Dragons and Men
::Dragon speech:: :Dragon thought:
"Human speech" 'Human thought'
*Noise* {Telepathy} -Sub point-
Before and during HTTYD
"Your what?" Stoick asked
"I'm leaving, running away, never to be seen again." 14 year old Hiccup's plan to run away quietly quickly went sour, as soon as he opened the door, a bulging pack strapped to his back, filled with meager supplies, his father had stopped him.
"alright" the man said apparently uncaring.
"what part of never to be seen again, don't you understand." Hiccup asked hurt by his father's lack of concern.
"you know I ran away when I was a kid to, was back by sunset" his father reminisced. Hiccup turned back to the door angered at the lack of confidence.
"see you tonight" the gruff man laughed, not even moving from his chair by the fire
Later in the Forest
'I'll show him, no I won't just last a day, I'll last for as long as I want' Hiccup was deep in thought wandering through the forest, so deep in fact he didn't notice he was lost until the storm started, and it hit hard, he was drenched in seconds, so he deciding to pick up the pace, he thought he remembered a cave nearby, which was weird having never been to this part of the forest. He quickly arrived at the base of a mountain, and low and behold, a little ways up the hill was a cave, it looked decently dry, he scrambled his way up the hill as fast as he could, he slipped a few times but made it to the cave eventually. He sighed laying on his front, he pulled his pack off his back and took out a piece of bread and spread a blanket over the cold, slightly damp stone, laying back down he started to eat, slowly drifting to sleep to the sound of the thunder, and the pouring rain.
He woke to a roar, it wasn't a dragon roar, living for 14 years with them would get you familiar with that type of sound, no it was something else, he quickly snapped his head to look at the cave entrance, and there, blocking out the rain, and lightning flashes was a giant grizzly bear, Hiccup got up and grabbed his knife, thanking himself for getting it out earlier, the bear roared again and charged, the boy tried to get out of the way, but was to late, the bear slashed across his chest, from shoulder to waist, he screamed, he collapsed, ,vision blurry , he heard another scream, presumably his echo, but before he blacked out, he could of swore that he saw a purple glow coming from behind the bear
'Silly brain' was his last thought before darkness consumed him.
Earlier , in the sky
High above the forest, flew a dragon, a Void Singer, or more commonly known as a Nightfury, looking for a meal, he landed in a small clearing, only a few meters across, and started to sniff out his dinner, a lot of scents were in the air, a few deer, a bear, bear sounded good but also the approaching storm, and human…..
:why is a human this deep in the forest: the Nightfury asked himself, curiosity overcoming hunger he decided to find the human instead of his lunch, finding him shortly after, it was just a hatchling, and a skinny one at that, he soon got nervous, for where there's a child there's surely the sire, he took a deeper sniff, to try to pinpoint the hatchlings father, but was surprised by the lack of any parental scents, no mother and very, very faint father, like only barely seeing him than more then passing by, not at all like a sire should, the storm was getting ever closer but it was ignored by both parties seemingly forgotten, the drake followed the child for a little while longer, trying to pry into his mind to see what had caused this venture into the woods was proving to be very difficult, due to some surprisingly strong mental blocks, which in and of itself was surprising, -because he never heard of a viking being able to access their mind- but while strong enough to hold him back, if he had the time he could get through, which he certainly didn't because the forgotten storm suddenly hit, and hit hard both dragon and boy were soaked in seconds, while the dragon didn't mind the rain he saw the hatchling shivering, and decided to try to send a memory of a nearby cave and was delighted to see the obvious change in direction, he flew back up into the sky after escorting the child to the cave, going back to tending to his rumbling stomach, and craving for bear.
