-2 Years Later-

"Now Otto, get back to your Grandpa. Up the stairs first door on the left, remember? Room 3a." Alfred crouched in the frame of his own bedroom to meet the blue eyes of one of his tenants. The small boy had come with his Grandfather to the B&B looking for a place to stay for a few nights.

"But I saw something."

Alfred ruffled Otto's blonde hair and chuckled. "That doesn't mean you should go wondering about. Now, upstairs you go." He stood and started to lead the child towards the stairs.

"But I saw something," He insisted. "In the room where you sleep."

Alfred stopped and looked down at him. "What did you see?"

"I don't know, I saw something sitting on your bed. It was touching your hair, Al, in the room where you sleep."

Alfred sighed a little. He hoped to God it wasn't what he thought it was. He lead the child to room 3a.

"Here you are, don't go exploring again, okay?"

"Okay. I want to leave soon, Al. Something bad's going to happen."

Alfred nodded. "Well your Grandpa said you'll be leaving in a few days anyway."

Otto smiled out of pure relief.

Alfred trotted back downstairs to the ting of the bell on the counter ringing almost every second.

"You shouldn't keep your guests waiting, Alfred." Arthur remarked as Alfred sped to the reception desk out on the porch.

"Oh, it's only you." Alfred leant on the desk. "How's Feliciano doing?"

"He's always napping and constantly late for work, but that's just Feliciano."

"Oh yeah, how's the new job?"

"I think he might be able to hold this one. We haven't heard a complaint in two days."

"New record. I'll have to tell Lovi."

The two chuckled at their friend's incompetence to take a job seriously.

Alfred nudged Arthur. "We'll have to double date on opening night."

Arthur rolled his eyes. "It'll just be you two then, because Feli's working opening night and I'm not going to third wheel."

Alfred pouted. "Aw, come on. At least come with us to support Feli's new job. I'm sure he'll love to cook for you in a professional environment."

"Fine." Arthur sighed. "But only if you're paying"

Alfred sat down on the rocking chair behind the desk. He was glad they had put the reception out on the porch. He loved just sitting out there with a comic book to read, especially during the long summer evenings when he could watch the sun slowly disappear behind the horizon, leaving splashes of orange and yellow it it's leave. "So why'd you come all the way out here? Can't have just come to see little old me." Alfred noted that Arthur's car wasn't in sight so he must have walked from town.

Arthur smiled dryly. "I came to make a reservation."

Alfred raised an eyebrow.

"It's for a friend. He's been travelling a lot and I told him he could stay for a while here."

"And how long is a while?" Alfred brought out the small reservation book from one of the drawers in the desk.

"A few nights give or take."

Alfred consulted the cursives on the page. He made a noise of disappointment. "Sorry Arthur, looks like we're all booked up for the next few weeks." His eyes flicked up to look at Arthur's reaction. "Unless you want to put him in 3c."

Arthur bit his lip and contemplated this for a moment. "Nothing has happened in a while, maybe we should finally open it up."

"Maybe." Alfred sat back in his seat. "But if this guy kills anyone it's on your head."

"So what are you doing over the weekend?"

"What?" Ludwig looked up from his washing up on the other side of the room. Feliciano was directing this question more at Gilbert, since he seemed to be more of the outdoorsy type, but his brother answered for him.

"I was wondering what you were going to do over the weekend." Feliciano called a little louder for the German to hear. Ludwig flicked the water of his hands and dried them with a towel before walking across the kitchen to where Feliciano sat.

"Cleaning up for opening night. And get off the counter, you'll get germs everywhere."

Feliciano hopped off the counter and took off his apron.

The place had been cleared hours before of wannabe chefs, almost all had been hired for the restaurant's debut, but only Feliciano and the guy who owned the place stayed behind. And of course his brother, Gilbert.

Sensing the hope of having coffee with someone other than Arthur was slipping, Feliciano decided to change the subject. "I see. So what made you buy this place?"

"What's with the sudden interrogation?" Gilbert chuckled.

Feliciano smiled apologetically. "Sorry, I don't mean to pry."

Ludwig frowned. "It's fine." This seemed to play out more like a question than a statement. "I didn't buy it, I inherited it."

Feliciano nodded. It was hard to keep a conversation with this man. Maybe that was why these brothers didn't speak to each other much, even though Feliciano only ever saw them together. That was another question that had been bothering him for a while. "Ludwig, why don't you and Gilbert talk very much?"

