
"Happy New Year!"

"Don't let Padfoot shed all over your bed!" James called right before he, Lily and Peter stepped into the fireplace and disapparated away.

The four Marauders and new honorary Marauder girl had spent the evening at the Lupin house celebrating the last New Year's Eve of their youth while Remus' mum was away with family. There was nothing like drinking firewhiskey, eating leftover holiday treats and playing magical games to pass from the old year to the new. Remus taught them all how to transfigure pillows into McGonagall's cat form, a contest which of course Lily won. Somehow Peter's looked uncannily like a cat jello mold, translucidity and all, and Sirius had "accidently" transfigured his into a werewolf plush, causing Remus to blush and then subsequently disqualify him. James had brought over a tonic that changed all their voices to celebrities so they spent hours guessing at one another's bad impressions.

"Think we should chaperone Potter to make sure he doesn't get into the knickers of poor unsuspecting Lily?" Sirius said, taking another swig from the whiskey bottle.

"Don't put images like that in my head you halfbreed," Remus chuckled, falling back on the couch.

"Oh, still doing your Cher impression?" Sirius said as Remus put a hand to his throat.

"What? Wait, is my voice not back to normal yet?" he said, testing the sound of it.

"Haha, no that's just one of her songs, 'Half-breed.'"

"Well how am I supposed to know that? You're the one who's got the taste for muggle music," Remus said, relaxing into the cushions.

"I have a taste for many things," Sirius insinuated smugly, resting his knees on either sides of Remus's legs on the couch.

"Oh. Hi," Remus said, looking up at Sirius, a slight blush coloring his cheeks.

It'd been about three weeks since he and Sirius had confessed their feelings after a horrible night of revelations, yet Sirius had stuck by his side, made him feel wanted and needed and never like the monster he thought himself to be. After a week the other boy had even grabbed Remus' hand during breakfast, pulled him onto the Gryffindor table, snogged him quickly and yelled out, "If any of you have a problem with this, my boyfriend will hex your balls off." Well, Remus was the best at hexes.

Since then Remus had been strangely happy. He'd always been complacent, content even at times, but this beautiful thing that was being completely utterly happy, was both new and wonderful. He basked in it, allowed Sirius to fill him with joy and -for now- kept at bay the horrible nagging voice in his head that warned that he didn't deserve this.

"Hey," Sirius said softly back, stroking his thumb and forefinger along Remus' jawline before tracing down to his neck. Remus arched into the touch, luxuriating in those long fingers lighting up his senses. "May I?" Sirius asked, pulling slightly at Remus' necklace, the one that housed the charm to cover up his multitude of scars.

And this was new to Remus as well. Finally finding someone he could be himself around, to not fear rejection and disgust at his disfigurement. Someone who accepted him. Remus nodded as Sirius pulled the pendant over his head, looking down at his hands as suddenly tiny white lines of scar tissue became visible. He knew what Sirius must see as well. The bite mark that marred his neck, his first present from Greyback that forever cursed him. The two long lines across his face that disgusted Remus so, but that Sirius never gave a second glance. The other man only held his eyes with his own and smiled.

"I'm glad the others are gone, it's been torture waiting all night to kiss you," Sirius whispered and Remus shivered. He felt the same, yet was still shocked and pleasantly surprised when Sirius voiced his own thoughts, showed him that he was wanted as much as he wanted Sirius back.

"Then hurry up and kiss me," Remus said, trying out a bit of his newfound confidence.

Sirius obliged. Willingly. Fingers firmly grasped Remus' hair as Sirius dipped his head forward, warm lips pressed to his own. Returning his affections, Remus wrapped his arms around Sirius' waist, holding him close as he opened his mouth further, feeling Sirius slip his tongue in tentatively then more deeply. Remus pulled Sirius to him, one hand scrambling for the nape of his neck as he arched up into the other man's hot mouth, lips slanted hungrily, tasting, pressing, gasping for more. He felt Sirius let out a small shudder and couldn't help but smile knowing he was the cause. With one hand still on Sirius' waist he unconsciously pressed close, arching his hips up, seaking friction, seeking release.

Sirius stilled and Remus bit back a curse. Damn, he'd gone too far. Knowing Sirius only had experience with women -how the other man had confessed that he wasn't even attracted to other men, just Remus- they had decided to take it slow. But between school and inconsiderate roommates they had never really found time for much more than kissing. Maybe Remus was rushing things. He pulled back.

"Sorry, I wasn't thinking, we can take it slo…" Remus began before Sirius cut him off.

"Wanna go upstairs?"

"Oh," Remus was dumbfounded. He didn't want to act overly eager but… "Yes, hell yes."

Sirius grinned and swung his legs off the couch. Then, reaching out a hand, Sirius pulled Remus from the couch and led him up to the other man's room. It was both the shortest and the longest journey of Remus' life. His heart hammered in his chest and he knew his palm was probably sweaty but Sirius didn't seem to care.