Shortly after he found the bear's scent again, although faint he could still track it, though it was quite annoying the twisting and turning of the scent trail, and it eventually lead him back to the cave, he just barely started to question it when he heard the small hatchling scream, and heard a roar, a very bear like roar, coming from the mouth of the cave, without a second thought he dived towards the cave building up a shot of plasma, as soon as the bear was in sight he let loose, the charging blast making his iconic scream, but he fired a bit to late to stop the bear from getting a hit in, worried that his blast might of hurt the boy he continued his dive landing harshly on the bear, if it wasn't dead before it was now, obviously by the odd angle it's neck was at, but he paid no attention to the mess below him, eyes only for the child. Three claw marks from shoulder to hip, decorated his body, bleeding badly, and if not treated, would wind up being fatal. He knew that no one would reach him in time, so he walked up and tore off the shirt he was wearing to get a better look, at second glance it wasn't so bad, -it could've been worse- but it would have to be treated for him to survive the ordeal, with barely any hesitation he started to lick the child's wounds, his saliva having healing properties, and didn't stop until the taste of blood was diluted, and the flow had stopped, he then gathered the hatchling into his paws and took of into the evening sky, heading to his own cave, in a another mountain.
Back at the village
Stoick was getting worried, he expected his son to be back, fairly soon, it was now an hour past sunset and he had seen no sign of Hiccup, he asked around to see if anyone saw his son, none of the villagers had, he went to Gobber, to get help organize a search party.
"Gobber, I need your help to search for Hiccup, he left this morning and hasn't return yet," Stoick asked the blacksmith, with his usual Stoick demeanor cracking slightly with worry.
"he'll be fine, he's spent plenty a night in the forest before, he knows his way around there better than he does the village, and if he doesn't want to be found, he won't be, but if he's not back by noon tomorrow, we'll set up a search, okay?" the amputee replied not taking his eyes of the sword he was bending back into place. Stoick was surprised to hear about this side of his son, then he got angry, because that meant he was out way past his curfew, and he didn't even ask permission. Stoick then stopped off, back home, put a log into the fire and he fell into his chair, and waited, and waited, and waited, all through the night and into the next day, Hiccup still hadn't come home, he began to worry again.
In the Nightfury's cave
Hiccup awoke with a groan, trying to remember what happen, looking at the stone roof above his head, and feeling the dying fire nearby, wait….. stone roof? Then the memories came back, his running away, the storm, the cave, the bear, he tried to move his hand to his chest, but couldn't, it wasn't fatigue, he was felling quite rested, but it was like something was restraining him, everywhere, he couldn't move a single muscle, but he couldn't feel anything holding him down.
::It's about time you woke up::
He tried to look around for the voice but still couldn't move his head even the smallest amount, he started to get worried, who was this person? what happened to him? where was he? So many questions flooding through his head, he then heard a groan.
::I didn't know anything could have so many questions, can you stop, you're giving me a headache:: The voice stated, he then heard movement to his left, he then tried to move his head toward the noise, and found that he could, but nothing else could move. He took in the cave he was in, it was significantly bigger than the one he was in before, confirming he was moved, the fire in the middle of the room, the entrance where something was standing. Hiccup then realized he didn't asked those questions, he thought them.
::well you figured that out quicker then expected:: The voice commented. Hiccup kept looking at the mass in the doorway, as it slowly moved towards him, taking the shape of a…. A Dragon. He instantly started struggling again trying to move, but couldn't move anything, not even his head anymore, forced to watch the dragon, black as night, slowly crawl towards him. Once it was upon him it lowered it's head to his chest and, stated to lick it, now he was confused, and disgusted.
::you took quite a hit there, I'm treating the wound, my saliva has healing properties, so stay calm, I'm not going to kill you:: reasonably saying this didn't calm him down, only confuse him more before passing out again. The dragon sighed but did not stop licking until the slash was covered in saliva again. It wasn't long before he woke up staying awake for a decent explanation on what happened and how he got here, but he was still really confused.