Ludwig blinked. "Uh, maybe you should leave now. It's late." He started towards the back door. Feliciano looked questioningly at Gilbert.

"He always gets like this." Gilbert shrugged.

"Okay." Feliciano followed Ludwig. "Well, see you on Monday."

"Don't be late. Being late on opening night is irredeemable."

Feliciano smiled again. "I know, I know." He waved goodbye.

A few weeks later Arthur arrived back at the B&B with a guest in tow. Alfred watched them approach from his seat at the reception. From what he saw, the guest had short straight black hair and an Asian complexion. When they reached the reception the noted the guest was also smaller than Arthur, and looked quite young.

"I'm guessing this is the friend who travels?"

Arthur nodded. "Alfred, this is Kiku. Kiku, this is Alfred."

After Arthur made the mandatory introductions, Kiku bowed his head. "Ohayƍ. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

"Good to Tennessee you too, man."

Kiku's eyebrows knotted together. Arthur snorted. "I'll leave you too it then. Alfred you still owe me for opening night." He slapped Kiku on the back before turning to leave. Kiku bowed at his retreating figure while Alfred reached behind him to take a leather bound book and pen and set them before Kiku. He handed him the pen and pointed at a line on the page.

"Sign here please."

Kiku did so and Alfred took the only remaining key off its hook. Room 3c. He hung up the sign for no vacancies, one they hadn't used up until this point. Leading Kiku up to his room he told him what to expect.

"We can serve you breakfast, lunch and dinner at certain times, the details are on the pamphlet in the room. Hallway lights go off at 12 and come back on at 6. The second floor bathroom is out of order but I don't think that'll bother you."

When they reached the door at the end of the hallway on the third floor, Alfred stopped and opened it. He let Kiku in and handed him the key, but didn't enter the room himself. "As I said, all the details are on the pamphlet." He gestured to the leaflet on the bed. "Tell me if you have any criticisms. I hope you enjoy your stay."

"Thank you." Kiku bowed again.

Alfred was halfway through closing the door before wavering and adding almost as an afterthought, "Be careful of that window." He nodded to the window in question. "It's been known to swing open during the night." He closed the door behind him.

Kiku set his suitcase down and glanced about the place he was about to call home for the next 4 days. He supposed running away from his problems wasn't the brightest idea, but coming back to them was an admittedly dimmer one. He sighed. Only he could resolve this, and resolve it he will. Upon his inspection of the room he noticed a small piece of rusted glass on the floor next a groove in the carpet. He picked it up to examine further, only to drop it on the dresser. He had cut himself on the glass.

"What if it all goes south?"

"Kill them both."

Feliciano sat up straight in cold sweats. He sighed. Another nightmare. This one was different though, he wasn't in it. It was more like he was spying on someone. The first man had an American accent, which was quite common in America, but the second had an accent Feliciano hadn't heard before. Was it French or Chinese? He didn't know. He lay back down and glanced over at the sleeping body next to him. Satisfied with what he saw, Feliciano closed his eyes and listened to the soft inhale and exhale of Arthur. A dreamless sleep soon followed.

Lovino shuddered. He went to the window to close it and stop the goosebump-inducing draft only to find it was already closed tight. He looked over to Alfred who was already sat on the bed with his back facing Lovino.

"Are you cold?" He asked for reassurance.

"I dunno." Alfred sighed almost as if the weight of the world was on his shoulders.

Lovino clambered onto the bed and put his arms around Alfred's neck and shoulders. "Are you okay? Do you need some cheering up?" He whispered into Alfred's ear.

Alfred took Lovino's arms off of himself dismissively and lay down on top of the duvet. "Not tonight."

"Well fuck you too." Lovino was quickly under the sheets to warm himself up.

Alfred took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. "Sorry, I'm just not for it today."

"No kidding. Maybe you're having a pubescent mood swing."

Alfred chuckled half heartedly. "Just because I'm younger than you doesn't mean I still get pubescent mood swings. Maybe I'm just tired."

"Yeah. Well get to sleep then you Dumbass." Lovino reached over and turned off the lamp on the bedside table. He was asleep within seconds. Alfred, however, lay staring up at the dark ceiling for a hour or so before being able to settle into a restless sleep.

