Kuroko jolted awake when the loud bell indicating that the lunchtime was already over rang through the entire school; footsteps could be heard as students began to run toward their classrooms hurriedly, and Kuroko, having just awakened from his short nap so abruptly, tried to rub away the vestiges of sleepiness. He felt a bit refreshed, though, as he had to stay up late last night so he'd unconsciously dozed off in the library when he should've eaten something to fill his empty stomach. But, of course, that could wait; he didn't have a huge appetite, anyway.
Straightening his back while collecting his belongings, Kuroko silently hoped that his low presence still worked on his teacher, knowing that his class had probably started already, as he picked up the books he'd borrowed earlier. A piece of paper flew out of one of the books when he got up. Unsure what it was because he didn't remember placing something on his books, Kuroko bent down a little to pick it up, and kept it in his pocket before he quickly exited the library, running with all his might to reach his class.
As expected, none of his classmates, and even the math teacher who was writing something on the board noticed him when he slid open the door. Relieved, and once again thanking his lack of presence, Kuroko walked toward his seat as quietly as possible. He put the books in his bag, while taking out his math textbook, trying to listen to whatever his teacher was talking about. Ended up feeling dizzy, Kuroko decided to take out the paper he'd found before, tapping his pencil on the table as he scanned the neat handwriting.
"How could someone's presence become something so important in your life?
How he manages to make you do all sorts of things you wouldn't think you ever do if it wasn't for him.
How he manages the strange emotions to bubble up inside of you.
How he manages to make you smile without he intends to.
How everything he does makes your heart thump dangerously.
And, how he manages to make you fall deeply in love, when he doesn't even do anything.
Just how?
It's as if the sole reason of his existence is to make your world better, to make you happy.
Since when does he become someone so important?
Since when does my world turn out like this?
The way I view the world has completely changed; it's all blue now.
My world is filled with blue.
And you, the sun that shines upon me."
A smile was formed on his lips after he read the last sentence. Only one name flickered in his mind when he saw the shogi pieces drawn at the bottom of the paper.
thank you for reading!