A/N: This story is kind of a twist of It's a Wonderful Life. It was supposed to be a one-shot, but it kept growing! :)

The plan had come together. Sort of. The end goal of catching the bad guys had been met. But having three injured men definitely wasn't part of the plan.

Hannibal sat in the chair in the hotel room. Face and Murdock were in one bed, and BA was in the other. Hannibal wasn't exactly sure what had gone wrong with his plan. But somehow, his men had ended up hanging off the edge of a cliff. They weren't hurt too bad, mainly scrapes and bruises. Nothing life threatening. Hannibal had ordered them to rest and there hadn't been any argument.

Hannibal leaned back in his chair, glancing at the card Murdock had given him. It was a Father's Day card signed by the three of them. He really appreciated it, but at times like this, when they were hurt because of his plans, he really wondered if they would be better off without him.

"They would be better off if they had their real dads instead of me."

A sudden light momentarily blinded him. He blinked hard as he jumped up and reached for his gun.

"It's not there."

Hannibal froze. "Who are you?"

"Someone who wants to help you."

"Oh, really? How exactly do you expect to do that?" He continued to try to find his gun. He had left it right beside him! Where was it?

"I want to show something to you."

Hannibal gasped as he felt himself be picked up. "Face! Murdock! BA!"

"They can't hear you. Now, come with me."

"What have you done to my men?!'

"Nothing. You see, time has stopped. When you return, it will be as if you never left to them."

"Return? I'm not going anywhere with you. I don't travel with people who won't even show their face to me."

"You have no need to see me. Now, come."

Whatever the voice was carried him out of the room.