Kiku was awoken by a man with an American accent. "Hey, c'mon." He motioned for him to come then left the room. Kiku stood and followed. The man with glasses stood at the end of the corridor. When Kiku reached him, however, he was already down the stairs. Kiku didn't seem to question this though as he continued to follow the American down the stairs. The place seemed odd, like something was slightly off. Maybe the walls were a different colour to how he remembered, Kiku couldn't put his finger on it. He soon reached the bottom of the stairs, but the American he was following was no where in sight. Everything just seemed so ambiguous.

An American accent crept up right behind him. "What if it all goes south?"

Kiku turned around quickly to see Alfred, who was actually further away than what he thought. The lamp suddenly flicked on bathing them both in orange. Kiku felt so dazed but things were less ambiguous as before. Alfred was rubbing his eyes as if he only just woke up. He squinted at Kiku. That was when Kiku noticed Alfred didn't have his glasses on.

"What are you doing down here?" Alfred yawned. Despite the circumstance, Kiku felt his heart leap at the cute sleepy American.

"I.. Uh..." Kiku tried to find the words to explain that he felt compelled to follow a familiar looking stranger down the stairs.

"Ah you must've been sleepwalking. Don't worry it happens to all of us." Alfred took Kiku by the arm and lead him back upstairs. Was he dreaming earlier, or was he still unconscious? Kiku had no idea.

The next morning Lovino went around doing his morning routine. Turning on lights, waking up guests who had asked to be woken for breakfast, checking on the second floor bathroom, the usual. The last room he had to wake up was 3c. He had no idea why Alfred even made a key for this room, it should be locked at all times. He was about to knock when he heard a voice. He tried to listen in but any comprehensible sound was muffled by the wooden door. Plus it'd be kind of rude to eavesdrop on his tenants. Lovino was rude, but not that rude. He rapped his knuckles on the door waited for a mandatory 'come in' to open the door. There was only one person, stood in the middle of the room. He seemed to have been talking to himself.

"Good morning. Breakfast is ready."

He was about to leave when the man called back to him. "Wait a minute. Are you staff here?"

Lovino nodded. "Yeah, is there anything I can help you with?"

"I was wondering if I could stay a few extra nights?"

"You'll have to ask Alfred about that. He's usually at the reception desk." Usually. Right now he was in bed. Alfred only ever slept in on weekends, but Lovino decided to let him sleep.

After eating Lovino's homemade Italian style breakfast, Kiku went out on to the porch to find Alfred asleep on the job.

Kiku coughed to catch the attention of the American. When that plan failed he resulted to nudging Alfred until he woke up. Alfred seemed startled to be asleep at all.

"Ah, sorry. I've just been so tired lately. Anything I can help you with?"

Kiku bowed his head as a greeting. "I'd like to reserve that room for a few more nights if that's okay." He didn't know why but he felt compelled to stay a little longer before he could resolve the issues he had in this town.

"Yeah that's fine."

That night Alfred again dismissed Lovino's approaches and again couldn't get to sleep. This time it felt like years he'd been lay there, and part way through the night he decided he needed a glass of water. In the dim light of the kitchen he heard a crash in the hallway. Stepping out into the hallway he noticed a picture had fell from the wall. Setting the water on the cabinet next to where the picture fell, he stooped to pick it up. Luckily the glass had only cracked in a few places and the frame was intact, which meant he could put it up again- wait, what was that? A cold breeze coming from the floor? No, it was coming from the bottom of the wall. Alfred ran his fingers along the bottom and there was indeed a gap between the floor and the wall. He followed the gap until it turned vertical up the wall. He followed the gap and found it to be a rectangular shape, much the same size as the the other doors in the hallway. He tried to use his nails to get into it but to no avail. To be honest he wasn't particularly surprised there was some sort of secret door here. It was an old house, bound to have its mysteries. As a last effort he pushed on the wall-door, and miraculously it groaned open. Alfred fell into the room as he had been leaning all his weight on the thick door when it opened. The first thing Alfred noticed was the smell. The stale air had the smell of rotten food hanging about. It immediately made Alfred's nose scrunch up in disgust. The floor and walls were a dark grey concrete, in contrast to the beige wooden boards which dressed the rest of the house. In the centre of the room there was a large pit, one Alfred would have fallen into if it wasn't for the railing. Railing which seemed to have old handcuffs with long chains welded onto it. If that wasn't worrying enough, the pit contained something far worse. Alfred jumped back at the sight. Bones. Skeletons, human ones. He didn't know how many. He covered his mouth to stop a scream. Swallowing, he moved toward the railing again to see if what he saw was real. It was. He swallowed another lump in his throat and left the room quickly. He didn't think he'd tell anyone about it, the reputation of the B&B was at stake. At least, that's what he told himself when he returned to bed. It was safe to say Alfred didn't get any sleep after that.

