thought, before continuing
[Malleable Mutation: L.P.X
Passive Skill
Mutates your Malleable Body Skill to increase your choices to things not human, you must find a piece of DNA from said creature before turning into them. You may also absorb another person's DNA to be able to change into a carbon copy of them, down to the DNA.
Based on the Main Antagonist of Metroid Fusion, the S.A.X and the Parasite that created it.
Learn "Absorb DNA" Activatable skill
Grants the ability to transform into any creature you have come into contact with and absorbed the DNA of.
If this Upgrade is bought, it would only truly become active once the blocks are removed for original skill Malleable Body.]
'That sounds awesome, but it makes me shiver a little bit, the X Parasite was quite dangerous'
Passive Skill
People can only really keep focus on one or two things at A time, with this skill you may stay focused on an unlimited amount of tasks, but you still only have two hands and two feet so you may find it difficult to do a lot of tasks at a time.
Grants ability to focus unlimited tasks at once.]
'I could play two games at once... if they had an option for one handed play, or I could learn to use my feet for controllers.'
[Everyday Skills
Passive Skill
Grants the ability to learn, level up and master skills based on everyday tasks like cleaning, cooking and tending to plants.
Learn skills based on everyday jobs.]
'That might be good too...'
[Scanning Glasses
Passive Skill/ Activatable Skill combination
Any pair of glasses or goggles you wear are now granted the ability to scan objects and people, during combat a quick scan of the enemy will happen for free, but you can scan at will for an Energy cost which increases based on the object's structure, design and details.
Grants the "Combat Scan" Passive Skill
Grants the "Detailed Scan" Activatable Skill]
'Pre-fight scanning? I guess I could see their HP and stuff.'
[Advanced Uni-Sliders
Passive Skill
Certain things (like opening portals to other fictional worlds) will now come with settings that can modify certain pieces of the reality, creating a separate world from the original, options such as "Turn male protagonist into a female" might be there. It also expands the options menu.
Ability to modify portals
Advanced Options menu]
'It isn't really of use now, because I can't open portals with my Mediamancy yet.'
[Phantom Quick-step
Activateable Skill
At the cost of energy, create a set of shoes and gloves that will fade after use. These objects grant the ability to wall jump expertly, grab onto edges, climb up from them easily and run at fast speeds.
Based on wall jumping used by Samus Aran.
Temporary speed boosting, wall jumping shoes and gloves at the cost of Energy.]
'Ohhh, nice. But I don't really know where I'll wall jump, but that speed boost might be good.'
[Dungeon Generate
Activateable Skill
All RPG games need dungeons, but it looks like you need to make your own. They cost a lot of energy, but you get rewards for it so what's not to like? You can even return to any dungeon you create.
Make a Dungeon Entrance out of Energy, what creature types inhabit it is your choice.]
Lana thought all of them were rather useful, but at the current moment it seemed like Corrode Chains was a good choice, as it would eat away at the wards and blocks that were affecting her magic her next choice was Everyday Skills.
T1NK3R seemed to agree with her choices, as her emoticon expression turned into a smile as she nodded her head
["Good choices. Now I would place those Stat Points now so back to the Status menu."]
Lana was quick to choose this time, three points in Charm to bring it out of the negatives and one point in Strength, her other weakest skill.
"What should I do now?" Lana asked T1NK3R.
["I suggest calling the police now, even with low Charm they will still come over. OH you should also use the lucky coins, you'll find them in your Inventory."]
Lana found the Lucky coins in the consumables section, but before she brought them out she checked the description
[Lucky Coin (x2)
Lucky Coins are a reward for many completed tasks and you are granted one when you reach a new level. Flip the coin and catch it to receive a random reward, from money to the rare Gaia Card.
Flip it to receive a random reward.]
When she procured the coins from her pocket, she noticed they were gold, about the size of a British Pound and had a star on each side. She flipped on of them and watched as it soared into the air, spun in the same spot for a moment before flashing into... A card with the earth, which was giving thumbs up and had a closed-eye smile, on the back and a blank front with lines for writing.
[Super-Rare Prize!
Gaia Card
Write on the blank front of the card a question, wish or request and throw it out into empty space, wait a few minutes to receive a reply from the Sentience of earth itself Gaia! She may grant your wish or answer your question if she accepts them.
Write a question, request or wish to Gaia and receive a reply
(please note that Gaia is also very lazy, so she just might not bother, you'll get a replacement card if that happens.)]
'That was really lucky, but I guess having 30 Luck would do that.' Lana thought before placing the card in the Inventory via her pocket.
She flipped the other coin, this time as when it flashed, a green sticky book floated in front of her
[Uncommon Prize
Slime Recipe Book
A semi-rare book crafted by a rather eccentric chef with a taste for chewy stuff, who later met his demise by a live performance of slime cooking which included live green slimes.