"So let me get this straight, you put a memory of a cave into my brain, which I then found without even knowing it was there, was attacked by a bear who lived in said cave was rescued by you, a dragon, brought here where your stopping me from moving with your mind, and you implanted the language of dragons, in my head, all because you pseudo possessed me?" Hiccup summarized
::Yah pretty much. Oh I can also {Do this, I have let you be able to access you own mind enabling you to speak telepathically}:: The Nightfury replied, not really surprised anymore, Hiccup just gave the dragon a look. He then realized something.
"cool, hey I never got your name, mine is Hiccup" expecting a laugh or something of the like he was surprised at the dragons cool reply.
::my name is Myrkur, I'm a Void Singer, or as the vikings call me, The Nightfury. Nice to finally be introduced:: after that they sat in an awkward silence for a few minutes only being interrupted by Hiccup's stomach growling
"you wouldn't have anything to eat, would you?" the boy asked meekly, as if embarrassed about being hungry, to which the nightfury replied in the affirmative and after asking his preference, went to fetch some. Once the dragon left Hiccup tried to move again, he could but not much, only enough to sit up against the wall, it took a lot more effort than it should of, his limbs were protesting, but not outright refusing. After a few minutes Myrkur came back into the room of rock carrying a few cod in his mouth
{Is this enough or do you want me to get more?}
"one is more than enough thanks" the dragon dropped the fish onto the ground and hesitating to shove them over to the hatchling.
::do you want me to burn them? I've seen from your memory that you've always burned your meat, I don't know why you would do such a thing, it just destroys the flavor, but to each his own, anyway do you want me to?::
"yah thanks, and we only burn it because our stomachs can't handle raw meat, it makes us sick" And so the days continued in this manner, Hiccup asking Myrkur a question, and then Myrkur asking Hiccup a question, tears were shed, laughs were shared, and no question remained unanswered, they each told the other everything about their lives, but about a week later, the dragon started to become sad
"what's the matter, you okay" Hiccup asked worried for his new friend
::nothing, it's just, you are going to go home soon right?::
"Yah I guess, but why is that bothering you I would come see you as much as I could, as much as I want to stay here with you, Gobber would still need my help at the smithy, he's getting old and slow, but don't worry I'm through making or fixing weapons of any kind, that's really the only reason. Your more of a dad than my real father any way, so if given a choice I'd stay with you" the boy said with a smile
The dragon was awed by the child's declaration, a happy, toothless smile wormed it's way onto Myrkur face, weirdly distorted by its shape
::y-you know if you really wanted, I-I could adopt you, seeing as what you say is true, and I would be honored to be you father, b-but if you don't want to that's fine as well, who am I kidding you'd never want a dragon as a father-::
"yes, I would love it if you could be my father" Hiccup laughed, smiling all the while. The nightfury gazed at the boy in shock, then ran the short distance between them and started to nuzzle and lick him to no end.
"haha-ha, stop, haha stop it" Hiccup laughed harder than he had ever laughed before, but they were both startled by Hiccup's stomach rumbling again.
::guess I should cook that for you shouldn't I:: The reptile said before blowing a small stream of plasma onto the fish almost burning it completely, and before his stomach could protest anymore and as soon as it cooled down he ate, two of the fish, the third one he gave back, and the dragon happily swallowed whole. He then left to go get more fish for himself. Talking all the way
::you know there{is a ritual I could do that would actually make you my hatchling, but only if you wanted, and it would take a few days to set up, and in that time you should probably go back to the village and gather your things}:: Myrkur explained, and after little to no thought Hiccup agreed to the conditions. The next day, the only mark from the attack were scars, thanks to the healing saliva of the dragon, so Myrkur allowed him to move again properly, and gave him a ride down the mountain, for his cave was past halfway up the snowy mound of rock, and all to soon they found themselves at the edge of the forest
::I will come for you in a week's time, if you want to see me, just go to this cove, and call:: The black dragon said, sending a mental image of a beautiful cove and the way to get there.