The water reached his neck. He pulled and pulled at the seatbelt but it wouldn't come undone. The car was filling fast with stinging icy water. He couldn't breath.

Feliciano coughed and spluttered, heaving in oxygen like he hadn't breathed properly in a long time. He sat up in bed. Return of the reoccurring nightmare. That sounded like the title of a sequel for a horror movie. This nightmare was different to the usual though. This time he was drowning in a car, not a bathtub. He sighed. He'd been having some odd nightmares recently.

The next couple days passed by quickly. Kiku couldn't bring himself to leave the house. All he wanted to do was spend time with Alfred. And he thought Alfred felt the same, which was probably the reason behind what he did next. He waited until Lovino drove to the store to restock some food to carry out his plan. Dragging Alfred out into the hallway, away from eyesight of any other tenant, he sucked in a small breath.

"Alfred, I-" He stopped himself and but his lip. He looked up at Alfred, who stared quizzically down at him. Alfred's pale blue eyes searching his own was too much for Kiku. He had to close the gap. So he did. He pressed his own lips against Alfred's, having to tiptoe in the process. They lingered for a moment, mostly because of Alfred's shock, until Alfred pulled away.

His eyes were wide. "What- why?"

"Ah-" Before Kiku could apologise a thousand times Alfred's eyes flicked to the front door as if Lovino were about to appear.

"He can't know about this. I can't let you tell anyone." His eyes darted around the hallway for inspiration until they landed on the photo with the cracked glass.

"Yeah, he can't come in today." Arthur felt weird hearing Ludwig's voice after all these years, but he had to call for Feliciano.

"Is he ill or just napping?" Ludwig sounded tired.

"He's got a fever. He's shivering despite the temperature outside."

"Why are American summers so hot? Okay, I'll have to get a replacement." Arthur could hear the cogs grinding in Ludwig's mind even over the phone. "Tell me if he gets any better."

"Will do. Alright, I'll leave you to it. Bye." Arthur was just about to hang up when Ludwig stopped him.

"Wait, can I ask you something? It's about Feliciano."

"Sure go ahead."

"Does he talk to himself a lot?"

Arthur bit his lip and contemplated his answer. "Not very much, why?" Feliciano was known to talk to thin air all over town, but Arthur didn't mention that.

"It's just-" Ludwig paused. "It's nothing, never mind."

"Wait, what is it?"

"Well, he brought up Gilbert the other day. I didn't know what to say."

Arthur's eyebrows scrunched together and glanced at the sleeping Italian. He was frowning in his sleep.

"But that's not possible. How would he know?"

"That's the thing, he doesn't. He just asked why Gilbert and I don't talk to each other. Weird, right?"

"Yeah. I'll ask him about it when he wakes up."

"Alright. I've got to get going. Bye."

"Bye." Arthur hung up.

When Lovino got back from the store, he sensed something was off. Alfred wasn't his usual chatty self. Sure he had been a bit reserved over the past few days, but now he was just silent. It was unnerving. When he went to room 3c tell Kiku dinner was ready, he was no where to be seen. When he asked Alfred about it he just shrugged and said he left in a hurry.

"But I thought he reserved that room for a few more nights?"

Alfred shook his head. "He didn't."

Lovino didn't particularly believe him, but couldn't really call him out on it. In the end he decided to call Arthur about it.

"It's probably nothing." Arthur tried to reassure him.

"But- uh-" Arthur could tell Lovino was gesturing to try and convey his emotions in an easier way. "I'm worried, you know. And this started when that fucking room opened up. Do you think it's something to do with that?"

"Honestly, I have no idea. Listen, it's late so why don't you go to bed and if this continues call me tomorrow, okay?"

A brief pause before Lovino answered. "I heard something upstairs. It sounded like glass shattering, I'm gonna have to go. Listen, if I don't call in the next few days I'm either dead or unable to."

He hung up. Arthur honestly thought he was overreacting, but decided to go to the B&B in a few days if Lovino didn't call. He glanced over to the bed to see Feliciano sat up and staring at him.

"Feli, you're awake."

"Who was that on the phone?"

"Just Lovino. Nothing for you to be worried about."

