Chapter Eighteen

After making her way back home, she decided to get ready, Kimiko aided her with bathing as she had done for the past week.

"Kimiko, I think I'm gonna wear the silver kimono tonight." She said as she rubbed camellia oil into her skin.

"An excellent choice, my lady." Kimiko smiled, ringing for the kimono dresser.

An hour later, she was dressed and ready for the Kuchiki party, donned in three layers of kimono, the first layer red, the second layer a pale grey and the outer layer silver, red deigo leaves painted onto the silk skirts with Raiju howling upwards on her back, the Okinawa symbol representing the full moon. Her hair was simple, not that there was much that could be much done to it, but she wore the comb that Byakuya had gifted her with those months ago, she prayed to her ancestors that she wouldn't misread Byakuya and make a fool of herself; he had the unbearable knack of blowing hot and cold so often, that she could hardly keep up.

The rickshaw driver helped her out the carriage and wept profusely when she tipped him handsomely; steadying herself, she walked through the Kuchiki gates, smiling at the guards who barely recognised her.

It was Jirou who was most pleased to see her, bowing low as she entered the manor and slid out of her zori.

"Welcome, Lady Okinawa, I cannot tell how excited the household has been for your arrival." He beamed, sitting upright.

"Thank you, Jirou Sama, it is always a pleasure to be here." Etsu replied formally.

She paused, he had said the whole household, did that mean Byakuya had been looking forward to her coming too?

"His Lordship included," Jirou replied, answering the question in her head.

Etsu smiled with relief, following Jirou as he led her through the manor to the main banquet suite. Silence fell between the pair as they neared the banquet suite, Etsu could hear droning laughter, which could only be from his aunt and laughter from two other people, she knew Rukia Kuchiki would be there as she always attended Kuchiki events, but Rukia was a wallflower, especially in the company of her brother and family. She thought nothing of it as they continued on. Finally, Jirou cleared his throat as they reached the room, she sat in seiza waiting to be announced, but he was stalling. Why was he stalling?

"Forgive me and his lordship, my lady, but a trick has been played tonight, on my lordship especially, but because you two are courting, it affects you too." He said, bowing low.

Alarmed, Etsu put her hand on his back to reassure the man.

"Jirou, whatever has happened, You can tell me, how can I be of assistance to yourself and Lord Kuchiki?"

Jirou sat up and gave her a sad smile. It broke his heart to know that such a lovely young woman was about to be thrown to the wolves, to be picked apart by such a vindictive woman, she would find a flaw, something that she could manipulate and would pick at it until she had unraveled it and left you feeling worthless. Etsu was too good for that. He just hoped the two of them could stand united against her.

"His Lordship's aunt has come to visit, as you know, however, she has"


"She has brought with her...a suitor." Jirou said, lowering his eyes.

"Oh." She said, her eyebrows raised.

"Lady Kuchiki believes that his Lordship's mourning period has gone on for far too long, she has taken matters into her own hands and well...this is the result." Jirou replied.

"Right." Etsu added, her lips set into a firm line.

To say Etsu wasn't disappointed would be an understatement, but she couldn't let her disappointment show, besides, their relationship was relatively new and the only ones who knew about them were their own staff, it's not like they were sworn to secrecy, but the staff respected them enough not to divulge their personal business.

But the fact that Etsu had a rival made her glow with envy; she didn't know this Aunt Una, but she was starting to dislike her already.

"That's quite alright, Jirou," She said, forcing a smile.

"Can't be helped, no one knows about us yet, I'm sure his lordship and I can handle Aunt Una and this suitor."

"Of course, my lady," Jirou replied, kneeling next to her and sliding the door open for her.

"Presenting, Lady Etsu Okinawa."

Etsu bowed low, "I apologise for my lateness, my lord, I had previous family engagements."

Byakuya nearly wept with relief at the sight of Etsu, Aunt Una had rattled on about herself as usual and this Satomi had barely said more than three words, she yawned loudly whenever Una mentioned her gardens and clearly wanted to be as far away from either of them as possible, as for Rukia, she sat miserably serving the rest of the family, Una ignored her as usual and Satomi answered all questions in closed one word sentences. Of all family dinners, she hated this one the most.