"how will I call you? Doesn't the telepathy have a maximum range?" Hiccup asked worried about being away from Myrkur.
::yes it does but it's very big, I could be at one side of the island and you the other and we could still talk, with a few miles to spare, so don't worry, and if anything happens in the village, just call me and I'll come and get you, okay?::, Myrkur explained, worrying about his soon to be hatchlings safety, after assuring the dragon he would be fine, he said his farewells and headed down the hill to the village.
With Stoick
Stoick was sitting on his chair by a roaring fire, it had been a week since his since disappearance, and there was still no sign, not a single clue, and he was getting depressed, he heard a knocking at the door, he was about to tell whoever it was to go away when the door opened, and small steps were heard, he froze, only one person he knew made those soft of steps, he turned to see Hiccup, his Hiccup, his son, slowly closing the door, Hiccup turned and froze, staring at his father
"long time no see, I guess, how have you been?" the runaway said so nonchalantly, as if he wasn't gone for longer than a week, and it was this very lack of care that set him of.
"WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN, I'VE SPENT THE BETTER PART OF A WEEK LOOKING FOR YOU, AND WHEN YOU DO SHOW UP, YOU ACT LIKE NOTHING HAPPENED, don't you get how worried I was for you, you could of broken something, or, a dragon could of found you." He said quite angrily, but taking another look at his son had his emotions doing a 180° turn around from angry to worried in an instant, for Hiccup hadn't the time to get a new shirt -the ripped one having been burnt- leaving his new scar out in the open, still a little red
"what happened? What did this to you?" Stoick murmured quietly just taking in how rugged his son actually looked.
"look all you need to know is that it's dead, and I'll be fine, now if you will excuse me I'm going to bed, because hiking all throughout the forest is quite tiring" he said in a monotone voice, and with that Hiccup continued up the familiar flight of stairs and went inside his room, Stoick then sat back down in his chair, just relieved to have his son back, quickly forgetting what he wanted to tell him.
In the morning
By the time the sun rose Stoick was already up and about, leaving for the smithy to tell Gobber the news, knowing that word spread quite fast around the island, especially, from Gobber, and after a short retelling of what had happened the previous night he asked the amputee for the axe he had requested, thanking him the gruff man took the heavy weapon in stride, back to his house, and straight up the stairs, he opened the door without knocking, to see his son hanging from the roof upside-down, apparently still asleep.
"Hiccup wake up!" the giant man yelled, causing the boy to fall of his perch in the rafters, after some groaning and moaning, they both went downstairs and sat by the fire in an awkward silence, although Hiccup looked like he was daydreaming, staring at nothing in particular, a while later they both started to talk at the same time
"It's I time don't you want learn to to fight fight dragons dragons"
"wait what" they said in sync again
"you go first son"
"no, no I-I think you should go first" The boy insisted with a rather more dull than usual voice, a little disturbed by the tone he did just that
"dragon training, you start into he morning." And this statement started an argument which turned out Hiccup being forced into a one sided deal of trying his best, before going back to his early morning chiefly duties
With Hiccup
Grumbling Hiccup went back upstairs to start packing, which only took around fifteen minutes, after which he decided to go to the smithy, to see if his blacksmithing master had any work for him, all the while unknowingly being monitored mentally by Myrkur, seeing through his eyes and hearing through his ears, but not questioning anything, and not intervening, up until, Snotlout passed by, who as soon as he saw his younger cousin ran to catch up.
"Hey Useless, this is for keeping me from my sleep with your little runaway act!" He yelled and with the twins, Ruffnut and Tuffnut, Fishlegs and Astrid behind him, he delivered a solid punch right into Hiccups gut making him bend double in pain, gasping for breath, while the twins just watch with a maniac smile on the or faces, Fishlegs cowering in the back, and Astrid just looking bored. Hiccup was starting to question who were the real monsters.
"you can't even runaway right, you can't do anything, your just so useless, no wonder your mom left you!"