Feliciano pouted. "That just makes me worry more."

Arthur crossed the room and sat on the end of the bed. "All you need to worry about is getting some rest." He paused for a moment before adding, "What do you know about Gilbert?"

"He's Ludwig's brother, right? I work with him."

Present tense, Arthur noted. "Work with him?"

"Yeah at the restaurant. Go ask him if you want."

Arthur swallowed. "Right." He stood up. "I'm going to put the kettle on."

Lovino sprinted up the stairs to where the smashing noise came from. There stood Alfred, crowbar in hand, in front of a broken mirror. A few sleepy tenants stood bewildered in their doorways.

"Alfred, what the fuck are you doing?"

Without looking away from the mirror Alfred spoke in a gruff voice. "I hate mirrors." He began to break the already broken mirror into smaller pieces. Lovino stepped toward Alfred.

"Since when? Alfred stop, you're scaring me."

Alfred looked up then, angry electric blue eyes pierced into Lovino's skull. "God damn right, you should be scared of me." He swung the crowbar at Lovino.

It had been 3 days. Arthur was pretty sure Lovino wasn't going to call. He decided to go to the B&B. Feliciano was still asleep so he didn't bother waking him up. Instead, he leant down and kissed his forehead. Feliciano's fever hadn't gone down, but it hadn't become worse either. Arthur hoped it would soon pass.

Approaching the B&B Arthur immediately knew something was wrong. All the tenant's cars had disappeared and the front door had been left open. Entering the house, everything was silent except Arthur's footsteps.

"Lovino? Alfred? Anyone?"

Silence, until, "Over here."

It was Lovino. And it came from the wall. Arthur took a few steps forward to see there was a hole in the wall. No, there was a door. It was part of the wall.

"Oh god." Arthur ran to where Lovino and Kiku were handcuffed to the railing of the pit. "What happened?"

"Alfred. I fucking told you, he went berserk."

"Sorry I should have listened." He turned to Kiku. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to get mixed up in this."

Kiku's looked down. He didn't say anything.

"The Englishman. He's the wrong one."

Arthur turned to see Alfred in the doorway, kitchen knife in hand.

"Alfred, what the hell? What is this?"

"Alfred." Alfred spat on the ground next to him. "Call me Al."

"Alright, Al, could you please perhaps put the knife down."

Al narrowed his eyes. "What makes you think I'll do what you say? After what you did to us."

Arthur frowned. "Did what? To whom?"

"To my brother and I, to the Frenchman. You know what you did."

Arthur shook his head. "I assure you I have no idea what you're on about."

Al stepped back angrily. "I'll be back."

And he was back, too quick for Arthur to think about making a move. He returned with a telephone and handed the base to Arthur. "Hold this." He blocked the door once again.

"Dial the number for the other Italian." He almost spat the word. "He needs to pay for what he did to me."

Arthur was tempted to dial 911, but he was being held at knife point so he did as he was told. He didn't think Feliciano would answer as he should be fast asleep right now. He hoped to God Feliciano wouldn't answer.

He answered after 3 rings.

"Italian. Come to the house."

"What?" Feliciano groggily came into consciousness. "Alfred? Why? You know I don't like that place."

"Come now." It was too demanding to Alfred. Feliciano immediately knew something bad was happening. "Don't tell the authorities, or this will get worse." All Feliciano could hear after that was Arthur screaming. He almost dropped the phone. Al hung up.

Feliciano needed to act fast. He decided to go to the restaurant first, since Al hadn't said anything about telling chefs. Bolting through the back door he leapt to the first person he saw.

"Woah there." Gilbert placed an icy hand on his feverish forehead. "No sickness bugs here please."

"Gilbert, I think Arthur's in danger. Can you drive me to the B&B?"

Gilbert looked at his feet. "Sorry, I can't help."

Feliciano was restless. Arthur could be dead, and his friend wasn't helping. "Why not?"

Gilbert looked up then. "Go tell Ludwig, I wouldn't be able to."

"Why not?" Feliciano insisted.

Gilbert slammed his fist down on the counter, causing a few pots and pans to topple over. "Because I'm dead!"

Feliciano took a step back. Ludwig heard the ruckus from the other side of the room then, and strode over.

"Feliciano, what are you doing here? I thought you were ill."

Feliciano was flustered. "I, uh need to get to the B&B. Gilbert's dead?"

