welcome to my latest story, lovely readers! i've been planning this for a few weeks and was super excited to post this for ya guys!
this'll be a multi-chapter fic (currently i have a prologue, 9 chapters, and an epilogue outlined) and will be updated as often as i can! also this is significantly shorter than the actual chapters, bc it's just the prologue.
story contains extreme spitfire and eventually hella chalant (bc otp oopsies)
disclaimer: i don't own yj but if i did netflix would be makin' season three right now
r&r! fave&follow! and most importantly, enjoy the prologue!
"Another glass?"
The two best friends, one a magician and the other an archer, sat in the magician's one bedroom apartment for their annual Friday girl's night. Everyone else had to cancel for one thing or another and secretly both girls were glad. While they loved the company of their whole group they just wanted to spend time with each other. It hadn't been just them in so long, this was almost like a breath of fresh air. The magician poured red wine into her friend's empty glass and refilled her own with pink moscato.
"Remember that time you me and M'gann all had to fight that damn weather machine? Batman was like 'Artemis, Miss Martian and Zatanna take the Bioship and fly to this machine and end it'." Zatanna did her best Batman impression which made Artemis chuckle. "It was right after I moved into the cave," she reminisced, taking a sip from her glass. Another laugh left Artemis's mouth as she took a sip of her own merlot.
"Damn, that was a fun mission. Martian Manhunter and Green Arrow helped out M'gann and I and you were killing it on your own with your backwards magic." Artemis smiled on the memory. The more she thought about that day, the more she remembered. There had been a blizzard from coast to coast caused by the weather machines Zatanna had mentioned. They hadn't had any idea that the snowstorm was just a distraction for the Light to steal from S.T.A.R Labs. Earlier that day the Team had celebrated Wally's 16th birthday.
Artemis stopped laughing and her smile faded. She set her wine glass down on the oak coffee table, feeling like it might slip out of her hand.
"Artemis? Talk to me."
"Wally..." Artemis whispered, her eyes fixing their gaze on her lap. If she looked up at Zatanna she thought she'd start crying. "I miss him..."
Memories flooded back. It'd been two years since they defeated the Reach and the Light, two years since she became Tigress, two years since Wally had vanished.
"Oh Arty come here." Zatanna frowned, setting her glass down and wrapping her arms around her best friend's shoulders. She felt Artemis tremble as she held back her tears. "I know you miss him, he misses you, wherever he is."
Whenever someone claimed Wally died that night, both girls argued against it. Zatanna had done some tracking. After months of spells, charms, and research she discovered there was a part of him still on this earth. He was still here, somehow. She didn't understand it fully but she knew it comforted Artemis. That's what was important.
"I've been having dreams..." Artemis started to say, sitting up from her best friend's embrace. "Wally's there, he's telling me he's still here and he isn't going anywhere. And he's always standing at the site of the Magnetic Field Disruptor."
"Has he said anything else?" Zatanna asked, raising her thin eyebrow. She'd heard about tons of dreams Artemis had involving Wally but nothing as clear as that. Usually they were just memories or hopes that he'd come home. That wasn't something made up, it couldn't be.
"He said to not give up and that he's ready to come home whenever we can reach him."
"Reach him?"
"I still haven't figured out what he meant by that either..." Artemis sighed, running a hand through her thick, blonde hair. What did all of this mean? Usually when something cryptic happened she turned to Zatanna, the resident magician, and the confusion was cleared up instantly. This time though Zatanna was at a loss of explanation. That's what troubled Artemis. After a few moments of silence, Zatanna spoke.
"I...I wonder..." She hopped up from her living room couch and walked over to one of the bookshelves lining the walls of the apartment.
"Zee?" Artemis asked, now confused with what she had up her sleeve. "Zee what are you doing?"
Zatanna didn't answer. Her mind was preoccupied, going through the mental catalogue of her personal library. Most of the books she had were once her father's and when she got her own place, she was able to keep them out on display. She'd read through most of them, learning the spells her dad never got the chance to teach her. There was one that specifically stuck out in her mind.
"Where is this damn book?" Zatanna asked herself, thinking out loud. She didn't answer Artemis's question which caused some irritation. Artemis was about to speak up again but decided against it. She watched as Zatanna brought her hands together and her eyes turned a faint yellow color. "Gnirb em eht koob I ma gnihcraes rof."
Within an instant the book, titled Spells Between Dimensions, appeared on the coffee table. She ran over and picked it up, immediately flipping through the hundred and something pages.
"No..no...no..." She mumbled as she would flip the page.
"Ah-ha!" The magician grinned.
"What the hell have you even been looking for?!" Artemis demanded to know what was going on. She hated not knowing what Zatanna had up her sleeve, especially when it came to magic.
"Breaking the dimensional barrier," Zatanna started to read off of the page, "how to step into another world." Artemis's eyes went wide as Zatanna quietly skimmed the rest of the page.
"Do you mean?" the blonde asked in a barely audible voice.
"Arty," Zatanna looked up from the book and directly into her best friend's eyes, "I know how to bring Wally home."