At that he started beating on Hiccup again more brutal then ever before, and that's when Myrkur snapped, and took over. At once it seemed the air around the group dropped several degrees, sending a shiver through all the teens spines, stopping the beating from the feeling alone, everybody looked at Hiccup, now standing straight, looking them right in the eyes.
"is this really how you treat your own blood" Hiccup said in a deeper than usual and eerily calm voice
"and you thinks us dragons are the monsters, at least we take care of our own. How about I show you how much?" He continued in the same tone, and no sooner than he finished, he went on the attack, lightning fast strikes leaving all present awed at his speed and ruthlessness, but he didn't stop, not when he fell, not when he bled, not even when he was unconscious did he stop, even after he was drug off he still didn't stop trying to beat the living daylights out of him, or really, just the living part. He was only stopped by a swift knock to the head by a certain blacksmith that was restraining him, taking a fleeting look at the mangled boy he turned to Fishlegs
"go get a healer and be quick about it!" with that he turned to Astrid and asked her to tell Gothi to prepare her hut for two patients, not long after the chubby boy returned with a healer in tow, and they both left to Gothi's hut carrying a child, ordering the rest of the teens to follow them. After the boys were settled, Gobber turned to the rest of the group.
"does anybody want to tell me what happened?" He asked in a tone that said -don't play games with me- that put even Astrid on edge. And so they explained in detail what had happened, after repeating the story to Gothi she asked, well wrote for every body to leave, and for Gobber to fetch the chief. After that she walked past Snotlout and sat beside Hiccup, seemingly very focused. Still not used to the old woman's antics he did as told, and after repeating the tail a third time he and Stoick were at the healers hut.
"Gothi, what happened is my son alright, what about Snotlout, what is the matter"
"she says the Snotlout will be fine, it's Hiccup she's worried about" the blacksmith translated, one of the only people that could read Gothi's abstract scribbles, at this Stoick got worried, but didn't show it
"what is the matter, what's wrong with my son" Stoick asked his mask of indifference slipping
"somethings wrong with his head? Did he get hit?"
"Oi, what was that, eh never mind, something in his head then" the old woman nodded grimly, and after more translations and more hitting, she finally got across what she was trying to say.
"So you think that some kind of dragon has possessed him?" Stoick asked with a confused face and was looking for clarification, she nodded again before writing more scribbles, which Gobber translated to
"look out for anything suspicious"
After that they took Hiccup to the house in which they resided and laid the boy on his bed
With Hiccup
{Myrkur, what happened?} The now conscious boy asked the dragon linked to his mind, with a worried tone, not remembering anything that happened after the insults
{I'm so sorry, Hiccup, I-I just snapped I couldn't bear to see you treated that and by your own blood no less, it made me so angry, I'm sorry I couldn't control it, please forgive me?} The Void Singer begged.
{It's fine I forgive you just tell me what happened after I blacked out.} And so the dragon retold exactly that including the scene in the healer's hut, for he was still in control and could see and hear, just not move, after the brief storytelling, Hiccup decided on his next course of action.
{Alright I'll continue to 'act normal' here until you're ready, it wouldn't be wise for me to just up and leave, they might try to follow me.}
{That sounds like a good idea, and maybe I could teach you better mental control, so something like that doesn't happen again} Myrkur mumbled the last part, and after reassuring him that he was forgiven, Hiccup went to bed, which happened to be by hanging upside down by the rafters again.
{No wonder you sleep upside down, it's so comfortable.}
{I know right. Haha}
Sorry about taking so long to update. Just exams and whatnot, I am also going camping with the family for a week, so I might have a bit more after, but no promises. Like I said I have no update schedule and only write when I feel like it and when I have time, and rarely are those two conditions met at the same time, so again gave sorry for the long delay. Hope you enjoy
Shout out to Reviewers
Thanks for the reviews it means a lot :)