"Well, we don't really know that. He could still be alive, he went missing a few years ago. I think he's still out there, somewhere."

Feliciano looked to Gilbert, who just solemnly shook his head. Feliciano dragged a hand through his hair and suddenly remembered the task at hand. "Arthur could be in danger, could you drive me to the B&B?"

"What kind of danger?" Ludwig started to walk towards the back door to where his car was parked.

"I don't know, all I could hear was screaming."

"How could you hear this?"

"It was over the phone." Feliciano continued to describe the phone call as Ludwig drove to the house.

When Ludwig parked and made to get out, Feliciano told him to stay in the car and to come if he heard something or if it had been too long.

Feliciano lingered for a moment in front of the house. It loomed forebodingly above him. He hadn't entered the house since that event 2 years ago, for fear of repeating that experience. That didn't mean Luciano wasn't still in his brain. Sure the burial of the mirror made him shut up for a bit, but he'd always been there. He had even warned Feliciano in the past few weeks. 'The American is coming,' he'd say through either dreams or reflections. But Feliciano refused to listen. Now Arthur was going to pay the price. He could already hear Luciano laughing at him.

Taking a deep breath he entered the house. He was immediately surrounded by a force that made his stomach twist and his throat clench. Al was waiting for him in the middle of the hallway. He trotted up to him cautiously. Al caught his arm and roughly turned him to face the room in the wall. Arthur was on the floor in a pool of his own blood, clutching his stomach, while Lovino and Kiku where staring helplessly from the railing.

"Feliciano get the fuck out of here, that's not Alfred." Lovino tried to help.

"Oh Flavio, the only thing you could do was shout insults." Al shoved Feliciano into room. "Would you look at that. All my enemies in one room. I could close the door now and watch you all starve. But I'm more in favour of getting a machine gun and reprinting this room red. Grey is such a boring colour."

Feliciano took a step forward. "You get out of Alfred. He doesn't want you there, I know how he feels." He directed the last part at Luciano, if he was listening. He then began shouting at Al, "Get out," continuously. He was so fierce about it that he drove Al to bump on the opposite wall. Lovino joined in then, "Get out, get out, get out, get out,"

Al couldn't take it. He started screaming.

It was at that moment did Ludwig become restless enough to enter the house. What he didn't expect to see was Feliciano with his fingers wrapped around a man's head shouting 'get out' over and over again at his face, while the man was screaming. What else was weird was not only the fact that Feliciano was even glowing slightly, but a Feliciano twin was also chanting the same words from where he sat handcuffed to a railing, with a bewildered Asian next to him and Arthur half bleeding to death on the floor.

Then Feliciano's eyes rolled back into their sockets, and he and the man he was shouting at subsequently fell in unison. Ludwig was able to catch Feliciano, but the other man collapsed on the floor.

-A few days later-

"So that's what possession is like, huh?"

Feliciano nodded knowingly.

"I think it's better if you're the one doing the possessing." Lovino stated simply.

The other two stared at him for a second before Alfred stood up. "Well, I've got to go. I have the reputation of a B&B to uphold."

Lovino stood up to follow. "That place is as good as gone. I don't particularly want to live there anyway, I don't know about you."

The two left the hospital room bickering over the future of that damned house.

Feliciano was left alone with the constant beeping to keep him company. It was just a flesh wound, Arthur would be up and drinking tea in no time. Feliciano still couldn't help but blame himself. The seat next to him was filled by a weight. For a brief terrifying moment he thought Luciano came to laugh at him. But those worries were put to rest as he saw the familiar red beads and white hair he had come to love.

They sat in silence for a moment.

"Gilbert. So you're dead." He stated. It was the only thing he could think to say.

Gilbert smiled sadly. "Unfortunately, yes. Who'd have thought this amount of awesomeness would die out so quickly."

Feliciano smiled solemnly. He looked back at Arthur, not knowing what to say.

"Feliciano, you were the first person who talked to me in 3 years. Thank you."

Feliciano's apologetic smile turned more into a genuinely happy smile as he looked back at Gilbert. "I'm glad I could be here for you."

Gilbert took in a deep breath. "I need your help. I need you to find my murderer."

Feliciano blinked.

So there you have it. I actually have plans to turn this into a 6 part series if it gets popular enough, so if you want to see the next 4 parts then please share with your Hetalian and horror loving friends. Thank you for reading and don't forget to leave a review, all criticism is appreciated.

Thanks again and I will be back for part 3 ;)