Reading the book will grant you new crafting recipes, (please note that real slime doesn't have to be used and can be supplemented by flavoured jellies and jam, but for authentic chef taste please go hunt the gooey creatures yourself (if possible)
Learn Slimy Cooking Crafting Recipes]
"Weird." Lana mumbled, quickly storing away the book before her hands got any stickier. Out the corner of her eye she noticed more movement from her uncle, T1NK3R noticed it too.
["Your uncle is waking up, hit him again!"]
With a quick movement another stunning shot was released from the suddenly transformed bracelet, sending the waking blob back into a state of immovability.
"Time to find a telephone"
[*Elsewhere, about a couple minutes later*]
Emergency services received a rather interesting caller that morning. The conversation went like this...
"999, what's your emergency?" The receiver of the called inquired.
(New way of reading unlocked! Electrical voices (Phones, Radios) will be heard like "this")
"Um yes... my name is Lana; I would like to report a current case of child abuse." The voice of a young child replied from the other end
"Excuse me?" Receiver replied.
"Yes, my aunt and uncle are abusing me." The young girl replied.
"And where do you live sweetie?"
"Number 4 Privet Drive-" Whatever she was saying after was blocked out by a womans screechy voice.
Needless to say, Police were quick to arrive at the house, found the dingy cupboard filled with blood stains (some still a bit moist) and what could be described as a mini bedroom. Along with the bruised and skinny body of Lana, they had enough proof to send away the Dursley Adults for a very long time.
Lana watched as they were put into police cars, the cries of revenge against her easily heard. Yet one phrase caused a strange boost in her body
"You will never be welcome in our home again; we are not your family!"
A prompt only visible to her and a currently 'Toy mode' T1NK3R appeared as she stood outside the house
[Blood Tied Wards disabled due to key words of a relative! Ward Drain Debuff removed.]
[Quest complete!
Lies Debuff removed
300XP Earnt (990 with bonuses!)
1 Lucky Coin acquired
Bonus requirement complete!
Blood Magic Skill Earnt!
100XP Earnt (330 with bonuses!)
Extra Lucky Coin acquired]
'I'll have to check that skill later... oh I levelled up!'
[Level Up! Level 6 achieved!
3 Skill Points Granted
6 Stat Points Granted
3 Lucky Coins Granted]
Lana smiled, but suddenly felt a hand of a female police officer on her shoulder which brought her back to reality.
"Child, are you alright?"
"Yeah..." Lana replied to policewoman.
"Listen, we called your Uncle's sister Marge. She is taking in your cousin but sadly she... well she said 'I don't want to take care of that little' she called you something really bad I really shouldn't say it myself... I'm afraid we need to find someone else for you."
Lana nodded
"Luckily your neighbour Mrs Figg has agreed to take care of you." The woman finished.
"Okay." The girl agreed.
[*A week later, ? POV*]
Ruby Potter was a 30-ish woman, with wild black hair, hazel eyes and a body which most women would kill for.
If you looked into her life normally you would find the woman has a love for Comic books, Video games and making her players squirm when she is the Dungeon Master in her weekly session of Dnd, which goes on every weekend in her store "The Lady Nerd"
If you somehow were magical and teased the right goblin with money, you would find that she is the oldest daughter of Dorea Potter (previously Black) and Charles Potter.
She is also a squib.
Ruby didn't resent her parents for shoving her into the sidelines when they found out her magic could barely fill a shot glass, they didn't kick her out the family like most Purebloods would do if they found their child which she was glad for, in fact they paid for her college, bought her store and even after their deaths there was still a steady flow of money which kept her afloat when problems were to come up.
After the death of her brother, James, she worked with what few links to the magic world she had to go and get custody of her little Niece, Lana, yet she went off the radar all of a sudden, along with somehow gaining a Magical Guardian that was NOT her godfather ('how was he even in jail anyway, if he betrayed them HE SHOULD BE DEAD?! Magic godparents are bonded to the child and traitorous acts would end their life.')
Strangely, it wasn't her links to the magical world that brought news of Lana to her; it was just the regular police themselves.
It was during an empty moment of the weekend when her phone rang.
"This is The Lady Nerd." Ruby said automatically.
"Is this Ruby Potter?"
"Yes it is" The Non-Magical Potter replied
"I'm with the police, have you heard of a Lana Potter?" Ruby, who had been checking her nails idly, suddenly stood up straight, putting all her attention to the phone.
"That's my Niece! I haven't heard from her in several years after my brother died... is she alright?" The woman rattled off.
"She is fine, now we did a DNA test and found that you were related to her closely. Perhaps you should..."
[*A few hours later, Lana's POV*]
The past week living with Mrs Figg had been okay, the swarm of cats which seemed to love her (probably the Beast Mistress skill, even if it was blocked.), she was eating pretty well now too.