"No apologies necessary, Lady Okinawa, you're arrived just in time," Byakuya replied, beckoning her in.

Sitting next to him with Satomi on her right, Etsu smiled at the incredulous Una. Yep, just like her own mother, she even had the look of disdain down to the fine art.

"Oh this will be fun." She giggled to Raiju, who huffed through his nostrils.

Etsu greeted each relative in turn as Rukia poured her some sake, Una smiled briefly, popping her fan deliberately; Rukia put her hand to her face to conceal her smile, she hadn't seen Aunt Una this put out ever. Perhaps this dinner would be more entertaining than she realised.

"Aunt Una, Satomi, this is my third seat officer, Etsu Okinawa." Byakuya said, his eyes gleaming with pride.

Una observed Etsu, her hair was far too short and her eyes screamed of defiance; and if she didn't know any better, she had her Zanpakuto at the dinner a savage.

"Third seat? Surely you should be second seat?, instead of that...beast, you are an Okinawa, wouldn't that make sense? Unless you are not skilled enough for second seat, like my nephew here taking over the seat for both clan head and captain at the same time." She purred.

To the detriment of his family. Yes, his achievements had never been heard of, but he lost his family at the same time, he couldn't celebrate being clan head and captain of Squad 6 because he mourned the death of his grandfather, thus becoming the only male heir to the entire family estate, it was a sobering and lonely experience.

The table went silent, Satomi's eyes widened at the blatant insult, Rukia's lip curled as she looked down at her plate angrily. She despised Una for the dig she took at Renji, she just didn't get it! Renji had worked hard to get where he was and his work was paying off. She just wished Aunt Una could see that.

"Lord Kuchiki's achievements are indeed astounding, but just because I am high born doesn't mean I am worthy of second seat," Etsu replied, unfazed by the intended insult, she took a slow sip of her sake.

"Besides, Lieutenant Abarai's skill and expertise are far greater than mine, he is right where he should be."

Rukia gave a firm nod, she knew where Una was going with that question, she wanted to get inside Etsu's head, make her feel insecure about her position in the gotei and in her family; she hoped to make her feel insignificant in the Kuchiki manor, she basically pissed all over the place as if to say, "your in our territory, watch out". Thing is, Etsu never backed down from a challenge and her determination to protect her friends always lit a fire underneath Rukia, making her want to train harder and become a better fighter. But, Una was a dirty fighter, she took a cheap shot at Renji whenever she could and the last time Rukia had tried to stand up to Una on Renji's behalf, she had struck her in the face and told her to only speak when spoken to. Rukia had given up talking back after that, all Una did was use the fact that she had no blood family against her, she was a poisonous woman who was only good at making others feel smaller than herself. Seeing Etsu holding her ground against Una's perniciousness certainly was refreshing.

Una's eyelids lowered as she slowly rose her fan to her face; she had decided right there and then that she didn't like Etsu, she was too coarse, nothing like her delicate mother at all. How Misaki coped with such a daughter was beyond her, and the fact that she was next in line to the Okinawa estate was very troubling; women had no business being in the Gotei, they were meant to serve their families by marrying well and producing thoroughbred children.

Satomi was impressed with Etsu, she was the only woman outside of the family who had spoken back to Una, she wished she had the courage to do the same, but Una would only make her life not worth living. Etsu glanced over at her competition, Satomi Kuchiki, she couldn't lie that she was a very beautiful woman, she was tall and slim with waist long black hair, her eyes were the trademark Kuchiki shape and colour, her face was long and slender, like her nose, her heart shaped lips were brightly coloured red and stood out against her pale complexion. She looked like she could fade into the background or be the centre of attention. At the moment, she was keeping to herself, scoping the room; Aunt Una had bullied her into coming to this dinner, going on that she had a duty to the family to catch the eye of Byakuya and marry him, how she was meant to do this, was beyond her, he hadn't looked in her direction more than twice, once to assess who she was and the second time when she had asked for water; but Etsu was here now, she was annoyingly stunning and had an answer for everything.