How far would Sirius want to take things? Would he be put off when he saw him naked? When he realized there really were no breasts beneath this shirt for him to fondle, but instead that there was a very eager cock confined much too tightly in his jeans begging to be touched? Remus almost stopped and pulled away, seeking to end any humiliation before it could begin but then Sirius turned back to him with so much love and desire filling his deep grey eyes and Remus was lost. He'd do anything for Sirius. So he'd let the other man dictate their pace.

Still, when Sirius sat on the edge of the bed, Remus could do nothing but stand in the doorway, frozen.

"Are you gunna join me Moony?" Sirius laughed hesitantly and it suddenly hit Remus that Sirius was as nervous as he was. It was shockingly humanizing, bring this man he'd idolized for so long to his level of experience. Weirdly sobering.

Remus licked his lips. Taking a step forward, then another he stopped when he bumped knees with Sirius on the bed. With less grace than he'd hoped, Remus straddled Sirius' thighs, lowering his body till he was seated on the other man's crotch. This is where they'd left things on the couch, albeit positions switched, so here he'd wait for Sirius to make the next move.

Damn this was torture. Waiting for Sirius to initiate or push him away, feeling how hard Sirius was for him, his cock pressed firmly to his own beneath frustrating layers of denim, skin he ached to touch, to taste, to rub up against.

Sirius still hadn't moved and Remus could not seem to read his expression. He needed a hint. "Sirius, if this is too soon…"

"I want you," Sirius breathed against his mouth. "Sorry, it was just too much and I was trying to hold back."

"Oh," Remus dumbfounded.

"Kiss me?" Sirius pleaded and Remus took less than a second to oblige. A moment later there was a hand on his ass, kneading, pressing him close and Remus almost blacked out with pleasure. He could feel the rock of Sirius' hips as he bucked up into his touch, the hard line of his cock urging against his own as trepidation evaporated and pure carnal lust took over.

"Take off your shirt," Sirius urged, pulling slightly at the fabric until Remus took over, quickly shucking off his vest and undoing his shirt buttons.

"You too," Remus replied, helping the other man lift his sweater over his head. And then there was nothing but smooth planes of pale skin, toned from afternoons of Quidditch practice, begging to be touched. Remus ran a hand tentatively over the other man's flat stomach and up his chest, mapping the firm curves with his hands and mind. "You're so...perfect," Remus whispered.

Sirius smiled. "You know I think you're perfect too," Remus started to protest but Sirius cut him off with a look. "Perfect doesn't mean you have no scars. Believe me, I have plenty. They just don't show. But how you overcome everything, find joy despite what you have gone through, what you go through each month...you're beautiful Remus. And perfect to me."

As Sirius finished his words Remus dove in with a bruising kiss. He kissed the other man like a lifeline, like a drowning man searching for air. Sirius thought he was perfect. It was so alien a thought and yet Remus believed every word he said.

"I want you," Remus whispered against his lips, grinding against Sirius in a way that could not be misinterpreted.

"Fuck Remus, I want you too. I have no idea what I'm doing though," he laughed breathily. "Maybe, take off your pants?"

Remus hesitated. There was no going back. Here, now at least Sirius could just pretend he was a flat-chested girl, but completely naked…

"Are you sure? You know I have a…" Remus blushed and gestured to the bulge in his pants.

Sirius chuckled. "Yeah, I kinda figured there was a cock in there. Don't worry so much," he said, taking Remus cheek in his hand.

Taking a deep breath, Remus dismounted and turned away. He steadied himself, both mentally and physically, one hand stretched out grip the bedpost. Sirius wanted to see him naked. He could do this. A tentative hand on his waist reassured him as Remus set to undoing his buttons, lower his zip, and tug off his jeans and then pants. Then he simply stood there wondering what to do next.

"Turn around," Sirius commanded softly, his hand pulling slightly at Remus' hip.

Remus held his breath and turned. Slowly. Arms crossed over his chest, Remus's eyes went to the floor, not sure he wanted to see Sirius' reaction.

"Damn," Sirius whistled appreciatively, "You're...wow."

Remus blushed. "I think it's a werewolf thing," he replied, unable to look the other man in the eye.

"Mmmm hmm," Sirius murmured appreciatively, pulling Remus closer to kiss his neck, one hand reaching back to rub and grip his ass.

Moved by Sirius' insistent hands, Remus climbed back on the bed, knees to either side of Sirius, body hovering over the other man in slight unease. He looked down, watching Sirius mouth at his collarbone, long dark hair just asking to be pulled. Then there was his own body, pale and scarred, skinnier and softer than Sirius own, his cock standing red and taught in sharp contrast against his pale stomach. Right, he was the only one naked. Time to fix that.

"Can I?" Remus asked, one hand lightly touching the zip on Sirius' jeans. It was a bold move, but he hated feeling so undressed and alone. He felt Sirius nod against his neck as he kissed him wetly, so Remus flicked open the button and pulled down Sirius' zip, spreading the fabric. Then he hesitated. He had wanted to touch Sirius for so long, it was almost like a dream come to life. He both wanted to savor the moment and embrace it.