It was the day after her Uncle's and Aunt's arrest when she had time by herself to check out the skills, get lucky coins, and use her upgrade points, the first thing she did was check out the Blood Magic skill she picked up when the quest completed
[Blood Magic
Passive Skill
Your parent's sacrifice was the ultimate defence against evil, but maybe it could be offence too? Blood can be used in many ways, blood magic can be used in many more.
Rituals with your blood required either work extremely well (if they positively affect you) or completely rebound (if they are used to cause trouble with you)
The ability to learn various blood related skills is now in your grasp.]
While the thought of blood made her slightly squeamish, but the knowledge her parents did in fact care for her enough to sacrifice their life for her.
After checking out her unlocked skill, she used her points to unlock three more of them. She chose Advanced Uni-Sliders, Dungeon Generation and Scanning Glasses. With her Stat Points she upped her strength and Life by three, bringing her current maximum HP to 110 and Energy to 220
She had yet to try out Dungeon Generation, Figg barely let her out of her sight and seemed to be writing letters on old parchment that seemed to be getting replies at near-impossible speeds, Uni-Sliders was connected to Dungeon Creation and as such she had no use for that either. Scanning Glasses though... They got way too much use, the non prescription lenses of her broken glasses gained a greenish tint, and the thought of 'Scan' (and the cost of 1 Energy) gave some really useful information about random books littered around the old woman's home which she called 'jokes' but after a quick scan they were found to be actual informative works on the magical world and another scan showed that Mrs Figg was in reality a person born in the so called 'magical world' but after finding she could not use magic, she left it.
The Slime Recipe Book was rather weird, as after she finished reading it completely it vanished with a prompt of...
[Slime Recipe Book read,
+1 Intelligence
165 XP (with bonuses
Jelly Burger Recipe Learnt
Slime Salsa'n'Chips Recipe Learnt
Slime Sushi Recipe Learnt
Slime Salad Recipe Learnt
Slime Slurpy Recipe Learnt
Chocolate Jelly Recipe Learnt
Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich with Jelly Bread Recipe Learnt
Jelly Cubes Recipe Learnt
Ultra Bouncy Jelly Balls Recipe Learnt...]
The list went on like crazy, enough for her to check the Upgrades and Crafting Menu to find a section added specifically for Slime Foods.
All the reading she had been going through had levelled her up a couple more times after that, leaving her with more Points to place in her Stats and Skills. She placed Two in Strength and Two in Agility then learned Phantom Quickstep and Multi-Tasking. Lana had yet to use her Lucky Coins, which she had 7 of at the moment.
And so here she was, a week after the arrest of her Aunt and Uncle. Today Mrs Figg had received a call from the police, surprisingly her father had a sister who the government had just found through some DNA tests and they were taking her to meet with the woman, the chance of having an actual family was a rather joyful thought, but fear of her being exactly the same as Petunia and Vernon left it slightly dulled.
With a Police Officer and Social Worker leading the way, Lana was brought to room with a set leather sofas with a grey plastic table as its centerpiece, the room looked refurbished recently.
A few minutes went by before the entrance to the room opened again, revealing a woman in a relatively smart black jacket, a t-shirt which had the words 'The Lady Nerd' over the front and a pair of jeans which looked like they had seen some good use.
"You must be Ruby Potter correct?" The Social Worker asked.
"Yes... is this Lana? My little Niece?" Ruby replied while looking at Lana, who looked at her with a mixture of confusion and slight fear.
"Indeed she is."
Lana's supposed Aunt took a seat relatively close to the first Mediamancer, who shuffled away slightly at the movement.
"Umm, I suppose I should introduce myself properly. I'm Ruby Potter, your Aunt... and I've been looking for you ever since your father died. I'm happy to have finally found you, even if you technically found me." Ruby said as she smiled warmly at the grl
Those words seemed to shatter all the thoughts of the woman being anything like Petunia or Vernon in Lana's eyes as she shuffled closer to Ruby and latched onto her in a hug which was quickly returned.
Isn't this fun?
Getting New Stories...
Now for a current stat check, along with Skills and stuff
Level: 8
Life: 11(normally 13)
Intelligence:8 (normally 15)
Strength: 8 (normally 10)
Agility: 7(normally 9)
Charm: 10
Magical Maturity: 5(normally 20)
Mechanical/Fictional Maturity: 20
Luck: 30
Skills and Debuffs
Passive Skills
Mediamancy (chibi)
Ancient Magic (blocked)
Gamer (Goddess)
Reader (Goddess)
Running Off Empty (Goddess)
Beast Mistress (blocked)
Malleable Body (blocked)
Spark of Knowledge(blocked)
Corrode Chains
Everyday Skills
Advanced Uni-Sliders
Blood Magic
Scanning Glasses
Acrobat (chibi)
Activatable Skills:
Phantom Quickstep
Dungeon Generation
Malnourishment and Abuse
Magical Blockage
Slave to The Family
Lady Loving Lady
Current Lucky Coins: 7