"So Satomi," Etsu said brightly, changing the subject.

"Tell me about yourself, I hear you are a distant family member."

"Yes, my lady, I am Lord Kuchiki's second cousin." She replied, gulping down a mouthful of miso soup.

Keeping it in the family much… She thought.

No. Stop it she didn't ask for this, she probably had no choice with an aunt like Una, I doubt she let anyone break wind with her permission.

Raiju huffed, bristling his tail, "Be careful."

Etsu raised an eyebrow, be careful? This woman looked terrified, she looked like a deer dressed as a dolphin having dinner with sharks. She didn't look capable of doing anything other than staying at home and playing wife.

"You know not to underestimate anyone," Raiju sighed, rolling his yellow eyes.

"Especially a Kuchiki."

Looking over at Byakuya as he delicately spooned miso soup into his mouth, she nodded.

"Fair enough, I won't judge."

"Sooo….are you staying at the Kuchiki manor?" Etsu asked, trying to make conversation.

"Of course she is," Una interjected just as Satomi opened her mouth to speak.

"There is nowhere far greater than these hallowed grounds."

Una, sat up straighter, jutting her chin forward as if she had just dealt out a royal flush. It took everything in Etsu's power to not pull a face, this woman was ridiculous! All she had to say was, "Why yes, we will be staying here!" But no. She had to piss on everything and make it known who she was and who her family were, she was the sole reason why Etsu hated going to court so much, not that she that went often, but the times she did go made her want to throw herself on her own sword in boredom and exasperation.

"It is true that his Lordships estate is second to none, however, I must be bias and say that the Okinawa estate matches its grandeur, not only in size, but of" Etsu smiled, taking a sip of soup.

Una looked like she had swallowed a bug. This girl was insatiable! She didn't know her place and instead of keeping quiet she had an answer for everything!

Byakuya hid a smile, Etsu was clearly adept in the art of taming annoying relatives. He longed to take her hand but Una would probably die of shock, and as tempting as that was, he really didn't want to hear the woman shriek.

As the servants cleared the table, he dropped his hand to the floor in between himself and Etsu, his palm open, praying that she would notice and take the moment to be one with him, even if it was for a second. He didn't have to wait long, as a servant leaned over and blocked Una and Satomi from view, she took his hand, giving him a brief wink before resuming her usual open and defiant gaze. Rukia looked from one to the other, confused by the interaction, Byakuya looked like he had been electric shocked, she couldn't quite put her finger on the look on his face, was...was he blushing?

What the hell was going on!

For the first time in years he looked energised, like he actually gave a damn about someone other than himself. He had looked bored all evening and Etsu, who had a remarkable poker face, looked as if nothing had happened. But her reiatsu was pulsing like the slow beat of a drum, she was impatient, eager for the dinner to end, to do what or go where, Rukia could only guess, not that she wanted to imagine her brother in such an intimate position, but the way Byakuya was sighing and becoming increasingly impatient only confirmed to Rukia that something was going on between the pair of them; she just hoped that Satomi and Una were none the wiser.

The servants opened the doors and Byakuya and his guests began to rise and make their way out.

"Well, as lovely as this all was, I'm sure you have plenty to do this evening, send my regards to your family, when you return home, won't you." Una smiled, hurrying Etsu out toward the entrance.

"That won't be necessary, Aunt Una," Byakuya said, stepping in her way quicker than she could blink.

"The reason I asked Lady Okinawa here was to discuss trade deals between our families."

"Surely, my dear nephew, you have had enough for one day and this can wait, besides, you have to get to know Satomi, she is the most entertaining little thing," Una replied, putting her hand on his arm.

"So, Etsu, it really was nice meeting you, but you should really go and leave his Lordship to relax with his family, as you should with yours."

Byakuya's eyebrow rose sharply, "If I didn't know any better, sweet aunt, but it sounds like you are trying to get rid of Lady Okinawa, remember, Auntie, she outranks you when she becomes heir to the Okinawa estate."

