Disclaimer: I Don't Own TVD
A/N: So I decided to start yet another Bonenzo fic. What? I've been so hopelessly Bonenzo obsessed lately. So this is an idea I had for quite a while. I always wondered how different things would be if Enzo accompanied them on their little Eurotrip. So this is me exploring that idea.
Enzo walked into the bar surprised to see the sight of Alaric and Damon drinking with Bonnie sitting by Damon. That was a sight he never thought he'd see. The last time he saw Damon and Bonnie in the same room they weren't exactly drinking buddies. He supposed that changed with being stuck in a prison world together. He knew from experience that being stuck with Damon in a prison could change a person. He of course could not dwell on thoughts about his time with Damon as his cell mate or the time Damon left him to die in a firey cage.
Then he flopped on the opposite side of Bonnie. She looked up at him not really happy to see him but then she never really was.
"What are you doing here?" Bonnie asked.
"I invited him." Damon said.
Bonnie huffed and asked, "Why?"
"Because I am great company." Enzo said giving her a dramatic smile.
Then he turned to Damon and asked, "So what's the big Emergency?"
"Well, I don't suppose you didn't hear about the castrophe of a Wedding." Damon said.
"I heard a little about it." Enzo said.
"From Lily?"Bonnie asked pointedly with hands folded in front of her chest.
"No. Caroline told me, actually."Enzo said.
"Right." Bonnie said as she took more of her drink just staring at the glass.
"I haven't talk to her since she told me about the massacre. So is Elena..?"
Bonnie got up.
"What do you care? You brought Lily that music. Lily made a deal with Kai and Kai...destroyed everything."
"Is he...?"
"He is dead Damon killed him but not before Kai cast a spell on me and Elena where we're linked. Elena will come back once I die."
Enzo's eyes widened at that and he looked between both of them.
"What?" He asked not quite believing it.
"Yep. So I won't see Elena again in about sixty years give or take. You know assuming accidents or freak illnesses don't accure." Damon said
"Thanks for that." Bonnie said.
"Why are you here?"Enzo asked.
Bonnie didn't get a chance to speak up when Damon said, "Please, I am not going to kill her. Geesh. That really hurts you think so little of me. So anyway we need to get out of here, Alaric needs a bit a change of venue so I figured we go to Europe to see the sights, sample lots and lots of alcohol. So what do you say? Want to join us?"
"What?" Both Bonnie and Enzo asked the same time.
Then they looked at eachother. Bonnie had that firey angry look in her eyes.
"Come on Bon-Bon. The more the merrier." Damon said.
Bonnie was not convinced.
"So what do you say? Want to come?"
Damon asked he was acting all casual about it but Enzo felt like there had to be a reason why he was asking him. Sure they were friends but ever since Damon has been back from the prison world they hardly talked.
He had a feeling if he asked him right now he wasn't going to be completely honest with him not in front of Bonnie anyway. He looked at Bonnie she was looking at him with those firey eyes of hers. She seemed to be just waiting for him to say no.
Why would he say yes anyway? Spending a summer traveling with two grievig men and a judging witch who would probally busy herself trying to make sure they stayed out of trouble didn't exactly sound like a fun time.
It wasn't like he owed them anything but then he looked at Bonnie and he realized he did owe her. She did bring him back to life. He tried to pay her back by trying to get her and Damon back from the prison world but then he failed at that and got so pathetically derailed in that. So yeah, he did owe her. That debt wasn't paid. And how long was Damon going to last without killing her? She was the thing that was standing between Damon and his epic love. He knew how dangerous Damon could be. She was a sitting duck and they all idiotically were kidding themselves if they thought they could have a fun uneventful summer without Damon snapping or something happening.
He then said, "Sure. Why the hell not?"
"Awesome! Now it's a party." Damon said.
Bonnie huffed angerily, "Fine whatever. Just don't get in my way and I won't get in yours. Got it."
"Got it." Enzo said.
Enzo watched Bonnie as got infuriated. He had a feeling she planned on being this angry at him for quite a while. So this should be fun.
A/N2: Sorry it's so short. I just felt like it should end here. So the concept of the story is established.