"Remus, touch me please," Sirius begged below him, so Remus bit his lip and obliged. Reaching past the other man's pants, he tentatively ran his fingers over hard flesh as he sucked in a breath, feeling his own cock jump in anticipation. He pressed his palm to Sirius's cock, eliciting a groan from the other man that secretly delighted him. Then, with sure fingers, Remus grasped Sirius' length, taking the hard flesh in his grip and pulling it free as Sirius bucked up into his grasp. He watched as Sirius threw his head back, eyes shut tight in ecstasy as Remus dragged his hand up and down the engorged shaft, gripping the base hard then sliding a thumb over the tip, picking up the cum that pooled from the slit to smear back down the length on his next pass.

Remus couldn't believe how arousing it was simply touching the other man. It was everything he had always hoped for, feeling the hard flesh between his fingers, stroking Sirius to a fit of passion, hoping and wishing that he could make Sirius feel better than anyone else ever had. His own cock bobbed against his belly, precum smeared in a sticky strand from his slit to his lower abdomen, simply begging to be touched in return, to feel the satisfaction Remus was giving his lover.

Feeling his knees about to give out, Remus lowered his body, his thighs clamped tight around Sirius' own as he picked up the pace. He watched as Sirius rounded his neck, pulling his eyes back to his own then down to watch Remus' busy hand as it pulled his cock in a frenzy of lust.

"Damn that's hot," Sirius breathed, arching his hips higher, seeking more friction, his eyes glazed as his gaze darted from his own cock to Remus'. "Could we...I mean...together?"

Remus could hardly believe the words. Nodding he released his grip before scooting up on Sirius' body, rocking gently, his balls pressed to the thick base of Sirius' cock before he grasped then both in one tight fist. Both men moaned together.

The friction was almost unbearable. With each thrust Remus felt the plump head of Sirius' cock press against his own shaft, leaving trails of cum in its wake as the other man moaned unabashedly. Remus gripped them hard, pumping his fist on Sirius' erection, leaving only his fingertips to trail along his own, knowing anything stronger would have him coming all too quickly. And all the while he watched as Sirius' hungry gaze devoured what he did, never wavering from their cocks pressing together, their thickened lengths leaking as they rutted together, seeking sweet release.

He had never thought he could have this. Each night Remus had spent alone in his bed, imagining Sirius, picturing his firm body sliding against him, his hot mouth devouring him, it had all ended in heartache. For those short minutes where he touched himself, pulling at his own aching cock, making himself feel less alone and pretending Sirius was there with him, wanting him, worshiping him, the satisfaction was only short lived. The moment he moaned out Sirius's name, felt himself come, sticky and panting into his own lonely grip, reality returned and with it the shame and inadequacy he always felt. But not now. Not anymore.

"Remus I...you're gunna make me come," Sirius moaned, bringing his eyes to Remus' own. Then in a bold move he took one hand from where it gripped Remus' ass and slid it over their heavy cocks, their fingers twinned together, moving in tandem over hard slickened lengths.

"Yes," Sirius groaned, his hips bucking erratically as he craned his neck, taking Remus in a sloppy kiss before he all but sobbed into his mouth, uttering a cry of fulfillment just as his cock pulsed in Remus' hand, coating him in stick spurts of cum as he pressed his body hard against the other man. Remus held tight, taking and giving desire, relishing in the feel of Sirius' slick release coating his thick cock, his free hand gripping Remus' ass, his cock still hard and pressed lewdly against his own.

He felt euphoric. He had done this to Sirius. Made him come undone in his hands. And now he could let himself go. With a last grind of his hips, Remus thrust their cocks together, the friction overwhelmingly perfect as he pressed Sirius backwards into the bed, rutting against him one last time before he too felt his length stiffen, his balls tighten and he threw back his head in a silent scream and grabbed his cock, painting the other man's abdomen with his cum.

"Fuck," Remus heard Sirius say faintly, his mind a haze of melting euphoria. He collapsed forward onto Sirius' chest, his body heaving in exertion, his limbs felt like a jelly jinx had been performed upon him. After a moment he felt long fingers thread through his hair, soothing him and coaxing him slowly back to life.

Looking down, Remus blushed at the sticky mess he had made of them both. "Damn, Sirius, I'm so sorry," he started. But the other man had already grabbed his wand from the bed, chanting a quick cleansing charm on them and then pulled Remus back into his arms.

"Stop being sorry. I knew what I was getting into. Well kind of. I may have watched some gay muggle porn…" he trailed off, running a hand through his hair.

"What?" Remus said, sitting up slightly. "When did you...where did you…?"

Sirius simply laughed. "A magician never reveals his secrets."

"You're a wizard. I'm a wizard. We go to a magical school together, you can't hide things from me," Remus scolded before breaking out in a smile.

"Mmm, and I don't want to. And neither should you," Sirius said, carefully tracing a scar to its edge at Remus' chin before pulling him into a kiss.

"Never again," Remus swore.

Thanks everyone who read! I'll be updating my other Wolfstar AU "Life Drawing" soon as well as a new, darker post Azkaban fic!