Once again, it took everything for Etsu not to stick her fingers up and laugh in her face, so instead, she kept her head down, trying not to make eye contact with anyone, because if she did, she didn't think she could have kept a straight face.

"My Lady, if you would be so kind as to forgive my Aunt for such rash and unkind behaviour." Byakuya said, bowing his head to Etsu.

Wide eyed, Etsu threw her hands up, bowing to Byakuya in turn, "My Lord! You have nothing to apologise for!"

Byakuya stood to his full intimidating height and threw Una a cold look, "Indeed, but, seeing as Aunt Una is not someone who apologises, well, ever, it must fall to me as clan head."

Una was a short ball of rage, she was physically shaking, her wrinkled hands balled up by her sides, as she glared at her nephew and this…this woman. Without saying a word, she bowed briefly and with a turn of her heel stormed off to her suite in a flurry of silk, dragging Satomi with her.

Rukia burst out laughing, then covered her mouth, bowing low to Byakuya.

"Forgive me brother, I haven't seen Aunt Una that angry since the day you adopted me." She smiled.

Byakuya's expression softened as he chuckled under his breath, "I will not lie, it is a joy to make that woman angry."

"I just feel sorry for Satomi, no one deserves having to put up with that woman." Rukia sighed.

Una was livid. She demanded tea then threw it over the servants when it came because it wasn't hot enough. She had been undermined in her family estate, the Kuchiki estate, and Byakuya had the nerve to defend Etsu, who not only was a Gotei officer but an Okinawa, of all people!

"Well that went well," Satomi scoffed, pulling the hair pins free of her hair and throwing them in her case.

"You barely said a word!" Una snarled, pointing her fan after Satomi.

"Because you never let me say anything!" Satomi countered, rolling her eyes.

"How I am supposed to woo Byakuya if you constantly talk over everyone."

"That is Lord Byakuya to you! You are not-"

"Yeah I know I'm not worthy to speak his name, as you have reminded me my entire life," she interrupted, untying her obi.

"Now if you don't mind, I have had enough of family to last a lifetime and wish you would disappear."

Una struck Satomi around the face, she had had it with these insolent children speaking to their superiors as if the world owed them something. When she was their age, to even be in the same room as clan head was the highest honour, and these infants squander the opportunity and make a mockery of their houses.

"You would be nothing if it wasn't for me!" Una spat, grabbing Satomi by the chin.

"And don't you ever forget that."

As Una swept out of the room, Satomi sank to the floor in tears, she had had enough. From the day she had been born, her life had been planned by Una and her own mother, who had palmed her off because Satomi had the misfortune of being born female. Had she been a boy, her mother would have held her in high esteem, but no, she had cast her aside as soon as she was born then given to Una in the hopes that she would be married off and made to disappear. Not once was she thought of, she was used as a bargaining chip, to go to the highest bidder, like cattle. No, a pretty ornament that would look nice on some nobleman's arm; but it's not like she had a choice, her son needed her. Toshi, she had fallen for a nobleman who come to her mother's manor on business, once he had had his fill of Satomi, he disappeared, no forwarding address, no last name. She gave birth to her son in secret and gave him to a servant who lived close to the manor, they cared for him and she was able to see him whenever she able, until Una darkened her door, now she had to resort to secret meetings, any chance she could be free of Una, she went to see Toshi. Every time she saw him, she swore on her mother's life that she would provide them with a safe home.

So Byakuya was her only hope, if she could just get close to him, find his weaknesses and have him marry her, she could bring her son in as his ward, he'd never know if she introduced him as an orphan she had taken pity of, heck, it might even work in her favour; Satomi Kuchiki, saviour of poor parent less children, what a beautiful soul!
Standing up, she took a look at herself in the mirror, she knew what she had to do now. She needed to find out who Etsu was to him, there was more to their relationship that they were letting on, they had barely looked each other's way most the night but there was definitely some sort of connection between them, whatever it was, Etsu needed to be gone. No hard feelings, she just needed Byakuya to adopt Toshi, he needed a proper home.